silentwilds · 5 years
@divineoath -- The Things Unsaid
He had insisted on going alone. It wasn’t necessarily a sound decision, but when news reached Zelda in Kakariko, Link had only left a note behind. Because even though he didn’t know everything that had once been, something in him still knew that he had to see her by himself. He’d heard her voice in his mind for so long. He’d read her diary when he knew she shouldn’t, and he’d kept the tunic she had made--
Mipha was back. Recovering, no doubt surrounded by her family and an entire kingdom of concerned Zora, but she was alive once again. And of all the champions who had fallen, Link felt like he owed Mipha the most.
Though he didn’t really know all of what that debt was.
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He had hoped to arrive in relative quiet to Zora’s Domain, but that was niave of him. Once his horse was spotted on the horizon, the Zora had spread word and he’d been met with what could be described as a small amount of fanfare. So it was in a cloud of whispers and expectations that he’d come to stand before her now.
She looked so weak... her body was too thin and her color was a bit dull. But she was alive... she wasn’t a specter.
A smile flickered at the corner of his lips. There were Zora all around and their voices had become an unintelligible buzz in his ears.
He lifted one hand and waved. Not knowing what else to do now that he was here.
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aiirmaster · 6 years
@divineoath ;
Jinora had been feeling unusual surges of spiritual energy lately, coming from an unknown place, almost feeling...OTHERWORLDLY. Determined to know where the surges were coming from, she left the temple to enter the Spirit World and began exploring. As soon as she entered the portal, she found herself in a lake and waterfall terrain, the varying shades of blue of the domain distracting the airbender from the fish-like people surrounding her; a peculiar terrain that was definitely not the Spirit World. ❝Where am I?! Why would the spirits bring me here?❞ She mused aloud. As she began to admire the EXQUISITE architecture of the domain, the surge was becoming STRONGER, indicating she was nearing the thing, or person, as the source of the energy.
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isaaccecilbryant · 5 years
Seven Deadly Sins AU
Send me an AU and I’ll tell you what my muse would be like in that AU.
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((Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez! I haven’t finished the anime but I do need to get back to it! Um. um. Um…
Okay, so, I do try not to pick the most OP thing for Isaac to be doing in AUs, so he wouldn’t be a Holy Knight, but he sure as hell would be in their ranks, wanting to take top position so he could undo all the bad they’ve done with the enslaving and so on. I do see him changing his ways over time, as realization sets in that he can’t achieve his goals the way he initially planned.))
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herosbreath-blog · 5 years
@divineoath // sc. 
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        it’s no surprise to link when his feet lead him to mipha --- there is something comforting about her softness, about her presence. he had been wondering about after a particularly long training session. there was something  natural  about his small bouts of   isolation. if not for the responsibilities at his feet, he would likely live in those moments… but as it seemed, the paths he walked would always lead him back to those he cared for. those he wished to protect. 
mipha had been on his mind recently. tension was building among the champions, their task drawing nearer by the hour. the princess had yet to unlock her power &   yet --- it was comforting to know he could trust those at his side. to know that they were incredible & strong & brave enough to face   darkness   itself. 
it was a lot of   pressure, though... not many saw the darker corners of being a hero. the fear, the  ... anticipation. he could feel it in the air, the way the tension was thick enough to breathe. he wondered just how well she was handling it.
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twxlxghtwulf · 6 years
Dear diary
Send “Dear Diary” for a random excerpt from my muses diary.
I never have written a diary before because never have I felt the need for it. But, what happened to me now... I think I should write this down. To recollect my thoughts.
It feels strange to write it down, but today, something unbelievable happened to me. Monsters attacked the village today and when I gave chase to them, a black wall that I never seen before blocked my path. I didn’t have much time to think what it was as a hand suddenly pulled me in. When I came to, I was a wolf!
I no longer was in the Faron Woods either. I was locked up in a dungeon of Hyrule Castle. I met this imp, Midna there who helped me escape. Of course, I had to agree to help her collect something called Fused Shadows. 
Anyway, I returned to Ordon Village. It saddened me that the villagers didn’t recognise me, which I can’t blame them for, of course. I wanted to go back to that strange wall when I was summoned by the Light Spirit, Ordona. 
They told me their fellow Light Spirits were trapped and lost their light and that I had to help them restore said light by finding Insects of Darkness. Long story short, that’s what I did. But fighting as a wolf isn’t easy. There were plenty of times I wished I had a sword and shield. Though eventually, I managed to gather those Tears of Light and the Faron Woods went back to normal. I reverted back into my original form but I was wearing this green tunic.
The Light Spirit Faron told me that I was the Hero chosen by the Goddesses. How is that even possible? Me? A Hero? I destroyed my hometown and ran away from my duties as Knight of Hyrule! I can’t be a Hero! 
