crown-point-of-view · 3 years
WKM Analysis Chapter 1: Damien
To be honest there isn't much to say on Damien / the mayor. he’s earnest, sincere, with a golden heart that he wears on his sleeve.
He and the viewer have known each other for a long time, at the very least since college, (I like to think he at least used to be a himbo) and it seems the two trust each other a lot. Him saying “there is no one I would rather have along side me to protect this great city of ours.” only adds to that fact. 
When Mark dies he is visibly upset but is trying to put his feelings on the back burner so that he can try to “be a leader in this scenario” but he cant do that since his feelings are a big part of who he is. 
He is also trying to figure out who the culprit is, signs point to the colonel but he knows the colonel, he cant imagine him doing something like this. It was definitely not the viewer, there’s no evidence. That leaves either the butler, detective or chef but they don’t have motive.
What where they even supposed to be celebrating in the first place?
On top of his responsibility and confusing evidence that doesn't line up he is still very much grieving. He has no idea what to do and is struggling to grasp that his friend is dead. 
Its also worth noting that he never says “murder” in the whole chapter. though whether that’s because he cant wrap his head around it or because he noticed the lightning isn’t clear.
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crown-point-of-view · 3 years
WKM Analysis Chapter 1: The Butler
The Butler is definitely quite the character, he seems like just a stereotype, Happy to serve, thoughtful, attentive and caring about his guests and “master”.
At the party we see him “letting loose”, holding Damien up on the keg stand, playing beer pong, and playing poker. It gives us the impression that hes relaxed and while responsible, relatively carefree. We also see him rejecting a flask from the colonel, likely not drinking due to still being at work.
Being sober though means that he’s the most likely to know what happened to Mark. 
He also greets you in the morning, seemingly waiting for you to wake up. but if he did it for “us”, the viewer, than he likely did that for everyone else. Yet despite this and Mark being his “master” he seemingly doesn't know that mark is dead until the viewer finds him.
This can either be because of a laps in judgement, taking care of each person as they wake up or the morning alarms go off with mark being the last on the list, or (my most outrageous theory) He knew and was a part of marks death from the beginning.
When Mark is first found he suggest they call the authorities, it is unclear why he never does. Maybe because Abe (the detective) is already a “professional”?
As everyone splits off from the crime scene he says he’s going to check on the other guests, but what other guests? the viewer, Detective and chef are already there and Damien was just there, off to talk to the colonel. assuming the butler knows where the colonel is (and even if he didn't that doesn't explain the use of the plural) that leaves everyone accounted for. What “other guests”?
Later on he wants you to see the broken bottle in the cellar, but we don’t know why. Its clear he doesn’t want anyone to see a mess he hasn’t cleaned up, but does that mean that this seemingly random broken bottle is evidence? 
He does say earlier on “If your looking for answers there’s really no mystery at all. There is not single detail of this house that i’m not privy to, and not a single guest that i have not personally vetted.”
Does he mean that someone broke in? or that he agrees with the colonel? Not a lot makes sense. 
Its also worth noting that he says “murder” once and then doesn't for the rest of the chapter. 
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crown-point-of-view · 3 years
WKM Analysis Chapter 1: The Colonel
Our first impression of the Colonel is that hes very polite, maybe a little odd but upbeat, relatively relaxed and nice. (tho we all know that he isnt going to stay “relaxed”)
During the party (that i had to stop and start a million times to get all the shots.) We only get about 4/5 shots of him. The first being of him holding up cards while playing poker, (while playing cards have meanings and we can see what hes holding up i doubt mark thought of the card meanings, ill put them in later anyway cuz it might be interesting.) wrestling with the detective, offering a flask to the butler and then throwing it when the butler seemingly declines, and him pointing his gun at people. 
That last shot (pun not intended) is what intrigues me the most. Beforehand we get a blurry shot of two people crouched down and loading the gun, who isn't really clear but i think that the one loading the gun is the colonel and the one next to him is either the detective or Damien. 
The colonel knows that the gun is loaded yet he still points it at both the detectives chest and his own head, laughing the whole time. Pointing the gun at the detective is obvious foreshadowing but what about pointing the gun at his own head? Either way I think this is our first “appearance” of warfstash, the seeming lack of care about whether or not someone dies being the key indicator.
The next time we see him is after mark dies, during his argument with Damien. He seems “flippant” and uncaring but I don’t think that’s true.
