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Masumi, City Rat.
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An excerpt and the cover of Minor Magics. https://t.co/b9BpWDvWy7
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A great idea! We are going to do this for our 4e game.
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This is amaaaaazing advice
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A great fanfic for a lover of Harry Potter, powergaming, and DnD. It has been resurrected and new chapters are being added. Catch up now!
Well, it’s been a long time coming, but I’ve officially returned to Natural 20. While I’m getting back into the swing of things, I can’t guarantee a regular update schedule like in the old days, but you’ll likely be happy to know that Chapter 20 of Save-or-Die is well under way.
Happy December!
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Terrible resolution. Sorry.
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The yet unnamed starship of my upcoming Starfinder Crew!
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Grey Alien Saucercraft
This Grey alien saucercraft is a fighter designed for an upcoming Starfinder one shot with my group. It will be my first attempt at designing and balancing a space battle in the system, so we will see how it goes. The think is fast, tough, and hard to hit, and it packs a wallop with its main guns. I still need to design the PCs ship, and finish updating the Greys from Bestiary 5 to Starfinder. They are nasty pieces of work, even more so in Starfinder, with their plasma weapons, psychic power, and advanced armor.
Links to the stat block: https://goo.gl/uMkCsa
Link to the Ship Sheet: https://goo.gl/uvQWQQ
I’ll post the Starfinder adapted Grey aliens later.
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The Boarding Torpedo-A Ship for Starfinder
This ship is a hastily kitbashed torpedo with it’s guts removed and powerful thrusters and armor added. It’s intended use is to launch at an enemy ship during combat containing a crew member capable of murdering the important crew members aboard the enemy ship, either by sabotage or the old fashioned way.
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Meet Crimson Overcoat, my first #Starfinder Society character.
Crimson Overcoat is the latest attempt to reboot the classic pulp action reality hero. The license rights to the character were mired in a legal quagmire for years until a group of halfling “legitimate businessmen” acquired the rights through various means best not discussed in polite company. The head of the family, Pon Underg, saw a business opportunity in introducing his childhood hero to a new generation. Since the original Crimson Overcoat was long dead, Pon Underg and his family partnered with agents of the Acquisitives to produce an Android that would be bred to do the job.
The new Crimson Overcoat was every bit the swaggering space hero that the original seemed to be. The halfling mobsters,took him in and treated him like family, as the Don idolized the original Crimson Overcoat and couldn't pass up a chance to have his hero in the family. The new Crimson Overcoat rose to stardom as a reality entertainer by going on broadcast streamed adventures, often with the Starfinder Society, then edited them for maximum entertainment potential, usually by adding noise to the silent laser blasts, explosions in space, and the occasional canned scream.
Quotes: “I'll fix it in post.” *hums theme music* “He was brave like a hero, but smart like a streetcar.” “While I'm under enemy fire deep within the bowels of the villains base, I like to take a moment to enjoy 6 Goblin Energy Tonic! With all 9 essential secret herbs and spices to keep your whits sharp and your aim true!”
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Hogwarts Staff as of 2017
This is the current Hogwarts staff for my FATE Accelerated Harry Potter Game set in 2017: Staff and NPCs Headmistress: Professor McGonnagal Charms: Professor Flitwick (head of Ravenclaw, Deputy Headmaster) Divination: Professor Trelawny Transfiguration: Professor Jasmine Samuels DoDa: Isla Robbins (Head of Slytherin) Flight and Quidditch: Madame Hooch Professor Binns: History of Magic Herbology: Professor Longbottom (Head of Gryffindor) Care and Study of Magical Creatures: Professor Fingal “Three Fingers” Thurkle (Head of Huffelpuff) Hospital: Madame Pomfry Potions Master: Professor Laura Yoxall Muggle Studies: Professor Simon Young (actual Muggle with a liberal arts degree) Arithmancy: Professor Septima Vector Astronomy: Professor Aurora Sinestra Ancient Runes: Professor Bathsheda Babbling Caretaker: Mr. Filch and his cat Mr. Waffles
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Aftermath of Destroying the Forgotten Realms
The party looted the Vault of the Inevitables, stealing a total of 24 unknown and forbidden items that were locked away for good reason. Now I just have to come up with them. 
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It’s kind of a tardis.
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An Inevitable (Quarat) converted from 3.5. The party will kill it, but they’ll keep on coming.
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The Final Gonzo Epic Artifact.