I just can’t...
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thecuccoocorner · 7 years
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Now Divineoath (aka Nessa) is SO amazing. I can't even begin talking about how she is one of the driving forces who got me loving Mipha so, so, SO much. Who was once a character I felt neutral toward suddenly became a character I absolutely adored because of Nessa's portrayal of her. Her writing is soft and gentle just like Mipha's and I always feel so calm reading everything she writes. I'm so blessed to be able to read her writing every day!
— goddessoath.
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herocfwind · 7 years
Walking into dark portals made by Ganondorf wasn’t one of Link’s best ideas, that much he is willing to admit. Yet, in his defense, it had brought him to the surface of the Great Sea the last time he had entered it. 
This time however did not go as planned. 
The first clue was the fact that Daphnes was no longer in the room. The King of Red Lions was gone. The two of them had transported to the surface mere minutes ago just to see where it went. There was no plausible reason for him to suddenly leave without saying a word to Link.
Link knew Daphnes. Link also knew the lengths Ganondorf would go. Despite only meeting the King of Evil once, nearly being chopped up left a certain impression (Not to mention the way he had attacked Tetra). He wasn’t above fighting dirty. 
His first instinct was to find Daphnes. Yelling out his name did nothing. Talking into the gossip stone did nothing. Panicking wasn’t going to solve anything. Ganondorf had Tetra and Daphnes was the only explanation Link could come up with. How one could catch a spirit, he didn’t know, but he knew that the Triforce was Power was terrifying from the stories the King had told them on their journey.
That’s when the young hero’s eyes fell upon the portal to above, the way Gaondorf had escape Hyrule. What if Daphnes was up there? Yes, perhaps it was just hopeful thinking, but there was no one there to talk him out of it. 
Standing at the edge of the stones, he jumped in with a splash. He took one more look around the room before swimming into the swirling dark portal. Instead of taking the young hero up towards to surface, it yanked him down. 
A garbled yelp was all he was able to get out. He wasn’t even given a chance to swim. By the time he was fully submerged in the water, it started to change into something else entirely. The water only got thicker, it was as if he was buried in sand, but he was focused on trying to breath. 
Link wasn’t given much time to comprehend the situation he was in before the substance around him altered. It turned into air and he was floating in it. Gasping in the air, he found only darkness around him. The young hero couldn’t even see his own hand that was right in front of his face. 
It was unnerving how most of senses were cut off. There was nothing to hear besides to his own struggles. There was nothing to feel besides his drenched clothing. It then hit him, maybe his short limbs weren’t long enough to reach the edges of this prison.
Taking a deep breath, Link equipped his hook-shot with ease before firing it. Within seconds a deafening pop filled the air and he was falling. 
Hurling towards the ground normally wouldn’t have posed much of a problem, but his Korok Leaf was out of magic. Floating safely to the ground was out of the question when the leaf was a skeleton. 
As he frantically looked around for someplace to grab onto, his eyes locked on some beast. By no means was it a living beast but it was huge and he didn’t have a clue of what it was. 
(Was that supposed to be its nose?)
Taking a chance, Link aimed his hook-shot at the beast and shot. He stared as the end of it latched upon the armor of the beast. A sigh of relief fell from his lips as his body was pulled towards it.
Unfortunately, that relief was short-lived. Once he got within a few meters of the beast, something shot him off. It was searing but it was gone as soon as it began. By the time Link yelled out, his body was launched the opposite way from the beast; Into the water below. 
Crashing into the water hurt and his own body didn’t want to listen when he scrambled up to the surface. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to swim for long, Link did his best to make it to the shore. Cutting it unbelievably short, the boy pulled himself onto the shore before falling back onto the ground.
Everything ached. If this was the best Ganondorf had for getting rid of him, he’d need to try harder than dropping him from a very high height (Even if it almost worked).
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finessae-blog · 7 years
divineoath replied to your post: smth i’ve been considering this past day is just....
My wife and I rp that there is SO MUCH MORE under water. Little towns and such.
yaaas  ! ! !  ! ! ! i love it > w < ! ! 
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@divineoath || From random starter call
If he was honest with himself, Revali’s pride was probably more wounded than his wing was. It was a stupid mistake really. He’d misjudged how close he was to the cold front that was bearing its way across Central Hyrule, and the sudden shift in the wind caught him off-guard. Before he could recover and adjust his flight path, Revali wound up slamming roughly into the ground. Unsure if his wing was broken or sprained, Revali decided it was best to seek out Mipha for help. There was no way he’d be able to stand being grounded for however long it would take his wing to heal naturally.
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“Mipha, I was wondering if I could uh-” His voice cut off abruptly as he paused to try gather his thoughts and figure out how to actually ask for help. “I am in need of your ah... assistance.”