If we’re to assume that the colonel has been in war(s) then its likely that he is already “acquainted with death”, while it isn't normal for him I think it would become almost expected to witness more of it even if it is someone he is “close” to. 
Assuming this it would also mean he has PTSD and either due to a belief that he doesn't need it or lack of people around him thinking he needs it, it would be safe to assume that he hasn't had any therapy to help him work through it. His desire for everything to just be ok leading to his later “insanity” and how he deals with Marks death. 
He doesn't want for mark to be murdered so he couldn't have, the most logical conclusion from there is that Mark died of either a fall or alcohol poisoning.
From there he just wants to bury the dead and Mourn, but everyone insists on doing an investigation so he’s “humoring” them. 
Keep in mind that this is based on just the first chapter! Ill (hopefully) have an analysis out for each character for each chapter! Let me know what you think!
Playing card meanings from the party:
Ace of spades: A significant change, something will end in order to start something new
Ace of hearts: A new beginning, good news for yourself or someone close
3 of hearts: Indecision or lack of commitment in a relationship
3 of spades: Tears, a stressful situation, Bad news
10 of spades: worry and grief resulting in health problems 
(meanings from: https://www.keen.com/articles/tarot/cartomancy-card-meanings )
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crown-point-of-view · 3 years
New analysis!
sorry i haven't been on in a while! ive been dealing with some personal shit. But im back! not sure for how long but im back for now!
Now my next analysis is going to be for Who Killed Markiplier, im not abandoning homestuck, but im likely not going to do any theorys or character studies for it unless im asked. 
so if you wanna see what i think please ask!
that being said im diving into WKM due to a contamination of boredom and getting back into it again after mark posted The warfstash automated interview automaton. which i will get around to! i just thought it would be best to start at the beginning and build up from there.
Once Ive got the first few posts up i will try my hand at creating a masterlist for it but sisnce its my first time im not entierly sure how its going to go.
wish me luck!
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crown-point-of-view · 4 years
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that is all
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crown-point-of-view · 4 years
so about dirk
so to start this off i didn’t used to be a dirk fan cuz i didnt understand half the shit he did, to me he always just seemed like an asshole. (and reminded me of my dad reminding me of my daddy issues but thats a conversation for another time.) but as time passed and i figured myself out more he started too make more sense. SO without further adieu 
first lets talk about his god tier, the prince of heart 
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now as a prince he “actively brings the destruction” of his aspect but of course one misconception i think we all have is  active = consciously.  i don’t think hes actually doing half of what he does on purpose. i mean during the first homestuck hes 16  i don’t think anyone knows a lot about who they are at 16 except for the basics.
at this point (as far as i know) all he knows about himself are his likes and hobbies, he doesn’t know when the god damn alien robot police are gonna show up, and he has a crush on a kid living in the past that if it wern’t for the technology he has and the game hes about to play he would never know or see. 
now hes a prince of heart so that means he would actively (but not necessarily knowingly) destroy peoples “heart” or identity / soul. but what people tend to look over is princes also tend to destroy their aspect within themselves so as a prince of heart its easy to see why he acts like a mind player most of the time.
but throughout the story, from his point of view, hes hurting the people he loves by trying to be himself. so as far as hes aware the person he thinks he is must be horrible and he doesn’t want to be that. hes in turmoil which is only heightened by the fact that he’s a heart player, he has to many emotions its probably really overwhelming and as a coping mecanisum he ignores his feelings and tries to push him down.
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this probably only gets worse with Jake (who i suspect is aromatic) because at this point he knows hes a heart player so he thinks things will get better if hes in a relationship, and who better than his crush? but as this goes on he sees that no only is he not “getting better” but Jake looks like hell by trying to force himself to be in this relationship.
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now he’s sure hes a horrible person which is only heightened by his talk with Dave where he learns a little about who he was in the other universe.
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by the end of homestuck, into the epilogue and homestuck 2: electric boogaloo hes given up on being “good”, he doesn’t care anymore.
this leads into my theory about princes in general, there are 3 (i think) paths a prince can take. 1) you let your turmoil control you, stop caring about a lot of things and live up to the “prince” title by growing a massive ego and now consciously destroying your aspect both inside you and in the people around you. 2) you disregard your turmoil and over lean into your opposite aspect and putting on a mask of a “better” person. 3) you find balance between your and the opposite aspect and work to not only be yourself but be a better person as well. (you can take this path after you’ve been on one of the other two.)
i think its pretty clear dirk is currently going with the first (super villain) route
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now the question is:
what will happen next?
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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