cpn-hydra · 2 years
I'm so glad you enjoyed it even though it was a year late! You're totally spot on about Steve making her disappear. In his and Bucky's minds, it doesn't matter if she doesn't fit their image of the perfect wife because they'll either make or they'll move on without her. Whether or not that would actually work out for them or if the reader could outsmart them is entirely up to question. I really enjoyed writing this one for some reason, probably because of the cat tbh!
All They Want For Christmas
Request: "A frazzled reader trying to get gifts for their family, but Bucky and Steve feel the best present would be to have a wedding. Of course our poor reader doesn't even know they exist."
Pairings: Dark!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Word count: 5005
Warnings: stalking, kidnapping, non-con touching, forced marriage, only read if you are 18+, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable.
Note: so I started writing this a year ago and promised myself I'd get it done by this Christmas and since Christmas isn't over yet (in my opinion), I have succeeded. This was meant to be longer so there is a potential part 2 on the cards if anyone is interested, however it is defintiely a standalone one-shot for the time being. Not proofread very well.
This wasn't how you had wanted this Christmas to go. A few days ago you couldn't envision attending this family event with a man on your arm, and now you had two. You didn't miss the the offended expressions on your family members' faces when Steve told them about your wedding, all upset and confused that it had been kept from them. You also didn't miss the quizzical and suspicious looks thrown Bucky's way, introduced only as a 'close friend' of the newly wed couple.
None of them knew the truth of what had happened in the whirlwind of the last few days. Whenever your mind wandered, flashes of what they done to you and forced you into ran through your mind. Bucky and Steve could tell whenever you spaced out and one of them would always quickly correct it. “Get your head out of the clouds, doll, you look suspicious,” Bucky hissed at you.
There was nothing you could do. You were surrounded by family members who would usually bring you the feeling of comfort and safety, but you had never felt more at risk. You couldn't tell any of them that you had been forced into a marriage with Steve and a relationship with Bucky, not with the threats and warnings they'd given you on the doorstep of your family home. You were surrounded by family and yet you'd never felt more alone.
A few days earlier...
The day was turning out to be a disaster. You'd been shopping for hours and had only crossed out four presents on your long list of gifts to get. You had rushed to leave the big stores, the fluorescent lighting, loud music and frazzled shoppers overwhelming you. Now you stood in a boutique dress shop, looking around exasperatedly for a suitable purple dress, one of only three things your sister-in-law had asked for. You weren't even sure what size she wore, let alone the style or length.
You sighed heavily, leaning your head against the clothing racks and letting your shoulders sag for a moment. Christmas had never been the easiest time for you. Spending time with your family during the holidays was something you treasured, if only because it was the one time everyone put aside their differences unlike the rest of the holidays, but everything else around the holiday stressed you out. You felt an insurmountable pressure on your shoulders to get things right, that it was your responsibility to make sure Christmas went smoothly and the family didn't fall apart...again.
Already you were dreading the inevitable question, any boyfriends this year? You would always smile and laugh pathetically, gripping tightly onto your drink and smiling through the awkward and irritating questions as if they didn't embarrass you and anger you in equal parts. Was it not enough that you were there at all? You'd had no time to look for a relationship since your last break-up due to the start of your career, the only one of your generation in the family to get out and make a living for themselves. Which only put more pressure on you to get all the nice gifts. The thing you were looking forwards to the most this Christmas was getting home from the family dinner and curling up in front of the fire with your beloved cat.
When you lifted your head from the rail, your eyes landed on the white dresses proudly displayed at the front of the shop. The desire to choose one just to try it on surprised you and you had to pinch yourself just to snap out of it. Still, there was one in particular that caught your eye. You wouldn't mind getting married in that...but not at the expense of stalling your career. You sighed and turned back to the array of purple and blue dresses before you, chewing on your lip as you struggled to choose which to get.
“What do you think of her, Stevie?” Bucky asked, eyeing you up from across the shop. “Don't you think she looks cute pouting like that?”
Steve looked up sharply. His eyes searched the shop floor like an eagle surveying the land for its prey, his features relaxing and his eyes sparkling when they landed on you. “Huh, she sure does...” he practically sighed.
Bucky laughed at him. “Just like you to be so love struck by a dame, Steve,” he clapped him on the back, a broad smile on his face. Then he looked back at you, seeing how you'd nearly collapsed into the clothing rail, and his face went serious. “You thinking what I'm thinking?”
The pair of them were waiting for Wanda to finish trying on dresses. She'd dragged the both of them there, saying that she was determined to find a forties style dress that Vision would like and that they would be the best judges, so there they stood waiting for her to come out with her fifth dress. It had been pure luck that they found themselves here at the same time as you.
“Yeah, I think I am,” Steve replied, his voice still dreamy as it had been before. His eyes hadn't left you and it hadn't escaped either of their notices that you were staring longingly at the wedding dresses. “She looks lonely, Buck,” Steve said, “Either she's got a boyfriend too cowardly to propose or she's alone, at Christmas.”
“And she's eyeing up that dress real good...What do you say? I get the dress,” he leaned in close to Steve's ear, “you follow her home.” He stopped for a moment to watch Steve's reaction. This was sudden, he knew, but he had already seen that steely look of determination in Steve's eyes. “We'll get Wanda's help and we can get a photostatic veil and marriage license like,” he snapped his fingers, “that.”
Steve looked sharply to his friend. “You think she's the one?”
Bucky snorted. “Why not? She's cute, obviously alone, seems all stressed out. I like her...and we've both been feeling lonely this Christmas.”
Steve shook his head with a smile, “It won't work, Buck. We don't even know her name. What if it turns out she's a bitch?”
Bucky was unable to hold back his laughter, deep voice reverberating throughout the shop. It caused the girl they were eyeing up to swivel her head in their direction, eyes meeting Steve's, then Bucky's and then back to the dresses with a look of embarrassment.
“You see that look in her eyes? She's clearly shy. Even if she is a bitch, we'll get that out of her. I mean, listen to yourself, Steve!” Bucky chortled, “Gotta have some faith in yourself. She's probably perfect for us.”
Steve nodded his head in acquiescence and gave him a crooked grin, “She does look like she'd be a good wife.” Steve considered the idea for a few more moments, watching as your face screwed into a cute look of annoyance as you returned yet another dress to the rack. Her eyes momentarily flickered the wedding dress she'd stared at before, and then she returned to the piece of paper in her hands. Steve could just imagine how she'd look walking down the aisle towards him in that dress, just the image in his mind made his pants tighten. He looked back to Bucky and smiled widely. “Alright, let's do it, Buck.”
You barely managed to get the bags home before they disintegrated. You'd been halfway back to your townhouse when the snow began to fall, wetting your paper bags instantly. You'd been so focused on getting the bags onto your kitchen counter that you didn't notice as a stranger followed in behind you through your open door. It also escaped your notice that the front door was shut and locked without your doing so.
“Phew,” you sighed once you placed the bags down. You wiped the moisture from your face and tried to rub some warmth into the freezing tip of your nose. You looked at the bags of gifts with exhaustion weighing heavily on your mind at the thought of wrapping them all and decided instead to go and spend some quality time with your cat where he would probably be upstairs.
You grabbed a bag of treats and walked into the hallway calling his name. A few moments later you heard the rapid thud of paws against the hardwood flooring and he came thundering down the stairs. “Hello baby,” you beamed, scooping him up into your arms and nuzzling your face into his ginger fur. He wriggled in your arms to get at the treats and you moved into the living room. “I know, I know...one moment, baby boy.” Your happiness was gone in an instant the moment you walked into your living room and saw the strange figure by the tree, back to you as he fiddled with one of the decorations. You froze and stopped breathing as if that would make him disappear, your entire body seizing up in terror. Sensing your fear, the cat in your arms hissed at the stranger and scratched at your arms as he jumped over your shoulder in an effort to get away.
Even then the man did not turn around. You desperately scrambled for something to say or do. There were no weapons nearby that you could use and you'd left your phone in a different room. You had no doubts that if you ran this man would easily outrun you. You were about to risk it when he finally spoke.
“You have a beautiful home.”
You stammered, struggling for a response. You tried your best to steel yourself, gritting your teeth and saying, “Get out of my house.”
His shoulders tensed slightly, the muscles in his exposed biceps flexing. He had taken off his winter coat and scarf and laid them across the arm of the armchair by his side. Already you knew that this was bad. This was no simple home invasion.
“I don't care who you are or why you're here, if you go now I won't call the cops,” you reasoned, terrified out of your mind.
“It's a shame that you have no stockings hanging from your fireplace, no kids running around the tree. You must be lonely this Christmas,” he continued his earlier speech. There was something awfully familiar about his voice that made your skin crawl.
You stood your ground even through your fear and breathed heavily through your nose.
“If you won't get out willingly, I'm going to have to force you.”
He laughed then, finally turning around so that he was facing you. His appearance took your breath away and filled you with such absolute fear that you immediately keeled over and ran to the kitchen sink, retching into the bowl. Tears streamed down your face and mixed with the drool coming from your mouth, and when you wiped your face and stood back upright, he was there.
“You feeling better now, darling?”
The recognition you had felt on hearing his voice made sense now, but everything else was in disarray. Perhaps you should have been fearful for another reason. If Captain America was in your home did that mean you were in danger from an outside force? You knew that it certainly did not. Everything about his presence in your home, from his demeanour to his sugar coated voice and honeyed words, told you that the danger was in this man. An outside danger would be a blessing.
Captain America didn't have as perfect a reputation as he would have liked. There had been lawsuits pressed against him, online rumours of his true character, anecdotal stories passed around...Aside from your obvious surprise at a home invasion, you were unfortunately not shocked by his part in this.
He was terrifyingly close to you and as you straightened yourself and met his eyes, he shifted even closer and pressed your body into the counter. He maintained eye contact with you as you he leaned around your body to wet a paper towel and then wiped your mouth with it. It was terribly intimate and you couldn't keep your body from shaking. Your eyes, glistening with tears, were fixed onto his, looking at you with what could only be described as pure obsession. He wasn't here to kill you.
“You don't know me,” you whispered, “you could leave now, and nothing would change. Please.”
“I've been watching you today, darling,” he responded immediately, the tone of his voice biting. “I know who you are, what you're missing. We're both what the other has been missing.”
“You're insane. Get out of my house.”
Steve sighed and grasped your wrists harshly. He pulled you away from the kitchen and back into the lounge area. “I'll give you another chance to greet me like a wife should, sweetheart.”
Your lip curled and you took him up on his threat. “You're – fucking – insane.”
Steve's demeanour changed instantly. He used his bruising grip on your wrists to force you to your knees and you collided harshly with the wooden floor, kneeling at his feet. You were barely given a moment to comprehend the sudden change before Steve grasped the back of your neck with his massive hands and pulled you so that your knees were lifted slightly off the ground. His face loomed over yours and he snarled at you, “You don't get to decide how this goes, sweetheart. You're mine now whether you like it or not, and you will like it, in time. I could hurt you, I could make you disappear, but I am above that. I want to love you, is that so bad?”
You simply sobbed, ugly and intelligible sounds coming from deep within your throat. Seeing the torrent of tears, Steve calmed slightly. “It's alright, sweetheart. You can cry if you want, you'll understand soon.” He pressed his lips to your forehead and let you go, the skin where his lips had touched burning.
With a small amount of distance between you now, you pulled yourself together quickly and stood on shaky feet. You couldn't meet his eyes this time and settled on your teary reflection in the mirror above the fireplace. “Are you – are you kidnapping me?” you asked tentatively.
“Do you really need me to answer that?”
Your chest tightened, squeezing your heart painfully. Feeling utter desperation, there was only one thing you were worried about now, and it wasn't you. “What about my cat?”
“Your cat?” he repeated quizzically with a smile. He scoffed, muttering something about priorities. “Your cat will be fine, darling. You're not going anywhere...I'm moving in.”
Somehow the realisation that you would be held in place in your own home was far more damning than the prospect of being taken somewhere else, even though the possibility of escape was far stronger here. It was the knowledge that this man fully intended to insert himself into every facet of your life, that privacy was a thing that you had already parted with, that his mentions of you being a wife weren't a cruel joke...this man intended to marry you.
“I don't understand,” you murmured, your inner ramblings spilling out into the open. This man had seen you once and had chosen to marry you, yet no man had so much as batted an eye at you in months. None of this made sense.
Steve shifted closer. You flinched as his hand raised and his fingers trailed across your throat. “You don't have to, I'm here now.”
Steve's hand lingered on the skin above your heart, fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin, and the front door to your house creaked open. You spun around in a flash, thinking one of your neighbours might have stopped by and you would be saved but instead a hulking figure that you did not recognise walked through the open doorway. You watched with wide eyes as he set two large bags down by the dining table and as he turned to walk back to the door, you made a run for it.
You didn't get very far. Steve's arm locked around your waist and pulled you back with a harsh tug that knocked the breath out of your lungs. As you bent over his arm hacking and heaving, you heard snippets of their conversation.
“Got the dress, Steve,” the brown haired intruder said as he waltzed into your home. “Bucky,” Steve greeted, “just in time. She's resistant.”
The other man approached you both, casting an ominous shadow over you. “Not for long. Let her go, I wanna say hi.”
When Steve released you, your face was immediately encompassed by a large metal hand. The fear you'd felt on seeing Steve was vastly surpassed now. Bucky Barnes had an even worse reputation than Steve. If any of the rumours were true, and now you had reason to suspect that they were, Barnes was nasty.
“Hey there, doll. Being troublesome for Steve, huh?” his voice was mocking, his eyes practically grinning at you with the way they glimmered. He wasn't smiling but the way the corners of his lips flicked up made him look like the cat who got the cream, so proud of himself. He didn't look away from you as he said, “I said she looked cute pouting didn't I, Stevie?”
You glared at Barnes furiously, channelling all of your hate and wishing that looks really could kill. “You've got to be fucking kidding me,” you scoffed viciously, though it came out more sad than anything else.
Bucky smiled properly this time. “Sorry I can't stay, doll. I just came for this,” he moved his hand into your hair and tugged sharply at a strand, yanking it from your head. “Thanks. I'll see you in a bit, Steve, butter her up for me, will ya? Maybe big me up a bit too, yeah?” He winked at you, “Alright, see you later, doll.”
And then he was gone, leaving you even more confused.
