cosasdeescorpio · 5 years
Astrology, the Basics
“Wait, so i’m not just an Aries?!”
No, you’re not. In fact none of us are just one anything. So let’s dial it back to day we were born. The stars and planets in the sky aligned to convey a story completely unique to you, and thus your natal chart was born!
   Our Sun sign
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“Playboi, what’s a Sun Sign?”
Well, the Sun Sign is the sign everyone typically knows about themselves. It’s the sign you were born under that immediately correlates with your birthday. Meaning, “I was born in April so I’m a Taurus!” Your sun sign is the sign the Sun was in on the day of your birth. So what does the sun represent in astrology? Our vitality and ego, “who we are.” The thing about the Sun is we’re constantly growing into ourselves and our egos, constantly learning ourselves and strengths, so we’re constantly growing into our Suns. Many people write off astrology due to their inability to relate to their Sun signs when so much more goes into a person. Your Sun sign is less “who i am” and more so “who i’m becoming.” And sometimes we never fully become the poster child of our Sun signs because we grow at different rates and resonate with different things, not to mention the housing of the Sun plays a heavy role in how our “egos” will play out. Also aspects made to our Sun by other planets are most important as they shape our Sun’s characteristics, but that’s another post!
Our Moon Sign
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“…okay, so I understand Sun Signs now, but what’s a moon sign?”
The moon sign in astrology is of immense importance. This is where we feel most comfortable and secure and our primal emotional reactions. As I mentioned previously, the sun is “who we’re becoming’’ while the moon can be defined as “who we always are.” Unlike the Sun who illuminates everything, the moon is a softer, dimmer light. It lights up the dark sky at night and it does the same for our personal dark sky emotionally. Simply put, the moon is our emotions. Emotions can be simply irrational and erratic, so we suppress them because throwing a hissy fit in public is not that endearing. My point being that our moons can sometimes be overlooked by others as well as our selves because the attributes of our moons are highly subconscious at times.The moon is how we were nourished, and in turn how we nourish others. It’s an extremely sentimental and personal part of our being.It’s what makes us feel safe as well as habitual patterns we carry. A balanced moon is very important as an unbalanced one can take a toll on us physically. When the needs our moon requires aren’t met, we can start to display it’s negative attributes and fall into a bit of a depression, eat less, and never leave your bed. Or perhaps become more aggressive and angry depending on your moon sign. It’s also equally important to understand that others around us have different moon placements then us natally. Everyone requires different things to feel emotionally secure, sometimes we’re harder on others because their love languages differ from our own.
   Our Mercury Sign
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“What does Mercury have to do with anything?”
Well, everything. Mercury rules over the mind, how we think, how fast we think, how we learn, our speech, and even our style of writing. He’s the fastest moving planet in the solar system so it’s fitting that he rules the nervous system. The poor guy gets glossed over a lot until he turns retrograde and everyone starts running around like chickens missing their heads because that’s when we notice most how strong Mercury’s influence is on our lives. Mercury is not an emotional planet but more so an intellectual one. It’s how we asses things and use logic before we act, if we use logic before we act.
Our Venus Sign
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You’ve guessed it, Venus rules over romance but a lot more as well. She’s our social graces, if we have any social graces at all. How we charm others as well as what we personally find pleasurable. Venus rules over our attitude towards money and material things. How much we spend and how often we treat ourselves. What we like to eat, what tastes good, what feels good. Venus is also our attractiveness, and what we’re attracted to. She gives us a clue to our love language on a more superficial level, what it takes to woo us. How we like to be seduced and pursued. Venus is diplomatic, she shows us how we make peace with others. Venus also rules over artistry and how appreciate the arts and even the possibility of having artistic gifts as well. Venus also highlights our sexual nature in terms of what we find pleasurable, what feels right, and what we find acceptable.
Our Mars Sign
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“Mars is our…anger?”
He can be, yes. After all he is the God of War. Mars in astrology represents energy. Our physical energy and vitality, and especially our sexual energy. He’s all about action, what it physically takes us to do…well, anything. He’s our day to day strength and drive. He exemplifies how aggressive and assertive we are. Our ambitions, durability, temperament, action, and drive. Do we exercise? How sexual are we? Our sexual style? Our competitiveness? All can be answered by our mars sign. Mars showcases how quick we are to anger, what makes us tick/explode. He’s also the last of the personal planets.
