crimsoncold · 4 days
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If you look outside the walls of your city, you'll find thousands of Northmen who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow is not in your interest.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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#same energy
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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Jon, Arya, and Sansa in the new teaser. 
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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these days it was only Sansa who could make him laugh.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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you need her, as she needs you.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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Jon Snow looking at Sansa Stark (requested by anonymous)
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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Northerners commit a bit like the free folk. Loyal to their own.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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Sansa had once wished the Others would get Janos Slynt at the Wall. It is Lord Commander Snow who puts Slynt’s head on a block and clears his head right off. There are true knights out there, after all. 
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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the classified negotiation process between the summer king and the king in the north.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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SANSA STARK appreciation 2/∞
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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Favourite Female Characters ♡:  [1/∞] ✿ Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell, This is my home. And you can't frighten me.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
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crimsoncold · 4 days
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The Starks don’t send their regards. They do it themselves.
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crimsoncold · 6 days
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Sansa Stark, The Queen In The North by @crimsoncold
You were raised by wolves and voices
Every night I hear them howling deep beneath your bed
They said it all comes down to you
You're the daughter of silent watching stones
You watch the stars hurl all their fundaments
In wonderment, at you and yours, forever asking more
All the stones and kings of old will hear us
screaming at the cold
The Amazing Devil, The Horror and the Wild
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crimsoncold · 6 days
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Just me reflecting on Sansa Stark, her Show Character Arc, and how one aspect of the show that I was critical of (some of the later costume design choices for Sansa and what they meant for her character arc and what they indicate about the attitudes of the writers) in turn helped inspire my art...
So I've been working on an art piece on and off since February and it might just be my favorite portrait I've ever done-both for how it turned out and for the inspiration behind it...
Before I started this piece I was dwelling a bit on my dissatisfaction with some of D&D's handling of this character in the later seasons... and soon came about the desire to do a portrait that incorporates the intensity, strength, and resilience of Sansa Stark while still getting to embrace and maintain some of the general softness, feminity, and romanticism that characterized her appearance and personality in the book and earlier seasons of the show...
It always seemed shitty to me that the show felt it had to squash out any traditionally feminine or more girly aspects of her appearance and personality to show that she should be taken seriously as a character
....As though these aspects are some sort of flaw Sansa had surpassed and that erasing her "softer" traits is some powerful cumulation or amazing visual cue for her character arc.... "Look she dresses all in black... she doesn't need or trust anyone...she put away all her childish dreams and hopes...doesn't she finally seem like a real stark....isnt she now so gritty and impressive - isn't this the best sort of ending/arc for Sansa!"
In reality this trope is lazy, over done, and reeks of underlying misogyny (Sansa was hardly the only character to get- or suffer from- this visual treatment in the later seasons of Game of Thronew but I'd argue that for her this choice was distinctly disappointing and had some important consequences/implications for her character arc)
Sansa’s biggest strength should have always remained her ability to maintain her kindness and compassion despite the horrors and mistreatment she experienced... and a satisfying arc should have involved her having the ability to demonstrate both her natural empathy and the burgeoning ability to apply said compassion in a more careful and considered manner which would live up to the values of her parents/family and ensure that the north (after experiencing such immense betrayal chaos and hardship) once again thrives under a just and fair ruler.
So I wanted to make a portrait of that would embody the sort of ending/arc (and be the sort of tribute) I think she deserves... (that the unfinished book series has not provided and that she certainly did not get in the tv series)
Looking at the core of this character and the ways the writing/narrative of the show ultimately let her and the audience down I have the following thoughts...
Sansa is strong enough to face and outlast every villain who targeted her family and tried to manipulate and use her as a child...
....Fierce enough to rally support to reclaim her ancestral home and land
... determined enough to hold Winterfell and the North's independence against any invader that wished to subjugate them...
....who- in a manner deserving far more praise than it gets-kept her integrity compassion even when at her most powerless and vulnerable...
... whose love of stories and songs or even beautiful dresses is not something that deserved erasure or ridicule
...who had hopes and dreams about family, marriage, motherhood, and being reunited with her siblings that despite how hard life - and the showrunners- tried to stomp out of her actually deserved to evolve into something grounded and real ... (fulfilled in winterfell with a worthy partner rather than being abandoned entirely as she is left isolated in the north without any of her surviving kin).
The sort of ending I want for the QITN is one celebrating her survival, her resilience, and strength of character... as well as rejoicing and still embracing who she is as a person... including her more traditional and feminin interests/hobbies/appearance, her hopes and dreams for her future and family, and her inherently compassionate nature (which is a strength all on its own).
Ned Stark's daughter, the blood of Winterfell, who will rule the north with the reverent support of her people, with an incredible mix of ferocity in the face of adversity and compassion in the face of need, who will not stand idly by and let vultures pick away at her remaining family, (or fall for any of the bullshit spewed out from an invading conquerer and their yes men advisors)...
...all the while she should still get to eat lemoncakes, sew, listen to stories, sing songs, experience love and family with her siblings and one day through her marriage and children, while she still gets to wear whatever fucking beautiful dress she wants 💙
And while this portrait may not cover every aspect of her ending that I hope she gets in the books and wished she got in the show- i'll save those aspects for my other sansa (or jonsa) centric art pieces- I am satisfied that it managed to captured some of her determination and strength while also presenting her in a way that does not judge or erase her more feminine characteristics.
Now For anyone who decided to read through my very rambly thoughts thank you and have a little glimpse at what the ongoing process has been like for this portrait as a treat...
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- Crimson Cold
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crimsoncold · 13 days
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SANSA + hugs
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