cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Tuesday Freebie: “Would Poop Here Again” sign
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Maybe not my most mature post of all time, but hey, free is free.
Download here, available free for everybody: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56398002
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Faith Stuff Pack
It’s finally here!  The first Crucible Stuff pack has arrived!  This stuff pack adds something that Sims is lacking glaringly, which is the addition of church stuff.  So much of history is tied up with the church, so being able to play this out in your Sims world can add a new lens for your drama or livelihood!  
This pack includes over 14 CC, including:
A new career
A Sims-to-Sims “blessing” friendly interaction
10+ new build/buy CC, including interactive CC like a pulpit to preach from or a ringable bell to let people know it’s church time!
A female cross neck tattoo
A “Place of Worship” lot trait that draws visitors to your property at 8AM on Sunday morning.
Download available to Patrons only: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55997491
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Chicken Breed Pack #2
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After the resounding success of my Chicken Breed Pack #1, I immediately got to work on Chicken Breed #2.  It's hard work putting these packs out, but I feel like it's the least I can do with the amount of the support the community has shown me.  For that reason, I am so excited to bring you Chicken Breed Pack #2!
This pack contains four new chicken breeds with both the Rooster and Hen variant.  If you want a fifth chicken breed today, pick up my premium chicken breed, the Braekel (Available to my Workshop Member tier Patrons only).  This will begin a series of premium chicken breeds that will have custom meshes, egg color variants, and custom interactions.
The breeds available are the Cemani, Bionda Piemontese, Laced Wynadotte, and Sussex.  As always if you have more breeds you want to see, comment and let me know.
I also have a super excited announcement.  Today is the launch of my Discord.  My Discord will be the hub for my releases, as well as being the most direct way to contact me (unless you're a Patron).  This is the best place to discuss all of my CC/mods, but it can also be used for creators to promote their own releases and get help.  
Join my community on discord: https://discord.gg/zFWqcztwkb
This mod has 2 dependencies.  One (which should be obvious) is Cottage Living.  The other allows for multiple custom animal mods to exist without overwriting each other.  You can download it here:
Here's the pack, let me know if you like it!
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Premium Chicken Breed: Braekel
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Today is a fun day y'all.  It's the release of my first Premium Chicken Breed available to Workshop member Patrons only.  Let's talk about Premium Chicken Breeds for a moment.
Premium Chicken Breeds are chickens that have custom meshes as opposed to recolors.  But it doesn't end there.  Premium chickens will be the first to be updated with colored eggs, special interactions, and any number of other special traits or ideas that I can muster up for them.
This is the Braekel.  It's a belgium chicken that's super rare and beautiful.  It's taller than many other breeds, and this has been reflected in an increased leg size of the chicken mesh.  They have a beautiful pattern that can only be described as an almost marbled mix of stripes and chickers, with a distinctly white feather top.
Enjoy, and enjoy the Chicken Breed Pack #2 that is also coming out today.
Also, I’m super excited to announce that my Discord is open.  My discord is the best place to discuss my mods/cc and modding in general.  I’d love for you to join me, there may even be a giveaway coming soon.
Join us here: https://discord.gg/zFWqcztwkb
Download available for tier 2 & 3 Patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/premium-chicken-55409848
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
I Hear You!
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Wow, 502 notes in just a couple of days.  I had no idea that chicken breeds would be so popular.  But, I hear you....
Chicken Breed Pack #2 will drop this week.
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Chicken Breed Pack #1
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I LOVE Cottage Living.  I was a bit bummed though when I saw the limited breeds of some of the animals.  Some other modders have begun with new breeds for cows (and I may join them at some point), but I haven't seen any mods for new chicken breeds yet.
BEHOLD, Chicken Breed Pack 1.  This is a freebie (because I just cannot  stop giving away my best content).  This pack contains four new breeds of chicken, for a total of 8 new chickens (each has a Hen and Rooster variant).
Do you want a Chicken Breed Pack 2? Comment and let me know.  Bonus points if you tell me which breeds you want.
