crafty-business4130 · 3 years
so i grabbed the robot grian skin from grian’s name mc history cause i felt like making a version of it for my au(cough cough ill post themsoon)  and apparently robot grian has a switch on his back???
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im honestly kind of puzzled on how nobody else has seemed to find this out before me. feel free to correct me if someone actually has
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
so to expand upon this lets go in some ideas on what helscraft is like
i like to think that helscraft is a weird glitched copy of the overworld and the nether mixed together. for the cannon of my hermit duplicate’s AU (of which i will be referring to within this post) the dimension of helscraft isnt really a full dimension that always appears in every world like the end and nether. it only spawns into a world after a year or so of players putting all of their love and care into the world. the world builds up enough of all that good energy and then causes a opposite opposing Force to form. thus helscraft spawns into existence. in a way you could say the whole dimension of helscraft is a duplicate as well.
now one thing that kinda throws a a wrench in the works of this idea is that every year or so the hermits move into a new world, though since its normally has been roughly the same amount of players in each season we can go with the hermitcraft dimension of hels is carried over with each world jump. the world of hels change to match the new overworld but its still the same helshermits. though for the hermits that leave the server their hels counterpart disappears.  this may also work in reverse as well. only have one example so far so who know :) cOUGHCOughNHOcOUGh
with the the hows and whys on helscraft existence out-of-the-way let's get into some worldbuilding!
as ive already mentioned, helscraft is somewhat of a glitchy mix of the overworld and nether. what i havent mentioned is that a good bit of the April Fools updates and removed features for the overworld ended up floating over to helscraft but unlike the overworld in which these features disappear pretty quickly they ended up sticking around in helscraft, for better or worst. 
heres a list of examples of this, of which i then expanded upon them to make them more fleshed-out. 
the list got really long so the rest of the post is under the cut! :D
Pig and cow sized horses, if fed too much will cause the animal to grow dangerous mutations that can not only kill the animal but make its remains toxic and unedible. You can make a green book via using toxic leather (the crafting book)
A common spell is to summon flame that then can be used for new crafting recipes. one such recipe is flaming barrels, if someone walks too close it will explode, another is chainmail armor
if you put too much fuel into a furnace it will explode.
torches burn out an hour or two after being lit
chickens are deadly, do not provoke them. it is extremely rare but the is a very small chance spawn in a blue chicken. only able to spawn via throwing eggs. it drops lapis and diamonds instead of eggs. beware tho, all chickens in the immediate vicinity will protect the blue one with their lives and will attack anything that gets too close.
eating or feeding an animal a god apple will cause it to float upwards for five minutes before slowly descending back to the ground. 
Wheat if not chopped after fully grown will go bad and die, same thing with other crops. though you can make Iron infused melon and pumpkins, it insures that the stem won't die over time after its first produce
Powered Redstone causes redstone bugs to spawn, it can be stopped by combining lapis and redstone dust together to make bluestone dust. asifhfsssdhv only a noob uses redstone.
Redstone wire, another alternative of redstone made with redstone dust surrounded by cobwebs. it insulates the redstone and stops bugs from spawning. pretty much the same thing function wise but is a pretty cool thing to use to flex on others
Villagers are instead piglins, not the tanned ones added into the nether update but rather pink skinned ones.
Glowing obsidian, a glowing red version of obsidian. Only found in trades with piglins
In helscraft there are lava oceans instead of water, water can only be found deep underground. Lava instead of water is infinite, water is no longer infinite. 
The world of hels first looked like the indev world theme of hell, with following updates to the overworld helscraft changed and evolved as well. There is no sun nor moon, just a forever floating layer of lava that acts to light up the dimension. 
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Frostwalker is instead, Magmawalker, turning lava into magma blocks shortly before melting back into lava
Boss fights arent the same in helscraft as in the normal overworld and its closely neighboring tied in dimensions of the end and nether. Not found in helscraft are Guardians, the ender dragon, and technically the Wither as well. Instead you can find Giants, the red dragon, the four horse men(much more difficult to defeat)
Giants unlike the ai less ones you can spawn using commands are living and breathing monsters that roam the land. During their travels any ghasts they cross will join them on their wandering
Ghasts can be somewhat tamed in helscraft. If you can successfully capture a baby ghast from its parents and raise it yourself the ghast will be malleable enough, somewhat like foxes but just a bit more wild. If you happen to accidentally harm them it will turn on you and fight you to the death, be it your’s or theirs.
