jukeboxofjellycat · 6 months
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Owner/artist on Instagram: moonlyhoroscopes
roguelocks said: the current artist is kiracyan.design on instagram
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malditaastrologia · 4 months
"Si te pones como prioridad, prepárate para muchas despedidas"
- Leo, Sagitario, Escorpio, Capricornio, Libra, Acuario, Géminis, Aries.
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piscescrown · 7 days
How does each zodiac sign kiss?
Aries: is passionate. The most direct zodiac sign, they need connection and they are lowkey clingy but doesn't like to show it publicly (although they will show it to their partner when they are in private). Sometimes, especially talking about aries men, they have a daddy vibe if you know what I mean. They enjoy being active and having a good athletic body so maybe that contributes to being a dominant/switch kinda person. Therefore, physical love is usual in aries people:
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Taurus: the type that kisses their partner when other people are looking at them. They enjoy kissing softly and gently, using more their hands to run their partner's body and explore. Heartfelt kisses, always leaves their partner wanting (or begging) for more. They create an atmosphere of peak intimacy and comfort in the relationship:
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Gemini: they like tongue kissing 💯. Very versatile, they can go from butterfly kissing you to going deeper and stopping mid kiss to giggle. They have a playful way of kissing and maybe they also stop to randomly talk about WW1. They are an air sign so they probably will explore variations of kisses:
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Cancer: PECKS, PECKS AND MORE PECKS. A soft lover. They adore tender and warm kisses:
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Leo: the kind of lover that will linger and then pull back just because they absolutely adore to tease you and play with you:
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Virgo: it may depend on the rest of their natal chart but overall they are very shy so they probably will play with your necklace while they ask for a kiss on the lips. Their kisses are subtle:
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Libra: they look at your lips. You dare to look at theirs. Then, boom! You're making out. Simple, casual, enjoyable kissers 💋:
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Scorpios: a dedicated water sign, they like to kiss playfully and intensely. They will probably hold you up against the wall and bite your lower lip, confessing their deep and emotional nature apart from their kiss being their confession to you:
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Sagittarius: spontaneous kisses. Nose-rub kisses while you both try not to laugh, but of course, you fail:
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**note: I can only upload up to 10 images so capricorn, Aquarius and pisces will be uploaded at the end of this post!! Thank you 🫶🏻. Let's continue:
Capricorn: a dreamy, smooth kiss that they have been planning for HOURS. They probably will cuddle with and have music on, a special playlist they have made just for you two.
Aquarius: they might kiss their partner too soon and leave them stunned. The kind of person that will see your face to observe your reaction, quirky kissers.
Pisces: smooth, delicate people. They give starry-eyed, amorous and long-lasting kisses that will make you want more and more!
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With love, Pisces ✨♓
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richy-the-astrologer · 10 months
Para entender la visión de los elementos:
Fuego ❤️‍🔥: Ven claramente la situación.
Aire 🍃 : Ven claramente la salida.
Tierra ⛰️: Ven claramente la solución.
Agua 🫧: Ven claramente el problema.
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remediosvarou · 1 month
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Microcosmo (mas também chamada Determinismo). Quadro de 1959 que sintetiza a consagração de Remedios Varo no México. Com referências esotéricas e astrológicas, Microcosmo foi originalmente concebida para ser um mural. No entanto, o projeto nunca chegou a se concretizar. Para entender melhor essa história basta clicar aqui.
Microcosm (also named Determinism) painted in 1959.
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sinfonia-relativa · 6 months
Pasamos mucho tiempo mirando hacia el exterior en un intento por comprender nuestra conducta a través de los planetas, estrellas, galaxias y constelaciones, cuando la respuesta ha estado siempre dentro de nosotros; en nuestros propios genes.
Don Ggatto | La genética es la clave
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sirenicornio · 2 months
La Astrología en Saint Seiya
Shun de Andromeda y su relación astrológica con Virgo
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Hola a todos, una disculpa por hacerlos esperar tanto para obtener otro análisis astrológico de Saint Seiya, sin embargo, debo estar inspirada para poder escribir si quiero que el resultado esté lo mejor entendible posible y el año pasado fue un poco difícil para mí poder animarme para escribir 😥😓
Pero listo! La espera terminó! Les traigo un análisis sobre Shun y su relación con su signo solar, Virgo. Aprovechando ésta Luna Llena en Virgo.
