crittercoll · 2 months
Think systems with a high number of fictional introjects are a new phenomena? Kluft's paper on polyfragmented/extremely complex DID from 1988 includes a patient with LOTR introjects, and another based off of Shakespear's Tempest. Fictional introjects have been a thing for a very long time!
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crittercoll · 2 months
We love being a system. I love being in a system. I am cofronting at a party, one guy dissociated off the face of the planet, and the other guy (me, his partner), keeping the body semi functional. Gently imposing my hand resting on his shoulder. There in case he needs me for anything. I love looking after him, and I think I love sharing a body with him. Even if we cannot physically share a hug, I think this is something unique and special. In system relationships are wonderful.
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crittercoll · 5 months
hey! coming here to say that it's not wrong to wish you weren't the host.
our host has similar thoughts. he considers himself one of the "mean" alters. he used to be a persecutor, and he dealt with things on a no-bullshit basis. before he became host, he'd front as little as possible to avoid the crappy mood he was always in.
when he became host, he was in complete denial. he didn't think he was right for the job. he couldn't imagine what he had been doing that made him suitable for being host. he thought his other, calmer, more even-keeled headmates might do a better job.
but his no-bullshit attitude made him determined. he's strong-willed and passionate and he doesn't let the world get him down. he's exactly what the system needs to thrive.
basically, it's okay to wish you weren't host sometimes. it's a lot of responsibility and it's exhausting to be up and about in front all the time. but you're there for a reason! obviously, something in your brain thinks you're doing a great job.
Questions for others with DID/OSDD:
Is it wrong of me to wish I wasn't the host sometimes?
Or wish that my brain would finally send me into the headspace for a few months?
Is it okay to feel useless as the host?
I feel like I could just relax in the headspace for like..a month and be like totally fine coming back out to front without stress.
There are other alters that are way more prepared to deal with stress than I am, and yet I have to bear it before they can take it from me.
If one of my gatekeepers were to come up for an extended period of time they would have everything so well put together.
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crittercoll · 5 months
“One of your alters doesn’t like me!”
My dude some of my alters don’t like ME. You ain’t special.
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crittercoll · 6 months
hello fellow systems of any shape, size, or origin:
Did you have this experience?
While i don’t remember much about these imaginary friends, there is a video of me talking about them. There were three or four, and they were all named after flowers. They had relationships with each other and myself and came in and out of my house. I described their appearances and outfits in detail. They were mostly older than me (i was 5 or so, and they were teenagers).
I remember very distinctly yelling at them that they had to go away and that we couldn’t’t be friends anymore. In my head, i was getting too old for imaginary friends. They refused! They were stuck and i couldn’t get rid of them.
(small comic + more text under the cut)
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(read left to right)
panel 1: “I’ve always had a very vivid imagination! I used to have imaginary friends.”
panel 2: “You know, I had a conversation with them once and yelled at them to go away, and they wouldn’t…”
panel 3: (slightly disturbed expression) “…”
I don’t want to assume anything, and i don’t know much about child psychology, but: Does anyone think this could be an early manifestation of DID? Is this a normal thing that happens to children? Are imaginary friends supposed to be optional? Any answers are helpful.
Thank you to whoever finds this!
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crittercoll · 6 months
ok but think abt it, even if the percentage of the population that is plural IS small, we are all multiple people .. HUNDREDS of people, even .. so we still have a good chance at outnumbering the singlets on the battlefield.
- 🖤
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crittercoll · 6 months
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which one of the dumb ass people in my head changed my pronouns on my main
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crittercoll · 9 months
reminder that it’s okay to exist as a system and not tell others. you are not a liar or a bad person if you don’t inform everyone who you are at every single moment. you don’t have to consistently change proxy or explain yourself to others.
sometimes part of a system is just living and you don’t owe everyone a constant explanation if you don’t have the want or time to do so. let people know things when you want but it’s not a requirement to be consistently open.
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crittercoll · 9 months
hey guys, my blog is endo safe so i try to look out for tags that say “endos dni” because i dont want to reblog those. if you see me reblog a post with tags like that, feel free to dm me and i’ll take it off my blog! i probably just didn’t notice it. all types of systems are welcome here and i want to make you all comfortable :)
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crittercoll · 9 months
Genuine Question
What is the big discourse about endogenous vs traumagenic systems? Aren't we all just systems? We're all plural, aren't we?
Almost every post I've seen today has had either "dni if endo" or "endo safe" tags, and I don't know the point.
Even big things like pluralkit and simply plural are endosafe too
but what is the discourse about?
even when I started to type in the tags, I type "endo" and both "pro endo" and "anti endo" pop up. I'm just confused
-kait and co
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crittercoll · 9 months
Technically, if you’re plural, every project is a group project. Give your headmates credit
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crittercoll · 9 months
being otherkin or therian isn't always having these crazy flashbacks, backstories, dreams or shifting. Sometimes you just are
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crittercoll · 9 months
"Why do you keep talking to yourself?"
Well, about that-
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crittercoll · 9 months
Its kinda sad the amount of damage systok has done and continues to do to the system community, you're allowed to love your system, you're allowed to still be connected to your source, you're allowed to miss people from your source and you're absolutely allowed to want to meet others from your source, you're allowed to experience things other than Constant Misery™ when thinkig about your system
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crittercoll · 9 months
Let's repeat this again
Asexual people can read smut
Asexual people can have sex.
Men can be asexual
Straight people are asexual.
Aroace people can be all of the above.
Not all Aromantic people are also ace.
You can be sex repulsed and still make sex jokes.
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crittercoll · 9 months
POV: You're a system.
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crittercoll · 9 months
Hey everyone ! I’d like to get more mutuals on the app. You can also dm me anytime if you want to talk and be friends. :)
Let’s be mutuals if you :
Have Schizophrenia
Have Borderline
Love watching Anime
Love K-pop
Love cats
Love books
Love teddy bears
Enjoy and believe in shifting
Love k-drama
Love horror movies/games
Believe in paranormal
Actually no matter what you have or love let’s be friends! (:
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