You looked at Steve tiredly and said, “You do know that three-way marriages aren't legal, right Rogers?” to which he laughed heartily.
With nothing to do and no way to get him to leave (you weren't dim, you knew that a super-soldier would overpower you, especially since you'd seen him pocket your phone and keys) you wandered over to the bags that Bucky brought in. It was mostly clothing and you realised with another pang of fear that it was for you. There were bags from jewellers and there was, worst of all, a white wedding dress. When you pulled it from its bag to examine it, you realised with horror that it was the one you'd been glancing at longingly in that dress boutique you'd been in earlier. That's where they'd seen you...you realised with a start that you'd noticed them too, staring at you, but you hadn't realised who either of them were.
You turned your back on Steve and cried once more. You fled from the room in search of your cat, pretending that Steve wasn't slyly following after you, and when you found him you immediately swept him up and peppered him with teary kisses. Your cat held onto you tightly, glaring at Steve with suspicion. There was no one you had a stronger bond with than this cat.
When Bucky returned a few hours later, he had a marriage license in his hand. You didn't want to know how he'd forged it, giving the both of them the silent treatment and hugging your cat close to you. Steve had tried to speak to you but you'd turned down his every attempt, trying to go about your day as you would have without him, wrapping gifts and trying your hardest to keep busy so that panic wouldn't overtake your mind. The moment it did, Steve would be there to put you back together again.
“Twenty-four hours to go, then,” Steve smiled triumphantly.
Bucky walked over to you and glanced down at your clothing. You were sitting cross legged on the floor with wrapping paper spread out in front of you. Bucky towered over you, casting a tall shadow over the work you were doing. “You're basically sodden,” he said. Your clothes were still wet from the snow outside, even though you'd been in for hours. “Go shower, doll. You'll warm up.”
You didn't want to shower. You didn't want to leave these men in your home, unsupervised with your belongings and your cat. You didn't want to let your guard down.
“I'm not cold,” you shrugged him off, avoiding meeting his eyes. You continued your task of wrapping presents, writing your cousin's name on a gift tag and securing it to the box. You were shocked when a cold hand pulled you up by your arm, caging you and holding your whole arm hostage. You didn't have much choice as Bucky forcibly directed you to the bathroom.
He shoved you in there and waited at the threshold. When you tentatively went to shut the door, he stopped you from closing it entirely. “Take all the time you need, but don't lock the door,” he commanded.
Ire rose up in you again and you at first planned to refuse his command, but you felt so vulnerable that all you could do was nod and watch as he closed the door slowly, eyes staring into yours, searching for any sign of dissent.
Finally alone, you felt no sense of relief. You wandered over to the shower and turned it on. Briefly, you contemplated stripping off and showering like normal, however the knowledge of the unlocked door rested heavily in your mind and you found yourself unwilling to undress. Thus, you stepped into the shower fully clothed and finally allowed yourself to cry.
So lost in your distress, you hardly noticed as the door opened a few minutes later. You turned in shock when you caught a man's reflection in the tiles of the shower and backed up against the wall.
“Get out,” you hissed at him.
Bucky was looking at you in confusion and, worryingly, dismay. “Why are you showering with your clothes on, doll?” It was a question that needed no answer, the both of you knew that. But still he came prowling towards you, discarding clothes as he went. The more skin that was revealed, the more terrified you became. Thankfully he left his boxers on as he, horrifyingly, stepped into the shower with you.
“Get away from me!” you cried as you reached out to grab you. You made to escape from the shower but he caught you by the waist and held you firmly against his chest. “No, please stop! I'll shower properly if you just get out!”
But it was no use. Bucky started to meticulously peel the soaking layers from your body. As difficult as the task was, he had no problem in keeping you firmly within his grasp, his metal arm unmovable, his grip unyielding. Eventually he got you down to your underwear and held you close as you began to sob. He tucked his chin over your shoulder and hummed in your ear.
“It's okay, doll,” he murmured, “I just want to help you. This is good for us.” He said this as he ran his fingers along the edges of your underwear, rolling the cotton between his fingers. You pulled your hands away from the arm that was holding you in place and held them against your panties and your bra, hoping that you could deter him from stripping you any further.
“Come on, doll, stop fighting,” he chided, “I want to see you.” When your hands did not fall away he batted them away harshly and used both hands to undo your bra clasp and then rip the panties apart so that the only thing stopping them from falling to the floor was your thighs, tightly squeezed together as a shield.
Your bra was pushed down your shoulders until it too was gone from your body. Your tears were not visible as they mixed with the running water of the shower, but your distress was painfully obvious from the way you hiccuped and failed to catch your breath. Bucky took hold your shoulders and turned you around, lightly backing you up into the cold shower wall. He pressed himself against you, and you were thankful for the thin layer of protection between you and his hardened member, and leaned back, drinking you in with thirsty eyes.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, thumb ghosting over your nipple. You leaned your head back into the wall and looked to the ceiling, focusing simply on breathing. Bucky allowed you the small reprieve as he examined your body, plucking away the scraps of fabric between your thighs and running his fingers along your body.
Bucky did not linger long. After stripping you, he left you standing humiliated and defeated in the shower as he discarded his wet boxers – which utterly horrified you for a moment – and thankfully redressed in his dry clothes. As he got to the door, he turned back and took in your naked, wet figure a final time.
“Be out in five, Steve and I need to talk to you.” Then he left.
You took every moment of the time that Bucky had allotted to you. When you finally emerged from the bathroom, your cat was sitting at the door and he immediately wrapped himself around your bare leg. You'd clothed yourself in a bathrobe but had nothing on underneath. You made to go for your bedroom to get changed but Steve intercepted your path and redirected you into the lounge.
“What's there to talk about?” You asked stubbornly, keeping your legs tightly closed together and glaring resolutely out of the window, watching the snow storm outside. Your cat came to snuggle in your lap, leaning heavily into you and watching the two men warily. Whenever one of them would lift their hand or move too suddenly, he would flinch and back up even further into you. You kept a hand on him, gently stroking his fur to soothe him.
You couldn't even look at Bucky after what he had done to you in the shower. For whatever reason, seeing you was the extent of it, but it had been so humiliating and violating that the loss of autonomy brought on by your impending forced marriage was secondary to what Bucky had done.
“We'll marry tomorrow,” Steve told you, “After that I'll move some of my stuff in. Then, on Christmas, you'll introduce me to your family as your loving husband and Bucky as my best man, and your closest friend. You'll make your apologies for inviting no one to the wedding and then we'll leave to enjoy Christmas here, the three of us.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest. You thought that you might die.
“I don't want this.”
“Tough shit, doll.”
Bucky's harshness astounded you and it was enough to get you to finally look at him, though you looked away almost immediately.
Steve sighed, edging closer to you. There was a striking difference between the ways they looked at you. Steve looked at you with near reverence whereas Bucky eyed you warily, a dangerous glint in his eye. As if he were waiting for you to make your move against them so that he could swiftly put your insurrection down.
“We'll give you the night to get accustomed to this. You have two bedrooms, right?” Steve looked you in the eye questioningly. You frowned at him, dumbfounded by what he meant. He was right, of course. Whilst you were in the shower Steve had been rooting through your house. He knew the answer to his own question. A master ensuite bedroom and one guest bedroom, always set up in case you might have someone round, but you never did. When you didn't answer, Steve added, “Bucky can sleep on the couch tonight.”
Before you could wrap your head around what he was saying, Steve was pulling you up by the elbow, allowing you just enough time to gather your cat in your arms, and was directing you through your home to your bedroom. He nudged you in there and as you turned back around you noticed that the key that was usually in the lock on the inside of the room was in his hand.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he went to close the door on you.
“Wait!” you called out. You thought that it was because you made no move to escape that Steve did as you asked, “I need cat food.”
Steve laughed softly. The strangeness of the situation was not lost on him. He had forced himself into your home, declared that the two of you were to be wed the day after, implied that you were to be shared with his friend, threatened you, and encouraged his friend to take advantage of you in the shower, yet you cared most about the welfare of your cat. He knew in his heart that you would make a good mother – that he had chosen his wife well.
“There's already some in there,” he told you and bade you goodnight once more. You didn't fight it as the door shut and the lock clicked. All you could do was hold your cat and hope that this was all a terrible nightmare and that you would wake in the morning in a world where neither of Steve nor Bucky knew you existed.
Please like, reblog and comment! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
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cpn-hydra · 2 years
All They Want For Christmas
Request: "A frazzled reader trying to get gifts for their family, but Bucky and Steve feel the best present would be to have a wedding. Of course our poor reader doesn't even know they exist."
Pairings: Dark!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Word count: 5005
Warnings: stalking, kidnapping, non-con touching, forced marriage, only read if you are 18+, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable.
Note: so I started writing this a year ago and promised myself I'd get it done by this Christmas and since Christmas isn't over yet (in my opinion), I have succeeded. This was meant to be longer so there is a potential part 2 on the cards if anyone is interested, however it is defintiely a standalone one-shot for the time being. Not proofread very well.
This wasn't how you had wanted this Christmas to go. A few days ago you couldn't envision attending this family event with a man on your arm, and now you had two. You didn't miss the the offended expressions on your family members' faces when Steve told them about your wedding, all upset and confused that it had been kept from them. You also didn't miss the quizzical and suspicious looks thrown Bucky's way, introduced only as a 'close friend' of the newly wed couple.
None of them knew the truth of what had happened in the whirlwind of the last few days. Whenever your mind wandered, flashes of what they done to you and forced you into ran through your mind. Bucky and Steve could tell whenever you spaced out and one of them would always quickly correct it. “Get your head out of the clouds, doll, you look suspicious,” Bucky hissed at you.
There was nothing you could do. You were surrounded by family members who would usually bring you the feeling of comfort and safety, but you had never felt more at risk. You couldn't tell any of them that you had been forced into a marriage with Steve and a relationship with Bucky, not with the threats and warnings they'd given you on the doorstep of your family home. You were surrounded by family and yet you'd never felt more alone.
A few days earlier...
The day was turning out to be a disaster. You'd been shopping for hours and had only crossed out four presents on your long list of gifts to get. You had rushed to leave the big stores, the fluorescent lighting, loud music and frazzled shoppers overwhelming you. Now you stood in a boutique dress shop, looking around exasperatedly for a suitable purple dress, one of only three things your sister-in-law had asked for. You weren't even sure what size she wore, let alone the style or length.
You sighed heavily, leaning your head against the clothing racks and letting your shoulders sag for a moment. Christmas had never been the easiest time for you. Spending time with your family during the holidays was something you treasured, if only because it was the one time everyone put aside their differences unlike the rest of the holidays, but everything else around the holiday stressed you out. You felt an insurmountable pressure on your shoulders to get things right, that it was your responsibility to make sure Christmas went smoothly and the family didn't fall apart...again.
Already you were dreading the inevitable question, any boyfriends this year? You would always smile and laugh pathetically, gripping tightly onto your drink and smiling through the awkward and irritating questions as if they didn't embarrass you and anger you in equal parts. Was it not enough that you were there at all? You'd had no time to look for a relationship since your last break-up due to the start of your career, the only one of your generation in the family to get out and make a living for themselves. Which only put more pressure on you to get all the nice gifts. The thing you were looking forwards to the most this Christmas was getting home from the family dinner and curling up in front of the fire with your beloved cat.
When you lifted your head from the rail, your eyes landed on the white dresses proudly displayed at the front of the shop. The desire to choose one just to try it on surprised you and you had to pinch yourself just to snap out of it. Still, there was one in particular that caught your eye. You wouldn't mind getting married in that...but not at the expense of stalling your career. You sighed and turned back to the array of purple and blue dresses before you, chewing on your lip as you struggled to choose which to get.
“What do you think of her, Stevie?” Bucky asked, eyeing you up from across the shop. “Don't you think she looks cute pouting like that?”
Steve looked up sharply. His eyes searched the shop floor like an eagle surveying the land for its prey, his features relaxing and his eyes sparkling when they landed on you. “Huh, she sure does...” he practically sighed.
Bucky laughed at him. “Just like you to be so love struck by a dame, Steve,” he clapped him on the back, a broad smile on his face. Then he looked back at you, seeing how you'd nearly collapsed into the clothing rail, and his face went serious. “You thinking what I'm thinking?”
The pair of them were waiting for Wanda to finish trying on dresses. She'd dragged the both of them there, saying that she was determined to find a forties style dress that Vision would like and that they would be the best judges, so there they stood waiting for her to come out with her fifth dress. It had been pure luck that they found themselves here at the same time as you.
“Yeah, I think I am,” Steve replied, his voice still dreamy as it had been before. His eyes hadn't left you and it hadn't escaped either of their notices that you were staring longingly at the wedding dresses. “She looks lonely, Buck,” Steve said, “Either she's got a boyfriend too cowardly to propose or she's alone, at Christmas.”
“And she's eyeing up that dress real good...What do you say? I get the dress,” he leaned in close to Steve's ear, “you follow her home.” He stopped for a moment to watch Steve's reaction. This was sudden, he knew, but he had already seen that steely look of determination in Steve's eyes. “We'll get Wanda's help and we can get a photostatic veil and marriage license like,” he snapped his fingers, “that.”
Steve looked sharply to his friend. “You think she's the one?”
Bucky snorted. “Why not? She's cute, obviously alone, seems all stressed out. I like her...and we've both been feeling lonely this Christmas.”
Steve shook his head with a smile, “It won't work, Buck. We don't even know her name. What if it turns out she's a bitch?”
Bucky was unable to hold back his laughter, deep voice reverberating throughout the shop. It caused the girl they were eyeing up to swivel her head in their direction, eyes meeting Steve's, then Bucky's and then back to the dresses with a look of embarrassment.
“You see that look in her eyes? She's clearly shy. Even if she is a bitch, we'll get that out of her. I mean, listen to yourself, Steve!” Bucky chortled, “Gotta have some faith in yourself. She's probably perfect for us.”
Steve nodded his head in acquiescence and gave him a crooked grin, “She does look like she'd be a good wife.” Steve considered the idea for a few more moments, watching as your face screwed into a cute look of annoyance as you returned yet another dress to the rack. Her eyes momentarily flickered the wedding dress she'd stared at before, and then she returned to the piece of paper in her hands. Steve could just imagine how she'd look walking down the aisle towards him in that dress, just the image in his mind made his pants tighten. He looked back to Bucky and smiled widely. “Alright, let's do it, Buck.”