It's a very very rare find but huge brick pyramids can spawn into the world. in season 7 helscraft’s cubfan took up residence within one that spawned in Incredibly Close to spawn
There are alot of different nonsensical potions that can be brewed for interesting drinks. some have a use, most dont tho. all of em have amazingly different tastes and smells
instead of honeycomb there is crystallized honey, it functions as pretty much the exact same thing. has its block too, call the wax block.
Killer bunnies spawn in more often than normal bunnies
Og stonecutter, can cut blocks into half. Not only used for stone. can cut doors, beds, and much more into halfs
Nether reactor core, could be the key on how to jump between the hermitcraft and helscraft. will need to think on this idea some more though
Petrified Forest, a biome within helscraft that has wood as hard as stone and a texture reminiscent of a mix of acacia and crimson planks color wise.
unsure as of yet on what to call it but the volcanic biome the Rempirer had Rendog make is a biome within helscraft as well!(the Rempirer is ren’s helscraft counterpart... he wasnt always evil as he is now) 
the mobs that lost the vote found their way into helscraft, not just the moobloom all of them. the three mystery mobs from the 2017 and the ice illager. (i voted for the glow squid and while i do still stand by my decision it is truely a shame we might not see any of them all in the game ever )
Studded armor and plate armor, alternatives to leather and chainmail. studded armor is made with leather and stone and plate armor is made with smooth stone slabs
stained glass looks a bit like this
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and colored wool like this!
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and thats everything for now. ill probly be working out some more ideas since theres a surprisingly large amount of features that have been added to minecraft either hidden away in the background or removed.
 also if anyone wants a some links to where i found these old and mostly forgotten facts ill post em in the notes when i get the time to do so. theres a lot of them tho so i might forget a few
hey also if you like these you might also like my Discord! i made it for this au and i tend to share my ideas a bit more over there than over here. theres a lot to see :DD
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
i really like the idea that the Hels the very cocky knight has/had no knowledge what so ever about how the overworld and its neighboring dimensions works (nether + end) this is based off of the very simlpe fact that elyra = very easy escape out of small hole. 
surely if elyra’s exsit in helscraft everyone would also use em just as often as the hermits? and thus Helsy’s lil trap for wels would have been set up qutie a bit different, cobwebs instead of buttons perhaps? 
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
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ive had this “fusion” for over a year and half bruh. theres more info about my version of badtimes on this blog and much more over in my discord, been doing a lot over there then on recently perhaps take a look?
Create a fusion of BadTimes and a wither.
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
this concept may be of interest to you: there's a semi-popular headcanon that bedwars in-universe is a popular Blood Sport that players die in repeatedly as a normal part of life. what I'm saying is *gestures to false's pvp/uhc background* maybe respawning thousands more times than anyone else could cause a season portal to glitch
Huh that’s not a bad idea anon! Though im not much familiar with False’s pvp/uhc stuff as of yet at least. After happening upon the ep where false jumps back to visit season 2, I went back and watched i want to say about half or so of her videos for season 2. as of recently I have been pondering as of late on the exact specifics on how all of the duplicates came to be, I've settled on the idea that it could be a result of built-up magic that the person in question doesn't know how to properly release. It’s most likely not too many know this to be the reason why, for players with the potential to use magic and store it isn't very common and learning how to properly release the slow build up may as a result not be common knowledge.
Now for false and Truse’s case i feel at the time of going through the portal false’s way to release the build up of background magic would of been fighting and with her now in a world that doesn't have her fighting much it at all, it could of theoretically caused Truse to end up spawning. repeatedly dying over and over just to respawn each time to do it all over again would lead to your soul being very damn strong in my books.
For the hermitcraft server in this Au it has its own blanket of magic that grows with the amount of time and love and care put into making each season world. Somewhat similar to the diamond Throne, each block was made with the blood and sweat from every hermit on the server. So basically some of the residue of the server’s magic can seep into some of the magically inclined hermits.
A similar thing is what happened with Scar and BT. Scar is naturally talented with magic but it wasn't till season 5 that he properly learns how to use and release the natural buildup of it. (the Vex teach both him and cub) So during scar’s first wither fight way back in season 4, Scar in his Panic managed to release all of his magic in a uncontrolled burst which lead to Badtimewithscar spawning into the world with a mix of both scar’s magic and the wither’s power.