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silentwilds · 7 years
both hands are taken in hers, expression gentle despite the growing blush on her cheeks. " keep your eyes closed... " she spoke softly, heart racing in her chest. finally, she leaned forward and press her lips lightly to his. a gift from the princess to him.
Link trusted her. He did not retract his hands. Usually he did, when someone tried to put a muzzle on him, but not with Mipha. With Mipha, he only stood still and followed her instruction, closing his eyes as she asked.
He smiled ever so slightly, wondering if she was going to surprise him with a gift. Maybe some fiddlehead ferns for a stew?
But then he felt her lips upon his. They were damp and cold, but still so soft and loving. It was barely even there, the lightly pressure that shook ever so slightly, no doubt in her own shy nerves.
Link gasped against her lips, his blue eyes flying open. Yes. She was kissing him. This was real, this wasn’t a dream--
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She pulled back, inevitably, and he was staring at her. His face burning like a Gerudo summer, and his eyes wide. His hands squeezed her own, begging her to stay close--
Because he leaned forward to kiss her back. To try again and not be caught so off guard.
He had never been kissed before. She was his first.
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eternitybled-blog · 7 years
starter call | @divineoath​
         Mavis has heard of the Champions----who hasn’t ? Spoken of so highly, praised for their impressive skills and the duty they’ve been tasked with. She’s seen all of them together only once ; a gathering hosted by the royal family in honour of ( to show off ) the warriors. The immortal has never met or had a chance to talk to any of them, though. Not before today.            She shouldn’t be too surprised to happen across the Zora. She’d been traveling along the pathway to Zora’s Domain, after all, illuminated by a glow of blue from the lamps lighting the way. She bowed first--Mipha is royalty, the princess of the Zora, a healer to her people, a protector. Despite many years of endless wandering, Mavis still maintained some of the manners taught to her by her mother. Rather than introducing herself, however, the guardian took a different conversational approach.            ❛   I imagine it’s quite intimidating to be the chosen Zora Champion ? Having so many look up to you, depend on you.   ❜        She wasn’t trying to be rude, there was no negative tone to her words. Rather, a curious one. She’s intrigued by the notion of getting to speak to one of the cherished Champions alone.
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pxperhearts · 7 years
He didn’t know why he was here. To pay respect to her memory? To try and see if he could remember his last moments with her? Link stepped through the new defunct Ruta, its majesty restored now that Hyrule was free. But without her, it felt empty, his footsteps ringing hollow.
A corridor shot off from the main chamber, leading to the control room he had fought Waterblight Ganon in. He expected the room to be empty. 
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Instead, a red figure laid curled on the floor. Link hesitated only a moment, blue eyes widening, before hurrying across the room. At her side, he fell to his knees, desperate hands gripping her shoulders to pull her toward him, both head and tail cradled in his lap.
How was she alive!? He’d conversed with her spirit in what was seemingly her last moments, yet here she was. A gentle, gloved hand traced her cheek. Were the others alive too?
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dragoonmirage · 7 years
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          “ mipha !! “        @divineoath
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drawn-to-space · 7 years
⛔ ⨁
⛔ - In real life, are you friendly? 
I'm not necessarily... unfriendly... but I am extremely shy when it comes to talking to any number of human beings. I tend to stay very quiet and usually don't respond until they ask a question or if they just want me to comment on something they said. I usually respond briefly too... just with a yes or no or "oh, ok". I'm very... uncomfortable, in public. Even if I try to talk more than briefly I also stutter and mince my words a lot. 
Though, this year, I have been trying to just be myself and not need to panic arround strangers. I've improved a lot but... I'm still screaming internally afterward or during it all, because I'm so fucking weird.
⨁ - Do you hold grudges, or easily let things go? 
Yes and no... The thing is... It's very hard for me to be angry enough to hold a grudge. But... if I end up having a grudge on you... It can take up to THREE YEARS before I'm finally like "You know what? Idfc anymore..." and start moving on. Though, it depends if you've apologized and when you've apologized. But... I'll admit that I'm kind of a "Never forgive but, forget", if I get a grudge, that is.
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thecuccoocorner · 7 years
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Shout out to bladeoath! Wasabi here is one of my absolute FAVORITE people out there. They're so fun to talk to and rping with them is just such a joy. When I was told they were planning on returning to tumblr, I just got so ecstatic! Such an amazing and wonderful Link that's just so detailed and well thought out with such a good writing style. I will always love them!
— divineoath.
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pinklocksoflove · 7 years
👍 She's fun and dynamic and just such an interesting character to play with!
Send 👍 with a reason you like my portrayal or send 👎 with a reason you don't.
//I’ve put a lot of work into this nerd :)
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