the funniest thing to me is seeing someone in the art fight discord claim cc allows harmful paraphulias when cc rules specifically state they ban ppl for zoophilia and pedophilia rofl
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nowadays it looks like anyone who tries to be part of creative clash that doesnt think thoughtcrime is real gets lumped in with pro-abuse stances and actual predatory behaviour. like sorry i posted in a completely diff place that i don't think an attraction makes someone abusive? let's just ignore the fact that statistically, most sexual abuse is motivated by convenience/opportunity and power, not because someone has feelings. i have feelings to yell my head off at my coworkers but ofc i dont fucking do that because i'm not some asshole with low enough self esteem to ruin everyone's day. if saying the facts that abuse is about power is in itself predatory/pro-c then how the shit are we supposed to prevent actual abuse?
-signed, someone who is vehemently anti-c for harmful paraphilias and has made that abundantly clear since forever
We are not in Creative Clash ourselves, so we cannot speak about how the mods handle thoughtcrimes on Creative Clash.
The idea that sexual abuse is "motivated by convenience/opportunity and power" is misguided and outdated, FYI.
There is a lot of discussion about sexual assault following, so I'm going to place it behind a cut. This is your warning.
Anon, I hope dearly that you read this, and take it to heart and reconsider some of your thoughts on this slogan and ideology.
"Rape is about power" emerged from second-wave feminism: that is to say: the feminist movement from the 1960s-1980s. We are talking 40-60 years ago. (Were you even alive then?)
In a book titled Against Our Will (Susan Brownmiller, 1975), the author framed rape as a tool used by the patriarchy to enforce oppression upon women. A quote:
Rape is not a crime of irrational, impulsive, uncontrollable lust, but is a deliberate, hostile, violent act of degradation and possession on the part of a would-be conqueror, designed to intimidate and inspire fear.
This concept of rape as a political and oppressive patriarchal act filtered down to "Rape is about power, not sex," which was further shortened into slogans such as "It's about power!"
It's an easy way to turn it into a political and social issue (with the hope that advocacy for rape victims will gain more attention and interest) ... and also became a reductivist way to remove the personal responsibility from rapists and dehumanize victims, turning them into political tools, mere statistics of The Patriarchy.
If nothing else - considering how rape inherently involves sexual acts (and most commonly: erections, penetration - often vaginal or anal, genital stimulation...) - it's absolutely batshit to claim that rape is not about sex at all! This is like saying that the patriarchy is not about male privilege!
So, what are the actual statistics and research?
There's any number of vulnerable people that would make an ideal target for a rapist - elderly people, physically disabled people, and yes, even children. Yet the majority rape victims are young women. If rape is simply about power, why would rapists target young women - clearly a demographic that rapists (statistically: also, far and away, mostly heterosexual cis men) would find most attractive? Why do most rapists prey upon women they know, rather than choosing random strangers? (In case it's not clear here: it is because they are choosing victims that they are attracted to, not victims that simply present an "easy target" upon which to exercise power.)
Research (and, yes, statistics!) have shown, again and again, that rapists will rape due to a sense of entitlement. Which is also why so many rapists will prey upon women they already know; often friends, girlfriends, or wives.
Study has also shown that many rapists are specifically sexually aroused by sexual violence.
Rape is not an either/or situation, to be clear: it is about power, yes, but it is ALSO ABOUT SEX.
We do not think that thoughtcrimes are real. There is a difference between attraction and action, and having "bad feelings" does not make someone inherently a criminal. (Can you imagine? Prisons would be filled with people with intrusive thoughts then!)
However. We do find your stance here concerning. Equating yelling at your coworkers (but restraining yourself from doing so, like anyone with a modicum of social awareness and competence) to having a strong desire to rape someone (or an animal, for that matter) is worrying.
We think you need to consider this issue more seriously. Idly wishing you had a bazooka so you could blow up people ahead of you when you're stuck in traffic does not make you a mass murderer. Purchasing a rifle and ammo and studying the maps of your local mall while you daydream about mowing down the Saturday pre-Christmas shopping crowds - but never actually doing it - is where you should seek professional psychiatric help (and not seek out a Discord server of fellow wannabe mass shooters for "support").
All of that aside, as well: We do not know, obviously, what you said. Pardon us if we take this with a grain of salt without any evidence, mind. And, we understand from personal experience, how convincing people can be when they are pushing a certain ideology. We strongly urge you to take in feedback from every side of this issue, and then step away from all of them to take time to consider all feedback and, if you decide then, re-orient yourself on these issues.
But, all of the above aside. We think that it may be prudent for a proship community to exclude anyone who has a harmful paraphilia, or associates with those who do.
The proship community already faces many accusations of being pedophiles, zoophiles, and so on. The best way they could show that they do not tolerate anyone who enacts sexual harm IRL is to not tolerate anyone with those urges in their communities. (Is that harsh and unfair for people who are non-offending and seeking help? Yes; but them's the breaks.) Gods forbid you wind up with another Fanexus.