On how to exactly expel the magic build up is by doing something and putting your all into it. For False this was fighting, then after she found her place among the hermits and grew comfortable and confident in her building style but that leaves the gap of the time when she first joined and was still new and a bit awkward around the others. When she left through the portal the residue magic clinging to her still mixed with the portal and that! Is what caused Truse to spawn.
Ok this has gotten long enough for now, i got some ideas for how the rest of the Duplicates spawn in but i’ll save that for another post or ramble on about it in the discord for this AU (feel free to join!!)
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
I have a question? Why do you call truesymmetry truse instead of true?
For similar reasons as to why NPC Grains' name in this AU is Dustic and that Badtimewithscar is referred to as BT, I wanted to make this AU unique , something different than the fandom's common perspective of all of them. To stand out in the crowd so to speak.
For the lore reason as to why she’s called Truse is that she’s not a hels copy like quite a few other AU have her as or a “evil double”, in this AU she is a copy of False who shares all of the same memories until the moment they split which happen when false went through the nether portal that lead to season 3, false went through fine whist a new version(Truse) of her came out of the portal and ended up in the nether. And gets stuck in season 2 for three long years. More about this can be found in This post
Anyway her gamertag shows up now TrueSymmetry (aka, in the coms. that's what appears as her name since you cant have two players with the same username) She didn't really get a choice on changing her name. the name TrueSymmetry is somewhat ironic but it doesnt change the fact she’s not the False everyone knows and loves. it hurts to admit it but it’s the truth and she understand. 
Going by the name of Truse in of itself is a truce between simply True or False, it’s something new something that Truse carved out for herself.
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
Okay, so, how do the other duplicates in your au feel bout eachother? Unbridled fury? Platonic compassion? -Snow <3
Oooo thank You for this ask! This ones a fun one tho pretty long
Lets go through the list
Npc sees Robot grian as his brother and vice versa. They both like to mess with each other as siblings do but will have the others back.
Npc considers Evil X as his best friend.
Ro while was a bit reluctant to get to know Ex at first (compared to Npc who practically threw himself into making Ex his friend) but within a few weeks of knowing each other they become friends too.
I can definitely see them either getting along way too well and scheming or fighting over little things like where the remote is.
Ex was pretty sus of the two grian’s at first but rolls with it, He thinks of Npc as his best friend too. Ro is his bro and sometimes they chill and talk about whatever comes to mind
Badtimes is best friends with Truesymmetry and vice versa
Bt and Truse met Ex Npc and Ro i would say somewhere between three to five months into season 6 ∞
Bt did not like Ex and was cold to the two robots. This is because Ex inadvertently caused BT some trama (more details can be found here) and BT doesn't really know how to talk to new people anymore ( tho did he ever) and tends to be cold to folks he isn't already close to. it took a down to earth conversation(and/or a fight or two) between the two for them to put aside their pasts
Truse would've gotten along with NPC and Ro like rocks on ice (im pretty sure i got that saying wrong but just roll with it) aka really well. Truse and Ro are Feral Science bros
After that Bt and Ex get along pretty well though they do have some disagreements at times
For now thats all im gonna share for if i continue i’ll never get to actually posting this (there are 20 duplicates, and that's not even taking in account of the helscraft memebers)
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
ahaha i wrote out the answeres to the asks on a doc before i pasted it in, not sure if anyone saw that but i fixed it now jasdjhk 
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
hello! who's your favourite duplicate and can you please tell me random things about them
My fav, at least atm is BT (aka Badtimewithscar) it was NPC but my brain has been hyper focused on BT and keeps adding more and more to him and his character 
Pats BT: this bad boi can fit so much angst
 So some random facts! 
He is (in this AU) a glitched copy of Scar.  
he came to be after Scars wither fight back in season 4 got out of hand. And as the seasons have passed his arms have been withering down to the bone
Aka hes got skeleton arms (up to his elbow as of now in season 7)
BT’s got nether stars for eyes, his eye sockets are empty besides the floating nether stars. At first it seemed like he just had empty/ no eyes at all but gradually over time the stars brightened up 
While Scar has an unfriendly relationship with Bob the building inspector, BT on the other hand would say he’s good friends with him. Due to BT being technically a wither, most hostile mobs are neutral to him. That doesn't stop BT having the worst luck at times though.