The High Elf wizard has their heart ripped out whilst stumbling back from the pub. This sticks itself in his chest, instantly attuning itself to him and granting the following abilities:
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The Mysterious Symbiote
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
In order to attune itself to a new user, it tears out their heart and replaces the function of the organ with its own internal system. Removing the Mysterious Symbiote kills the wearer.
Sentient. The Mysterious Symbiote is a sentient neutral good Wonderous item with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 19, and a Charisma of 12. It has hearing and darkvision to a range of 120 feet. It can understand any language that it absorbs, but can only communicate with its bearer via emotional impressions.
Armored Carapace. While atttuned to the Mysterious Symbiote, your AC = 16+your Dexterity modifier.
Powerful Heart. You gain double your proficiency bonus in Athletics.
Blue Magic. You can mimic any skill, ability, spell, supernatural effect, or language that has been witnessed by the Mysterious Symbiote. Using these abilities takes a charge, of which the Mysterious Symbiote has 20. It regains 1d8+4 charges after a long rest. Gaining proficiency in a skill for one hour take 2 charges. Doubling proficiency takes 4 charges. Mimicking weapon or armor proficiency takes 5 charges, and lasts for 8 hours. Languages observed become automatic, and require no expenditure of charges to speak, read, or write. Spells may be cast using your own spell slots of the level of the spell observed, as if you had prepared the spell for the day. Spells take their level in charges to recall. Supernatural effect costs are determined from the following table:
CR 1-5
2 Charges
CR 6-10
4 Charges
CR 11-15
6 Charges
CR 16-20
8 Charges
CR 21-25
10 Charges
CR 26-30
15 Charges
Perfect Health. While attuned to the Mysterious Symbiote, you regenerate 5 hit points a round. You automatically stabilize when reduced to 0 hit points, and are immune to poison and disease, and the Poisoned condition.
Constant Vigilance. The Mysterious Symbiote constantly scans for danger. While attuned, you cannot be surprised, even while asleep, and gain Advantage on initiative rolls.
Martial Arts. At some point in time, the Mysterious Symbiote mastered unarmed combat. You do 1d8+Dexterity modifier damage with unarmed strikes, and can take the Dodge action as a bonus action.
Extra Arms. The Mysterious Symbiote has two extra arms. They can be used to give you the Help action on physical skill checks and in combat. You may also use them to make an unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Adaptive Biology. You can cast the alter self spell at will.
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Designed to simulate a horde of smaller low power monsters without the hassle of a ton of monsters.
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Eclipse, longbow of doom. Gonzo artifact #3.
In order to earn this bow, the group fighter/assassin took a job from a Winter Court Archfey to kill a Fey creature sacred to the Summer Court. She killed it dead, and forever earned the enmity of Queen Titania and all summer fey. For the rest of the character’s life, she will be attacked on site by any fey of the Summer Court. Worth it.
Weapon (longbow), artifact
Eclipse is made of petrified wood that has been burnt black, but is magically incredibly strong. It hums with silent power, anticipating its next kill. It lacks true sentience, containing only a base primal awareness at its core.
Magic Weapon. The Eclipse is a magic weapon that grants +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. The bow also functions as an oathbow and weapon of sharpness.
Adaptive Camouflage. When attuned to Eclipse, the wielder can cause themselves to blend in with their surroundings. This allows the user to take the Hide action when conditions would otherwise not allow it.
Wanderer. You gain the ability to cast the teleport spell. After the spell is cast, roll 1d6. On a 1-4, the spell cannot be cast again until the next dawn.
Deep Strike. The bowstring has a high tensile strength, and shots fired from Eclipse hit incredibly hard. Eclipse does 1d12+ your Dexterity bonus as its base damage.
Master Infiltrator. You gain Advantage when detecting and disarming traps.
Read the Crowd. With a Wisdom (Perception) check, you can detect hostile creatures in a 30 foot radius.
Metabolic Mastery. When attuned to Eclipse, your Dexterity score becomes 24.
Extradimensional Storage. Eclipse can be stored in its own pocket dimension, allowing you to call it to your hand instantly or dismiss it as a free action.
Apex Predator. When attuned to Eclipse, your nature as a remorseless killer is apparent to those around you. Animals will cower and run, children will flee, and you fill everyone you interact with with a vague existential dread. You have Disadvantage on all Charisma checks, except intimidation checks, which you have Advantage.
Merciless. While attuned to Eclipse, you will show no mercy to a foe. You never seek to wound or disable, only kill. In order to spare an opponent, you must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw.
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