Our Jupiter Sign
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Jupiter is the first non personal planet as it stays in the same for an entire year. Everyone born within that year will have the same Jupiter sign. That doesn’t negate Jupiter’s importance in anyway, so don’t skim over him. It just means we have take a closer look at him in our natal chart by examining his house placement and aspects made towards him by other planets. Jupiter rules over good fortune, philosophy, travel, and higher level learning (different from mercury.) He is expansive and optimistic. He’s a grand catalyst to spiritual growth. He’s where we overindulge, our generosity, and wisdom.
Our Saturn Sign
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“So what does Saturn do?”
Saturn is like our astrological father. He sets the rules and regulations, the routine. And like when we disobey our paternal father there’s consequences the same applies for Saturn. Saturn is not out to punish anyone, he just returns anything we put out into the universe. “What goes around comes around.” Sound familiar? Saturn rules over Karma. Saturn in our chart shows us where he grounds us, where we must be held responsible, where we must work hard. Our careers, the practicality of how we achieve success.
Our Uranus Sign
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“and Uranus?”
Uranus is a much slower moving planet. His energy is very erratic, spontaneous, and rebellious. He’s extremely progressive and an advocate for originality. Uranus has to be looked at by house placement to determine its effects on us individually, as people from the same generation will share the same Uranus sign. Uranus in our charts will show us where we are unpredictable and rebellious. How and where we go against the grain. Our humanitarian side. How interested in activism we are, where we are liberated ourselves.
Our Neptune Sign
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“that Sea God?”
Indeed. Neptune is the God of the Sea. In astrology Neptune rules over spirituality, all things hazy, confusion, love and romance on a deeper, ethereal level. He is illusions and our dreams. Intuition and psychic abilities. Neptune has dominion over deeper creativity and artistic abilities. He also shows us where we might try to escape reality and what we may try to use to escape reality with. He is addiction, substance abuse, and deception. Our fantasies. 
Our Pluto Sign
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“isn’t Pluto like not even a planet anymore?”
Yes, technically Pluto is a planetoid, but we still refer to Pluto as a planet in astrology so he will be respected as such! Despite his small size and the grand amount of distance he is from us his effects are undeniable.Pluto in our charts shows us where we are transformed and regenerated. Where we must die to be born again. His energy is very subconscious, we don’t always see it, but we feel it.  He is obsession, and our hunger for power, where we struggle for power. He is how we react to sex on a deeper, subconscious level. Where and what we become drawn and attached to. His energy is very primal. He also highlights where we’re manipulative or jealous if we’re displaying the negative attributes of Pluto. 
Our Ascendant Sign
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“our…what sign?”
Our Ascendant sign is crowned the ruler of our chart, and is of equal importance as our Sun and Moon signs. It’s specific to our birth time and location. The Ascendant is like the mask we put on to face the world. It’s our initial reaction to external forces. The lens we see life through on a day to day basis. Our ascendant is our physical bodies, how we look and how we act in public. It’s how people initially receive you, our first impressions, our mannerisms. Our outer personality. If people were to describe you they’d likely describe this sign.
So, as you can see a lot goes into a persons personality even more than what’s been mentioned above, humans are complex beings who can’t be described as just one sign, or one anything. We are more than our sun signs, we are more than signs period.
- playboi
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cosasdeescorpio · 5 years
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cosasdeescorpio · 6 years
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Description for Scorpio Sun + Pisces Moon [Info Post about Sun & Moon Signs]
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cosasdeescorpio · 6 years
La amistad y Escorpio
La amistad para Escorpio se forja a fuego lento
Muchos conocidos...pocas amistades...ese es Escorpio...pero esos pocos...esos contados con los dedos...tiene acceso a un nivel de lealtad, apoyo, amor, honestidad, entre otras muchas cosas que muy pocos, fuera de Escorpio, son capaces de ofrecer a alguien más.
La amistad es uno de los tesoros más preciados para él. Una vez que alguien logra ingresar en el circulo de amistad de Escorpio, es muy poco probable que lo deje; tanto porque esa persona, luego de saber lo que la amistad de Escorpio ES, no querrá dejarlo; así como por parte de Escorpio ya que tan difícil como es que alguien se convierta en su amigo, así de difícil es para el propio Escorpio dejar de querer a esa persona. 
Mucho se ha dicho acerca de “no traicionar a Escorpio a menos que quieras perder su amistad” pero muy poco se dice acerca de cuántas cosas es capaz de soportar Escorpio de alguien a quien quiere; incluso a costas de su propio dolor y orgullo. 