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@ anon who left: Bet I know what mod =)
Bet it's the same mod who posted a hehehaha funny joek(tm) in response to a very reasonable question, about executing that user via shooting squad
The response was deleted eventually but no acknowledegement of how fucked that was
I get the feeling the rest of the mod squad is constantly cleaning up after this mod. Makes me wonder what he's got on the team that they keep him around rofl
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literally wish there were more artfight alternatives that allowed nsfw! i submitted awhile back abt leaving creative clash. i finally did recently bc ive had enough w the mods tbh. esp one of the mods who is constantly vaguing ppl, n crying abt not getting enough attention on their art but neverr interacting w other ppls art, n saying lot of headass stupid shit they constantly get away w it bc theyre a mod!! theres like two decent mods but their barely around nemore. just this miserable bitch
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jsyk. that "pro police" post was probably made by the pedos cc banned.
you see, the fbi and ncmec have found a correlation between those pedo symbols and actual cp. so therefore, banning people for using kiddy diddler rhetoric is....supporting the fbi i guess???? and therefore thats pro-police??????
yes this is literally an angle a few of them tried arguing to support their right to abuse kids. that banning the open and proud pedophiles is......"anti-acab". literally cant make this shit up
it's hard to find proof bc theyve deleted most of their posts and keep moving accounts or changing names to avoid accountability. several people got involved tho i wont name them bc i dont have proof (see above: deleting posts/changing accts). but. i do have screencaps from the king pedo. cw for these screencaps including the drawing with the pedo shit https://imgur.com/a/RMd8Okd
and a post from taullo themselves where they also mention the "anti-acab" thing https://aethy.com/@Taullo/111222558446256841
You know what kind of person looks at symbols tied to CSAM distribution and says "But, the FBI says that. That's the police! ACAB, you can't trust that!" ?
The kind of person that's trying to create a smokescreen for predators.
Clickable links:
Imgur link. TW for discussion & defense of pedophilia and imagery tied to real-life child abuse.
Aethy link.
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the cc mods banned the pedos. everyone calm down rofl
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I kinda wish that they had promoted themselves more. the event came and went and i’d completely forgotten that creativeclash was even a thing until i got one singular email with the team scores after it was over.
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@ the anon who sent in the 'pro police' message:
Do the other people you've listed have anything to do with this as well? The evidence sent in only points at a single person defending police.
If you'd like to resubmit with further evidence to show those people also support this stance (or with their names omitted), we can consider publishing this message.
This is a confession blog. We're not here to post callouts for people just for participating in proship spaces.
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Ok so some ppl in the comm were drawing plushie designs of their OCs. someone said they wanted to make one too but they couldnt post it in discord because there's a rule against posting any kind of map pride type stuff.
later, they posted their design on baraag, a mastodon acct for loli/shotacons. the drawing was based on several different symbols that pedophiles use irl to signal each other (seen here https://www.geekslop.com/life/strange/odd-things/2011/the-pedophile-handshake-pedophile-secret-symbols ) and tagged #childlove (also a term that offending pedos use) and #pedophilia
mods previously banned a zoophile and the site just closed temporarily. so im sure this person will be banned too. but yeah that happened
Clickable link.
Stay safe.
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i joined like two years ago and tbh?? cc was a blast. i had soooo much fun drawing nasty proship art for other nasty proshippers /gen
but i gotta say, the community more recently has started to feel really uncomfortable. idk. there's a few newer people that dominate nearly every conversation, every day, all day long now,, like nobody can talk about anything they don't like or even have the mildest disagreement or they get like passiveaggressive and shut down the convo, theyve said their former 🐜s and lmao does it show!!!!
mods are barely around anymore so idk if thats why the vibes are off now or what idk idk
feels like when i joined, and for a good year or so, there was decent engagement....
i just dont talk anymore and i lurk but more and more i feel maybe i should just leave the server
feels like anytime look in i see someone talking negatively about things i like, it doesnt feel welcoming anymore, at least unless you like a specific rigid category of character and kink and style
id just leave but i cant do af 😭
dont suppose any1 knows of any other art trading comms or sights??? as long as its proship friendly and preferably allows nsfw too /gen
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one of the popular users in cc may be a legitimate pedo and that makes me feel some kind of way............................
Excuse me?
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wellp i saw some people confronting someone in the community demanding them to basicly out themself.... bc ppl were arguing whether or not this person has a penis or not...... suffice to say. i left and will no logner be participating in creative clash.
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ive drawn for 5 people so far and only 1 has responded to my attack...... feels bad man umu
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/726369937092952064/ bet i can guess which mod sent this in kek
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We're on the same side here people, not everyone is gonna get along, that's obvious, no body is perfect. But do you really need to contribute to something that's clearly only causing tension and toxicity? Do you not have friends you can go vent to about this kind of thing instead of submitting it to a blog where stuff very easily will get misconstrued or taken out of context by strangers? I feel like that's more harmful than if people are drawing more men or women, or if a mod said something you didn't agree with.
Once again, this is a drama blog. Stuff here is going to be exaggerated and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if antis eventually came and flooded this blog with a bunch of made up crap to try and tear us apart.
If you don't feel welcome or comfortable in the community I genuinely apologize, as that's not something I want for any of us, but at the same time adding fuel to the fire isn't going to make it any more comfortable yeah? It's just going to make it worse.
If you genuinely believe there's a serious issue that needs addressed there are better ways to go about dealing with it than yelling into a drama blog about it, and I highly encourage people who do feel that way to try and find a place where they either feel more at home or find a more productive way of handling said issue. This isn't to brush off people's concerns either, I just genuinely think that there are better ways to handle your frustration over stuff in CC. I really don't want this blog to cause issues within the community itself, I think all of us are better than that.
I honestly think we'd be a lot better off trying to spread more positivity than negativity.
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Do y'all really have nothing better to do than to argue over whether there's more gays or lesbians in CC...? Like.. seriously is it that much of a pressing issue-? 😭 Fucking highschool level drama guys, can we just have some solidarity and respect that not everyone likes the same thing -?
Y'all are acting like CC is hostile to either, which it's really not. It's not a space that's specific to any one identity, complaining about whether people are drawing men or women more is just flat out childish. People are allowed to have preferences??
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someone claiming theres 0 asian racism?? rlly???? ur part of the problem. literally more upset abt an asian saying theres racism than…. hmmm idk….. maybe the racism??????
and this is why i dont talk in there anymore. wonder how many other ppl in the comm feel the same way as they do when racism is pointed out??
the fcking caucasity lollll
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