You always smiled at me sweetly
 You never glared at me readjusting your façade
 You always cared about my feelings
 You never showed me warmth
 You always appreciated my kindness
 You never misinterpreted my motives
 You always gave me the benefit of the doubt
 You never judged me harshly
 You always set a clear boundary for me
 You never held my hand in public…never more than once
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Until The Girl Hollers Back
 Mondays seem to start downcast
Unless you are there perchance
Have you ever felt by-passed
Which of us more in a trance
Steady…careful…heart a-flame
Even as I shot a glance
 Angel-voice—you called my name!
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Twenty Questions
Twenty Questions
  Where are you now?
What are you getting up to?
Do you remember me?
Do you remember how you used to smile at me?
Do you remember how I used to smile back at you?
Did anyone ever tell you how bright your eyes are?
Are you proud of your excellent self?
Are you basking in joy?
Were you aware of how happy I was every time I saw you?
How did you feel when you saw me?
How did you feel when you did not see me?
Did you notice me one Saturday afternoon last year?
What do you dream of?
Do you recall the day you came back to me and stood in the doorway?
Did you realize how elated you made me then?
Do you remember singing even after the song had ended?
Do you remember writing my name with hearts around it again and again?
Do you remember the special sign you showed me at last?
Do you know that I whisper your name every day of my life?
Do you know that you are My Sunshine?
God bless you and keep you, My Beloved Sunshine.
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  Spiraling downwards
Turning the ascent-oculus
Into her secret echoing lament-chamber
My remotely-cherished Palace-Sprite
Flew with her otherwise keen eyes
Regrettably covered by her soaked skin-salt-saver
Even while her delicate voice
Broke away from her faerie-form
Betrayed such sorrowful pain-pleas
What cried out to my very ears
Deeply moved my poor heart within
Begs to know
Who dare joy-deprive my day-brightener!
Let me soften and console her
Let her leave her tears with me
May God-whisperings take and escort her
Surely and safely to some grassy hidden garden paradise
Where she may know nothing but how precious and loved she already is
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What is a Crush
What is a Crush
  A crush is a register
A crush is considered material
A crush was a familiar site to users for generations
but it has been effectively replaced
Many retain their crush
advising the last year it was updated
Some have eliminated their crush for the purpose
A crush enables a person to identify and evaluate an objective
These objectives can still be recognized
A crush also serves as an inventory
If the item is not found in the crush, the user may continue to search
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Why No?
Why No?
  Are you Red-EEE?
Let’s catch a cab, you Savage
And have some more
LOTS!  fill me intensely and feel me fully
Come in here singing a song
We’re just about on the border
I sang
To the Mall and back
My Petite Seraph
Moan astrally
As I pin you down
Sin?  Fun? Delll-icious
It’s just us
Grin with aching
Temper your nihilism
Carry me home
Pee?  No. Gahhh…mayyy
Mr. Bo J. (Engels?) lay
decent gentle
Into the car
See me?
See me a million times?
We vie like ne’er-do-well, hell, why not?
not blank
you blink wildly
Taste aggressively driven passion always
Who agrees?
Now you are light-bodied
Suave, bruised and relatively bitter
Back to neutral
Some find you variably dry
Yet I
savor your aromatics
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I am prey to insurrection. My soul is tyrannized by things that are nothing and everything. You, my bringer of thirst and water. You, bringer of you. You, the sudden, unpredictable thief. You, who sang that night. And I? I drink, I burn, I gather dreams.
Helene Cixous, Promethea  (via smakka--bagms)
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I have to hold it all, until I die.