En el fandom es muy conocido un discurso diciendo que Shun no merece ser caballero dorado de Virgo sino de Piscis. Cosa que al principio incluso yo pensaba y entendía como astróloga, si me basaba en la energía central de los signos. Pero me llevé la sorpresa que en realidad la decían por la naturaleza delicada, femenina (y algunos insultos homofóbicos y sexistas) de Shun, que no encajaba con la energía de un caballero de Virgo, como lo sería Shaka; pero si queda mejor con la del caballero de Piscis, Afrodita.
Más allá de que ésta opinión es muy estúpida, me parece interesante que se le confunda mucho con Piscis. Pero acaso ¿Shun es digno de ser un caballero dorado de Virgo? ¿Shun es una buena representación del signo de Virgo? Pues para eso estoy yo, para responder a todas éstas incógnitas. Espero les guste mucho 💚🩷 Comencemos!
⚠ El siguiente análisis es visto desde un punto de vista astrológico, metafísico y espiritual. Si no crees o prácticas, es completamente válido, sin embargo pido respeto en los comentarios ⚠
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Virgo: Pureza Espiritual
Para entender a Shun, debemos comprender que él es la encarnación más profunda, pura y espiritual del signo Virgo.
En la astrología todos los signos tienen sus correspondientes signos Opuestos Complementarios, y el correspondiente de Virgo es Piscis. ¿Curioso no? Que la mayoría los relaciona por la razón equivocada.
Y es que ambos signos tienen el mismo objetivo pero lo realizan desde diferentes métodos y enfoques. Ambos buscan la utopía a través del servicio desinteresado a la humanidad, pero mientras que Piscis lo hace a través del mundo psíquico e intangible, Virgo lo hace desde el mundo material y práctico; por eso le corresponde todas las cuestiones mundanas, como el trabajo de oficina, las rutinas, el cuidado personal diario, el aseo, etc.
Las descripciones que tenemos del signo en cuestión, pareciera no encajar con la esencia del personaje; "analítico, mente objetiva, planificador, organizador, inteligencia práctica, previsión, detallista, crítico, perfeccionista, ordenado, metódico, racional, etc". ¿Es verdad no? Pareciera que nada tiene que ver, pero en realidad sí tiene éstas cualidades, solo que de una manera mucho más profunda e incluso abstracta.
Virgo busca la pureza y la perfección, y lo hace desde el mundo tangible. El ojo crítico, detallista, perfeccionista y analítico de Virgo repara con una gran facilidad en los defectos, los errores y las imperfecciones, y no cesa hasta haberlos corregido. Siente el afán de arreglar las cosas, cueste lo que cueste. Necesita recomponer y limpiar todo lo estropeado. Ya que su interior busca arreglar al mundo que hemos desfigurado tanto que requiere de todas nuestras fuerzas para recuperarlo, salvarlo y sanarlo.
En la obra se nos deja en claro que Shun tiene el corazón más puro y bondadoso de todos y por ésto fué escogido como huésped de Hades. Se esfuerza demasiado en siempre buscar la paz, evitar las peleas, pero sí esa paz ha sido perturbada por el caos, el ansia de restablecer el orden y la voluntad de corregir los errores son las principales cualidades que lo afluyen, hacia toda la humanidad despertando la esperanza de que todo se arreglará. Como él ya lo ha dicho:
"No me gusta lastimar a la gente aún cuando sea caballero, prefiero sólo defenderme si me es posible, pero esta lucha para pasar las 12 casas es algo diferente, sobretodo si el enemigo trata de matar a mis amigos más queridos, así que tengo que luchar hasta la muerte"
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La Virgen
El símbolo de la constelación de Virgo, es representado por una virgen. La palabra virgen viene del latín virgo. El símbolo se describe como una doncella alada llevando una espiga de cereal, ésto representa la cosecha y la fertilidad.
La doncella con las espigas del símbolo de la Virgen tiene dos vertientes, la segadora y recolectora del cereal; y, la otra, que ofrece humildemente la espiga símbolo del servicio como ofrenda, tras haber transmutado su yo egoísta. 
