crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
We have just passed thirty creator sign-ups! Thank you all so much for helping out!
If any other Good Omens fans are interested in creating fanfic/art to help out Palestinians, the form will be open until June 20!
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
This is a PSA that I’ve been debating on posting but it’s gone too far now and I can’t stay silent any longer - if you follow me and happen to be somebody who ships David and Michael in real life, to the point where you’re convinced there’s a secret divorce happening behind the scenes and are specifically talking about Georgia Tennant degradingly, kindly unfollow me or block me.
I’ve put up with seeing a few of my posts being reblogged by people within this circle, but I’m sorry to say, as of late, it’s gotten way out of hand.
I’ve seen comments referring to people who are ‘antis’ as stupid, unintelligent people. I’ve seen comments calling people who enjoy David and Georgia’s content as ‘homophobic’ because we can’t ’open our eyes to the bigger picture.’ I’ve read discussions about Georgia Tennant that go to such degrading and doxing lengths that I could easily get the police involved, it’s that bad.
We are not unintelligent or ‘anti’s’ for enjoying the content of a married couple on Instagram. There is no ‘bigger picture’, and I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but there really isn’t. However, it’s not really that side of it that’s been getting to me - I’m all for letting people believe what they want to believe, and ship who they want to ship, but the levels of hatred and degrading discussion within this circle of people has gotten out of hand as of late.
It’s so horrific seeing so many judgemental jokes and comments about Georgia that have recently turned to bullying or even misogynistic. Saying she’s a ‘typical woman’ for ‘using David’, accusing her of bullying him, and then using her content to fuel your fire is just not it.
David, Michael, Anna and Georgia are REAL people. They are not the characters they played on Staged. I understand there’s nothing wrong with speculating and having fun, it’s not a crime, but what is downright disgusting behaviour is discussing people’s personal lives to such an extent that talking about ‘child arrangement matters’ for people, again, YOU DO NOT KNOW PERSONALLY.
Imagine saying all of this to David or Georgia. Imagine asking ‘so which one of you gets to keep the children when you inevitably divorce?’ Please, think about that for a second. It’s just wrong, in my eyes.
I don’t know them personally. I don’t know what could be going on behind the scenes. But I RECOGNISE THAT FACT and take it no further.
Sorry it had to come to this. But I’m done.
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
I think I've worked out (part of the reason) why there's been such a huge uptick in folks who don't reblog things on here.
This post has like 14k notes right now, and the tags and comments and reblogs are FULL of people who didn't know about fast-reblog, and -- you guys have been slow-reblogging this whole time!?!??!?!?
In the interests of a) making your lives easier, and b) encouraging you to reblog posts, which is what keeps this site alive, here's how you fast-reblog:
On mobile: press and hold the reblog button. Your blog icon will appear. If you have sideblogs, all of the different icons will appear. Drag to whichever blog you want to reblog to, and release. Job done.
On desktop: hold down the E key and click reblog. Job done.
You're welcome. Now get reblogging.
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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66 hours later and it’s finally finished…
i am so proud of this piece, i’ve never made anything like it!! i hope it was worth the wait ;)
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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….on the topic of Newt…..
Besties Crowley, Eve and Anathema entertain public park with salacious stories, hot tea and frankly questionable dating advice.
Worry not, Anathema will change the topic to the mysterious Ms.Fell in T-30s
(Couldn’t resist doodling a bit from my ineffable wives cottage au. Reblogs much appreciated as I’m being hidden from all searches and it sucks )
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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i had the urge to draw my boy again. do i know why he is dressed like that? no. is it kind of a vibe? yes.
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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i saw clips of DT kissing and short-circuited
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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a quick and very self-indulgent fanart of @mrghostrat´s vampire au Crowley (post-transformation)
absolutely LOVING this au so far and cannot wait for the rest of the fic. go check them out and read ALL of their stuff. absolutely phenomenal stuff.
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
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we are allowed to post them early now, so here are my frames for the 'every frame matters - against the wall' collab. will let u know when the video is posted :--3
honestly i kept claiming more frames when i could but the first one took so long and totally wiped me out from the level of detail. so i got a bit lazy in the end
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crowleyisasweetie · 4 months
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Quarterfinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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crowleyisasweetie · 5 months
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Lilith, A.J. Hamilton
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crowleyisasweetie · 5 months
Secret to getting to know other fans on tumblr is reblogging. This sounds like a trap to get you guys to reblog art and fics and gifs which yes that’s an added benefit but also the way you get a feel of followers or mutuals is the little comments in the tags of a post like subtle little whispers and you start to recognise names like oh that’s the one who’s always nice to artists or that’s the funny one or maybe they have a funny queue pun tag or maybe there can be a little prev tags interaction like that’s how you start creating your own little likeminded souls club here. Also you get to put pretty art and fics and gifs on your blog
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crowleyisasweetie · 5 months
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david tennant as jean-françois mercier spies of warsaw ✦ 1x01, episode 1
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crowleyisasweetie · 5 months
good omens more like well-meaning assumptions
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