Rainer Maria Rilke, from The Book of Images; “The Last of his Line,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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“Our story isn’t supposed to be over yet”
(A piece I would put in my book if I had one) Sarahann 117/317
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“I wanted to be yours forever”
Six word story chapter (a piece I would put in my book if I had one) Sarahann 57/100
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“You gave me every reason to stay alive, until you killed me on your own, so I didn’t have to”
(A piece I would put in my book if I had one) Sarahann 134/317
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Burma Shave
After a contemplative gaze
Do inch down that treasure trail
One slips below Earth’s equator
Oh! Pressed by tropic sweat
Burma Shaved
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Uppermost Strikes of 7*11
a long barrel of evil gonna shoot its shot
distant past distant location battles amongst luminaries the principal name or theme if you will
quantum affection spake the lion
awareness of self and others
relax little one
it is not at all easy to apologize
find your path
dance the night away
twelve feline moons
search for the woman
imitate my gait
like furry mammals getting it on
a person of interest
how i desire to be at your side
i have sworn off having a whale of a time
my affection matures
best boogie years of your lives
you are incomparable
yet you’ll not catch me shedding tears
get ready for a dude who snaps back
proper love indeed
that’s what the cool kids like
how ‘bout a taste
quick and monstrous
i am convinced of your witchcraft
i want more
put all your cards on the table and let’s mix and mingle and swim in the sun
i’m quite the fan of denim with you in ‘em
walking on air
drunken aliens
your withdrawal leaves me where exactly
coming in loud and clear you stormy godly angelic half-deep character
from far away i can see how it must all go up in flames
strangely musical
saturday sunday at half one
all the way to the bottom
having done the deed
you do not own my emotions
look who’s just arrived
as you were going down a bad path lad
got that from the lyrics
you are everything to me
nocturnal motions
out of the grass your sweet juiciness delivered to me nearly two dozen times
fearsome appearance ferocious behavior to be expected of you in these perilous waters
it must not end
how i desire and hope and pray
companionless youth
gently holding and rocking along with the sounds
we us
one more request and i’ll leave
does anything of yours need fixing
little light of mine
consider me entered unto you
it comes from disco from funk from jazz
your personal pleasure
visions not of daily life
thus am i on your wavelength
it would appear we successfully did it
so bright we could no longer see
auspicious hours between dusk and dawn
but not correct
as if never before experienced
we are worth fighting for
as a hawk soars through the sky
your lack of fame does not disqualify you from performing for me
get you cleaned up so you can ride in style
you can reach me directly anytime
the time you must be there for me
spoiled brat
down where it’s warmer after dark
about to take off
you must surrender
lodging with a mystical queen from a tale of long ago
lordly leader
are you in the mood
divulge your intent
there are means of communication
and a small place to drink
because of you my whole body is ready to move
you as well, hm
i dance with you like something out of your childhood fears
if you have another may you be ripped asunder
ethereal vision of loveliness incognito in bed
elevated by your affection
how dare you abandon me in such a condition
it is my wont to fantasize
heavenly in your embrace
always young never falling new light just coming into being
nothing better of what my heart has to offer
let me be fully possessed by you
at the end of this day all will be okay
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Filling a Cup
Filling a Cup
  Hey, Buddy
We can have all the time in the world
whatever we need
an eternity in an instant
if you like
Write it down
and remember it
Let ‘em know
Take her by the hand
Those were some times
Living Large
Breathe that in
We were focused
We made our case
We scored
 On fire
drinking it all in
I remember that room
The Before and After
Thank you for your gift
for inclusion
The little details
 Hop in
Hold on
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remember that I love you & that you once loved me too. I miss you.
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Tater Love
Tater Love
  French Fry!
You my enemy!
 …but I love you, Guy!
 At times you’ve gotten saucy
 At times you’ve been cheesy
 And you’re always salty
 You were often a basket case
 Even when nothing was at steak
 But you’re still my best spud
 I’m so happy to have you on the side
 You full fill me
 The starch of my show!
 Let me ask you a question, if I mayo
 Don’t worry—no wedging, no trip to Grease (not poutine you on--no need to re-hash that)…just
 You wanna Net-frites and chilli on Fry-day?
 You mustard heard that before, Ore-Ida know, maybe we can just ketchup some time?
 Well plate!
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a look out the window Tuesday midmorning
A high but somehow incomplete fence with green netting sits
below the lights not being used
A somehow hazy cloudless sky spreads above
Square factory buildings
Kept company by yellow cranes
Dwarfed by an impressive red and white tower
The constant construction
builds our expectations
While trees do their thing on either side of
Telephone lines running long-distance
All the way up into yon mountains
This highway is humming along this morning
Busy trucks pass and are passed by
Cruising cars
Passed over by birds
Like that big black raven off to steal someone’s innocent soul
You fly
They drive
Did they miss all of the signs?
Time to wash
Or watch the trains hustle to and fro
Observed by row after row of red-roofed houses
Feeling superior to the organized apartment communities
Have you ever seen anyone at that driving range?
Believe it or not, that convenience store has great coffee and cheap
People drink there in the parking lot
There’s even a phone, in case of emergency
Good thing, too, for that broken down van
Whose driver in a cap waits by the side of the road
Someone’s on the way, right?
Pedestrians cross the bridge
Rice paddies abide cyclically
Yellow banners flap in an effort to convince someone of the breeze
Behind it all, one famous mountain peaks with the last bit of melting white snow
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