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“In the middle of a Trump protest in Manhattan - so beautiful.” 
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The very idea of America makes me shake and tremble and gives me nightmares.
Josephine Baker
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Being in public and knowing that all around you are people that voted for Trump
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For all of my LGBTQIAP+ siblings out there, right now.. Please don’t give up. We will be heard. I love you all, please stay safe. Please.
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Watch: Black boys’ tribute to Muhammad Ali is the type of empowerment we need to see.
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Attention ALL artists!
You sure have seen this post. It has spread like wildfire over the past few days so I doubt there is any artist out there who hasn’t seen it. But even if you didn’t, you should read on because I’m about to tell you a handy little thing that can help you to protect your art from such assholes as the anon who submitted this bullcrap, as well as art thieves in general.
The magic word is Metadata.
Metadata is like an invisible signature that is embeded into a file. It can contain all kinds of information, like Title, date, keywords for online seach engines, and copyright information. And the best thing is, since this information is “hidden” in the code of your picture, it’s hard to remove it.
There is a nice basic tutorial on how to add Metadata, or “additional file information” to your images in photoshop. It’s really, really easy so check it out!
“Adding Your Contact And Copyright Info To Your Photos With Photoshop” on PhotoshopEssentials.com
I’m not sure if you can do the same with any other art program. If you know how to do this in other programs / can confirm that it works the same way there, please tell me so I can add the information to this post.
Adding the Metadata will not stop idiots from taking and reposting your art. It also won’t make them stop editing out your signature. It WILL however, help you prove that you are the original artist whenever you have to. Always remember my friends. You, the artist, are protected by law. No one has the right to take your intellectual property and hard work and repost, use or edit it without your permission. Ever.
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Oh this, thank goodness it got put into words.
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Mad Max and Motherhood
When Furiosa finds the Vuvalini, she announces herself with the following words: ‘I am one of the Vuvalini, of the many mothers. My initiate mother was Katie Concannon. I am the daughter of Mary Jo Bassa. My clan was Swaddle Dog.’
This tells us Furiosa came from a matriarchal culture where ‘initiate mothers’ and older female role models were considered just as important as real mothers. She was raised and taught by a whole host of mother figures, and she clings tightly to this part of her identity.
We also know that Furiosa was stolen to act as breeding stock, but when she failed to produce any children she was discarded as worthless and had to become ‘one of the boys.’ By her skill and determination, she worked her way up through the ranks of Immortan Joe’s war boys until she reached a position where she was able to escape.
And all this makes me realise how cathartic it must have been to meet the wives and form a relationship with them. Throughout the film we watch her care for them, protect them and teach them. We watch her pass on her skills and knowledge to this new generation of women. We watch her relate to these women as a woman herself. We watch as her attitude towards them becomes almost entirely protective and maternal. Her mention of having an ‘initiate mother’ is particularly striking, since it would appear that Furiosa became just such a mother to the wives.
The only part of motherhood Joe valued was the actual birthgiving - a sentiment gruesomely displayed by the crude caesarean forced on Angharad. But the Vuvalini had many different ways to be mothers, and Furiosa proves that the most important part of motherhood is not the production of children, but the act of teaching and protecting. This, alongside the wives’ assertion that ‘Our babies will not be warlords,’ the culture of toxic masculinity that surrounds the war boys from being separated from their mothers at birth and the fact that a new, peaceful generation is ushered in by the war pups lowering the lift and the Milking Mothers throwing off their chains to give water to Wretched, tells us that the true value of motherhood does not lie in the ability to bear children, but in a woman’s ability to teach, influence and shape future generations.
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tag urself, i’m u wu
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1 year ago today we scared joss whedon off twitter by calling him out for being a shitty human being (re: natasha’s treatment and the general awfulness of aou). never forget that may fourth is a victory. the evil was defeated this day
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Happy Star Wars Day!
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Congratulations, you made it halfway to Halloween! Halfoween is the day when next Halloween appears on the horizon before us and the last one disappears behind. Bake some cookies tonight and start planning, because from now on, it’s getting closer each day! 
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it’s so weird when people are like “ohh everyone’s too oversensitive and politically correct these days, you’re all just mean to anyone who disagrees with you!” becuase it’s so easy to turn that around? like maybe you’re the one being oversensitive when people point out that you’re doing something shitty and instead of just stopping and looking critically at your actions you start crying about how “political correctness” has gone too far and how everyone is angry at and being mean to you.
imo the people complaining about that stuff are the ones who actually want to be coddled because they don’t like it when people don’t sugar-coat their criticisms of acts of bigotry
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