You barely managed to get the bags home before they disintegrated. You'd been halfway back to your townhouse when the snow began to fall, wetting your paper bags instantly. You'd been so focused on getting the bags onto your kitchen counter that you didn't notice as a stranger followed in behind you through your open door. It also escaped your notice that the front door was shut and locked without your doing so.
“Phew,” you sighed once you placed the bags down. You wiped the moisture from your face and tried to rub some warmth into the freezing tip of your nose. You looked at the bags of gifts with exhaustion weighing heavily on your mind at the thought of wrapping them all and decided instead to go and spend some quality time with your cat where he would probably be upstairs.
You grabbed a bag of treats and walked into the hallway calling his name. A few moments later you heard the rapid thud of paws against the hardwood flooring and he came thundering down the stairs. “Hello baby,” you beamed, scooping him up into your arms and nuzzling your face into his ginger fur. He wriggled in your arms to get at the treats and you moved into the living room. “I know, I know...one moment, baby boy.” Your happiness was gone in an instant the moment you walked into your living room and saw the strange figure by the tree, back to you as he fiddled with one of the decorations. You froze and stopped breathing as if that would make him disappear, your entire body seizing up in terror. Sensing your fear, the cat in your arms hissed at the stranger and scratched at your arms as he jumped over your shoulder in an effort to get away.
Even then the man did not turn around. You desperately scrambled for something to say or do. There were no weapons nearby that you could use and you'd left your phone in a different room. You had no doubts that if you ran this man would easily outrun you. You were about to risk it when he finally spoke.
“You have a beautiful home.”
You stammered, struggling for a response. You tried your best to steel yourself, gritting your teeth and saying, “Get out of my house.”
His shoulders tensed slightly, the muscles in his exposed biceps flexing. He had taken off his winter coat and scarf and laid them across the arm of the armchair by his side. Already you knew that this was bad. This was no simple home invasion.
“I don't care who you are or why you're here, if you go now I won't call the cops,” you reasoned, terrified out of your mind.
“It's a shame that you have no stockings hanging from your fireplace, no kids running around the tree. You must be lonely this Christmas,” he continued his earlier speech. There was something awfully familiar about his voice that made your skin crawl.
You stood your ground even through your fear and breathed heavily through your nose.
“If you won't get out willingly, I'm going to have to force you.”
He laughed then, finally turning around so that he was facing you. His appearance took your breath away and filled you with such absolute fear that you immediately keeled over and ran to the kitchen sink, retching into the bowl. Tears streamed down your face and mixed with the drool coming from your mouth, and when you wiped your face and stood back upright, he was there.
“You feeling better now, darling?”
The recognition you had felt on hearing his voice made sense now, but everything else was in disarray. Perhaps you should have been fearful for another reason. If Captain America was in your home did that mean you were in danger from an outside force? You knew that it certainly did not. Everything about his presence in your home, from his demeanour to his sugar coated voice and honeyed words, told you that the danger was in this man. An outside danger would be a blessing.
Captain America didn't have as perfect a reputation as he would have liked. There had been lawsuits pressed against him, online rumours of his true character, anecdotal stories passed around...Aside from your obvious surprise at a home invasion, you were unfortunately not shocked by his part in this.
He was terrifyingly close to you and as you straightened yourself and met his eyes, he shifted even closer and pressed your body into the counter. He maintained eye contact with you as you he leaned around your body to wet a paper towel and then wiped your mouth with it. It was terribly intimate and you couldn't keep your body from shaking. Your eyes, glistening with tears, were fixed onto his, looking at you with what could only be described as pure obsession. He wasn't here to kill you.
“You don't know me,” you whispered, “you could leave now, and nothing would change. Please.”
“I've been watching you today, darling,” he responded immediately, the tone of his voice biting. “I know who you are, what you're missing. We're both what the other has been missing.”
“You're insane. Get out of my house.”
Steve sighed and grasped your wrists harshly. He pulled you away from the kitchen and back into the lounge area. “I'll give you another chance to greet me like a wife should, sweetheart.”
Your lip curled and you took him up on his threat. “You're – fucking – insane.”
Steve's demeanour changed instantly. He used his bruising grip on your wrists to force you to your knees and you collided harshly with the wooden floor, kneeling at his feet. You were barely given a moment to comprehend the sudden change before Steve grasped the back of your neck with his massive hands and pulled you so that your knees were lifted slightly off the ground. His face loomed over yours and he snarled at you, “You don't get to decide how this goes, sweetheart. You're mine now whether you like it or not, and you will like it, in time. I could hurt you, I could make you disappear, but I am above that. I want to love you, is that so bad?”
You simply sobbed, ugly and intelligible sounds coming from deep within your throat. Seeing the torrent of tears, Steve calmed slightly. “It's alright, sweetheart. You can cry if you want, you'll understand soon.” He pressed his lips to your forehead and let you go, the skin where his lips had touched burning.
With a small amount of distance between you now, you pulled yourself together quickly and stood on shaky feet. You couldn't meet his eyes this time and settled on your teary reflection in the mirror above the fireplace. “Are you – are you kidnapping me?” you asked tentatively.
“Do you really need me to answer that?”
Your chest tightened, squeezing your heart painfully. Feeling utter desperation, there was only one thing you were worried about now, and it wasn't you. “What about my cat?”
“Your cat?” he repeated quizzically with a smile. He scoffed, muttering something about priorities. “Your cat will be fine, darling. You're not going anywhere...I'm moving in.”
Somehow the realisation that you would be held in place in your own home was far more damning than the prospect of being taken somewhere else, even though the possibility of escape was far stronger here. It was the knowledge that this man fully intended to insert himself into every facet of your life, that privacy was a thing that you had already parted with, that his mentions of you being a wife weren't a cruel joke...this man intended to marry you.
“I don't understand,” you murmured, your inner ramblings spilling out into the open. This man had seen you once and had chosen to marry you, yet no man had so much as batted an eye at you in months. None of this made sense.
Steve shifted closer. You flinched as his hand raised and his fingers trailed across your throat. “You don't have to, I'm here now.”
Steve's hand lingered on the skin above your heart, fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin, and the front door to your house creaked open. You spun around in a flash, thinking one of your neighbours might have stopped by and you would be saved but instead a hulking figure that you did not recognise walked through the open doorway. You watched with wide eyes as he set two large bags down by the dining table and as he turned to walk back to the door, you made a run for it.
You didn't get very far. Steve's arm locked around your waist and pulled you back with a harsh tug that knocked the breath out of your lungs. As you bent over his arm hacking and heaving, you heard snippets of their conversation.
“Got the dress, Steve,” the brown haired intruder said as he waltzed into your home. “Bucky,” Steve greeted, “just in time. She's resistant.”
The other man approached you both, casting an ominous shadow over you. “Not for long. Let her go, I wanna say hi.”
When Steve released you, your face was immediately encompassed by a large metal hand. The fear you'd felt on seeing Steve was vastly surpassed now. Bucky Barnes had an even worse reputation than Steve. If any of the rumours were true, and now you had reason to suspect that they were, Barnes was nasty.
“Hey there, doll. Being troublesome for Steve, huh?” his voice was mocking, his eyes practically grinning at you with the way they glimmered. He wasn't smiling but the way the corners of his lips flicked up made him look like the cat who got the cream, so proud of himself. He didn't look away from you as he said, “I said she looked cute pouting didn't I, Stevie?”
You glared at Barnes furiously, channelling all of your hate and wishing that looks really could kill. “You've got to be fucking kidding me,” you scoffed viciously, though it came out more sad than anything else.
Bucky smiled properly this time. “Sorry I can't stay, doll. I just came for this,” he moved his hand into your hair and tugged sharply at a strand, yanking it from your head. “Thanks. I'll see you in a bit, Steve, butter her up for me, will ya? Maybe big me up a bit too, yeah?” He winked at you, “Alright, see you later, doll.”
And then he was gone, leaving you even more confused.
You looked at Steve tiredly and said, “You do know that three-way marriages aren't legal, right Rogers?” to which he laughed heartily.
With nothing to do and no way to get him to leave (you weren't dim, you knew that a super-soldier would overpower you, especially since you'd seen him pocket your phone and keys) you wandered over to the bags that Bucky brought in. It was mostly clothing and you realised with another pang of fear that it was for you. There were bags from jewellers and there was, worst of all, a white wedding dress. When you pulled it from its bag to examine it, you realised with horror that it was the one you'd been glancing at longingly in that dress boutique you'd been in earlier. That's where they'd seen you...you realised with a start that you'd noticed them too, staring at you, but you hadn't realised who either of them were.
You turned your back on Steve and cried once more. You fled from the room in search of your cat, pretending that Steve wasn't slyly following after you, and when you found him you immediately swept him up and peppered him with teary kisses. Your cat held onto you tightly, glaring at Steve with suspicion. There was no one you had a stronger bond with than this cat.
When Bucky returned a few hours later, he had a marriage license in his hand. You didn't want to know how he'd forged it, giving the both of them the silent treatment and hugging your cat close to you. Steve had tried to speak to you but you'd turned down his every attempt, trying to go about your day as you would have without him, wrapping gifts and trying your hardest to keep busy so that panic wouldn't overtake your mind. The moment it did, Steve would be there to put you back together again.
“Twenty-four hours to go, then,” Steve smiled triumphantly.
Bucky walked over to you and glanced down at your clothing. You were sitting cross legged on the floor with wrapping paper spread out in front of you. Bucky towered over you, casting a tall shadow over the work you were doing. “You're basically sodden,” he said. Your clothes were still wet from the snow outside, even though you'd been in for hours. “Go shower, doll. You'll warm up.”
You didn't want to shower. You didn't want to leave these men in your home, unsupervised with your belongings and your cat. You didn't want to let your guard down.
“I'm not cold,” you shrugged him off, avoiding meeting his eyes. You continued your task of wrapping presents, writing your cousin's name on a gift tag and securing it to the box. You were shocked when a cold hand pulled you up by your arm, caging you and holding your whole arm hostage. You didn't have much choice as Bucky forcibly directed you to the bathroom.
He shoved you in there and waited at the threshold. When you tentatively went to shut the door, he stopped you from closing it entirely. “Take all the time you need, but don't lock the door,” he commanded.
Ire rose up in you again and you at first planned to refuse his command, but you felt so vulnerable that all you could do was nod and watch as he closed the door slowly, eyes staring into yours, searching for any sign of dissent.
Finally alone, you felt no sense of relief. You wandered over to the shower and turned it on. Briefly, you contemplated stripping off and showering like normal, however the knowledge of the unlocked door rested heavily in your mind and you found yourself unwilling to undress. Thus, you stepped into the shower fully clothed and finally allowed yourself to cry.
So lost in your distress, you hardly noticed as the door opened a few minutes later. You turned in shock when you caught a man's reflection in the tiles of the shower and backed up against the wall.
“Get out,” you hissed at him.
Bucky was looking at you in confusion and, worryingly, dismay. “Why are you showering with your clothes on, doll?” It was a question that needed no answer, the both of you knew that. But still he came prowling towards you, discarding clothes as he went. The more skin that was revealed, the more terrified you became. Thankfully he left his boxers on as he, horrifyingly, stepped into the shower with you.
“Get away from me!” you cried as you reached out to grab you. You made to escape from the shower but he caught you by the waist and held you firmly against his chest. “No, please stop! I'll shower properly if you just get out!”
But it was no use. Bucky started to meticulously peel the soaking layers from your body. As difficult as the task was, he had no problem in keeping you firmly within his grasp, his metal arm unmovable, his grip unyielding. Eventually he got you down to your underwear and held you close as you began to sob. He tucked his chin over your shoulder and hummed in your ear.
“It's okay, doll,” he murmured, “I just want to help you. This is good for us.” He said this as he ran his fingers along the edges of your underwear, rolling the cotton between his fingers. You pulled your hands away from the arm that was holding you in place and held them against your panties and your bra, hoping that you could deter him from stripping you any further.
“Come on, doll, stop fighting,” he chided, “I want to see you.” When your hands did not fall away he batted them away harshly and used both hands to undo your bra clasp and then rip the panties apart so that the only thing stopping them from falling to the floor was your thighs, tightly squeezed together as a shield.
Your bra was pushed down your shoulders until it too was gone from your body. Your tears were not visible as they mixed with the running water of the shower, but your distress was painfully obvious from the way you hiccuped and failed to catch your breath. Bucky took hold your shoulders and turned you around, lightly backing you up into the cold shower wall. He pressed himself against you, and you were thankful for the thin layer of protection between you and his hardened member, and leaned back, drinking you in with thirsty eyes.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, thumb ghosting over your nipple. You leaned your head back into the wall and looked to the ceiling, focusing simply on breathing. Bucky allowed you the small reprieve as he examined your body, plucking away the scraps of fabric between your thighs and running his fingers along your body.
Bucky did not linger long. After stripping you, he left you standing humiliated and defeated in the shower as he discarded his wet boxers – which utterly horrified you for a moment – and thankfully redressed in his dry clothes. As he got to the door, he turned back and took in your naked, wet figure a final time.
“Be out in five, Steve and I need to talk to you.” Then he left.
You took every moment of the time that Bucky had allotted to you. When you finally emerged from the bathroom, your cat was sitting at the door and he immediately wrapped himself around your bare leg. You'd clothed yourself in a bathrobe but had nothing on underneath. You made to go for your bedroom to get changed but Steve intercepted your path and redirected you into the lounge.
“What's there to talk about?” You asked stubbornly, keeping your legs tightly closed together and glaring resolutely out of the window, watching the snow storm outside. Your cat came to snuggle in your lap, leaning heavily into you and watching the two men warily. Whenever one of them would lift their hand or move too suddenly, he would flinch and back up even further into you. You kept a hand on him, gently stroking his fur to soothe him.
You couldn't even look at Bucky after what he had done to you in the shower. For whatever reason, seeing you was the extent of it, but it had been so humiliating and violating that the loss of autonomy brought on by your impending forced marriage was secondary to what Bucky had done.
“We'll marry tomorrow,” Steve told you, “After that I'll move some of my stuff in. Then, on Christmas, you'll introduce me to your family as your loving husband and Bucky as my best man, and your closest friend. You'll make your apologies for inviting no one to the wedding and then we'll leave to enjoy Christmas here, the three of us.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest. You thought that you might die.
“I don't want this.”
“Tough shit, doll.”
