couragefought-blog · 7 years
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Anyhows. I got around to drawing my Zelda OC, Luce.
She comes from a race called the Chitera who live in a densely forested region a long ways out from Hyrule. It is one of many regions located within the kingdom of Irus.
I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff I’ve written down just over the past few days about her and where she comes from so I might elaborate more on it some other time.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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I haven’t been feeling too well emotionally today so apologies if I’m slow in responding to anything.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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It’s the one year anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Nintendo Switch! The developers have created this new artwork to celebrate the occasion!
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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                                      Do You Remember…?
                                               Ind. Link | BOTW | Written by Amy
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
Life with Tetra’s crew differed from sailing with Daphnes. There were tons of chores (”Just because you’re the hero doesn’t mean you get to slack off!”) but they were like one big family. It was sharp contrast to the constant feeling of oppression and urgency he had with Daphnes (Dare he say that he was afraid). For once, he felt everything was right in the world. There was no impending doom, no fate of the world, just the sea and hope for the future. 
Yet, he had gained a certain habit while sailing; Link slept with all of his gear. Fear of being attacked while asleep stayed with him since he made the mistake of sleeping with his supplies just out of reach. Nearly being suffocated by ChuChus causes one to learn from their missteps quickly. It also led to Link learning the skill of light sleeping, his guard constantly being up became second nature, even in sleep.
That’s how the young hero knew something was wrong before he opened his eyes. Napping peacefully in a hammock and suddenly laying against soft grass was jarring. 
Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Link pushed himself to his feet and studied his surroundings. It would be calming if it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t smell the sea. He wasn’t sure how to describe the smell here, it didn’t have the fresh smell of the ocean nor the stale air of underground dungeons. Something completely new, and he would’ve taken the chance to enjoy it if he actually knew where he was. 
Tug. Instantly, he peered towards the direction his instincts told him to go, and his gut feelings was rarely wrong, so he wandered that direction.
(Despite being in a completely new place, he felt safe.)
Soon the sounds of a river filled his ears, his own footsteps falling into a trot until he saw a little boy sitting at the edge of the bank. Taking a moment to stare he saw a few things Link found rather concerning; The kid seemed to be about his sister’s age, he was alone, and there was a sword strapped to his back. That combination didn’t sit well with the young hero. 
Oh no! He’s been caught staring.
Rubbing the back of his head, Link approached the kid, seemingly uncaring about the uncouth manners.
“Just got here.” Literally. “I think I’m a bit… Lost. Could you help me?”
     Link picks himself up out of the gravel, looking up at the older boy with a big smile on his face. Naturally he was always eager to help people. That’s what knights did, after all! Luckily for the boy in green, the little knight knew his way all around Hyrule Field. From Mabe Village all the way to the Exchange. The boy was very proud of his navigation skills.
      “Yeah! I can help!”
     Link balances on his heels for a moment, glancing the older one over as if picking out every detail. He really was carrying a lot of stuff, wasn’t he? Was he on an adventure? The slight smell of salt and ocean felt almost like a confirmation. The very idea brought a certain spark to the young knight’s bright eyes enough to keep the grin on his face beaming. Something about that tunic too...it was weird but he felt like he had seen it before. That particular shade of green... Maybe in a painting or a book? What did it remind him of...?
     He pushes messy blonde hair from his eyes, moving a bit as if trying to peek around his yet to be discovered counterpart and see just what he may be hiding. The sword on his own back shifting and the strap on his shoulder (clearly a bit over sized for his small frame) threatened to slide off as he leaned to peak at the green clad hero’s back.
     “If you’re trying to get to Castle Town, it’s all the way over there. Across the field!”
     He points towards the large, imposing towers of Hyrule Castle that seemed to glimmer in the midday sun. Prestigious and intimidating. But it made for a good landmark. After all Castle Town was the first thing one would encounter and it was how Link always found his way home.
     “I can get my map if you need to go somewhere else though.”
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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So I got really into the idea of Link when he was a little kid so if anyone wants a rowdy small hylian child who constantly gives the Royal Guard a run for their money to interact with feel free to hit me up.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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     There’s a twist in his guts that warns him to be cautious. A mirror image of himself stands before him and something about it sets off alarms in his head. Something vaguely familiar that almost feels foreboding about seeing one’s own reflection right before them.
     He inquires, but there’s no hiding how his muscles tense. Ready to react at a moment’s notice. Fingers curl with mild anxiety. His stance remains firm and unyielding.
