crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Monday 180115
For time: 10 muscle-ups 25 thrusters 1,000-meter row 25 thrusters 10 muscle-ups
Men: 75 lb. Women: 55 lb. Scroll for scaling options. Post time to comments.
Related: • CrossFit WOD 180115 Tips With Rory McKernan • The Muscle-Up • The Thruster • Rowing
Scaling If possible, use a muscle-up variation that still challenges you at your skill level. Reduce thruster load to a weight that is light for you. This is a medium-duration workout of about 10-15 minutes with two opportunities to practice the muscle-up. Push the intensity through the light thrusters and row.
Intermediate Option For time: 10 assisted muscle-ups 25 thrusters 1,000-meter row 25 thrusters 10 assisted muscle-ups
Men: 75 lb. Women: 55 lb.
Beginner Option For time: 10 ring rows 10 jumping dips 25 thrusters 750-meter row 25 thrusters 10 jumping dips 10 ring rows
Men: 45 lb. Women: 35 lb.
CrossFit Courses - Jan 8 - Jan. 14, 2018
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Sunday 180114
Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Scroll for scaling options. Post loads to comments. Compare to 170302.
Related: • CrossFit WOD 180114 Tips With Rory McKernan • The Overhead Squat
Scaling Heavy overhead squats challenge your strength while demanding solid mechanics and good flexibility. Athletes at all skill levels should attempt overhead squat triples. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes will use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
Boris Bucha of CrossFit Committed, Prague, Czech Republic
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Saturday 180113
Rest Day
"Sugary drinks banned from sale in NHS hospitals from July," The Telegraph.
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André Silveira of Insist CrossFit, Santa Catarina, Brazil
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Friday 180112
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 medicine-ball cleans 60 double-unders
Men: 20-lb. ball Women: 14-lb. ball Scroll for scaling options. Post rounds completed to comments.
Related: • CrossFit WOD 180112 Tips With David Tittle • The Medicine-Ball Clean • The Double-Under
Scaling this WOD Adjust the movements and reps so you can keep moving for the duration of the workout. The volume of squats will be high, so choose a ball that is manageable. The volume of double-unders is also high in this conditioning workout. If you can do them, this is a good opportunity to practice large sets while fatigued; if you struggle with double-unders, reduce the reps so you can keep moving and don't stall on the rope.
Intermediate Option Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 medicine-ball cleans 30 double-unders
Men: 14-lb. ball Women: 10-lb. ball
Beginner Option Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 medicine-ball cleans 120 single-unders
Men: 10-lb. ball Women: 6-lb. ball
Chris Motisi of CrossFit Island Park
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Thursday 180111
21-15-9 reps for time of: Deadlifts Box jumps
Men: 315 lb., 30-in. box Women: 205 lb., 24-in. box
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Related: • CrossFit WOD 180111 Tips With David Tittle • The Deadlift • The Box Jump
Scaling this WOD This couplet is a sprint. The deadlift should be heavy but nowhere near your max. The box should be high but not so high that you hesitate and/or rest between reps. Pick options that are challenging but don’t slow you down.
Intermediate Option 15-12-9 reps for time of: Deadlifts Box jumps
Men: 275 lb., 30-in. box Women: 185 lb., 24-in. box
Beginner Option 21-15-9 reps for time of: Deadlifts Box jumps
Men: 155 lb., 20-in. box Women: 105 lb., 16-in. box
CrossFit Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Wednesday 180110
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 power snatches 10 overhead walking lunges 1 rope climb, 15-ft. rope
Men: 95 lb. Women: 75 lb.
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Related: • CrossFit WOD 180110 Tips With David Tittle • The Power Snatch • The Rope Climb (Basket)
Scaling this WOD This is a fast-paced triplet. The barbell should be light enough that you can complete several rounds of snatches and lunges unbroken. Rest as little as possible. Aim for at least 5-6 rounds.
Intermediate Option Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 power snatches 10 overhead walking lunges 1 rope climb, 12-ft. rope
Men: 75 lb. Women: 55 lb.
Beginner Option Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 power snatches 10 walking lunges 1 rope climb, from lying to standing
Men: 45 lb. Women: 35 lb.