Bucky's harshness astounded you and it was enough to get you to finally look at him, though you looked away almost immediately.
Steve sighed, edging closer to you. There was a striking difference between the ways they looked at you. Steve looked at you with near reverence whereas Bucky eyed you warily, a dangerous glint in his eye. As if he were waiting for you to make your move against them so that he could swiftly put your insurrection down.
“We'll give you the night to get accustomed to this. You have two bedrooms, right?” Steve looked you in the eye questioningly. You frowned at him, dumbfounded by what he meant. He was right, of course. Whilst you were in the shower Steve had been rooting through your house. He knew the answer to his own question. A master ensuite bedroom and one guest bedroom, always set up in case you might have someone round, but you never did. When you didn't answer, Steve added, “Bucky can sleep on the couch tonight.”
Before you could wrap your head around what he was saying, Steve was pulling you up by the elbow, allowing you just enough time to gather your cat in your arms, and was directing you through your home to your bedroom. He nudged you in there and as you turned back around you noticed that the key that was usually in the lock on the inside of the room was in his hand.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he went to close the door on you.
“Wait!” you called out. You thought that it was because you made no move to escape that Steve did as you asked, “I need cat food.”
Steve laughed softly. The strangeness of the situation was not lost on him. He had forced himself into your home, declared that the two of you were to be wed the day after, implied that you were to be shared with his friend, threatened you, and encouraged his friend to take advantage of you in the shower, yet you cared most about the welfare of your cat. He knew in his heart that you would make a good mother – that he had chosen his wife well.
“There's already some in there,” he told you and bade you goodnight once more. You didn't fight it as the door shut and the lock clicked. All you could do was hold your cat and hope that this was all a terrible nightmare and that you would wake in the morning in a world where neither of Steve nor Bucky knew you existed.
Please like, reblog and comment! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
227 notes · View notes
cpn-hydra · 2 years
Christmas prompt:
A frazzled reader trying to get gifts for their family, but Bucky and Steve feel the best present would be to have a wedding. Of course our poor reader doesn't even know they exist.
About to post ❤️
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cpn-hydra · 2 years
Returning out of the blue to say I'll be posting a Christmas fic before the holidays are over!
8 notes · View notes
cpn-hydra · 2 years
Sometimes I think that the world I built in this fic is incredibly unrealistic, although it was never my intention to create something plausible given that it's a/b/o fic, however some aspects honestly don't feel too far from a potential future reality. I'm glad you enjoyed despite how grim it is!
All For You - Part Five
Synopsis: You’d hidden under the radar for so long, but not even suppressants could hide your omega scent from two super soldier alphas.
Pairings: Dark!Alpha!Steve x Omega!f!Reader x Dark!Alpha!Bucky
Word count: 3,276
Warnings: only read if you are 18+, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable, aftermath of non-con, kidnapping, this a dark fic so Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, also not proofread in the slightest
Chapter Note: the aftermath of the storm.
Links to previous chapters can be found in my masterlist, which is pinned at the top of my page.
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Natasha sat quietly in her bedroom, lights dimmed and her face illuminated by the screen in her hand. She flicked through the photos in the article, chewing on her lip. The mysterious omega that Captain America and Bucky Barnes had taken to dinner was all over the tabloids, multiple paparazzi shots from every angle as she sneered at the reporters in front of her, and the less well framed shots that had been sneakily taken of the three of them sitting at a table, each wearing hateful glares.
Nat thought back to when she'd met the supersoldiers' new omega, the absolute vitriol she had spat at them over dinner and the thinly veiled terror in her eyes. Kidnapped...that's what the omega had claimed they'd done to her, and the both of them had fumed at the accusation. When she'd passed out, it had been from sheer emotional exhaustion. And still, Nat had seen all of this and practically given the men her blessing.
She didn't know what she had been thinking. When she'd first heard of what her friends had done her heart had dropped into her stomach. She eventually decided to let them prove to her that they weren't hurting the omega but looking at these photos, Nat knew in her heart that the only way they would ever dampen that fire in her was by breaking her. But this was Steve and Bucky, two people she had counted on for so very long. She didn't want to believe that they were capable of the horrific things that must be done to break a person down, even when the evidence was right in front of her, so she'd chosen not to.
In the middle of her pondering, Nat's phone buzzed and a message appeared at the top of the screen.
Pepper Potts: We need to talk. Call me when you get this.
Nat already knew what it was about. Pepper had almost entirely cut contact with the team after she ended her relationship with Tony and got her mark surgically removed. She was strong and wilful, two things that Tony, Steve and Bucky believed an omega couldn't be. Their views were stifling and dangerous, so Pepper eventually bit the bullet and rid herself of them. She'd told Nat the truth of it, and how Nat as a beta couldn't possibly understand what an omega like Pepper had to go through, and even with that prior knowledge, Nat had turned a blind eye to the omega forcibly living two floors below her.
Nat sighed heavily and downed the gin and tonic she'd been nursing, finger hovering over the call button until she finally had the courage to press it.
Something had to be done.
The first thing you noticed when you awoke was how sore your eyes were. There was a hollow sensation in your chest and your whole body ached. For a while you just laid there, covered in the bed sheet you'd stolen from the bedroom and staring at the city skyline, not really taking any of it in.
After a while, you realised that you were alone. Frowning, you moved to sit up but as you did a sharp pain erupted from your core that left you gasping. There was no sudden return of memories or realisation of what had happened to you. It was a terrible truth that was the first thought on your mind as you awoke. You could remember clear as day the cold glass pressing into your naked front as Bucky slammed into you from behind, and the way Steve's hands grabbed at you and held you tightly to his chest in comfort as if he hadn't just done the same thing to you.
You'd known it was coming but that didn't make it any less painful.
On weak legs, you padded around the apartment to make sure that you truly were alone. Your palms started sweating and your heart started racing when you entered the bedroom. You pointedly kept your eyes to the ground and rushed into the bathroom. Within a minute you were standing under the steady stream of water from the shower where you stayed until the steam had become so thick you could barely see beyond the glass door.
You thought that you should have been crying, curling up into a ball and sobbing into your knees, but no sound escaped you. Wetness leaked from your eyes to join with the stream of water but that was it. You were so emotionally and physically wrought that there was no room in your mind to think too hard about what had been done to you. Bracing yourself, you directed the stream of water to your thighs and watched it run red.
Strangely, you felt relieved at the sight of blood. It meant that Steve and Bucky hadn't touched you or attempted to clean you the whole time that you had been asleep, however long it had been. It struck you as ironic that they claimed to care so much about your health but wouldn't wake you to make sure you went to the toilet so you wouldn't get an infection.
Eventually you were clean and had nothing to distract yourself with to keep your thoughts from spiralling. Standing in front of the mirror you were suddenly shocked to see white bandages covering your neck that you had somehow failed to detect when in the shower. Even though they were wet, you refused to peel them away and see the mark beneath.
Holding back a fresh set of tears, you dressed simply in the clothes that were available and hurried out of the bedroom and into the main living area. It was blissfully quiet. No sign of any life but you. You looked towards the kitchen. Your stomach was growling in hunger but you felt too nauseous to eat. A folded piece of paper propped up on the counter caught your eye and you made your way to it to see that it was leaning against a glass of water and two white pills.
Bucky and I are at a mission briefing. If you wake up before we get back, help yourself to the food in the fridge. Bucky made it for you. The pills should help with any pain. Be a good girl, we'll see you soon.
You crumpled the note in your fist, rage boiling in your chest. Still, you took the pills in the hopes that they were what Steve said they would be and pulled a freshly made soup from the fridge. As you heated the soup, you looked around and found some bread waiting on the counter. As nice as it tasted, the soup went down like acid. You left what you couldn't stomach out on the counter and looked out the window to see that it had started to rain. It had been raining that night as well.
Even from the kitchen you felt uneasy at the sight of the huge floor to ceiling window and the view outside. Tears sprung to your eyes once again and your face crumpled as you tried to keep the sobs at bay. You were terrified that Bucky and Steve might come in right as you broke down, sweeping in like the heroes they were supposed to be to comfort you, just as Steve had managed to do as Bucky tortured you. You couldn't take advantage of the rare alone time you'd been provided to come to terms with the latest assault on your free will, you could only take the time to prepare yourself for it happening again.
After splashing your face with cold water, you marched towards the window. You flattened yourself against the wall and edged closer and closer to the window, eyes scrunched shut, until your fingertips finally grazed the button that operated the curtains. Within a minute, the terrifying view was covered and even though it was illogical, you somewhat felt like you were back on solid ground. You fell to your knees, gasping from the relief of finally taking control. But your celebration did not last long as the cries of relief quickly devolved into the sobs you'd been holding back ever since you'd awoken.
I tried...I tried...you repeated the manta over and over in your mind, struggling to banish the thoughts that there was something you could have done to avoid it.
Your torment didn't end there as the door to apartment slid open and your solace was intruded upon.
The two intruders did not move for a moment, gawking at each other, and then suddenly they were rushing towards you. You instantly recoiled, rushing back to your feet and launching yourself backwards into the wall. Bucky and Steve stopped just a foot away from you, observing you with wary eyes. You flattened your body into the wall and glared at them with a tightly ground jaw, lips pressed tight to keep them from trembling.
“Did you eat, doll?” Bucky asked apprehensively, voice far softer than it had been that night. In the day, when he wasn't overcome by anger and lust, he appeared as a completely different man, but Bucky was broken and fragile, you couldn't trust him to keep his cool when it came to you.
You gave no answer.
“How are you feeling? How much pain are you in?” Steve stepped closer, causing your heart rate to jump. You were in a lot of pain but you maintained your silence, in part because you were too frightened to speak and in part as a form of protest. “At least let me check your neck, omega,” Steve sighed, hand slowly reaching out to touch the bandages. When he was confident you weren't about to bite him, he began to peel the covering away from the messy wound.
“It's healing well,” Steve commented. His eyes lingered on the mark before flickering up to meet yours again. The stern lines of his face softened and he gently slipped his hand between your shoulder and the wall. “Come on, let's sit and talk about this.”
You allowed him to guide you back to the couch that had become a sort of nest for you. You hurried away from him and settled into the cushions in the corner, quickly wrapping the sheet around yourself and making it clear that they were to stay out of your space. Even so, Steve sat beside you and Bucky stood in front of you, hands buried in his pockets and a glum look on his face.
“Buck, you gonna say it?” Steve prompted impatiently.
Bucky nodded and knelt in front of you. He tried to take your hands in his but you pulled them back sharply, so he settled for placing his palms on your covered knees. You stared dully into his stormy eyes, the only sounds coming from you were the rapid thudding of your heart and your shallow breaths.
“Doll, I'm sorry for how I treated you. I...I let my anger get the better of me. You mean a lot to Steve and I, I should never have hurt you like that.”
To his credit, Bucky did genuinely appear to be sorry. But it was too little and too late. You flicked your eyes to Steve who was awaiting your response, no doubt wanting you to forgive Bucky and expecting to punish you in some way if you did not. You looked back at Bucky who stared up at you like a sad puppy, as if what he had done to you would have been fine had he not used your fear of heights against you. As if Steve was totally in the clear. Fuck you both, you thought viciously. You scoffed and pulled your knees closer to your body and leaned further into the cushions behind you.
Bucky flinched back as if you had hit him. Steve sighed heavily and put his hand on Bucky's shoulder, “Buck, do you want to go make us some hot chocolates or something like that? I'll have a word with her.” The ex-assassin said nothing as he moved to follow Steve's request, leaving you alone with the man whose mark you now bore.
“I know you're angry with us, omega. I won't punish you or blame you for that, but Bucky and I did what we had to. You lied to us for days while you took those dangerous pills, we had to do something to trigger your heat for your own safety,” Steve ground out, eyes never leaving your face as you purposefully looked away. “We are mates now, you and I, even if you choose not to admit it. You'll come around soon and you'll see that all of this is for your own good.”
Three days ago and you would have a retort to everyone of his statements. Perhaps you would have tried to hit him or break something. But now, you couldn't bring yourself to even look at him. You stayed in heavy silence until Bucky brought three hot chocolates to the coffee table. You took the drink furthest from you, not trusting them to not put anything in the drink, and turned on the TV, trying with all your might to tune them out.
Bucky and Steve were getting worried. You hadn't spoken to either of them in days. The most response they got from you was in the form of a glare. They kept their distance from you, pampering you but not trying to initiate conversations with you in case it made your condition even worse. At night they'd let you sleep in the nest you'd curled up in and during the day they lived their lives around you as you kept your eyes glued to the TV, taking none of it in.
“Doll,” Bucky sighed, seating himself next to you. He inhaled...no signs of your heat yet. “You gotta talk to someone. You want us to get Wanda down? Nat?”
There was no response for a moment. Bucky nearly gave up but then you opened your mouth to speak for the first time in days. “Peter.”
Your voice was scratchy and barely audible but Bucky heard it nonetheless. He sputtered in shock, “Y-you want to speak to Peter?” You nodded and returned your attention to the TV. Bucky nodded and stood up, pressing his lips to your forehead before walking over to where Steve was making a pizza in the kitchen. “What do you think?” he asked the blond.
“I think we should let her. We wanted her to make friends with Peter anyway. It'll be good for her,” Steve responded, “We'll ask Tony or Nat to bring him down, so he has someone to help if she starts – well, you know what she did last time.”
So, an hour later you were sitting in the same seat you'd been occupying for multiple days with a visibly uncomfortable Peter Parker beside you. To your surprise, he'd walked through the doors with Natasha following just after him. They were two people you couldn't envision spending any alone time together. As Peter sat with you, Natasha started a conversation with the men in the kitchen. For once, their attention was not solely on you.
“You...wanted to speak to...me?” Peter asked quizzically. You nodded and cast a cautious look over you shoulder to the three in the kitchen. You looked back at Peter, hoping desperately that he would understand. He simply frowned at you but your hopes were answered a moment later when you heard raised voices in the kitchen.
“Nat, I don't want to leave her without one of us here,” Steve said in a hushed but raised voice.
“Steve, the information I have is really important. And it's classified – I've only been cleared to share it with a few people, including the two of you. So please, just come see what I have to show you. It won't take more than ten minutes,” Natasha told them firmly. There was a hushed conversation between Steve and Bucky which ended in Steve sighing heavily and gesturing for Nat to lead the way and Bucky walking over to you.
