kararph-blog · 10 years
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In the undercut you will find #10 pngs of Adelaide Kane. Please do not redistribute as your own as it is not fair for all my hard work. Also please like and or reblog if using. I hope this png pack was useful. 
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kararph-blog · 10 years
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A new character psd from lilys-rph. This graphic is 500 x 245px, as shown above. Fonts used are: Neou and Ginette. Please like/reblog if using or downloading. Do not repost/edit and repost or claim as your own. Based on a character psd by lkolwrites. If you need any help with this one, don’t be afraid to hmu.
Download here: ☁
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kararph-blog · 10 years
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This was probably the fastest one i’ve made so far. I made this in 12 minutes, just messing around in photoshop. But anyways, i wanted to stick to the simple, non-gradient, and clean look. I really like this one, so hopefully you do too. I don’t have an example of what it would look like with a gradient, but i’m sure it would still look nice. I changed the color of the texture by holding CTRL + U, and then you can slide the hue tab to whatever looks best with your image or gif. There’s also different watercolor textures here. As always, everything is neatly organised and easy to edit.
.・゚゚・ WHAT YOU WILL NEED: ・゚゚・.
114x115 image or gif.
"Jellyka Western Princess" font // download it here.
"Znikomit" font // download it here.
Do not redistribute anything in my psd file without asking or including a credit.
Like or reblog is you’re using or planning to use.
If any questions or concerns or maybe even suggestions for my next character graphic, don’t hesitate to contact me.
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kararph-blog · 10 years
Writing Techniques - Blocking
Do you spend a lot of time staring at the screen, rather than writing? Do you write a few paragraphs and then find your inspiration coming to a halt? Let me introduce you to a technique to speed up your writing and make your scenes tighter and more focused.
Blocking is a technique that helps you to capture inspiration without being slowed down by the specifics of the scene. It allows you to free your creative side from the worries of word choice and style, and keep the editor voice firmly in check.
Before writing the scene, you should have a vague idea of what is going to happen, even something as simple as ‘protagonist clashes with mother-in-law”. Write this at the top of your document.
The next step is to jot down your ideas. This is a free-writing exercise where you don’t worry about grammar or word choice, but simply throw ideas at the page. Make notes about your setting, about which characters are present, about how your protagonist feels. As you freewrite, let yourself capture snippets of dialogue and action and write them down, too. Don’t worry about punctuation. Write as fast as the ideas come.
When you have run out of ideas for the scene, go back and read through what you have written. Cull any ideas that don’t fit into another document (never waste an idea!) and sort through what you have left. Put all the snippets of action, feeling and dialogue into rough chronological order. Finally, make sure you have a solid ending for the scene, with a hook that leads the reader on to the next scene.
When that’s done, you are ready to write. Now all you have to do is go through and fill in the blanks, connecting all your ideas into one coherent flow. And since you don’t have to worry about where you are going, you can concentrate on your writing, style, structure and word choices.
Blocking can be a short, 10 minute exercise, or it might happen over several days. Either way is fine, but when you come to write the actual draft, blocking makes this fast and simple. No more pecking at a scene, sentence by sentence, and wasting time backtracking. And at the end, you have a tight, focused scene, ready for revision.
And that’s the writing advice for this week. Any questions from the floor?
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kararph-blog · 10 years
nobody hates glee more than people who have sincerely loved glee at some point in their lives
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kararph-blog · 10 years
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Under the cut you’ll find a list of tutorials on how to make your own theme from scratch and edit a theme you found to your liking. I hope this helped you out and if it did, like or reblog this to let me know.
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kararph-blog · 10 years
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Hippieofrps’ sixth gradient pack; This is my sixth gradient pack on this account. I didn’t do much to them. I love how they turned out though. My favorite is number three. I don’t really know why. Please like or reblog if you find this useful. It would be much appreciated. Do not steal.  [☯ D o w n l o a d ☯]
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kararph-blog · 10 years
For the anon who suggested this gif hunt, I tried my best to find some gifs that were building based around boarding school’s but I think these could pass as this. Under the cut are small/big/medium sized gifs, if you’re using please like/reblog this.