En astrología, todos los signos tienen lo que se conocen como Polaridades y pueden ser femeninas o masculinas. Quiero aclarar que el concepto es arquetípico y nada tiene que ver con situaciones sexistas, ya que en metafísica todos tenemos ambas polaridades que debemos de equilibrar. La polaridad de Virgo es Femenina: por lo cual, la energía del signo es más inconsciente, intuitiva, se trata más de recibir, más absorber que de dar, hundirse en las profundidades de las emociones.
La representación de la Constelación de Shun, es Andrómeda. Resumiendo, Andrómeda en la mitología griega era la princesa de Etiopía, su madre la reina Casiopea proclamó a su hija como más hermosa que las nereidas (ninfas del mar). Ante tal declaración, Poseidón, el Dios del Mar, enfurecido amenazó con mandar una inundación y a un monstruo marino para destruir al reino de Etiopía. El rey Cefeo consultó con el oráculo de Amón y éste les dijo que la única forma de salvar a su reino era entregar en sacrificio a su hija al monstruo.
Andrómeda, una figura femenina, es un símbolo perfecto para el signo Virgo, que exploraremos mas en detalle en el siguiente punto.
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Servicio y Sacrificio
La palabra más importante que define al signo Virgo es el SACRIFICIO. Como notaron la constelación de Andrómeda viene de la mitología que ofrecieron a la princesa como sacrificio para salvar a todo un pueblo.
Las personas virgo en su ser superior se desarrolla con el servicio. Shun, al estar regido por su constelación gurdiana el tema del sacrificio/servicio siempre está muy presente en su vida. Siempre se ofrece como sacrificio para que los demás no tengan que morir, sin importarle su valor, siempre está para rescatar y salvar, siempre ofrece la mano al más necesitado. Desde su propia "vulnerabilidad y debilidad" él se sirve a sí mismo sirviendo a los demás.
"Virgo es un signo de servicio que, de forma consciente, procura hacer un correcto uso de las energías y las formas. Por eso hoy queremos abrirnos a las energías de la humildad y de la devoción, queremos abrirnos a las energías que nos permiten sentirnos incluidos en el Todo y dedicarnos a la vida interior en nosotros y en todo lo que existe. Así se desarrollará en nosotros la capacidad de entrega y de dedicación a los demás, seremos capaces de reconocer las necesidades más profundas de nuestros semejantes y sabremos cómo remediarlas. Para esto se necesita practicar el verdadero amor y tener una actitud de inofensividad" - Louise Huber
No hay mejor frase para representar la capacidad de Shun para la entrega que las palabras de Shiryu contándole a Seiya la fábula de los 3 animales:
- Seiya, recuerdo una historia que me contó el Anciano Maestro: "Hace mucho tiempo, había un viajero herido y hambriento. Un oso, un zorro y un conejo llegaron para salvarlo. El poderoso oso cazó un pez para él. El astuto zorro juntó unas frutas. Pero el conejo era muy débil para traer algo. El conejo, que no podía traer nada, voluntariamente se arrojó al fuego para convertirse en la comida del viajero". - ¿Dices que Shun se está sacrificando para salvar a Hyoga? - Si tengo que adivinar, Shun está elevando todo su cosmos para salvar a Hyoga.
- ¡Es una locura! El cosmos de Shun es demasiado débil para vencer al de un caballero de oro. ¡La energía fría de Camus lo matará! - No le importa si lo mata. Sería un destino similar al de Andrómeda, la estrella guardiana de Shun. En la mitología griega, Andrómeda fue atada con cadenas y sacrificada por el bien mayor. Es lo que está haciendo Shun ahora.
Como último punto curioso, me encanta que en Saint Seiya Omega decidieron hacer a Shun un doctor, una profesión cuyo propósito es el servir a los vulnerables (afán de llegar a la humildad mediante el trabajo desinteresado.) curando las enfermedades (la "suciedad") a través de conocimientos científicos, teóricos y metódicos (Virgo en regencia por su planeta Mercurio, planeta de la comunicación y procesos mentales). Literalmente es PERFECTO.
Shun es la expresión más espiritual, pura, santa y evolucionada del signo Virgo, es completamente merecedor de ser el sucesor de la armadura de Virgo, no hay más discusión y quien soporte. Y ya saben, cada vez que alguien mencione que Shun no merece ser caballero dorado de Virgo y sus razones sean basadas en su naturaleza pacífica, mándeles éste análisis.