“Steve and I are going to step out for a minute, doll. Be nice to Peter, okay?” he smoothed his hand over your hair. You nodded and tried to give him a small smile, heart soaring at the thought of being left alone with Peter. Bucky's eyes lit up and he smiled back at you before looking at Peter, “Thanks for this Pete, she just needs another omega to help her get used to this.”
Peter choked out an awkward reply and waved goodbye to Nat as the three left the room. The door shut with a heavy click that told you it was locked and a few moments later you heard the whirr of the elevator as it ascended to Nat's apartment.
Frantically, you turned to Peter and grabbed his hands. “You have to help me,” you blurted out.
Peter frowned, trying to pull his hands away, “Help you?”
You sighed, trying not to roll your eyes. “You're an omega too, you know how wrong this is. You don't even have to be an omega to see it.”
“I don't understand-”
“Please, Peter. I'm sorry I've been so rude to you, just please, please, set that aside and help me,” you were coming close to begging, not sure how much time you had.
“But...Tony said-”
“Tony is a liar!” you spat out, squeezing his hands. “Everything he has told you about omegas is a lie. Please, Peter, you have to understand. You turned a blind eye when Steve and Bucky kidnapped me but you can't, you can't do that anymore. They're not helping me, they're hurting me.” Peter became very still, face paling. “Hurting you how?”
You released one of his hands to pull down the collar of your top. “This mark was forced on me the night that they...forced themselves on me.” You couldn't bring yourself to say the big word beginning with 'r', it made it too real. You wanted it to be a nightmare. “Peter, they hurt me over and over, they say it's for my own good but it's not! They want a life with me but I don't want that. I was happy. The only reason they get away with this is because I'm an omega. You can't tell me that you don't understand even a bit of what that is like.”
Peter looked as if he was about to pass out. “But Steve and Bucky, they'd never-”
“But they did!” you interrupted him, staring imploringly into his eyes. “They hurt me in a way that I will never be able to forget and they will do it again. They'll force me to have their children and Peter, I...” finally, tears came to your eyes and you were unable to stop them from cascading down your cheeks and splashing onto you intertwined hands. “I'll die here, Peter. One way or another. Please, help me before it's too late.”
Peter stared down at your hands, face pale and eyes red. He swallowed nervously, shocked and upset by the information he'd been given. And most of all, he was overwhelmed by guilt. So he nodded and looked back into your eyes, saying, “Okay. Tell me what to do.”
And you gave him the first genuine smile you'd had in weeks, relief flooding your body like a tidal wave. Maybe there was some hope for you after all.
Please leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed!
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cpn-hydra · 2 years
Hey, I was wondering why I can't see your work on the search bar?
Hiya, it's because of the privacy settings I chose a while ago but I'm going to change it back because it makes it difficult to find my account from my main blog - also it probably affects my posts so that doesn't help haha
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cpn-hydra · 2 years
All For You - Part Five
Synopsis: You’d hidden under the radar for so long, but not even suppressants could hide your omega scent from two super soldier alphas.
Pairings: Dark!Alpha!Steve x Omega!f!Reader x Dark!Alpha!Bucky
Word count: 3,276
Warnings: only read if you are 18+, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable, aftermath of non-con, kidnapping, this a dark fic so Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, also not proofread in the slightest
Chapter Note: the aftermath of the storm.
Links to previous chapters can be found in my masterlist, which is pinned at the top of my page.
Tumblr media
Natasha sat quietly in her bedroom, lights dimmed and her face illuminated by the screen in her hand. She flicked through the photos in the article, chewing on her lip. The mysterious omega that Captain America and Bucky Barnes had taken to dinner was all over the tabloids, multiple paparazzi shots from every angle as she sneered at the reporters in front of her, and the less well framed shots that had been sneakily taken of the three of them sitting at a table, each wearing hateful glares.
Nat thought back to when she'd met the supersoldiers' new omega, the absolute vitriol she had spat at them over dinner and the thinly veiled terror in her eyes. Kidnapped...that's what the omega had claimed they'd done to her, and the both of them had fumed at the accusation. When she'd passed out, it had been from sheer emotional exhaustion. And still, Nat had seen all of this and practically given the men her blessing.
She didn't know what she had been thinking. When she'd first heard of what her friends had done her heart had dropped into her stomach. She eventually decided to let them prove to her that they weren't hurting the omega but looking at these photos, Nat knew in her heart that the only way they would ever dampen that fire in her was by breaking her. But this was Steve and Bucky, two people she had counted on for so very long. She didn't want to believe that they were capable of the horrific things that must be done to break a person down, even when the evidence was right in front of her, so she'd chosen not to.
In the middle of her pondering, Nat's phone buzzed and a message appeared at the top of the screen.
Pepper Potts: We need to talk. Call me when you get this.
Nat already knew what it was about. Pepper had almost entirely cut contact with the team after she ended her relationship with Tony and got her mark surgically removed. She was strong and wilful, two things that Tony, Steve and Bucky believed an omega couldn't be. Their views were stifling and dangerous, so Pepper eventually bit the bullet and rid herself of them. She'd told Nat the truth of it, and how Nat as a beta couldn't possibly understand what an omega like Pepper had to go through, and even with that prior knowledge, Nat had turned a blind eye to the omega forcibly living two floors below her.
Nat sighed heavily and downed the gin and tonic she'd been nursing, finger hovering over the call button until she finally had the courage to press it.
Something had to be done.
The first thing you noticed when you awoke was how sore your eyes were. There was a hollow sensation in your chest and your whole body ached. For a while you just laid there, covered in the bed sheet you'd stolen from the bedroom and staring at the city skyline, not really taking any of it in.
After a while, you realised that you were alone. Frowning, you moved to sit up but as you did a sharp pain erupted from your core that left you gasping. There was no sudden return of memories or realisation of what had happened to you. It was a terrible truth that was the first thought on your mind as you awoke. You could remember clear as day the cold glass pressing into your naked front as Bucky slammed into you from behind, and the way Steve's hands grabbed at you and held you tightly to his chest in comfort as if he hadn't just done the same thing to you.
You'd known it was coming but that didn't make it any less painful.
On weak legs, you padded around the apartment to make sure that you truly were alone. Your palms started sweating and your heart started racing when you entered the bedroom. You pointedly kept your eyes to the ground and rushed into the bathroom. Within a minute you were standing under the steady stream of water from the shower where you stayed until the steam had become so thick you could barely see beyond the glass door.
You thought that you should have been crying, curling up into a ball and sobbing into your knees, but no sound escaped you. Wetness leaked from your eyes to join with the stream of water but that was it. You were so emotionally and physically wrought that there was no room in your mind to think too hard about what had been done to you. Bracing yourself, you directed the stream of water to your thighs and watched it run red.
Strangely, you felt relieved at the sight of blood. It meant that Steve and Bucky hadn't touched you or attempted to clean you the whole time that you had been asleep, however long it had been. It struck you as ironic that they claimed to care so much about your health but wouldn't wake you to make sure you went to the toilet so you wouldn't get an infection.
Eventually you were clean and had nothing to distract yourself with to keep your thoughts from spiralling. Standing in front of the mirror you were suddenly shocked to see white bandages covering your neck that you had somehow failed to detect when in the shower. Even though they were wet, you refused to peel them away and see the mark beneath.
Holding back a fresh set of tears, you dressed simply in the clothes that were available and hurried out of the bedroom and into the main living area. It was blissfully quiet. No sign of any life but you. You looked towards the kitchen. Your stomach was growling in hunger but you felt too nauseous to eat. A folded piece of paper propped up on the counter caught your eye and you made your way to it to see that it was leaning against a glass of water and two white pills.
Bucky and I are at a mission briefing. If you wake up before we get back, help yourself to the food in the fridge. Bucky made it for you. The pills should help with any pain. Be a good girl, we'll see you soon.
You crumpled the note in your fist, rage boiling in your chest. Still, you took the pills in the hopes that they were what Steve said they would be and pulled a freshly made soup from the fridge. As you heated the soup, you looked around and found some bread waiting on the counter. As nice as it tasted, the soup went down like acid. You left what you couldn't stomach out on the counter and looked out the window to see that it had started to rain. It had been raining that night as well.
Even from the kitchen you felt uneasy at the sight of the huge floor to ceiling window and the view outside. Tears sprung to your eyes once again and your face crumpled as you tried to keep the sobs at bay. You were terrified that Bucky and Steve might come in right as you broke down, sweeping in like the heroes they were supposed to be to comfort you, just as Steve had managed to do as Bucky tortured you. You couldn't take advantage of the rare alone time you'd been provided to come to terms with the latest assault on your free will, you could only take the time to prepare yourself for it happening again.
After splashing your face with cold water, you marched towards the window. You flattened yourself against the wall and edged closer and closer to the window, eyes scrunched shut, until your fingertips finally grazed the button that operated the curtains. Within a minute, the terrifying view was covered and even though it was illogical, you somewhat felt like you were back on solid ground. You fell to your knees, gasping from the relief of finally taking control. But your celebration did not last long as the cries of relief quickly devolved into the sobs you'd been holding back ever since you'd awoken.
I tried...I tried...you repeated the manta over and over in your mind, struggling to banish the thoughts that there was something you could have done to avoid it.
Your torment didn't end there as the door to apartment slid open and your solace was intruded upon.
The two intruders did not move for a moment, gawking at each other, and then suddenly they were rushing towards you. You instantly recoiled, rushing back to your feet and launching yourself backwards into the wall. Bucky and Steve stopped just a foot away from you, observing you with wary eyes. You flattened your body into the wall and glared at them with a tightly ground jaw, lips pressed tight to keep them from trembling.
“Did you eat, doll?” Bucky asked apprehensively, voice far softer than it had been that night. In the day, when he wasn't overcome by anger and lust, he appeared as a completely different man, but Bucky was broken and fragile, you couldn't trust him to keep his cool when it came to you.
You gave no answer.
“How are you feeling? How much pain are you in?” Steve stepped closer, causing your heart rate to jump. You were in a lot of pain but you maintained your silence, in part because you were too frightened to speak and in part as a form of protest. “At least let me check your neck, omega,” Steve sighed, hand slowly reaching out to touch the bandages. When he was confident you weren't about to bite him, he began to peel the covering away from the messy wound.
“It's healing well,” Steve commented. His eyes lingered on the mark before flickering up to meet yours again. The stern lines of his face softened and he gently slipped his hand between your shoulder and the wall. “Come on, let's sit and talk about this.”
You allowed him to guide you back to the couch that had become a sort of nest for you. You hurried away from him and settled into the cushions in the corner, quickly wrapping the sheet around yourself and making it clear that they were to stay out of your space. Even so, Steve sat beside you and Bucky stood in front of you, hands buried in his pockets and a glum look on his face.
“Buck, you gonna say it?” Steve prompted impatiently.
Bucky nodded and knelt in front of you. He tried to take your hands in his but you pulled them back sharply, so he settled for placing his palms on your covered knees. You stared dully into his stormy eyes, the only sounds coming from you were the rapid thudding of your heart and your shallow breaths.
“Doll, I'm sorry for how I treated you. I...I let my anger get the better of me. You mean a lot to Steve and I, I should never have hurt you like that.”
To his credit, Bucky did genuinely appear to be sorry. But it was too little and too late. You flicked your eyes to Steve who was awaiting your response, no doubt wanting you to forgive Bucky and expecting to punish you in some way if you did not. You looked back at Bucky who stared up at you like a sad puppy, as if what he had done to you would have been fine had he not used your fear of heights against you. As if Steve was totally in the clear. Fuck you both, you thought viciously. You scoffed and pulled your knees closer to your body and leaned further into the cushions behind you.
Bucky flinched back as if you had hit him. Steve sighed heavily and put his hand on Bucky's shoulder, “Buck, do you want to go make us some hot chocolates or something like that? I'll have a word with her.” The ex-assassin said nothing as he moved to follow Steve's request, leaving you alone with the man whose mark you now bore.
“I know you're angry with us, omega. I won't punish you or blame you for that, but Bucky and I did what we had to. You lied to us for days while you took those dangerous pills, we had to do something to trigger your heat for your own safety,” Steve ground out, eyes never leaving your face as you purposefully looked away. “We are mates now, you and I, even if you choose not to admit it. You'll come around soon and you'll see that all of this is for your own good.”
Three days ago and you would have a retort to everyone of his statements. Perhaps you would have tried to hit him or break something. But now, you couldn't bring yourself to even look at him. You stayed in heavy silence until Bucky brought three hot chocolates to the coffee table. You took the drink furthest from you, not trusting them to not put anything in the drink, and turned on the TV, trying with all your might to tune them out.
Bucky and Steve were getting worried. You hadn't spoken to either of them in days. The most response they got from you was in the form of a glare. They kept their distance from you, pampering you but not trying to initiate conversations with you in case it made your condition even worse. At night they'd let you sleep in the nest you'd curled up in and during the day they lived their lives around you as you kept your eyes glued to the TV, taking none of it in.
“Doll,” Bucky sighed, seating himself next to you. He inhaled...no signs of your heat yet. “You gotta talk to someone. You want us to get Wanda down? Nat?”
There was no response for a moment. Bucky nearly gave up but then you opened your mouth to speak for the first time in days. “Peter.”
Your voice was scratchy and barely audible but Bucky heard it nonetheless. He sputtered in shock, “Y-you want to speak to Peter?” You nodded and returned your attention to the TV. Bucky nodded and stood up, pressing his lips to your forehead before walking over to where Steve was making a pizza in the kitchen. “What do you think?” he asked the blond.
“I think we should let her. We wanted her to make friends with Peter anyway. It'll be good for her,” Steve responded, “We'll ask Tony or Nat to bring him down, so he has someone to help if she starts – well, you know what she did last time.”
So, an hour later you were sitting in the same seat you'd been occupying for multiple days with a visibly uncomfortable Peter Parker beside you. To your surprise, he'd walked through the doors with Natasha following just after him. They were two people you couldn't envision spending any alone time together. As Peter sat with you, Natasha started a conversation with the men in the kitchen. For once, their attention was not solely on you.
“You...wanted to speak to...me?” Peter asked quizzically. You nodded and cast a cautious look over you shoulder to the three in the kitchen. You looked back at Peter, hoping desperately that he would understand. He simply frowned at you but your hopes were answered a moment later when you heard raised voices in the kitchen.
“Nat, I don't want to leave her without one of us here,” Steve said in a hushed but raised voice.