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
ELLO this herre be a timeline of season six for my Hermits Duplicates AU, which is about all of the hermits duplicates aka NPC Grian (who is called Dustic in this AU for lore reasons) Robot Grian, Evil X, renbob ect ect, who together and becomes friends and make a share base. This AU is a large mix of Isolation Misunderstandings and most importantly Found Family.  
ive also opened up a discord for this AU so if ya liked this post check on in to there! there’s a lot more to this AU than what ived shared here today. now without further Ado check under the cut for the timeline!
Season six
Dustic and Ro stayed with TFC during the beginning of season 6 for a good few months or so before they took off and on the insistc of Dustic, they sought out Evil Xisuma and “tricked” him into friendship
Later on through chance, Badtimewithscar and Truesymmetry happen upon their now shared and slowly growing cave town base. It took some time to convince them into joining the base and to become friends but within less than a month's time BT and Truse have fit themselves in
Time flies by and the base is worked on even more with the additional help from BT and Truse, shenanigans a penalty as well, a small hand full of pranks on the hermits (Truse may or may not be the jinger and Dustic may or may not of been the salmon man) and upon their own little group
7 months and 2 weeks into the season Evil Xisuma is banned from the server and immediately Dustic starts working on getting him back. After some careful planning Dustic, Truse, and TFC work together and manage to pull Ex out of the void and back into hermitcraft with the other hermits being none the wiser. Ex self imposes himself into exile and stays away from the main hermit island and lives full time at the duplicates base, though for the most part he was already doing that so the exile isnt too impactful
The next 2 and half months are filled with some tension with both Ex getting banned into the void (which had dustic not gotten ex out of the void, Ex would have either gone mad/insane due to being within the void or would have been consumed by the void and would not respawn) and the soon to come village and pillage update that would lead to the hermit potentially finding them by going out to the new terrain. Things simmer down after the update falls upon the server 
Roughly 2 months later Renbob has spawned into the server then on
July 19 2019 Renbob leaves New Hermitville in somewhat of a panic and crash lands into The Cavern Town (suggestions for a name for the base are very much welcome) and stays till Renbob hears the intergalactic hippie horn and then comes to aid Grian and Ren to help fight against “The Man” (aka the government) 
Renbob sticks around the hippie commune till the end of the 77 ark, during this time renbob does his thing and helps out to the best of his ability. The German Tourist (Gtm76, or more commonly known as simply Gerry) joins the game on september 4th to visit docm for the first time since they both escaped together from experimentation in captivity
 (backstory; some group of scientist ran a series of experiments trying to make a living sentient life-form. It took them 77 trys and Docm was their crowning achievement that was also their undoing. Gerry was the 76th try which while sentient his body had some defects that while with some cybernetic enhancements fixed the problems but it wasn't good enough for them so docm77 came to. Doc also had the same body problems but those didn't crop up/became unavoidable till later)
Anyway back to Gerry joining the server, he walks about and takes in the views before encountering Docm, who upon seeing Gerry bonks him over the head and throws Gerry into one of the cells fully convinced Gerry is an alien imposter and nothing Gerry saids can convince Docm that he is not an alien.(one of the problems doc had was memories. his life before getting his cybernetic enhancements was very hazy and he does not remember how he actually escaped nor the fact that he escaped with another person) Gerry stays stuck in the cell forgotten and alone with nothing but the uncomfortable prison uniform that reminds him far too much of the uniform he had to wear during his early life whilst in captivity. 
During the area 77 raid Gerry realized that someone besides Docm and Scar were in the building and tried desperately to get their attention alas his cell was just far enough that the hippies in thier excitement to reunite with villager grian and the time machine they completely missed Gerry’s cell in the way back of the compound. 
After area 77 is opened up as a amusement park, renbob returns to see if he can find his lost glasses (renbob was briefly stuck in a UFO that scar and docm confiscated then renbob was retrieved from the hold of it) renbob upon not seeing his glasses on the firset floor moves to the bottom floor and in his search he finds Gerry’s cell and Gerry manages to convey to him to open the cell even though the language barrier. They both leave Area 77 together and board Renbob’s van and heads for the Duplicate’s base where they all stay at for the remainder of the season.
Not even a week or so later Tomato Yoshi comes stumbling out of their nether portal, after completing his quest to be good at minecraft he then went back into the portal wishing to go where someone may be in need of his teachings. After moving in with the duplicates he helps them through their problems and initiates a weekly Therapy Group. He also trains Truse on how to fight blind, so that if she loses her goggles she can still protect herself.