This mod has 2 dependencies.  One (which should be obvious) is Cottage Living.  The other allows for multiple custom animal mods to exist without overwriting each other.  You can download it here:
Without further ado, here's the pack, public and free for everybody.
Download it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55133438
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Freebie: Big Ringable Bell
Y'all, I have a problem.  See, I keep planning exclusive stuff, but then I get so excited I just release it for everybody and then add more to my Patron exclusive pack to make it up for them.This is one of those days.  I bring you, "Ringable Bell".  It's a big 'ol bell, and it rings.  No animation as of now, but a big 'ol bell ringing sound when ya ring it. This was inspired by a Patron request. Make sure you put the mod and custom music in the correct place.  The mp3 must be in the Crucible Folder within the custom music folder. Happy Thursday!
Public Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55074979
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Rustic Floating Shelf
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Need some variety in your shelves?  Check out this Rustic Floating Shelf, which comes in a base and light wood variant.
Download Here: https://cruciblesworskhop.tumblr.com/post/659512848661315584/rustic-floating-shelf
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Community Requests: Immortal Pet Trait
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Happy weekend y'all! We're back with another community request.  This one comes from Sparkiekong from the Sims4Studio community.
This mod adds a new trait for pets called "Immortal".  It's a pretty simple mod, it just keeps your pets from dying when they have this trait.  
Download for free on Patreon (open to public): https://www.patreon.com/posts/54871397
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Sneak Peak: What could it be?
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Hey y'all!  Our Faith Pack is dropping this month, but you already knew that.  That is an exclusive pack for JUST out Patreons, but I have fantastic news.  The next pack coming out will be 100% accessible for everybody at launch. Any guesses what it could be?
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
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Freebie: Faith Stuff Preview Pack
Hey all.  Happy Sunday, I can't believe we're already a week into August.   Today I bring you three of my favorite objects from my Faith Stuff Pack coming later in the month.  Remember, that pack will  be exclusive to Patrons only.  
But this free pack today includes a pew, altar, and a pulpit which has a new "preach sermon" interaction.
Find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54680836
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Community Requests: Fillory & Further Books
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It's a double-header in the Community Requests department. This one also comes from pandamaii on the Sims4Studio forum.  This is a part of my "Community Requests" series where I take requests from different sims communities and create them free of charge for everybody.  After all, we're all in this together, so let's get better at making CC together.
*This mod has IP that I do not own.  Please note that I will rarely will create work with others' IP, and that when I do it will never be behind a paywall.
Download Link:
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Community Requests: Magicians Time Key Tattoo
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We're back with another community request.  This one comes from pandamaii on the Sims4Studio forum.  This is a part of my "Community Requests" series where I take requests from different sims communities and create them free of charge for everybody.  After all, we're all in this together, so let's get better at making CC together.
*This mod has IP that I do not own.  Please note that I will rarely will create work with others' IP, and that when I do it will never be behind a paywall.
Download Link:
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Community Requests: Comic Book Shelf
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Part of my endeavor to create content is to make sure that I'm listening to the community and what y'all want to see in game.  So, in that spirit, I am beginning a new series called Community Requests.  These are requests that I am seeing in the Sims Community, and the content will be free to the public.  
Behold, the comic book shelf.  Ectosims on the sims4studio forum asked for some content for creating a comic book store, so here's a good start for them!
Download Link:
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Sneak Peak: Faith Stuff
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Hey there, Sims Community!  Since this Tumblr is new, I wanted to give some vision as to where we'll be going in the next month.  In August, you'll see the first exclusive Patron-only "Stuff Pack" by Crucible's Workshop.  This month we're dropping the Faith Stuff pack.
The Sims does a pretty poor job of including religions into their game, which is a bummer because it's a big part of many people's lives.  This pack will feature items from a few of the world's major religions, as well as a couple of new careers and traits. Stay tuned for more info, but keep in mind, only Patrons will be receiving this pack.
Check out my Patreon:
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cruciblesworskhop · 3 years
Hello, Tumblr
Hey all, this is my “Hello, World” post.  I’m excited to be a part of the community, and I can’t wait to show you some Sims CC Content.  Stay tuned!
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