“Steve, the information I have is really important. And it's classified – I've only been cleared to share it with a few people, including the two of you. So please, just come see what I have to show you. It won't take more than ten minutes,” Natasha told them firmly. There was a hushed conversation between Steve and Bucky which ended in Steve sighing heavily and gesturing for Nat to lead the way and Bucky walking over to you.
“Steve and I are going to step out for a minute, doll. Be nice to Peter, okay?” he smoothed his hand over your hair. You nodded and tried to give him a small smile, heart soaring at the thought of being left alone with Peter. Bucky's eyes lit up and he smiled back at you before looking at Peter, “Thanks for this Pete, she just needs another omega to help her get used to this.”
Peter choked out an awkward reply and waved goodbye to Nat as the three left the room. The door shut with a heavy click that told you it was locked and a few moments later you heard the whirr of the elevator as it ascended to Nat's apartment.
Frantically, you turned to Peter and grabbed his hands. “You have to help me,” you blurted out.
Peter frowned, trying to pull his hands away, “Help you?”
You sighed, trying not to roll your eyes. “You're an omega too, you know how wrong this is. You don't even have to be an omega to see it.”
“I don't understand-”
“Please, Peter. I'm sorry I've been so rude to you, just please, please, set that aside and help me,” you were coming close to begging, not sure how much time you had.
“But...Tony said-”
“Tony is a liar!” you spat out, squeezing his hands. “Everything he has told you about omegas is a lie. Please, Peter, you have to understand. You turned a blind eye when Steve and Bucky kidnapped me but you can't, you can't do that anymore. They're not helping me, they're hurting me.” Peter became very still, face paling. “Hurting you how?”
You released one of his hands to pull down the collar of your top. “This mark was forced on me the night that they...forced themselves on me.” You couldn't bring yourself to say the big word beginning with 'r', it made it too real. You wanted it to be a nightmare. “Peter, they hurt me over and over, they say it's for my own good but it's not! They want a life with me but I don't want that. I was happy. The only reason they get away with this is because I'm an omega. You can't tell me that you don't understand even a bit of what that is like.”
Peter looked as if he was about to pass out. “But Steve and Bucky, they'd never-”
“But they did!” you interrupted him, staring imploringly into his eyes. “They hurt me in a way that I will never be able to forget and they will do it again. They'll force me to have their children and Peter, I...” finally, tears came to your eyes and you were unable to stop them from cascading down your cheeks and splashing onto you intertwined hands. “I'll die here, Peter. One way or another. Please, help me before it's too late.”
Peter stared down at your hands, face pale and eyes red. He swallowed nervously, shocked and upset by the information he'd been given. And most of all, he was overwhelmed by guilt. So he nodded and looked back into your eyes, saying, “Okay. Tell me what to do.”
And you gave him the first genuine smile you'd had in weeks, relief flooding your body like a tidal wave. Maybe there was some hope for you after all.
Please leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed!
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cpn-hydra · 2 years
All For You - Part Five
Synopsis: You’d hidden under the radar for so long, but not even suppressants could hide your omega scent from two super soldier alphas.
Pairings: Dark!Alpha!Steve x Omega!f!Reader x Dark!Alpha!Bucky
Word count: 3,276
Warnings: only read if you are 18+, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable, aftermath of non-con, kidnapping, this a dark fic so Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, also not proofread in the slightest
Chapter Note: the aftermath of the storm.
Links to previous chapters can be found in my masterlist, which is pinned at the top of my page.
Tumblr media
Natasha sat quietly in her bedroom, lights dimmed and her face illuminated by the screen in her hand. She flicked through the photos in the article, chewing on her lip. The mysterious omega that Captain America and Bucky Barnes had taken to dinner was all over the tabloids, multiple paparazzi shots from every angle as she sneered at the reporters in front of her, and the less well framed shots that had been sneakily taken of the three of them sitting at a table, each wearing hateful glares.
Nat thought back to when she'd met the supersoldiers' new omega, the absolute vitriol she had spat at them over dinner and the thinly veiled terror in her eyes. Kidnapped...that's what the omega had claimed they'd done to her, and the both of them had fumed at the accusation. When she'd passed out, it had been from sheer emotional exhaustion. And still, Nat had seen all of this and practically given the men her blessing.
She didn't know what she had been thinking. When she'd first heard of what her friends had done her heart had dropped into her stomach. She eventually decided to let them prove to her that they weren't hurting the omega but looking at these photos, Nat knew in her heart that the only way they would ever dampen that fire in her was by breaking her. But this was Steve and Bucky, two people she had counted on for so very long. She didn't want to believe that they were capable of the horrific things that must be done to break a person down, even when the evidence was right in front of her, so she'd chosen not to.
In the middle of her pondering, Nat's phone buzzed and a message appeared at the top of the screen.
Pepper Potts: We need to talk. Call me when you get this.
Nat already knew what it was about. Pepper had almost entirely cut contact with the team after she ended her relationship with Tony and got her mark surgically removed. She was strong and wilful, two things that Tony, Steve and Bucky believed an omega couldn't be. Their views were stifling and dangerous, so Pepper eventually bit the bullet and rid herself of them. She'd told Nat the truth of it, and how Nat as a beta couldn't possibly understand what an omega like Pepper had to go through, and even with that prior knowledge, Nat had turned a blind eye to the omega forcibly living two floors below her.
Nat sighed heavily and downed the gin and tonic she'd been nursing, finger hovering over the call button until she finally had the courage to press it.
Something had to be done.
The first thing you noticed when you awoke was how sore your eyes were. There was a hollow sensation in your chest and your whole body ached. For a while you just laid there, covered in the bed sheet you'd stolen from the bedroom and staring at the city skyline, not really taking any of it in.
After a while, you realised that you were alone. Frowning, you moved to sit up but as you did a sharp pain erupted from your core that left you gasping. There was no sudden return of memories or realisation of what had happened to you. It was a terrible truth that was the first thought on your mind as you awoke. You could remember clear as day the cold glass pressing into your naked front as Bucky slammed into you from behind, and the way Steve's hands grabbed at you and held you tightly to his chest in comfort as if he hadn't just done the same thing to you.
You'd known it was coming but that didn't make it any less painful.
On weak legs, you padded around the apartment to make sure that you truly were alone. Your palms started sweating and your heart started racing when you entered the bedroom. You pointedly kept your eyes to the ground and rushed into the bathroom. Within a minute you were standing under the steady stream of water from the shower where you stayed until the steam had become so thick you could barely see beyond the glass door.
You thought that you should have been crying, curling up into a ball and sobbing into your knees, but no sound escaped you. Wetness leaked from your eyes to join with the stream of water but that was it. You were so emotionally and physically wrought that there was no room in your mind to think too hard about what had been done to you. Bracing yourself, you directed the stream of water to your thighs and watched it run red.
Strangely, you felt relieved at the sight of blood. It meant that Steve and Bucky hadn't touched you or attempted to clean you the whole time that you had been asleep, however long it had been. It struck you as ironic that they claimed to care so much about your health but wouldn't wake you to make sure you went to the toilet so you wouldn't get an infection.
Eventually you were clean and had nothing to distract yourself with to keep your thoughts from spiralling. Standing in front of the mirror you were suddenly shocked to see white bandages covering your neck that you had somehow failed to detect when in the shower. Even though they were wet, you refused to peel them away and see the mark beneath.
Holding back a fresh set of tears, you dressed simply in the clothes that were available and hurried out of the bedroom and into the main living area. It was blissfully quiet. No sign of any life but you. You looked towards the kitchen. Your stomach was growling in hunger but you felt too nauseous to eat. A folded piece of paper propped up on the counter caught your eye and you made your way to it to see that it was leaning against a glass of water and two white pills.
Bucky and I are at a mission briefing. If you wake up before we get back, help yourself to the food in the fridge. Bucky made it for you. The pills should help with any pain. Be a good girl, we'll see you soon.
You crumpled the note in your fist, rage boiling in your chest. Still, you took the pills in the hopes that they were what Steve said they would be and pulled a freshly made soup from the fridge. As you heated the soup, you looked around and found some bread waiting on the counter. As nice as it tasted, the soup went down like acid. You left what you couldn't stomach out on the counter and looked out the window to see that it had started to rain. It had been raining that night as well.
Even from the kitchen you felt uneasy at the sight of the huge floor to ceiling window and the view outside. Tears sprung to your eyes once again and your face crumpled as you tried to keep the sobs at bay. You were terrified that Bucky and Steve might come in right as you broke down, sweeping in like the heroes they were supposed to be to comfort you, just as Steve had managed to do as Bucky tortured you. You couldn't take advantage of the rare alone time you'd been provided to come to terms with the latest assault on your free will, you could only take the time to prepare yourself for it happening again.
After splashing your face with cold water, you marched towards the window. You flattened yourself against the wall and edged closer and closer to the window, eyes scrunched shut, until your fingertips finally grazed the button that operated the curtains. Within a minute, the terrifying view was covered and even though it was illogical, you somewhat felt like you were back on solid ground. You fell to your knees, gasping from the relief of finally taking control. But your celebration did not last long as the cries of relief quickly devolved into the sobs you'd been holding back ever since you'd awoken.
I tried...I tried...you repeated the manta over and over in your mind, struggling to banish the thoughts that there was something you could have done to avoid it.
Your torment didn't end there as the door to apartment slid open and your solace was intruded upon.
The two intruders did not move for a moment, gawking at each other, and then suddenly they were rushing towards you. You instantly recoiled, rushing back to your feet and launching yourself backwards into the wall. Bucky and Steve stopped just a foot away from you, observing you with wary eyes. You flattened your body into the wall and glared at them with a tightly ground jaw, lips pressed tight to keep them from trembling.
“Did you eat, doll?” Bucky asked apprehensively, voice far softer than it had been that night. In the day, when he wasn't overcome by anger and lust, he appeared as a completely different man, but Bucky was broken and fragile, you couldn't trust him to keep his cool when it came to you.
You gave no answer.
“How are you feeling? How much pain are you in?” Steve stepped closer, causing your heart rate to jump. You were in a lot of pain but you maintained your silence, in part because you were too frightened to speak and in part as a form of protest. “At least let me check your neck, omega,” Steve sighed, hand slowly reaching out to touch the bandages. When he was confident you weren't about to bite him, he began to peel the covering away from the messy wound.
“It's healing well,” Steve commented. His eyes lingered on the mark before flickering up to meet yours again. The stern lines of his face softened and he gently slipped his hand between your shoulder and the wall. “Come on, let's sit and talk about this.”
You allowed him to guide you back to the couch that had become a sort of nest for you. You hurried away from him and settled into the cushions in the corner, quickly wrapping the sheet around yourself and making it clear that they were to stay out of your space. Even so, Steve sat beside you and Bucky stood in front of you, hands buried in his pockets and a glum look on his face.
“Buck, you gonna say it?” Steve prompted impatiently.
Bucky nodded and knelt in front of you. He tried to take your hands in his but you pulled them back sharply, so he settled for placing his palms on your covered knees. You stared dully into his stormy eyes, the only sounds coming from you were the rapid thudding of your heart and your shallow breaths.
“Doll, I'm sorry for how I treated you. I...I let my anger get the better of me. You mean a lot to Steve and I, I should never have hurt you like that.”
To his credit, Bucky did genuinely appear to be sorry. But it was too little and too late. You flicked your eyes to Steve who was awaiting your response, no doubt wanting you to forgive Bucky and expecting to punish you in some way if you did not. You looked back at Bucky who stared up at you like a sad puppy, as if what he had done to you would have been fine had he not used your fear of heights against you. As if Steve was totally in the clear. Fuck you both, you thought viciously. You scoffed and pulled your knees closer to your body and leaned further into the cushions behind you.
Bucky flinched back as if you had hit him. Steve sighed heavily and put his hand on Bucky's shoulder, “Buck, do you want to go make us some hot chocolates or something like that? I'll have a word with her.” The ex-assassin said nothing as he moved to follow Steve's request, leaving you alone with the man whose mark you now bore.
“I know you're angry with us, omega. I won't punish you or blame you for that, but Bucky and I did what we had to. You lied to us for days while you took those dangerous pills, we had to do something to trigger your heat for your own safety,” Steve ground out, eyes never leaving your face as you purposefully looked away. “We are mates now, you and I, even if you choose not to admit it. You'll come around soon and you'll see that all of this is for your own good.”
Three days ago and you would have a retort to everyone of his statements. Perhaps you would have tried to hit him or break something. But now, you couldn't bring yourself to even look at him. You stayed in heavy silence until Bucky brought three hot chocolates to the coffee table. You took the drink furthest from you, not trusting them to not put anything in the drink, and turned on the TV, trying with all your might to tune them out.
Bucky and Steve were getting worried. You hadn't spoken to either of them in days. The most response they got from you was in the form of a glare. They kept their distance from you, pampering you but not trying to initiate conversations with you in case it made your condition even worse. At night they'd let you sleep in the nest you'd curled up in and during the day they lived their lives around you as you kept your eyes glued to the TV, taking none of it in.
“Doll,” Bucky sighed, seating himself next to you. He inhaled...no signs of your heat yet. “You gotta talk to someone. You want us to get Wanda down? Nat?”
There was no response for a moment. Bucky nearly gave up but then you opened your mouth to speak for the first time in days. “Peter.”
Your voice was scratchy and barely audible but Bucky heard it nonetheless. He sputtered in shock, “Y-you want to speak to Peter?” You nodded and returned your attention to the TV. Bucky nodded and stood up, pressing his lips to your forehead before walking over to where Steve was making a pizza in the kitchen. “What do you think?” he asked the blond.
“I think we should let her. We wanted her to make friends with Peter anyway. It'll be good for her,” Steve responded, “We'll ask Tony or Nat to bring him down, so he has someone to help if she starts – well, you know what she did last time.”
So, an hour later you were sitting in the same seat you'd been occupying for multiple days with a visibly uncomfortable Peter Parker beside you. To your surprise, he'd walked through the doors with Natasha following just after him. They were two people you couldn't envision spending any alone time together. As Peter sat with you, Natasha started a conversation with the men in the kitchen. For once, their attention was not solely on you.
“You...wanted to speak to...me?” Peter asked quizzically. You nodded and cast a cautious look over you shoulder to the three in the kitchen. You looked back at Peter, hoping desperately that he would understand. He simply frowned at you but your hopes were answered a moment later when you heard raised voices in the kitchen.