Lily Dao-Tran of Certus CrossFit
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crossfit · 7 years
“People always want to find a shortcut on rings but there is no way around it. 😉” @cfgymnastics coach @soulsean getting gymnasty - For upcoming dates for the CrossFit Specialty Course: Gymnastics, click this link. @crossfittraining
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Tuesday 180109
Rest Day
"Tom Brady Is Drowning In His Own Pseudoscience," FiveThirtyEight.
Michelle and Kelly of CrossFit Veracity
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crossfit · 7 years
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY Monday 180108
Front squat 3-3-3 reps Thruster 3-3-3 reps Push jerk 3-3-3 reps
Scroll for scaling options. Post loads to comments. Compare to 170318.
Related: • CrossFit WOD 180108 Tips With Rory McKernan • The Front Squat • The Thruster • Coaching the Thruster With Cameron Soden • The Push Jerk
Scaling There is no need to scale this workout. Less experienced athletes should spend more effort focusing on technique and mechanics and only add weight as safety allows.
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crossfit · 7 years
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Sunday 180107
On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of: Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds
Scroll for scaling options. Post total distance rowed to comments.
Related: • CrossFit WOD 180107 Tips With Rory McKernan • Rowing
Scaling There is no need to modify the structure of this workout. Fatigue will become an issue as the rounds progress, so less fit athlete should decrease the number of rounds. Vary your intensity as the intervals change. When the work times are shorter, row harder.
Intermediate Option On a 20-minute clock, 4 rounds of: Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds
Beginner Option On a 15-minute clock, 3 rounds of: Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds
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crossfit · 7 years
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Workout of the Day Saturday 180106
5 rounds for time of: 400-meter run 7 L pull-ups 4 clean and jerks
Men: 185 lb. Women: 125 lb.
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Related: • CrossFit WOD 180106 Tips With Rory McKernan • The Pull-Up (L-Sit) • Chad Vaughn, 315-lb. Clean and Jerk
Scaling This workout should push your gymnastics skills and require you to lift heavy while metabolically taxed. Choose a more difficult pull-up option than you do when regular pull-ups are prescribed. Clean and jerk a load that is moderately heavy.
Intermediate Option 5 rounds for time of: 400-meter run 7 kip-up L pull-ups 4 clean and jerks
Men: 135 lb. Women: 95 lb.
Beginner Option 5 rounds for time of: 200-meter run 7 jumping hanging knee-raises 4 clean and jerks
Men: 75 lb. Women: 55 lb.
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crossfit · 7 years
Constantly varied. ❄️ - 🤳🏼 Audrey Paul: “That’s my son, Jason, his wife, Kim, and their daughter, Eliana. Jason is also a CrossFit coach. At the age of 62, I also started #CrossFit in March and lost over 30 lb. (CrossFit is) part of my life and I love doing it with my family!” 📦 @crossfitsacredpine
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crossfit · 7 years
"Babies make burpees better!" 👶 😍 📷 Sarah Plas Robeson of CrossFit Crave
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crossfit · 7 years
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Friday 171229
3 rounds for time of: 60 squats 30 knees-to-elbows 30 ring push-ups
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crossfit · 7 years
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Thursday 171228
Rest Day
"State slow to fight diabetes amid resistance to prevention," San Francisco Chronicle.
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crossfit · 7 years
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Wednesday 171227
The Lyon
5 rounds, each for time of: 165-lb. squat cleans, 7 reps 165-lb. shoulder-to-overheads, 7 reps 7 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Ideally, use a pull-up bar that is 6 inches above your max reach when standing.
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Capt. David Lyon, 28, of Sandpoint, Idaho, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Dec. 27, 2013. Lyon was a member of the 21st Logistics Readiness Squadron at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
He was a 2008 graduate of the Air Force Academy, where he became well known for his athleticism, leadership and strength of character. He was a sports standout in high school and at the Academy, and while serving in the Air Force, he inspired many to start CrossFit.
He is survived by his wife, Capt. Dana Lyon, and many other friends and family members.
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crossfit · 7 years
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Thursday 170504
For time: 15 push presses 5 rope ascents 12 push presses 4 rope ascents 9 push presses 3 rope ascents 6 push presses 2 rope ascents 3 push presses 1 rope ascent
Use ¾ body weight for push presses and climb a 15-ft. rope.
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Related content: • CrossFit WOD 170504 With Julie Foucher • The Push Press • The Rope Climb
Paul Brewer of CrossFit Bell
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