crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
the shitstains at youtube memoryhole鈥檇 propane genesis evangelion but I had already downloaded it because I know youtube is full of absolute cunts so here it is
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
How To Tell Your Cat That You Could Walk To His Food Faster If He Weren't Weaving Under Your Fucking Feet In A Beautiful And Intricate Idiot's Ballet
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
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Valentino Resort 2018
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crowleaf 4 months
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Star explosion with a Zoom In.
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crowleaf 4 months
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Aurora Reinhard,聽Pretty Ugly, 2007
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crowleaf 4 months
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crowleaf 4 months
Updated my pinned.
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crowleaf 4 months
i'm leaving this blog. i'm tired of being cyberstalked & threatened every day.
there are several popular bloggers on here who are blatantly antisemitic & they constantly exploit palestinian trauma as a vehicle for jew-hatred. it is horrific that jews can't exist online or offline in 2024 without facing violence. even on this website, which has a very politically progressive userbase, we are constantly subjected to long-term targeted harassment campaigns by people who claim to love "punching nazis!!! UwU".
you're all full of shit. i refuse to sugarcoat my anger. jews are allowed to be angry about antisemitism & the horrific treatment of our people from those who purport to be progressive. you refuse to acknowledge that multiple things can be true at once. israeli occupation must end & palestine must be free. also, jews never deserve antisemitism; you should not be antisemitic while advocating for palestinian liberation & statehood.
many of you don't want people to conflate zionism with judaism, which is a good attitude to have, because judaism isn't zionism & antizionism isn't antisemitism. but the truth is, you automatically believe all jews are associated with israel. if you don't want people to conflate jews with zionism, you should, uh. probably practice what you preach? deconstruct your antisemitic biases & do better. it's very easy to support palestine without being antisemitic.
i have only used my online platform to advocate for peace & equality. in response, people have sent me extremely violent threats, the details of which i will not disclose here to protect the wellbeing of my followers. this has completely destroyed my mental health. i have been stalked & harassed over the past four months by leftists. not nazis, but people with pronouns in their bio. people have decided that because i'm a jew who talks about leftist antisemitism, i must be personally responsible for a genocide.
& i am not alone. this website has been an awful place for jews for a very long time, but since 7/10, the visceral hatred & abuse we face has significantly worsened. the people who incite this violence against us do not care about palestine. if you did, your posts would be focused on calling attention to israel's war crimes instead of harassing anyone with a star of david in their bio.
most goyische leftists don't care about jews. we have always fought for you, but you persistently refuse to do the same for us. your activism is performative & meaningless if it doesn't include all oppressed groups. i will never, ever forgive you for abandoning us in our time of need. you can - & should - support multiple oppressed groups at the same time. it isn't difficult, you just don't want to do it, because pretending to care about jews is just too much effort.
we must endlessly advocate for a free palestine. call your representatives & demand that they support a ceasefire. donate esims to gaza, donate to PCRF, MAP & other verified charities. keep listening to palestinians & never stop talking about what's happening, use your voice to condemn israel's systemic oppression of palestinians & demand a better future.
it is horrific to twist any humanitarian movement into a hate movement. palestinians & jews are siblings; we all deserve better.
let it be known that i was harassed into abandoning this blog for being a jew. a pro-palestine jew (but antisemitism is completely unacceptable when it's directed towards zionist & pro-israel jews too, because discrimination is always wrong regardless of who the target is; you can dislike & disagree with people without being bigoted.)
all of my activism will be taken offline from this point onwards. social media is a useful tool for spreading awareness, but i think it would be prudent for everyone to spend less time shouting at each other online & more time making a tangible effort to create a world where everyone, everywhere, can live in peace.
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crowleaf 4 months
As our common mutuals probably know by now, my fiance @principaliteas has left their blog, and for very good reason. I won't go into details, he's already made a goodbye post about it if you don't know what's going on.
That being said, I don't know how much I'm going to be around on my own blog from this point on. My medication seems to be working, and I feel less and less like getting on here, and when I do get on here, the toxicity just makes me question what the point even is. And with my fiance leaving his blog, there's even less of a point, because half the reason I have this blog at all is to be gay with him on here. If I'm around at all, it'll probably just be my blog running on a queue.
I do have some other blogs that I've been active on for a while now, for posting stuff somewhere that I'm not openly 'kin, and I may follow some people from them, but I don't really want to share them publicly because I just don't want them connected to a blog where I've talked at length about my unusual spiritual beliefs. That's the whole reason they're separate from this blog in the first place.
As for those beliefs, I'm considering making a blog offsite for posts about that, either on Pillowfort or Dreamwidth. I actually already have one on the latter, I just haven't really posted to it since I made it. If I do start using it more regularly, I'll post a link in my pinned, but for now I feel like I might just want to keep that shit to myself. The spiritual 'kin community seems to be dying, and I just don't see the point in sharing things about my genuine spiritual beliefs when children engaging in bad roleplay have decided to change the definition of otherkind/fictionkind and ignore what people like myself have to say.
TL;DR: Not much point for me to be super active on this blog anymore if my fiance isn't gonna be around. If I'm around at all, I'll be running my blog on a queue. Might follow some mutuals from my other blogs that have no connection to this one at some point in the future.
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crowleaf 4 months
Hey I realize this is random but I'm feeling like shit and I thought wishing good things to someone might help. So. Good vibes be upon ye. Your blog is cool too btw.
Hey, sorry I took a couple days to answer, I haven't been around much lately. I hope you're feeling better by the time you see this, and that whatever you're going through gets easier/better soon. I appreciate your good vibes! I am sending them back to you threefold 馃枻 And thank you!
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