“Nat, I don't want to leave her without one of us here,” Steve said in a hushed but raised voice.
“Steve, the information I have is really important. And it's classified – I've only been cleared to share it with a few people, including the two of you. So please, just come see what I have to show you. It won't take more than ten minutes,” Natasha told them firmly. There was a hushed conversation between Steve and Bucky which ended in Steve sighing heavily and gesturing for Nat to lead the way and Bucky walking over to you.
“Steve and I are going to step out for a minute, doll. Be nice to Peter, okay?” he smoothed his hand over your hair. You nodded and tried to give him a small smile, heart soaring at the thought of being left alone with Peter. Bucky's eyes lit up and he smiled back at you before looking at Peter, “Thanks for this Pete, she just needs another omega to help her get used to this.”
Peter choked out an awkward reply and waved goodbye to Nat as the three left the room. The door shut with a heavy click that told you it was locked and a few moments later you heard the whirr of the elevator as it ascended to Nat's apartment.
Frantically, you turned to Peter and grabbed his hands. “You have to help me,” you blurted out.
Peter frowned, trying to pull his hands away, “Help you?”
You sighed, trying not to roll your eyes. “You're an omega too, you know how wrong this is. You don't even have to be an omega to see it.”
“I don't understand-”
“Please, Peter. I'm sorry I've been so rude to you, just please, please, set that aside and help me,” you were coming close to begging, not sure how much time you had.
“But...Tony said-”
“Tony is a liar!” you spat out, squeezing his hands. “Everything he has told you about omegas is a lie. Please, Peter, you have to understand. You turned a blind eye when Steve and Bucky kidnapped me but you can't, you can't do that anymore. They're not helping me, they're hurting me.” Peter became very still, face paling. “Hurting you how?”
You released one of his hands to pull down the collar of your top. “This mark was forced on me the night that they...forced themselves on me.” You couldn't bring yourself to say the big word beginning with 'r', it made it too real. You wanted it to be a nightmare. “Peter, they hurt me over and over, they say it's for my own good but it's not! They want a life with me but I don't want that. I was happy. The only reason they get away with this is because I'm an omega. You can't tell me that you don't understand even a bit of what that is like.”
Peter looked as if he was about to pass out. “But Steve and Bucky, they'd never-”
“But they did!” you interrupted him, staring imploringly into his eyes. “They hurt me in a way that I will never be able to forget and they will do it again. They'll force me to have their children and Peter, I...” finally, tears came to your eyes and you were unable to stop them from cascading down your cheeks and splashing onto you intertwined hands. “I'll die here, Peter. One way or another. Please, help me before it's too late.”
Peter stared down at your hands, face pale and eyes red. He swallowed nervously, shocked and upset by the information he'd been given. And most of all, he was overwhelmed by guilt. So he nodded and looked back into your eyes, saying, “Okay. Tell me what to do.”
And you gave him the first genuine smile you'd had in weeks, relief flooding your body like a tidal wave. Maybe there was some hope for you after all.
Please leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed!
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cpn-hydra · 2 years
I love All For You, surely they knew all about her before they 'bumped into her' at the bar, I was always suspicious of the friend.
And with the relationship between Tony and Peter was there groomer there?
Good timing for this ask because I'm trying to get the next chapter of All For You done! I didn't realise how long it has been...
Maybe I shouldn't give too much explanation into how I write because it might take away from the finished result, however, I'm going to anyway. In the original version (i.e. chapter one immediately after it was posted), Bucky and Steve hadn't seen her before, at all. However I realised that it would be kinda odd for them to have something to knock her out with just on them so I changed the backstory for that. So they knew she'd be there because they'd seen her before with the same friend and were just waiting for her to come back
With Tony and Peter, it's up for interpretation I suppose. To Peter, Tony is a father figure and mentor, but he purposefully puts the wrong ideas into Peter's head about omegas, which is why the reader doesn't get along with either of them. There will be a little bit more explanation of Tony in the beginning of the next chapter
Thanks for the ask! It helps with the motivation
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
One Too Far - Part 2
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Warnings: Forced marriage
F!Deputy Reader x PolySeed
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The amount of people who had gathered to watch you lose your identity was incredible.
Such was the attendance that the church doors were wide open so members of Eden’s Gate outside could hear and it was also being televised and broadcast across the whole county.
“Isn’t it bad luck for you to see me before the wedding?” You’re in the back rooms being held at gunpoint as Jacob wanders in and you have no time for his smug face today.
“This is just one big string of bad luck for you. What’s a little bit more?” He laughs. “Not gonna give me a smile, puppy?”
“Fuck off.”
“That’s my girl,” he dumps down a bag which contains the wedding dress. “Don’t ever lose that spirit. Makes me hard when you fight back.”
“Your family’s fucking sick.”
“Soon you’ll be part of it, Dep,” he approaches, trying to touch your cheek but you flinch away. “Now put the fucking dress on and no, you don’t have a choice.”
When you unzipped the bag, it was white, lacy and covered in the same flowers that Faith used to wear on her dress. There was even a flower headdress thing that looked like it belonged to a fairy. It was gaudy as fuck.
“Not to your liking?” Jacob’s watching your expression. “Tough shit. I’m here to make sure you get in it and to the altar.”
“Fine but I’m burning it afterwards,” you take off the stupid tunic they have you in.
Jacob’s already seen everything, already violated most parts of you so what do you care any more about being naked?
“It’s gonna be made into your PR dress so I don’t think so.”
“So you really are just making me Faith? Can’t even give me my own identity as Hope? Fuck, you guys don’t know how to promote shit, do you?”
“I know you’re bitter about this. You lost,” Jacob grabs you by the throat. “You lost and we humiliated you in front of your followers. This was your fault though. You killed our sister. This is your punishment.”
“She has a point, Jake,” John’s by the door, enjoying the view. “Maybe we don’t retread Faith’s wardrobe. Let’s get her in blue maybe, colours of the Madonna.”
“You know this bible shit better than I do. Just run it by Joe,” Jacob shrugs as you get into the dress and some female Peggie sorts out your hair and make up.
“You clean up very well,” John smirks. “I think Jake prefers your resistance look but this, this does it for me.”
“Let’s just get this over with,” you look to the ceiling, not trusting yourself to keep your vicious thoughts private.
“What an eager bride,” Jacob starts dragging you out to the main room where Joseph is waiting in his most formal attire. It’s bizarre to see a shirt on him.
“My children,” Joseph starts addressing the congregation. “Today you shall bear witness to the wedding of the Seed men to the former Deputy. She is to shed her cause, to join Eden’s Gate and she will take on a new name. She is to be called Hope. Hope that we can turn even the greatest sinners to the light. The hope for New Eden. We may have lost Faith by her hand but she will repent through service to the Project.”
You saw none of your friends amongst the faces in the crowd and your heart was sinking. Maybe no one was coming to save you.
“You’re on your own,” John whispers in your ear. “Jacob’s Chosen are all around the church. We vetted everyone on the way in. There’s no Resistance members who will swoop in. This is happening. Accept it.”
So you were forced to take each brother’s hand in turn, to repeat the words said to you and proclaim ‘I will’ until you were officially married to the Seed brothers. Then came the moment you had to kiss them and Joseph held a hidden gun to your side until you did.
John’s kiss was the worst. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, just daring you to recoil.
“The Deputy is no more,” Joseph announces after his unusually gentle kiss. “Please welcome Hope Seed.”
“Hope Seed!” The Peggies start cheering.
“Now begins your penance,” Joseph murmurs to you while the ruckus masks his words. “For now until the end of your days you will pay for your slaughter. I hope it was worth it, dear wife.”
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
Waking up to part 4 of all for you was amazing! I loved it❤️
❤️❤️I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
By the way, if you enjoyed this update and would like to see the next one please consider reblogging it!
It's not showing up in the tags and I haven't been using a taglist for this one so I don't know how to make sure everyone who wanted the next update can see it
All For You - Part Four
Synopsis: You’d hidden under the radar for so long, but not even suppressants could hide your omega scent from two super soldier alphas.
Pairings: Dark!Alpha!Steve x Omega!f!Reader x Dark!Alpha!Bucky
Word count: 4,188
Warnings: only read if you are 18+, please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable, explicit non-con, kidnapping, this a dark fic so Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Chapter Note: the storm.
links to part one, part two and part three
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The tension at the dinner table was palpable, so thick you could slice it through with a butter knife. Bucky and Steve were barely containing their agitation, not even attempting to keep up polite conversation. Their faces were all hard lines and glares, cutting into you and leaving you cold. One thing was for sure – you'd certainly ruined Steve's dinner plans. But you on the other hand, you were loving it.
You poured yourself another glass of wine and settled back into your chair with it, swirling the crimson liquid in the glass as you observed the pair on either side of the table in front of you. Steve had glared harshly at you when you'd ordered the wine but for some reason he didn't object. Perhaps he feared losing his temper it front of all of these people, blood boiling enough as it was.
The intelligent, self-preserving thing to do would have been to play the perfect girlfriend and obey their every command, to smile sweetly at them and hopefully lessen the punishment that was on its way. But you also knew that you would have no other opportunity such as this to provoke them in front of a crowd and most importantly...cameras.
You'd been escorted into the restaurant with your arm wrapped around Bucky's and Steve's hand lightly pressing against your lower back. Steve smiled and greeted the paparazzi that surrounded the entrance, Bucky ignoring them as he was known to do, and you stared in awe at how many people were here trying to catch a glimpse of whichever celebrity they could. Surely this was much too gaudy, much too public, for Bucky and Steve?
As you were directed through the throngs of people, down a literal red carpet, you heard exclamations and questions about who this new girl was with the two Avengers. “Captain America! Are you finally settling down with your omega?!” When a microphone and camera were thrust over a barrier and into your face you didn't have the time to do anything other than sneer into the lens, hoping that your eyes conveyed your fear and utter rage.
The establishment did its best to keep cameras from being able to see into the dining area but even so you could practically feel that you were being filmed and it gave you a newfound sense of confidence, reigniting the dwindling fire within you. Nothing would lessen what Steve and Bucky were no doubt planning, but if you could put a spanner in the works...at least you'd feel like you'd had a fair fight.
“Where are you going, omega?” Steve's hand shot out and caught yours the moment you stood from the table. You looked down your nose at him with a coy smile.
“To the bathroom, Steve,” the invitation for a challenge was unmistakable in your voice. “I might stop at the bar on my way back though, would you like me to get you a drink?”
“Sit down, omega,” Steve commanded, voice low and guttural and absolutely terrifying. There was no doubt that he could feel your hand trembling in his, but still you continued to push him.
“Contrary to your belief, Steve, I'm not a dog. I can't just go on the floor.”
Bucky shifted in his seat, ready to offer to escort you himself. “Someone's feeling awful confident all of a sudden,” he looked at Steve pointedly and then back to you. As always there was a darkness in his eyes, but it was more malicious than ever now. It was as if he was about to tip over the razor edge between Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier. “It's alright, Steve, she knows if she misbehaves her punishment will be worse.”
Steve nodded and released you. You couldn't believe your luck as you crossed the distance to the bathroom and managed to slip in unscathed. You didn't actually need the toilet, you just needed a moment to yourself. When you stopped in front of the mirror and looked at your reflection, your resolve crumbled.
You hadn't even checked to see if the other stalls were occupied before you started sobbing. Tears streamed from your eyes and you were gasping for breath, absolutely terrified. How had it come to this? When you were younger you'd thought that the country would loosen up on its attitudes, or that maybe you could move somewhere more tolerant, but you ended up in a more restrictive environment than you could ever have imagined.
So distraught, you didn't realise that there was someone in the stalls behind you until they stepped out warily. It was a woman older than you, blonde hair and a wearing a smart burgundy dress. She washed her hands, glancing at your reflection in the mirror. When she stood up she towered over you and as her hair brushed across her neck you caught a familiar smell. Omega.
“Do you need help?” she asked gently, soft eyes looking you over.
No one could help you. Steve and Bucky wouldn't let you go, no matter what. But...perhaps you could help yourself.
“Could I borrow your phone?” you asked her, voice meek in comparison to her. She seemed so strong and sure of herself, you couldn't imagine any alpha bossing her around.
“Of course, honey,” she said, unlocking her phone and handing it to you. You stared at it in disbelief. Part of you had thought that Bucky or Steve would barrel into the room and crush the phone to dust in their fists, but a moment passed and the bathroom still stood.
The woman was patient as you decided what to do. You didn't have much time so you opened the messages app and typed in a number you remembered even now. You deliberated over what to say for a couple of minutes before finally pressing send, handing the phone back to her with a grateful smile. Your shoulders sagged in relief.
Back at the table, Bucky and Steve were waiting for you impatiently. No doubt they could see that you'd been crying but you doubted they cared all too much. You sat down and glared at Bucky when he moved his leg too close, and Steve when he tried to hold your hand over the table. The main meal came out and you ate little of it, sick to your stomach at the thought of what they were going to do to you. Steve and Bucky picked up on how uncharacteristically quiet you were but didn't push it.
Dessert was skipped.
Before you knew it you were heading home.
You hadn't prepared for just how forceful Steve and Bucky would be once the door to their apartment was closed. You weren't even given a moment to take off your jacket or heels as Bucky dragged you into the bedroom and tossed you onto the bed. You gasped for breath at the hard landing and tried to drag yourself up the bed and away from them, but Bucky's hands quickly gripped your thighs and yanked you towards where he stood over you at the foot of the bed.
Steve walked into the bedroom a moment later sans his jacket, loosening his tie and wrapping the blue fabric around his fist. “We didn't want to have to force you, omega,” Steve told you, “but we can't wait any longer for your heat after what you've done. This will start it.”
Alone and away from the prying eyes of the public, all of your confidence flooded from your body and you were filled with fear. You knew exactly what was about to happen to you, you could see the unhinged looks of excitement in their eyes, how Bucky feasted on your terror, how Steve's eyes glinted at the idea of punishing you.
You tried to run, clawing at the bed and managing to twist onto your front. You crawled a foot towards the headboard before Bucky yanked you back and pressed himself against you, “Now where d'ya think you're going, doll? I got you right where I want you now.” Cold hands were on your back, air brushing across your skin as the zip of your dress was undone.
“Get off of me!” you cried, desperately trying to crawl away. Steve was having none of it and rounded the bed, large hand fisting in your hair and yanking your chin towards the ceiling.
