couprangsunshine · 3 years
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couprangsunshine · 3 years
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Paradox Live Shuffle Team Show Vol.2
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couprangsunshine · 3 years
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Paradox Live Shuffle Team Show Vol.2
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
Reki: *looking at Langa straight in the eyes without blinking*
Langa: *having the time of his life*
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
Joe: *looking deeply at Kaoru while skating*
Miya: r u fine?
Joe: no, he is
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
ok so y’all know that scene in ep1 where kaoru receives that suitcase full of cash 
i was rewatching the dub, and kojiro refers to kaoru’s calligraphy as a “side hustle”. all the tech shit has to cost a lot of money, and while i don’t know shit about traditional calligraphy, i don’t know if it really pays all that well? 
when i mentioned the suitcase of money to a friend, the instant reply i got was “drugs”.
and listen, i’m not saying it makes sense, but that’s kinda what i’m saying.
we know kaoru had this whole “bad boy” thing going on in high school. now, stereotypically, that is a “delinquent” thing to do, with all the piercings, and for the sake of this hc let’s slap the skating at night and running away from the police in there too. he might’ve gotten roped into some yakuza gig back then and kinda kept going? not to mention that S is technically illegal and very hush-hush. 
with this evidence i present to you:
the reason for why kaoru always wears yukatas is to cover a huge tattoo of a cherry blossom tree on his back. 
he got kojiro into motorbikes back in high school, and both have altering and modifying their bikes as a hobby.
kaoru got his piercings because he liked them, and once he was old enough, he got the cherry blossom tattoo. kojiro was hesitant to the tattoo idea, but he ended up getting the sun on his shoulder a week later. kaoru had to hold his hand during the entire process.
the cherry blossom tree tattoo has kojiro’s sun incorporated somewhere in the design.
because of kaoru’s lowkey celebrity status, no one really questions where he gets his money from. he seems too upstanding and traditional (and lowkey uptight) to be involved in any sort of law-breaking. 
kojiro knew about kaoru’s involvement with shady stuff from the very beginning, but never tried to stop him; he trusted kaoru’s judgement. heck, he bulked up to seem scary and intimidating and pretended to be kaoru’s bodyguard on several occasions (not that kaoru needs a bodyguard. he can kick anyone’s ass anytime).
kaoru prefers hand-to-hand combat over firearms. he calls guns “vulgar” and dislikes their “lack of elegance”.
kojiro doesn’t mind the guns and he owns one just in case, but he prefers knives. spot him with that chef’s knife bag anytime he’s out with kaoru on official business.
kaoru doesn’t want to endanger kojiro by officially taking him in as a member of his group, but kojiro’s got the status of “boss’ lady” among the members, and everyone know better than to question him. 
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Incorrect JunHoon]
- JiHoon, I'm a thief...
- What are you talking about?
- Because I stole your heart.
- ...
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
Who | Seventeen
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Incorrect Seventeen]
SeungCheol and Wonu: *cuddling*
Jun and Seungkwan: *Kissing*
Jihoon and Seokmin: *Caressing*
Chan: *drinking water*
In this house we love our rare ships♡
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Incorrect GOT7]
Jackson: Babe
Mark: *awkward smile*
JB: Honey
Youngjae: *Absolute happiness*
Jinyoung: you stupid f*cking idiot
Yugyeom: *Blushed like tomato*
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Incorrect JiHan]
- Shua...
- ¿?
- Your clothes scare me. Take it off.
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Incorrect JackBeom/Jackbum]
- Are you Jackson? Nice name
- Then you should listen my phone number
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Incorrect Gyuzi]
- Hyung, I'm in love with someone
- Find him and tell him
- I already did
- What did he say?
- "Find him and tell him"
- Not now, I'm busy
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
Seven young princes looking for an answer to the mystery of their father's death
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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A beautifully tragic story
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couprangsunshine · 4 years
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[Au | Supermodel]
Mark Tuan a supermodel and Park Jinyoung a simple manager who broke the rules and fell in love with the boy.
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