Perder la amistad de Escorpio es un camino largo a recorrer, lleno de pequeñas acciones que lo lastimen, lleno de ausencias en momentos claves para él, lleno de incomprensión, malas interpretaciones y sobre todo, de la incapacidad del otro de ponerse en lugar de Escorpio; la incapacidad del resto, al menos de tratar, de entender a Escorpio en la forma en que él los entiende (algo bastante difícil, lo sé) y aunque esto último sea algo muy difícil, con solo demostrarle a Escorpio que la intención de comprenderlos se encuentra presente o que están a su lado en todo momento; así como Escorpio está en cada momento para ellos; con asegurarse de esto último, Escorpio nunca faltara en sus vidas...
El camino de la amistad para Escorpio está basado en el compartir y acompañar; compartir momentos malos y buenos, y acompañar no siempre desde el pleno entendimiento, sino más bien del amor incondicional de la amistad ♥
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cosasdeescorpio · 6 years
“las personas se asustan de tocar manos que los pueden quemar”
Escorpio sabe renacer de las cenizas, volver a empezar, enfrentar a sus demonios, incluso los más oscuros y poderosos. No todos tiene la capacidad, fuerza y determinación de hacerlo; son estos los que se sienten asustados del poder de escorpio, los que no pueden sostenerle la mirada, los que no pueden enfrentar su oscuridad, sus demonios...son los que se asustan del poder que irradia de escorpio
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cosasdeescorpio · 6 years
the architecture that is another mesmerises scorpio until it becomes them completely. this love dissolves the physical body, the soul is revealed and so here goes the scorpio. holding out a ghostly hand and seducing you into a world beyond senses, luring you to go deeper and deeper and evoke the climax more, go deeper and deeper and provoke the ledges of your sanity more, and as they do and always have done, rise into a state where there is no boundary, contamination, or ego, a place they won’t force you to go, but they will look back to check if you are following
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cosasdeescorpio · 8 years
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Es agotador pelear una guerra dentro de tu cabeza todos los días. A Escorpio le resulta por momentos muy agotador su propia capacidad de analizar una y otra vez cuestiones y situaciones hasta encontrar su solución o respuesta. Y es por si tendencia obsesiva, su necesidad de comprender todo, de encontrar las razones de todo, que su propia cabeza puede terminar siendo su peor enemigo.
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cosasdeescorpio · 9 years
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“No soy el tipo de persona que trata de ser interesante y “de moda”. Soy definitivamente un individuo!
Escorpio nunca pretende ser algo que no es solo para caerle bien a elguien o ser conocido, prefiere que quienes se acerquen a el lo hagan por quien es el realmente, y no por algo que intenta ser.
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cosasdeescorpio · 9 years
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Discupa aceptada; confianza denegada.
Una vez que rompes la confianza de Escorpio, será muy dificil que la vuelvas a tener
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
Soy el signo de la muerte y de la vida al mismo tiempo.
(via courageunderpressure)
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
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Ginger Animal of the Week
Caracal / Desert Lynx (Caracal caracal)
Photos  |   [1] Caracal by Sandra Metzbauer  |  [2] by Annafur  |  [3]  Tiny little kitten by Andreas Jansrud
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
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Ginger Animal of the Week
Caracal / Desert Lynx (Caracal caracal)
Photos  |   [1] Caracal by Sandra Metzbauer  |  [2] by Annafur  |  [3]  Tiny little kitten by Andreas Jansrud
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
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Escorpio suele guardarse muchas cosas y quizas por lo mas simple o insignificante se desata su llanto, la frase "la gota que rebalsó el vaso" es perfecta para aplicarse en este caso. Siempre dissimulando emociones, reacciones y sentimientos, Escorpio llega, en algun momento, a sentirse superado; hasta axfisiado por todo eso.
Ese punto es cuando  Escorpio puede reaccionar, o bien agresivamente o bien llorando, a causa de todas esas cosas, sentimientos, emociones, sensaciones, buenas o malas, que no salieron en el momento indicado.
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
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Las personas que esconden sus sentimientos, son las que más se preocupan
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
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El problema de Escorpio toda su vida, no tolera estar en la compañia de personas que no tienen nada mas que decir que tonterias o cosas estupidas y vacias, por eso elige pasar por anti social o, en el caso de quedarse enc ompañía de esa persona, aparenta ser callado y sin opinion  puesto que no desea gastar sus energías en alguien a quien no tolera!
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
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cosasdeescorpio · 10 years
"No confundas mi amabilidad con una debilidad...puedo dejarte llorando en el suelo en una esquina mientras te preguntas que carajo acaba de pasar"
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