“Stop fighting,” he commanded you. His alpha command but would have been stronger if you were mated but instead it was lessened by the distress overwhelming your mind. You were sure the room absolutely reeked of your fear, and their arousal. Steve's command served only to make you a bit less resistant than you had been before and you stopped thrashing your weight around, meaning that Bucky was able to pull your dress off of your body.
Fear overtook you and Steve's command receded to the back of your mind. You tried to push them both away from your hands but Steve quickly caught your wrists and held them together above your head. Bucky leaned down to undo your bra strap and you threw your head back, pain exploding in your head as you made contact with Bucky's nose.
The pain was incapacitating for a moment and Bucky didn't relent, even once his nose started to bleed. You blacked out for just a few moments and when you came to again, Bucky had gotten all of your clothes off.
It was a new type of debasement. You had never felt so humiliated and helpless in your life, not even what had happened to you in that cold doctor's office could match this. Bucky and Steve stopped what they were doing to take you in and when one of them gently turned you over onto your back, you were so stunned and horrified that you didn't even try to cover yourself. It was too late for regret or second chances now. You used all of your remaining energy to keep yourself from crying. Your eyes were glassy but you did not shed a tear, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling above you.
Steve and Bucky's hands roamed across your body. They toyed with your nipples and cupped your breasts. One of their hand's drifted towards the nest of curls between your legs, finger roaming in circles lazily. “Oh, omega,” Bucky collapsed his weight onto you, kissing along your neck and rutting his clothed hardness against your bare thigh.
“You think she's ready for me, Buck?” Steve asked, voice breathless and heavy with lust.
A metal finger suddenly plunged into you and you screeched, pushing away.
“She's ready enough,” Bucky replied.
“Get off of her then,” Steve gave him a firm push and Bucky heaved himself off of you with a groan. Before you could blink, Steve had taken his place at the foot of the bed. He tugged you forwards so that your legs were either side of him and his crotch was flush against yours. You wondered for a moment where Bucky had gone before you felt the bed dip above you and two cold hands lifted your head and placed you back down into his lap.
This was it. You had known it was coming and you had been fighting a losing battle from the start, and even though you had failed you smiled through your tears as they finally began to fall. You were proud of yourself, you were...you were. It was a hard mantra to keep going, but you had tried so hard.
There was nothing you could have done to stop it. Bucky's strong thighs kept you tucked between his legs and he kept your hands still and away. Steve had spread your legs so wide that they were rendered useless. You weren't flexible enough to injure him from this angle and Steve took full advantage of that fact, taking his sweet time rubbing the tip of his cock between your folds, spitting on you to lessen the friction. Even though you were an omega there would be no extra lubrication from you, not in this state of distress.
Steve readied himself to enter you and just before he did you managed to muster up the strength to meet his eyes. “I want you to know this won't change anything,” you spat at him, voice hoarse and painful to use, “that this won't get me to love you. Nothing ever could.”
Steve's lip curled and his face crumpled into the nastiest look you were sure he had ever given someone, and in one harsh movement Steve speared his cock into you.
It felt as if someone had taken an ice cold knife and shoved it into you, and you could imagine no pain that could have rivalled the agony you felt as Steve began to roughly piston in and out of you with streaks of your blood as the only lubrication. You screamed and screamed until you were breathless and your voice died but you did not move, you could not. Every punishing thrust of Steve's hips sent you back into Bucky, howling in pain. You fought to stay still as if that might alleviate some of the pain but Steve was actively trying to hurt you, to punish you for disobeying and deceiving the both of them.
So you did the only thing that was still in your power. You cried. You cried and scrunched your eyes tight, your exhausted mind scrambling for a happy memory that might take you away from this horrible place. But your past was so bleak and grey you struggled to find something comforting to cling to and that only made you cry even harder. What had you ever done to deserve this you wondered, had you been a bad and selfish person all along and this was your penance? All you'd ever wanted was to be treated the same as everyone else and this was where it had gotten you.
“Oh fuck yes omega,” Steve panted, clinging onto your body as if you might disappear into the sheets as you so wished you could. His grip on your hips was bruising but the pain could not compare to the feeling of Steve pushing against your cervix with every thrust. His guttural grunting and moans brought you back to the present to find that Bucky had released your hands and was caressing your wet face with one and palming himself with the other.
“You're doing so good for us, omega,” Bucky cooed, eyes hungrily fixated on where Steve's member moved in and out of you. A finger traced across your lips, dipping into the cavern of your mouth and you seized the opportunity, clamping your jaw tight around the digit. Bucky yelled and pulled his finger back before it was too late, the rest of his hand gripping your face and holding your jaw closed. You could feel the bone creaking under his bruising grip and you remembered with a sudden pang of anxiety that he could very well crush your skull with that hand if he was so inclined.
“Fuck, doll!” he hissed, “That ain't nice.”
Steve had a lot of stamina but the man was quickly reaching completion, something you were far, far from. Pleasuring you was an afterthought for Steve, his fingers only drifting down to your clit a moment before he came. Not that it mattered, you were fairly sure that after this you would never be able to take pleasure in such an activity ever again.
The movements of Steve's hips stuttered and he worked himself through his orgasm, coming with one final abortive thrust and filling you with a rush of warmth that made your stomach lurch up into your throat. You screeched in pain as Steve's knot formed and stretched you around him, locking him into your body.
Steve groaned and gasped in pleasure, taking only a moment to regain his senses before diving into your neck and burying his teeth into the delicate skin. Your shoulder erupted in pain but it could not compare to the horror of realising that for the second time in your life you had been marked against your will. A fresh wave of tears poured down from your eyes and you sobbed out a vicious “fuck you.”
Once Steve was satisfied with what he done to you, he pulled back, mouth bloody. He grinned at you and you recoiled in revulsion at the sight of your blood on his pearly whites. “She's better than we dreamed, Buck,” he said, eyes not moving from your face. “Don't think she's learned her place yet though. Have you, omega?”
“My place is far from you,” you snarled, attempting to scratch across his face with your nails but he caught your hands before you'd even moved, predicting your movements. Steve chuckled darkly and then used his grip on your wrists to pull your body up into a sitting position. You groaned and hissed at the harsh movement with him still inside of you, the burning and sensation of being overly full enough to keep you still as he turned you both around so that you were straddling him on the bed. Bucky moved so that he was standing behind you and for a brief moment you experienced a pang of terror, thinking he was going to use you in a such a way.
With Steve's knot holding you in place, there was nowhere you could run. You tried to lean away but your sore entrance absolutely burned from the movement and there was nothing you could do but cry against his chest. “Mark me, omega,” Steve panted, baring his neck to you. The urge to rip his neck out with your teeth was strong.
“No,” you denied him in a broken sob.
“He's not asking, omega,” Bucky said, a hand fisting in your hair and pulling your head sharply up. A high pitched wail came from you as the torn skin of your neck was stretched suddenly and your scalp lit up in pain. Bucky used his hold on you to press your face into Steve's neck but you just couldn't do it.
You kept your lips tightly sealed, your teeth clenching together painfully, every muscle in your jaw working to disobey their commands. Then, panic shot through you as Steve tried to command you with that voice that your body just couldn't resist. You had never been able to deny an alpha command before. It took every single muscle in your body to hold yourself back. For those few moments, your entire being was dedicated to this particular protest. It physically hurt to deny him but miraculously, you did. Bucky tried using his own command but you resisted that too. It sent him over the edge from angry to raging.
You stayed in place on Steve's lap for as long as it took for his knot to go down. Your face was still being pushed into his neck and you spent the whole while crying, though there were no tears now, just horrible dry sobbing. When Steve finally pulled out, they gave up on getting you to mark him.
The ordeal was not yet over.
You were yanked up from Steve's lap and held firmly against Bucky's as the blond man moved, shifting to the corner of the room so he could watch as Bucky had. You had no fight left in you as Bucky bent you over the edge of the bed, you just buried your face into the covers and tried to dissociate.
He was hastier than Steve had been, more desperate, and it was only a moment before he was in you. He pumped in and out of you in frantic movements that painfully hit your hips into the bed frame over and over again. The casual usage of your body was the thing to tip you over the edge once more and you began a sad tirade of “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you,” mingling with Bucky's guttural grunts of pleasure.
It appeared he was nearing completion already and you were shocked that he wasn't being more vengeful. But it seemed that Bucky would be crueller than Steve by far. Wrapping your hair around his fist, he paused his movements and used his hold on you to haul your conjoined bodies up from the bed. He rested your weight on his waist as he moved, so the tips of your toes barely brushed the carpet beneath your feet. When you realised Bucky was walking you towards the window, you started to beg.
This was unhinged, absolutely psychotic. Was there not a thought in his mind that even tried to hold him back? You shut your eyes to the horror approaching you but your body shook tremendously when you felt your naked flesh flush against the cool of the window. It was raining, almost thundering, outside and even though you were barely visible from the outside, the vast expanse of New York city was perfectly clear to you. There was but a few inches of glass separating you from imminent doom.
You were forced to flatten your palms against the glass as Bucky began thrusting into you again. You could almost imagine that you were against a shower wall if it weren't for the fear that Bucky's weight pushing into you would somehow shatter the glass. Your cries had devolved into pitying whimpers. The room must have absolutely reeked of your distress. “Open your eyes, omega,” Bucky commanded and you instinctively obeyed but the moment you did, your breathing stopped.
It took Bucky a moment to realise but across the room, Steve noticed far quicker.
“Buck, stop,” he warned, pushing away from the wall.
“No way,” the other alpha grunted, so close to his finish he couldn't hear the fear in Steve's voice.
Steve hurried up to your side, palm smoothing over your hair and directing your eyes to his. Even Steve thought that this was inhumane as a punishment. He believed that once he regained his senses, Bucky might too. “It's alright omega, look at me, breathe, breathe with me, in...out...in...out...”
Your panicked eyes focused on him, on your alpha, and you followed his command, in and out, in and out, you thought of nothing but the colour of Steve's eyes. Suddenly you weren't sure what was even happening.
A loud, prolonged groan came from behind you and again you were flooded with warmth and your body was uncomfortably stretched around Bucky's knot. He dipped his face into your neck and sank his teeth in, but you were numb to the pain and horror, focusing only on Steve's instructions, in and out, in and out, in and out...
A moment later, Bucky's mind was suddenly cleared of the fog of anger and lust that had obscured his vision. “Oh no,” he gasped and suddenly staggered backwards, movements awkward as he dragged you backwards until he collapsed on the edge of the bed, you spread across his lap. Steve immediately closed the blind and then joined you on the bed. “I'm so sorry, doll, I...don't know why I did that.”
“I told you to stop, Buck,” Steve's voice was cold and bitter.
The sorrow in Bucky's voice vanished as he looked to Steve, “I couldn't exactly stop then could I, Stevie?”
He went back to apologising to you but it didn't matter. What was he apologising for? Abusing you and utilising one of your greatest fears to torture you as punishment for the perceived crime of wanting a better life for yourself? Or was he apologising for forcing himself onto you? You knew that it wasn't the latter, he only felt guilty for the former.
Steve, having been encouraged by your total dependence on him a moment ago, tried to talk to you. You didn't know what either of them were saying now and your mouth felt too heavy to speak, but if you'd been able to you would have told them exactly what you wished would happen to them, the horrible thoughts that kept you going.
You fell asleep on Bucky's lap before his knot went down, listening to the sounds of Bucky and Steve's bickering. When they noticed you were asleep the three of you settled beneath the covers and they fell silent, just watching you. “She was perfect,” Bucky smiled, pulling out.
“She was, our perfect omega.”
When you awoke later that night, the two alphas were completely passed out. You wanted to move to the bathroom and scrub your skin raw under a freezing stream of water but you had no energy for that. You awkwardly climbed over Bucky's body and wobbled on your feet. Everything was spinning around you as you pulled the covers off of their bodies, thankfully not awakening them, and then staggered into the main room. When you finally collapsed onto the couch, you did not wake up for two days.
Please leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed!
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😭 Steve and Bucky are monsters 😭 You did a wonderful job describing her feelings specifically the window scene. That was really cruel and the whole thing with Steve trying to distracte her while Bucky just doing what he wants 😭 that broke my heart. But I am totally excited to see what will happens next because of the massage she sent 😬
That window scene was in my head for a long time before I wrote it, I kind of shocked myself with how cruel I wrote them 😬 It definitely turned into a good cop, bad cop situation for a moment and a couple of people have said they were worried the reader was warming up to Steve but no worries there, she still hates him just as much! I just needed something a bit softer to counteract how horrible the situation was.
And the message...👀 well, we'll see what happens there. I gave an extremely basic description of the woman who's phone she borrowed, but I wonder if anyone can figure out who it was...?
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
Part four took me out!! Thank you so much for your writing, it’s amazing ❤️❤️
In a good way, I hope? I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
Hey ! Do you plan on updating shackle her from wrist to wrist (with sterling silver bracelets) or is it discontinued ? No pressure ofc .I love your page and your writing so much.
Uhhhhh.....neither, I suppose lol. It's not discontinued but I also don't know how to finish it so maybe one day it'll be completed but for now I'm going to focus on finishing All for You. And thank you!
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
OhHSHIT! Chapter 4! I really love the way you wrote it. Shit got SO real. She hates it, she hates them, she’s doing her best to cope. She knew that shit was coming. Fuck I hate them, and I love her. I hope the dead eyed rag doll reaction fucks their shit right up. She sees straight through them. I just can’t say how much I love your writing. It’s still fantasy but i relate to the reactions so much more. So happy you’re back! May the muses sing for you x
Thank you so much!! I really enjoy writing that reader because of how much she despises them. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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cpn-hydra · 3 years
I haven't read any of these but I'll leave them here anyway
Promises and Pomegranates Sav R Miller (hades Persephone retelling)
Hooked Emily macintire (peter pan retelling)
Be still my heart (idk but its a collab between two authors above)
The four horsemen Sarah Bailey
Priest sierra simone
King of Battle and Blood Scarlett Sinclair
Dirty wicked prince Edna o'niell
Like i say i haven't actually read any of these so i don't know how cheesy they are but ive heard some of them are quite popular, they're all smut basically and please check the warnings...
Good luck I hope none of these tickle your fancy then it might give you a place to start 🙂
Oh wow, thanks for the suggestions!!
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