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kararph-blog · 10 years
Static Preview || Codes: PasteBin – Free Text Host
So I’ve decided to post this theme, because was working over it during my summer vacations and now I am finished with it. I made the decision to restart my themes…again. You will still be able to find my old themes here. I will, eventually, at some point revamp those themes. 
400px posts
245px (width) sidebar image 
4 customizable links (Home & Ask already included)
Color options
Option to turn tags
Webkit scrollbar
Feel free to edit the coding, but don’t remove the credit!
Contact me if you have any questions or concerns here.
Please like or reblog the original post.
DO NOT claim/repost as your own.
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kararph-blog · 10 years
Navigation Page - BY GAYMORIARTY
Customization: everything is indicated on page's code;
Comes with searchbox;
ou can put as many links as you want
Optional description;
Any problem, ask me!
Please like or reblog if you use it. Do not claim it as your own, and don’t remove the credits. 
{Static Preview & Code}  
For more themes and codes {x}
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kararph-blog · 10 years
↳ 500+ hq gifs of emma watson, best known for her role as hermione granger in the harry potter film series. none of these gifs belong to me, if you find your gifs in here and want me to credit you then don’t hesitate to send me a message! there should be no repeats, but i apologize in advance if you find any. please like if you found this helpful!
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kararph-blog · 10 years
❝ negative ashley benson gif hunt ❞
under the cut, you’ll find a total of 404 hq gifs of ashley benson. none of the gifs below were created by me, full credit to the original makers. feel free to give it a like/reblog if you please.
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kararph-blog · 10 years
Hi, would you mind giving us a shoutout? Our tags don't work yet! We're an appless OC pregnancy RP based around a high school and college for pregnant teens and young adults from all over the world. We have every FC imaginable open!
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kararph-blog · 10 years
Hey we are a new horror based boarding school RP that will be opening October 10th and we were wondering if you would be able to give us a review or quick opinion? Thank you!
Sure thing, love. I'm not a big fan of your theme and graphics -- they just don't look very nice. One of your sidebar images is black and white, and the other one doesn't have a gradient at all. Your navigation page has a totally different colour scheme and so do your character graphics. Everything just looks very messy. I advise you find someone who would do a theme makeover for you, and possibly new character graphics as well. Not only is the theme messy, but so is the navigation. You can get a little lost, and that ain't good. Onto the plot, it's well written. I don't really know what else to say about it 'cause it's not my cup of tea but it's not a bad plot, I suppose. Your bios are kind of long, but like the plot, they're well written. What bothers me, is that some characters have connections and some don't, and how some charries have only one connection and some have a few. I guess that's it. I would also suggest you use gifs in your posts instead of the 'admin note' banner -- it'd look much better. Oh, and I wouldn't wait so long till opening 'cause possible applicants may lose interest if they have to wait for so long, but that might be just me. Overall, I think this needs some serious work, but good luck with your rp, no matter what you decide to do with it!
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kararph-blog · 10 years
↳ #550 small & medium, HQ gifs of DYLAN SPRAYBERRY. None of these gifs are mine as they belong to their rightful owners. Please like and/or reblog if this helped you in any way, and if you have any particular faceclaim you want, please request here.
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kararph-blog · 10 years
How about you guys send me some stuff before I head to bed?
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kararph-blog · 10 years
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in honor of reaching another thousand followers (YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!), i thought i would go ahead and give you guys a little something. i know people ask about fonts a lot, and i’ve been asked about this quite a bit myself. so, i made four text psds for you gif makers. one thing i do ask from you guys, is that if you do download the .psd file, could you reblog this post? it’s encouraging , if nothing else. xo have fun
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