cphhs · 5 years
@rachacohen here again! Besides being a student, I also work as a peer advisor in the CPHHS Office of Student Success! I’ve worked in the OSS since my freshman year and it has been one of my highlights of college! If you ever have questions related to just about anything CPHHS come say hi to me, @mikaelakerr_ or any of our other peers!
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cphhs · 5 years
Happy first day of classes! The Academic Advisors and staff in the CPHHS Office of Student Success are so excited to work with you this term! Come say hi in Women’s Building 105👋 - @ainsleywilsongraden
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cphhs · 5 years
Setting records at OSU!
Setting records at OSU!
I’m pleased to give all of our alumni yet another reason to be proud of OSU!  News is out that, for the second year in a row, an Oregonian surveyof high-achieving Portland students shows that the highest number, by far, targeted OSU as their school of choice.  In fact, more than twice as many picked Oregon State as any other institution.  Although official numbers aren’t out yet, it looks like…
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cphhs · 5 years
Celebrating our students
This month, I invite you to join me in celebrating our extraordinary students and the remarkable things they do here on campus and around the world.  When I have a particularly challenging day, all I need to do is remind myself of our students…their passion, hard work, ingenuity, and integrity.  Like Adam and Kasra, who created a program for students to dedicate part of their paycheck to…
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cphhs · 5 years
Connecting with you
Last June, we launched Synergies, our online news site for alumni and friends of the College of Health and Human Sciences. We invited alumni and friends to join our site.  Many did and they have been receiving our monthly updates – features on research, inspirational stories about faculty and students, alumni news, and health tips. Now, we’re sending Synergiesto all of our alumni and friends (if…
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cphhs · 5 years
Smart spending
Every day, we’re barraged by deals…buy THIS, buy NOW, buy HERE! Before making a purchase, ask yourself…
Do I really need this?
Can I buy it used or substitute a less expensive item?
Can I find a better deal or negotiate the price?
Can I use my skills to make it at a lower cost?
Is it worth the time I worked to pay for it?
Track your credit with a free report at www.annualcreditreport.com. –Debra…
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cphhs · 5 years
One Public. One Health. One Oregon.
One Public. One Health. One Oregon.
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Tom Eversole
Tom Eversole joined the faculty of the College of Health and Human Sciences in July to facilitate a feasibility study that could lead to the creation of a collaborative college of public health and help build a robust public health system. With a background in public health, veterinary medicine, and mental health, he has been a teacher, practitioner, and administrator. Tom…
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cphhs · 5 years
Pati Palmer '68: Sewing her way to success
Pati Palmer ’68: Sewing her way to success
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Pati and her daughter and business partner Melissa Watson were the subject of the cover story for SQE (Sewing Quilting Embroidery) Professional in August of this year. They were heralded as the first mother daughter team to be licensed with McCall’s Pattern Co. at the same time.
“I could not be where I am today without my OSU education,” says Pati, who earlier this year was inducted into the…
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cphhs · 5 years
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Girls on the Run has received generous support from the OSU Women’s Giving Circle
“Remember, you’re going to go at your pace. This is your run,” announced Amy Lee as 75 girls and their “sole mates” eagerly cued up at the start line of the 5K walk/run. Sixth grader Sabrina Simpson was among them, with her volunteer running buddy Shirley Shaw. “She’s a really good runner, but she went at my pace…
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cphhs · 5 years
LINC Live!
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Every Tuesday evening you’ll find students gathering for Cookies and Conversation in Kathy Greaves’ apartment in Hawley-Buxton.
“What excites me most about living among students is helping them realize that faculty members are human,” says Kathy Greaves. “If I’m approachable, it breaks down the stereotype of ‘Ican’t talk to my professor.’ And when they do make connections with faculty, their…
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cphhs · 5 years
Eat right for less
Eat right for less
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OSU Extension Specialists offer these tips to eat right and stretch your food dollar. • Plan a food budget. • Inventory cupboards, freezer, and fridge before shopping. • Make a shopping list and stick to it. • Keep staples on hand to stretch meals. • Purchase seasonal fruits and vegetables. • Buy nutrient-rich whole foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Find more tips at http://ext…
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cphhs · 5 years
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Ann Hesse Gosch ’77: Communicating more clearly in print Ann Hesse Gosch "It was another OSU clothing and textiles grad who inspired me to pursue my career path," writes Ann.
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cphhs · 5 years
Holiday eating tips
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Overeating can be the “norm” during the holidays. To prevent the need for New Year’s resolutions, keep these tips in mind:
Spend less time around the table. Take a walk, play a game, move to a room where food is not the focus.
Take small portions. The first two to three bites are actually the best tasting.
Substitute lower fat or sweetener options in your holiday cooking.
Stick to your regular…
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cphhs · 5 years
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Diet and exercise can prevent diabetes Millions of Americans are pre-diabetic but their symptoms are not noticeable. If you're 45 or older and overweight, it's a good idea to have your blood glucose levels checked on your next regular doctor visit.
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cphhs · 5 years
Seasons of Change
I wish I could share the view from my office with you. As I look out my window, across the Quad toward the MU, the trees are showing off fall shades of rust, tan, gold, and green. When the wind kicks up, it’s like a snowstorm of color! I hope the students on their way to class are taking in the beauty and appreciating this magnificent campus.
Tammy Bray - Dean of the College of Health and Human…
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cphhs · 5 years
Are you Powered by Orange? Oregon State University Powered by Orange
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cphhs · 5 years
Get Moving! Starting early is key to preventing obesity.
Get Moving! Starting early is key to preventing obesity.
Stewart is passing the love of exercise he learned from his parents on to his daughter Maddy.
“From the time they can walk, kids should be outside — running, jumping, climbing, exploring — for at least an hour a day,” says Stewart Trost, an internationally recognized expert on childhood obesity. “But schools are cutting PE classes and children in day care are getting an average of only 16 minutes…
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