Jet: Axe evasion.
Jet: I throw axes at you. You try to dodge them. The game ends when either you run out of luck or I run out of axes.
Soma: How many axes do you have?
Jet, lifting an axe: You're about to find out.
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Soma: *Cursing because he just had his whole arm cut off*
Ambrose: I don't think we need to curse over this anymore.
Soma: This is in NO WAY a WE situation!!!
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Soma: Ambrose has a strict "no pets in the base" rule.
Soma: Strangely enough, that doesn't include his high horse, which makes regular appearances.
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Jasper: Manga lied to me.
Jasper: I never see bad boy types protecting stray kittens, revealing to me their soft side.
Jasper: It's always me picking up the kittens.
Jasper: Maybe I'm the bad boy.
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Judy: What do you have, Ambrose? Beating deep inside of you.
Ambrose: Hate.
Judy: No no no- Like, the thing that pumps blood through your body.
Ambrose: R a g e
Judy: Nope- No- it is a vital organ.
Ambrose: Vengeance.
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Jet: Can you believe that boys are 3 times more likely to end up in the ER than girls?
Ambrose: I believe it. Soma is always doing dumb things that get him hurt.
Soma: You mean awesome things.
Ambrose: That get you hurt.
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Onyx: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Ambrose: Wasn't Soma with you?
Soma: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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Soma: Alright mon amie. Punch it.
Ambrose: *buckles seatbelt*
Soma: Good. Did that. Now punch it.
Ambrose: *adjusts rearview mirror*
Soma: Uh-huh. Safety first. Punch it!
Ambrose: *Rolls up windows*
Soma: Okay, see, now I just feel like you're messing with-
Ambrose: *Hits the gas at full throttle*
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Onyx: I'm back
Jet, trying to lift something heavy: Did you bring Jasper?
Onyx: No, but I brought the next best thing!
Ambrose: Hello.
Jet: Ambrose? You brought Ambrose? The next best thing would be Andy or Soma.
Ambrose: I should be angry, but Soma and Andy are incredibly strong.
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Jet: What's wrong with Soma? Why is he laying on the floor?
Jasper: He's just feeling a little overwhelmed.
Jet: From what?
Jasper: Ambrose giggled.
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Ambrose: I don't know what's more embarrassing, you picking a fight with children on the playground or the fact that you lost.
Soma: They had numbers...
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Soma: Shit, I lost my upsexy!
Ambrose: I'm afraid to ask, but what's upsexy?
Soma: Not much, how about you? ;)
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Soma: Every talk I have with you people gets more and more absurd!!!
Ambrose: You say 'you people' like you're not part of the group. Well, I've got news for you, bud. You're already on the Christmas card.
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Jasper: Are you mad?
Onyx: No.
Jasper: So sharpening daggers at 2am is just a hobby?
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Andy: Soma, I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
Soma: Jasper?
Jasper, blushing: Y-yes?
Soma: Move out of the way so I can get to Ambrose.
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Jet: You took advice from Soma?
Ambrose: It's called hitting rock bottom, Jet.
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“Once you get past my 12 rotating artificial personalities, general air of disdain, defensive and poor communication skills, emotional barriers, extreme moodiness, all while dodging my continuous attacks to push you away... I'm actually a really soft and fun person to be around.”
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