"Aunque haya sido en nombre de la justicia, hemos derrotado y lastimado a muchas personas utilizando la violencia, pero merecían morir; si hay un castigo por eso lo aceptaré. Pero...¿acaso existe alguien en éste mundo que pueda vivir sin cometer un solo crimen? ¡No puedo creerlo! Aún con el corazón más puro, matan animales y plantas para vivir, lo hacen porque no tienen otra opción. También están las que experimentan el odio o lastiman a los otros; pero en el fondo nadie quiere hacerlo. Si dices que los humanos comenten crímenes, entones ¡el simple hecho de vivir es un crimen! - Shun de Andrómeda
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Muchas Gracias por leer, eso ha sido todo mi aporte astrológico. Espero que lo hayan disfrutado y aprendido mucho. Cualquier duda o comentario es bien recibido. Nos vemos en la próxima. ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆
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ecsgbroknd · 2 years
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oariano · 5 months
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Le mie osservazioni stellari di stasera, consiglio di aumentare al massimo la luminosità e zoomare su ogni foto alla ricerca della costellazione che penso sia una parte della costellazione del Toro visto che la stella luminosissima un po' distante (in base al mio sguardo) penso sia Betelgeuse (potrei aver sbagliato entrambe ma vabbè) però la luna è bellissima è una Luna Nuova osservata da un pianeta che immagino sia Giove 🪐✨
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jukeboxofjellycat · 6 months
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Owner/artist on Instagram: kiracyan.design
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malditaastrologia · 9 days
"Algunos me aman por ser como soy, otros me odian por la misma razón, pero yo vine a esta vida a tratar de ser feliz, no a complacer a nadie"
- Virgo, Libra, Leo, Capricornio, Sagitario, Escorpio, Piscis, Cáncer, Acuario.
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piscescrown · 21 days
My thoughts on each and every element + zodiac signs:
Earth signs:
You guys are incredible. It's amazing how different you are depending on your zodiac sign but HOW WELL THEY WORK both independently and in groups. THEY GET THINGS DONE. I truly admire that 💪💕. The dedication to every aspect and the loyalty. 1000/10.
Water signs:
Well, well, well. I'm a spicy pisces too 😅. But I think we water signs are so cool! Maybe we are a bit less responsible than earth signs and maybe we wait more to get things done hahah but I think our inner world is what makes every one of us special. And people notice those kinda things and they admire that too, even though in my humble opinion I haven't seen cancers be as introverted and sensitive as pisces and scorpios, idk.
(Also side note: why are scorpios so handsome?)
Air signs:
If I'm completely honest, you guys are out of your mind. How can you have so many (maybe good) ideas but at the same time be such a disaster and such a mess of a person??? I truly don't understand xD you guys give absolute chaotic vibes.
Anyways, libras are also cute and have a great style in fashion but they are also very quirky and don't know when to shut up. Like geminis. Aquarius has to speak more tho, stop ghosting people!! 🫠😂
Fire signs:
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So much chaotic but vibrant vibes if that makes sense. Y'all have good vibes and are so active! It's difficult to get bored with you but sometimes your ideas are a bit out of hand lmao. If I had to complain, I'd say that Leos have to stop thinking they need to be the center of attention at all times and that aries also need to calm down bc they are really scary when they get angry lmaoo. But actually they are unmatched and really funny 🔥.
That's all, thank you for reading and please don't take this too seriously lol, it's basically my opinion on people I know and it's not something that I think of every zodiac sign, there are ALWAYS exceptions and astrology isn't a science! But it's entertaining :D.
With love, Pisces ♓️.
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reyboris · 8 months
I would like to make a comparison between Taurus and Scorpio at the root of a personal experience. In high school I had two teachers. One of physics that was Taurus, and another of mathematics that was scorpio. Both were very good teachers, and in fact among them they carried a good friendship. However, the teaching methods of each were something different.
