crow-posting · 1 day
(For all the crew!!!)
Do they celebrate their resurrection day? If so, how? If not, why?
Do they celebrate any holidays? - @mantleoflight
⚠️ long post ⚠️
1. Do they celebrate their resurrection day? If so, how? If not, why?
The Awoken Brigade:
RZ-3 doesn't celebrate, but only because both he and Ori [his Ghost] forgot the exact day. 😅 He does, however, celebrate "Found Light Day," which is the Vanguard's version* of a shared birthday (similar to Tết).
*(Found Light Day is a headcanon, just fyi.)
Takara celebrates her resurrection day like it's a birthday. She doesn't invite a lot of people but she goes all out with food, desserts, and decor. The activities usually start out as high energy (eg really competitive Uno) but always devolve into something low-key, like movies. Truthfully Takara is happy with doing whatever as long as she gets to spend time with her loved ones.
Avraam doesn't celebrate his resurrection day, as he hasn't even got a death certificate from the Reef. It just feels awkward to celebrate his resurrection when people refuse to admit that he died in the first place. RZ-3 and Takara did throw him a living wake, however.
Riley doesn't celebrate his resurrection day for similar reasons to Avraam. The Reefborn keep "volunteering" information about Arsträd [his past self] and it's really uncomfortable for him. But he does enjoy Found Light Day and hopes to have parties like Takara at some point!
Fireteam Nike:
Bai was resurrected in the Dark Age, so he had little time or reason to celebrate such an event. Nowadays he holds a simple celebration around the time he was rezzed (he knows the week but not the day), by eating long noodles - to cherish his new life - and burning incense - to honor his old one.
Duane's resurrection day is too painful for him. Although he doesn't regret being a Guardian, he was the only known Spartan for the longest time and felt severed from everything he had ever known. His resurrection day reminds him of all he's lost and/or set aside for the sake of protecting humanity, so he tends to avoid it as much as possible.
Usad's resurrection day fell on Leap Day, so he chose a completely different day, June 21st, to celebrate it. Since coming to the Last City, he likes to joke that Solstice is his personal party, and usually participates in all festival events.
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2. Do they celebrate any holidays?
The Awoken Brigade:
RZ-3 celebrates every Last City holiday to some extent. Crimson Days, Revelry, Solstice / MoT, Festival of the Lost, Dawning - you name it, he's there. However, he only does the bare minimum for Guardian Games as he finds the competitive event "boring" and "tedious."
Takara will casually take part in most Last City holidays/events, but she really only celebrates Dawning. She isn't sure why, but the general atmosphere speaks to her more than any other holiday or celebration. The "New Year" part of Dawning is her favorite.
Avraam has come to despise Night of Ascents, as The Night reminds him that he chose to stay in the Reef instead of helping Earth as originally planned. He has no opinion on other Awoken holidays, but is intrigued by Day of Arrivals*, an unofficial Earthborn tradition of acknowledging the Awoken who broke away to help humanity. As for Last City holidays, RZ-3 and Takara have pretty much dragged him into every activity at least once, "just so he knows what it's like."
*(Day of Arrivals is also one of my headcanons.)
Riley hasn't been around long enough to decide which holidays he wants to celebrate regularly, but he has observed both Night of Ascents and Dawning! He thinks he would like Revelry and/or Solstice if given the opportunity.
Fireteam Nike:
Bai celebrates a mix of Old Earth and Last City holidays, including Lunar New Year (CNY), Mid-Autumn Festival, Festival of the Lost and Dawning. His work as a Cryptarch has led him to research Golden Age holidays as well, such as the Traveler's arrival, but he has no interest in those beyond academics.
Duane doesn't celebrate holidays, but he'll still accept food and/or gifts if offered.
Usad loves Guardian Games but gets frustrated every time by the scoring system. Since he lived with Bai during the Dark Age, he also celebrates Lunar New Year (Tsagaan Sar) and Naadam. (As stated before, Solstice is more like a party than a holiday.)
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Thanks so much for the ask, @mantleoflight!
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crow-posting · 2 days
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Also made this little Crow boy for @haykebyr a while back on Twitter :)
(Highly recommend checking out all of Robyn’s phenomenal work FYI, Destiny 2 and Disco Elysium fans are utterly blessed to have her ✨)
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crow-posting · 2 days
The Witness: "How did you get past security? This fortress is impenetrable!"
Crow: "Door was unlocked."
The Witness: "Son of a bi-"
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crow-posting · 2 days
Since I'm at a concert (STARSET ftw!), I might as well answer a relevant question lol.
