cosmicfizbitz · 5 years
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Here's some vent art I did last night because yesterday was hard
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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fuck dude it sure is
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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I know I don't usually post art here but here's some art I did of another artist I really like cuz their way of drawing slashers is rad! So here's some art of @joederartist I hope you see this and I hope you like it!!
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
Greetings Stranger!
I can’t believe it took so long for me to get a Tumblr. Anyway, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay! Here’s little bit about myself that y'all must know:
- I’m a Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos enthusiast. I live for spooky stuff! Horror, dark comedy, Mexican culture etc.
- I LOVE animation (movies AND cartoons), music, video games, comics and different kinds of ambiguous media/pop culture.
I’ll be posting all kinds of my creative, artistic endeavors on here, from art to animatics. I’m so excited to get to work!
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
Spider-Man (2000) on Playstation. “Surf the web! Surf the Web!”
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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[cries in kacchako]
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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A mini comic based off of my Part-Time Summer job AU! post lmao
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
If you're taking requests, kacchako wearing each other's hero costumes?
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Arrange costume.Because it did not suit Bakugou too much.
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
Uraraka catches a villain off guard with her battle skills and kicks their ass:
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Bakugou rescues a civilian and manages to soothe their fears in his rough but well intentioned way:
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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inktober day one little witch uraraka with her familiar deku~
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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Bakugou that’s not how you flirt
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
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Bachelor Bakugou 
(from this post by @ualright)
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
How to make a pumpkin head
Since I defs didn’t want to carve a real pumpkin to put on my head and get nasts pumpkin insides all over my hair I decided to paper mache one. Unfortunately there was no good tutorials anywhere so I will share my trial and error knowledge.
First I got some supplies: 1 Punch balloon (they’re rounder and larger they regular balloons), some paper mache stuff in a bag, cardboard, a glue gun, paint, sculpey clay, tape, some news paper and some water and flour mixed together.
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I then put at least three - five paper mache layers of newspaper with flour water on the balloon. I also measured my head and left an opening at the bottom. (NOTE: Don’t put tape on the balloon and try to peel it off after you’re done paper macheing, RIP)
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After that’s all dry I put glue gunned some cardboard onto it to give it some pumpkin like ridges.
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Then I filled the gaps between the cardboard and the newspaper with the paper mache in a bag stuff. Wait for it to dry. (Note: Don’t pop balloon until the paper mache in a bag stuff is dry cause it holds a LOT of water and your paper mache project will sink, RIP) After that I popped the balloon and lightly dampened the top with a sponge and water until it was wet enough to slowly press down into more of a pumpkin shape.
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After it’s all dry I taped a stem I made out of card board on the top and put another layer or two of newspaper mache over top.
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More drying wait time (you can use your oven on the lowest setting to make it dry faster) then I sanded it down and cut out a face with an exacto blade.
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I added a little bit of backing behind the face on the inside with the paper mache in a bag to give it more of a 3D look which wasn’t that noticeable but oh well, it kidna worked… After all that stuffs done I painted it all white otherwise the newsprint would bleed through and make my colours not as bright, I also added some sculpey clay to the brow area to give it some more emotion in which I used an iron to dry it with cause it was too late to put it in the oven with paint all over it (Note: Put clay on before painting).
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I sprayed it with a sealer before painting colours on it cause I find acrylics do weird things sometimes. After it was all dry I begin to paint.
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I also painted the inside a red and added a kinda head rest thing on the inside since when I pushed the top down it made an uncomfortable point at the top when putting it on your head. Then once it was all dry I sprayed it with some more sealer, added some cool stuff like stitches with some ribbon and blood which I used nail polish for a shiny effect and put in some lights which weren’t very effective when my head was in the pumpkin but that’s okay, it still looked cool.
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And that’s that!
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Hope this helps some people, Enjoy!
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
Harry: Where are you going?
Killer Frost: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.
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cosmicfizbitz · 6 years
Otp prompt 2
Person A: You don’t love me anymore!! Person B: That is so not true! You’re just really annoying sometimes! Person B: But you’re my annoying little love bug-
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