Professor Scorpio (of mathematics) valued more originality than traditional obedience. He said that the curious student can overcome the disciplined. He was passionate and knew of a lot of general culture. He organized chess tournaments, asked for a visit to museums, put us movies, explained crazy theories such as fractals, Plato's philosophy, etc. and encouraged everyone to awaken curiosity. He was very nice. The only moments where he was difficult was when there was an exam because his rule was that during the time of the exam, no one could look at his face (thus controlled the looks of his students so that they did not copy on the exam). I once tried to see it in the face, but as a good scorpio, my teacher realized immediately and picked me up. Out of that, he was an excellent teacher.
Taurus Professor (Physics) valued hard work than the original ingenuity. He said (unlike the other teacher) that the disciplined student expires to the talented student. His class sometimes was a bit more boring, his voice was slower, but occasionally he made good jokes to revive the class. It was more relaxed. When he got angry he put a face of disappointment.
Despite their differences, both teachers looked a lot. They were very professional in their area, they were firm, they were fair and congruent. The two liked the sport and played tennis and football in their free time.
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richy-the-astrologer · 6 months
Cuando Aries ha sanado: deja de ver persecución, amenazas veladas y gente ‘tramando su caída’ por todas partes
Cuando Tauro ha sanado: forma un grado de autoestima y valor que es demasiado fuerte para ser comprado, influenciado y medido por un amante.
Cuando Géminis ha sanado: siente y posee un fuerte sentido de sí mismo dentro de los muchos seres internos, se siente universal en lugar de múltiple
Cuando Cáncer ha sanado: no está regulado ni controlado por las emociones de otras personas, desea existir en el presente
Cuando Leo ha sanado: capaz de autoafirmarse y reconocer su singularidad, no requiere afirmación/validación externa.
Cuando Virgo ha sanado: es capaz y está dispuesto a pedir ayuda en lugar de alejar a todos.
Cuando Libra ha sanado: no requiere que una pareja en la relación se sienta sustancial, solo por ella vale la pena vivir
Cuando Escorpio ha sanado: se convierte en un sanador, una panacea, un guía sabio y un conducto hacia el otro lado.
Cuando Sagitario ha sanado: Deja para siempre de intentar huir de sí mismo, de sus sentimientos y de sus problemas.
Cuando Capricornio ha sanado: Está en paz al reconocer que toda la agitación en la vida hasta ahora siempre ha conducido a esto.
Cuando Acuario ha sanado: sana su relación con el mundo también como el auténtico inadaptado en última instancia que puede encajar con todos.
Cuando Piscis ha sanado: Construye límites bien definidos, dice “no”, discrimina esos momentos de la vida en los que no tiene que ser tan “amable”.
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The Pallas Asteroid Through The Signs 𓌜 🗡
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Overview: Pallas has interesting mythology because Pallas was supposedly two different people back then. Originally, Pallas was Athena’s “adopted” sister and she had an adoptive father after being born from Zeus’ skull and the sister that she gained from the adoptive family was Pallas. What Pallas and Athena had in common was that they were matched in wits and strength; so they would duel each other and even they would do one of those “arm wrestles” when two people are just kinda stuck at the same point and no one is beating the other because they were both so matched in that skill. Until, one day they were both fighting while (again) being matched in that skill, so someone distracted Pallas so that Athena would get a shot to make a strike on her. And because Athena thought that Pallas was going to dodge, she didn’t realize that Pallas was so distracted but it was too late because Athena landed her stab in Pallas so that she ended up killing her. She accidentally skewered her and with the remorse and devastation of losing her friend and sister, she eventually took Pallas’ name in honor of her memory. So, we truly use Athena and what she represents in mythology to understand what Pallas is in Astrology. In mythology Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare; When we think of warfare we usually think of Aries who not only is not only a zodiac sign that is ruled by Mars but in mythology was the God Of War. The way that it coincides with Pallas and Athena is matching Wisdom and Warfare, it’s just going out into battle with pure masculine Aries Energy. 
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This asteroid also represents the feminine side of Athena that is calculated and social; what you end up with when you mix them together is strategy. And there, my beautiful people is what Pallas represents; it means where you use your strategy in terms of what house it falls into and where you are the most strategic. It also can highlight what your “war” strategy looks like! 