6. What's their favorite song? -OR- What song would they choose as their personal theme/boss music?
RZ's favorite band is an Old Earth band named STARSET, so if he had to choose just one song, his theme would be "WHERE THE SKIES END." ("Starlight" is a close second.)
Takara has loved "DRUM GO DUM" by K/DA ever since she heard it. She knows all the lyrics and dance moves, and often plays it when she's alone on patrol and wants to hype herself up.
Avraam had a theme "assigned" to him by RZ - apparently, "Dangerous" by Big Data suits him. (Personally he prefers "Overcome" by Nothing But Thieves, but he's also not about to argue with RZ lol.)
Riley loves musicals, so he'd probably have a theme for every mood. His main theme would either be "Open Arms" from Epic or "My Shot" from Hamilton; his boss fight theme would be "Oh What A Circus" from Evita or "Masquerade" from Phantom of the Opera.
Mundane Guardian Asks
Do they celebrate their resurrection day? If so, how? If not, why?
Do they celebrate any holidays?
Is their house/"home base" mobile, interim, or permanent? Do they invite people over?
Would they rather be asked about their love life or their job?
What's their favorite [or least favorite] Small Talk Question? ("Where were you rezzed?" "What's your favorite color?" etc.)
What's their favorite song? -OR- What song would they choose as their personal theme/boss music?
What do they wear when running errands?
What would they wear to a formal event?
"What's in their pocketses?"
Do they have a food combo that's unique to them, like tajin and avocado ice cream?
Coffee, tea, soda, energy drink, or another caffeine source?
What kind of hobbies do they have? -OR- how do they fill their downtime?
What's a word/phrase people don't expect them to know, but is somehow part of their vocabulary?
What's their weirdest habit when using the Light/Darkness? (eg yelling kamehameha before casting Chaos Reach)
Any superstitions?
How do they counteract nightmares [bad dreams]? How do they counter Nightmares [Pyramid constructs]?
What kind of ship do they fly? Is it custom to their wants/needs or mostly stock?
On a scale of "constantly fishtailing" to "the next Marcus Ren," how good can they drive a Sparrow?
Are they close to their Ghost?
If they were playing "kiss, marry, kill", who would be their top 3 candidates?
What's a secret (small or large) that they will never share?
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crow-posting · 2 days
More Mundane Guardian Asks
[part one]
What area do they like patrolling and how often do they patrol there?
If they play Crucible, who would they 1v1 (eg Ikora)? If they don't play, what would Shaxx try to bribe them with?
Do they belong to a faction other than the Vanguard (Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, Future War Cult, Praxic Order, the Hidden, Iron Lords, Dredgens, etc)? Is the Vanguard their main faction?
How often do they interact with civilians/non-Guardians?
Do they have a nickname? Who gave it to them?
Do they play an instrument? Are they good at it? (Yes, spoons count.)
Do they have any intolerances or allergies? Do they have any other restrictions about themselves or their Light?
What's the weirdest dish/drink they've tried (eg hákarl)?
Dogs, cats, another type of pet, or none?
Would they be a biker, car enthusiast, or equestrian?
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crow-posting · 3 days
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Look Shaxx, I would make fun of almost anyone in this universe but I would not make fun of Aunor, but that's just me
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I refuse to provide context for this
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crow-posting · 7 days
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Dorje Bellbrook, Destiny 2: Forsaken: Dreaming City
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crow-posting · 8 days
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I haven't finished adding tags but this is about what you can expect from my work. Nothing overly explicit for now, buuut lots of angst. 🫠
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I finally made it onto AO3! I don't have anything posted yet (😅🙏), but I'm very excited for this development!
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crow-posting · 8 days
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I finally made it onto AO3! I don't have anything posted yet (😅🙏), but I'm very excited for this development!
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crow-posting · 9 days
hey you ever think about the fact that the Asphodelia flowers we see everywhere in the dreaming city came from the flower Uldren picked from the black garden. How enough time had passed since his entry into the Black Garden and now for it to become an engrained part of Awoken culture. How long was Uldren dealing with the madness Bungie. How long was he slowly drifting apart from Jolyon
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crow-posting · 9 days
The Cow Thing is a milk dispenser, Alice Li is just making milk tea (which Mara apparently finds horrifying), and as for the tea ceremony, those are pretty common in China. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also I looked at the reblogs, and in addition to pheasants, horses, and collies, there were also grey parrots, eagle-crows, "broad-pawed cats," blue flamingoes, and crows in the Distributary. I'm probably forgetting a few but those are the ones I could find offhand.
What I should be doing: writing
What I will be doing instead: making a list of animals confirmed to still exist in Destiny
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crow-posting · 11 days
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look out, he has a knife!
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crow-posting · 11 days
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crow-posting · 11 days
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uldren eyes 👁 👁
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