During the time of demise they all for the most part stayed hunkered down and worked on finishing the base with a touch of everyone’s building styles mixed together. Then comes the end of the season. 
With the Infinity portal came a dilemma, do they go with the hermits to season 7 or move onto a new world? The duplicates wait a week’s time before they leave the season which gave them all time to fully consider this new found option. BT came to the conclusion that he wants to be there for any new duplicates that may spring up in the upcoming years, to show them that they’re not alone. Truse and Ex decide to stay too for the same reason. Gerry decides to go with renbob and explore hyperspace in Renbob’s Rv. Dustic, Ro, and Ex go through the portal with Truse at the lead. Once on the other side Truse changes Ex’s entry message and Dustic teleports himself Ex and Ro down and into a cave system below spawn. Then they move towards the coordinates they all agreed to head towards once they've made it to season 7.
And that’s everything i've got for season 6 of the Duplicates AU, i've started a discord for the AU so if you liked this please stop by and say hello! I’ll be sharing a bunch more for the au over there as well.
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
sup, im not dead
Firstly i would like to apologize for basically abandoning this blog for 8 months, i got dragged into the dsmp fandom for like 6 months then took a break and moved back into marvel for 2 months then a couple days ago i decided to read though everything on this blog again and ive become so inspired and fill to the brim with new ideas. I got some catching up to do on the Hermits (ive watched thro all the recaps so far + all of rendog’s videos)
Now that i’m back into the hermitcraft fandom I want to go back into making this AU, but i'm gonna go about it a bit differently this time. Last time I would ramble on about my ideas within my friends discord and then chop up some of that and then post it onto this tumblr. This time i'm gonna cut out the middleman and make a discord for the au for anyone who likes/wants to hear about my Hermit Duplicates AU. 
To hopefully kick off this blog again I've taken some time and finally finished the two remaining ask’s i had yet to answer before I left the fandom along with a rough timeline of how things went for this AU during season six.
Here's the link to the discord (https://discord.gg/3WeQxMv75Y) i hope to see y'all there! :D
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years
Who would win in a fight? Npc or Ro?
agasgdsh definitely Npc seeing as he can both teleport and float. tho if your talking about verbally then that crown would go to Ro. hes pretty darn good at coming up with one hitting insults. 
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years
What do you perceive NPC Grian as? Most see him as a robot, but others see him as a demon, like a hels version of Grian. What do you think?
To be simple I see NPC Grain as basically a void shoved into a robot
To be complex and get into some lore NPC grain is a robot made by grian. Grian wanted to make an THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILDER     but Grian does not know how to code like at all. at least not when he first started building NPC 
So while the body was functioning and a marvel it couldn't build or create or do anything completely. Grian ends up going through some of his old stuff that he had laying about and found a ripped page going on about summoning and really good builder and some warnings he couldnt understand . So grian shugs and trys it. He gets it to work, he summons the thing the is NPC and gets him to work. BUT Grian didn't do it correctly, he ended up pulling a piece of the void, shoved it into his bot and sealed Npc into his new body. 
Some more details about this can be found here (its a doc all about NPC! and some bits about Robot grian, trust me its a good read)
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years
Not an ask, but I love you
i love you too! random citizen :D
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years
eyyyyy please send in some asks folks i would love to answer some.
you could ask bout NPC Grian or badtimeswithscar or any of the duplicates or what kind differences the hermits have in this AU. Or random things, or maybe an Ask about one of the past seasons of hermitcraft and what some of the duplicates were up to at that time!  pls help fuel my creativity by sending in an ask it may take me a bit to answer but i would love u forever if you did
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Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years
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Badtimewithscar and Truesymmetry back to back ready to fight or flight, Bt’s got an ender pearl in hand and Truse has her sword at the ready. i wonder how it’ll turn out...
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years
at the rate im going its be awhile before i get a bigger post out, but if anyone would want to leave some ask about this AU and the folks in it, i would love to answer! 
it would probly end up faster that way since ive just been sitting here with a bunch of ideas for this AU but i cant get me self to just pick one to focus on and make a post about. :/ 
also sorry for like no posts in the past two weeks. i havent been able the use my chromebook/laptop thinga ma gig as much as i would like too. my brother has started up school agian  im taking a year off before heading to college  so hes got it most of the day and ived been a little bit stuck on what to post next
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