Pallas in Aries: Your creative intelligence shows how quickly you can up with solutions to new issues. You are innovative, you’re a pioneer, you think on your feet, and you act as your own source of your inspiration. You guys are the type of people to fight for what you believe in and the things that you believe are right or true. You’re typically the first person to set things in motion as well and you would rather face justice head on. You might also possess strong political views and you won’t be easily persuaded and you will stand up for the “under dogs” or the weak. Perhaps, you choose to not seek any other type of healing from others because you want to deal with things on your own. Then again, perhaps sports, physical activity, or screaming can contribute to your healing. Or you may actively seek healing practices and you might also possess a love for high level but healthy competition. And you also don’t typically fear losing. 🏺
Pallas in Taurus: Your creative intelligence shows  how visual you can be and how artistic you can be. You’ll visualize how a new issue can be solved in fact you might use your physical senses to work your way through it. You guys are in tune with the natural world and you guys are also very artistic. You might turn to things like art, culture, food, music, and all things beautiful as a source of inspiration. And you guys will use your common sense when it comes to your political debates or political issues and you’ll try to remain calm in situations that are really chaotic and unjust. You guys will also possess fixed opinions and you guys will also take your time when deciding a healing method. You want to know if it’s gonna be truly valuable, so things like natural medicine, cooking, sewing, or gardening, can contribute to your healing. When you find something that works you stick to it and you might not be fond of competition but if you know that you might win, you’ll definitely compete. 🏺
Pallas in Gemini: Your creative intelligence shows how intellectual and communicative you can be. You’ll use your worlds to come up with new solutions to new issues and you’ll draw from the information you have gathered. You might know a thing or two about the issue due to you being about to pick up bite sized pieces of knowledge everywhere you go. You guys are basically a master with words! You guys might turn to writers, teachers, media, reading as sources of inspiration. You’ll use your sharp wit within the realm of politics and you’ll communicate when justice should be served. However, your views are subject to change and you’re curious about a variety of healing methods especially talking, poetry, or learning contributing to your healing. There can be times where you will gladly participate but also times when you would much rather leave it. 🏺
Pallas in Cancer: Your creative intelligence shows how intuitive and in tune you can be. You guys will feel through any issues that may arise and know how to comfort others in the process. Your hyper sensitivity and empathy is the way you figure things out and you guys assess the deeper layers and the things that can’t necessarily be seen. But, you guys can pick up on the things that can be felt because you guys are perceptive and you might even turn to care giving, art, food, family, music, and history as sources of inspiration. You guys will defend your loved ones with a tenacious stance and if others hurt your family for instance you will fight honorable so. You guys will also defend your heritage as well as children and the elderly and you are drawn towards healing practices that are revitalizing and calm. Perhaps things like bathing, cooking, and affection or family time may contribute to your healing you’ll support others through their own healing as well. You guys prefer to feel competitive environments out before deciding to participate. 🏺
Pallas In Leo: Your creative talent shows how animated and expressive you can be. You’ll use your gifted creativity and visions to come up with new solutions to issues. You typically won’t shy away from expressing how you see things and you’ll enjoy the attention and praise that you receive for being a star. You guys aim to impress and you might even turn to storytelling, performing, romance, and dating as sources of inspiration. You’ll use your leadership and charisma when it comes to politics and when you want to create justice you won’t be persuaded for a different opinion. You guys are interested in healing methods that involve play, pleasure, and liveliness. You guys may get into more art, therapy and comedy, dance, or even drama contribute to your healing and you guys will be proud of your progress. You aren’t likely to back down from competition and you’ll want to prove yourself and show the world what you’re made of. 🏺
Pallas in Virgo: Your creative intelligence shows how analytical and detailed you are. You’ll examine solutions to new issues up close and you’ll notice the tiny errors that many may overlook. And in this aspect, you’ll break things down and you’ll strip things back to their simplest form. There is something purifying. about this process and you don’t typically like to complicate things and if others need your help you’ll want to assist in any way you can. High quality and doing the job correctly are important and you might turn to medicine, sewing, pottery, or health as sources of inspiration. Politically speaking, you’ll be practical and hands on and you guys will have high expectations of yourself. You guys are the type of people to recognize any justice or legal changes that should be made and you’ll use discrimination when it comes to healing methods. Ya’ll may enjoy yoga, nutrition, exercise, or crafts can contribute to your healing. You can be humble when competition is concerned but also are willing to put your best foot forward. 🏺