      “Who...are you...?”
      Was this some harsh reminder of a past he couldn’t recall? A trial? A number of things from to mind but none answer his ever growing list of questions.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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     There was an ache in his chest he couldn’t quite explain when he first laid eyes on her, lacking in spiritual flame and aura that made her ethereal state obvious. Was the pain he felt guilt? Perhaps. For what, it could be anybody’s guess. They had reassured him that his memories would return to him in time. They hadn’t. And for yet another instance, he was stricken with how foreign the world around him suddenly felt. How the Zora right in front of his eyes felt like a complete and absolute stranger.
      What was he supposed to say. Could she see the way he hesitated? How he looked upon her with only the vaguest of familiarity. One built only recently. Years washed away by unfortunate and tragic circumstance. There’s no helping the slight frown that takes to his expression. A look of mourning and remorse.
      “...I’m sorry.”
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
Link as a kid being able to have some strange spiritual contact with his past lives? Pure and innocent. Highly recommended. An option open to all Links tbh if you wanna deal with a rowdy child.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
     It probably said a lot about the Royal Guard when they couldn’t keep track of a lone child but to said child, that thought wouldn’t have even occurred to him. Normally, the young boy wouldn’t have been allowed out of Castle Town without supervision, accompanying some part of knights with a task or being taken out for field training. Lo and behold such restrictions tended to give local eight year olds a rather rebellious streak and Link had managed to sneak his way out into Hyrule Field on his lonesome with nothing but a short sword strapped to his back and a slingshot.
     Really they should have kept a better eye on him.
     Free to wander, something made him to decide to head out towards the Regencia River and for a time, he was content to watch the fish cut through the current and throw stones across to the other shore. He never got to do stuff like this a lot and as he stared down at his reflection, tracing his hand through the chilly water, suddenly he felt a tug. Something pulling at him. Pulling him from his whimsical distraction to scan his surrounds until--
     It seemed like he wasn’t alone anymore.
      “How long have you been there...?”
      Seemed he forgot his manners too.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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      “Did you want to keep going?”
      He can see clouds on the horizon, but he assumes any rain won’t be upon them just yet. A light drizzle at most within the next handful of minutes. Nothing that should really hinder their progress yet. Though in the end, it was up to her. He certainly wasn’t going to act as if he should be making the decisions but offering up his opinion wouldn’t hurt. In truth, he didn’t much like the risk of being caught up in the rain.
      “We probably have 20 minutes before the storm is on us.”
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
Honestly any time I get to emphasize Link being a stupid teenage boy is a great time for me.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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     Why the young hylian had decided to climb up to rest at such a high peak would probably baffle most people. Kneeling near the edge of a high faced cliff, he seemed to be waiting. For the perfect moment, perhaps, or maybe just to push away the second guessing to his decision. In any case, there was focus in his eyes that, while not unlike him, easily gave away his intents.
     That was, of course, to jump.
     After all, he had his paraglider at the ready. Tightly clutched in such a way that once he stepped foot away from the earth he’d be able to latch onto it quickly. His life kind of depended on that last part. To be fair, he had never tried to leap from such a great height just on it’s own.
     With the gale, well, he supposed that’s why he chose a place specifically with a river beneath him. Cold water was a better fall breaker than hard, harsh dirt would be any day.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
     Something felt off. A gnawing sensation in the back of his mind. A hazy perception of the way ahead. As if his sights or perhaps his very thoughts had been set aloft within fog. A hand reaches out, flexing fingers. His surroundings, well, they suddenly didn’t feel so solid. It’s unsettling but for some odd reason he doesn’t feel all too alarmed.
      But there was something there with him, wasn’t there? Much like the voice that chimed through his thoughts now and again. A company he couldn’t quite see. At least, just yet. But that melody was from the sword, a soft distant presence, while this felt...
     Like a tugging at his very core...
     He expects an ominous bellow to call out and direct him, much akin to the shrines and tasks he had been thrust into and encountered along his path thus far. It doesn’t come. The silence holds before a moment, before he speaks, albeit with a mild trepidation.
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     “Is this another trial...?”
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
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I’m gonna take a nice hot bath cause water is good and then I’ll get to those starters I owe.
Also this is another starter call cause I love all of you so if you didn’t see the last one and want a starter hit the heart.
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couragefought-blog · 7 years
You just don’t know when to quit, do you?
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