Pallas In Libra: Your creative intelligence shows how diplomatic and fair minded you can be. You’ll consider all moving parts when it comes to coming up with solutions to new issues. You guys will assess how things relate to one another and perhaps there is never a simple black and white answer because you see the “grey” and also you’ll typically want to remain rational and firm. You possess a desire to bring balance. If there’s anything that is too far on one side can make you feel uneasy. You might turn to beauty, fashion, or design or even music as sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics and justice you can be a natural defender of justice. You’ll weigh out your options and consider other healing methods like tea, couples therapy, and counseling, even meditation can contribute to your healing. Perhaps, you have a “take it or leave it” attitude towards competition but there is apart of you that wants to win. 🏺
Pallas in Scorpio: Your creative intelligence shows how deep and perspective you can be. You want to get to the root of any new issues and the solutions you come up with will come from a piercing place and date. You see what’s going beneath the surface and you can bring whatever information that’s hidden to light. By making what is unconscious actually conscious you can do remarkable things. However, this is a strength that should not be taken lightly and you can use what you find for better or for worse. Still, you might turn to investigating, sex, mystery, and even other paranormal sources of inspiration and political speaking you might keep your opinions and beliefs close to your chest and you may not reveal your strategy especially to enemies and other foes. When you want justice you can be dominate, devoted, and intense and you can be very passionate and when it comes to any healing methods scream therapy, sex therapy, hypnosis, or even symbolic art can contribute to your healing. You may be determined when it comes to competitive matters and you’ll be controlled and strong. 🏺
Pallas in Sagittarius: Your creative intelligence shows how moral and conceptual you can be. When you encounter new issues you use your moral compass for guidance and your solutions are typically reflective of the bigger picture. You want to do the right thing and at the same time your imagination can lead the way. You also may consider universal principles and truths you might turn to travel, religion, philosophy, or spiritual knowledge for sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics you can be a defender of truth and you may be righteous when it comes to law and justice. You can be adventurous when considering healing methods, tarot, humanistic therapy, hiking, and lectures contribute to your healing. In terms of competition, you want to reach your best potential even when you lose something you may gain something else in the process and learn. 🏺
Pallas in Capricorn: Your creative intelligence shows how structured, orderly, and practical you can be. You assess the foundation of any new issue and your solution will be based on what has already been successfully tried and tested you’ll also what to be the authority of the plan and you’ll come up with the strategy that works. You prefer to gain recognition for your efforts and you might turn to business, drafting, building, and planning as sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics you aim to defend law and order; you guys will definitely make sure that justice is served. You guys like to be the person in control as well and it might take you time to see which healing methods work the best for you. You guys are the type of people that won’t settle for less either. Things like getting massages, laser therapy, and dental care can contribute to your healing and competitively speaking being seen as the big boss might matter to you greatly and you guys definitely want to be taken seriously. 🏺
Pallas in Aquarius: Your creative intelligence shows how futuristic and inventive you can be. When a new issue arises you might jump two steps ahead and you have to consider the future possibilities. So, the solutions you bring forward typically represent what is still to come. This can result in some confusion with others but still you’re ahead of your time and you like to try out new ways of tackling problems. You might turn to technology, progressive house music, graphics, design, or even space as sources of inspiration. Politically, you’ll typically defend humanitarian causes and you might be part of certain movements and protests. You’ll fight for freedom and equality and justice; you’ll experiment with healing methods as well. Things like group therapy, crystals, vibrations, and geometry can contribute to your healing. You might appear as if you don’t care for competition but the moment you get to share the unique. 🏺
Pallas In Pisces: Your creative intelligence shows how imaginative and spiritual you can be. When you come up against new issues, you see beyond what is being shown and you tend to have a sixth sense. Your solutions come an extremely insightful and intuitive place and you might not be aware of your psychic abilities while you guys are actually a natural born healer. You may turn to fantasy, film, photography, or to your dreams as sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics and justice you tend to choose the non violent root. You would prefer if humanity was compassionate and if fighting wasn’t an option. You might devote yourself to a cause or to a charity that moves you deeply. Perhaps, you consider many types of healing methods like poetry, art, meditation, or journaling can contribute to your healing. While you can take part in a competition you still wish the best for the other person or people involved. 🏺
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