cryptonomics · 6 years
Crypto, Monetary Policy, and Global Trade
New article on cryptocurrency and inflation? Idk, I was bored and thought I’d try and educate...
Crypto, Monetary Policy, and Global Trade
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Electricity in the late 1800s and Blockchain
You can say all the negative things you want about cryptocurrency. Just remember that mankind once feared electricity. The media even referred to electricity as “an unrestrained demon”.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Crypto Manifesto
We believe that money supply should not be fiddled with by central banks or corporations, but set in code. With this, the idea that one firm/entity wield’s the power to devalue the people’s hard earned capital is wrong.
We believe that every human has the right to be bankable. To be able to send/receive and trade throughout the globe without the need to rely on a “trusted” third party.
We believe that payments must must move seamlessly through the globe, creating global growth. Providing the ability of
We believe that you have the right to access a global super computer. Even if you lack capital to build one.
That each and every citizen of earth has the God given right to choose their currency(ies).
That the transparencies of these new world digital currencies will be in the code, fully democratized. Giving the power of financial freedom back to the people, and out of the hands of misguided individuals.
We believe in the good of crypto, and not in strippers and lambos (we also refrain from passing judgements).
We do not believe in greed, but the power of financial empowerment to all.
We believe in decentralization.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
People of Blockchain
The government wants you to feel like they are the only way to protect you against fraud in the crypto sphere. This is false. If they regulate, then it will build barriers of entry to other unique blockchain ideas. Do not ask for governmental intervention. You are the only one who can protect yourself from fraud. Don’t buy into scams. Don’t ask for government. Companies asking for regulation want help eliminating competition.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Year of the Dogecoin
There are so many coins out there it might be overwhelming to pick a few to like.
Dogecoin should be considered. It has a great network, meaning it is VERY safe and secure.
Super fast TX times, even when compared to Litecoin.
Super cheap TX.
Great community that has come together to bring clean drinking water to those in need as well as helped athletes go to the olympics.
It is so rad that a group of devs want to fork it.
It is also working to solve Ethereum’s biggest scaling issue.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Dogecoin has more room to grow than Bitcoin, and it meets all of the criteria (plus more) than the other cryptos.
Low TX fees.
Quick TX times.
It is:
*Devs are also working on using Dogecoin to solve Ethereum’s biggest scaling problem.
The community has helped bring clean drinking water to people in need, and helped send athletes to the olympics.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
US Dollar (USD) backed cryptocurrency is nothing more than a foolish way to do crypto. Also, we already have this, it’s called Tether.
The reason that a USD backed cryptocurrency isn’t good is because it fails to provide the best thing that cryptocurrencies provide: a hedge against inflation/hyperinflation.
Aside from reducing friction cause by third parties, the best thing about (most) cryptocurrencies is that they protect us from our central banks.
Commodity back cryptocurrencies is a much better idea, but a little ways off.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Proof of Work v Proof of Stake
PoW is needed in crypto as running a mining farm has expenses that are required to be paid. PoW leads to mining businesses competing and adding security to the crypto network. A miner must pay pay taxes, and energy costs to maintain miners. In a PoS, the holder of the coins has more incentive to hoard their coins versus spend.
As more businesses choose to accept crypto as a currency, price volatility will contract. Less selling cryptocurrency to pay for goods, services, & taxes will lead to price stability.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
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Writings on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and their impact on the economy.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Writings on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and their impact on the economy.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
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Bitcoin, Crypto, and monetary policy
what separates Bitcoin (& other decentralized cryptos) from the tulip bubble is scarcity. If tulips sky rocket in price, farmers will shift to growing tulips, adding to the supply. As the price increases, more and more farmers join in growing tulips, boosting supply even more until supply surpasses demand causing a crash.
With Bitcoin there is no way that coins can be created after the supply cap of 21 million is reached. Until then we will only get 12.5 BTC (miners block reward) added to the market every ~10 minutes. This miners reward halves every 210,000 blocks. Not saying we will not have a Bitcoin crash, because you can’t pay bills with Bitcoin (yet).
MEANWHILE: Trump Administration is set on bringing manufacturing jobs back to US (not a bad thing as nations need exports). In order for manufacturing jobs to turn profit via exports, a weak dollar is required. To weaken dollar, The Federal Reserve will digitally pump US Dollars into circulation. Thus, a devaluation of the your hard earned US Dollars begins.
In relating this to the tulip bubble, the US Dollar are tulips. The federal reserve are the farmers. The global economy loves the US Dollar, so there is current demand, and the federal reserve loves printing monies since 2008. However, US population is at its lowest growth rate (~0.7%) in 80 yrs (less people to have dollars).
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Numismatics: Crypto and Fiat
Decent read on currencies. USD, Bitcoin, and Altcoins. Most read of the month:
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cryptonomics · 6 years
New article: Cryptocurrencies and (past) Bubbles
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Cryptocurrencies and Bubbles
Thoughts on past and present bubbles, hope it is a good read!
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Numismatics: Crypto and Fiat
Decent read on currencies. USD, Bitcoin, and Altcoins. Most read of the month:
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Numismatics: Bitcoin and Cryptos vs Paper Monies
not old, but not new post on money. STILL RELEVANT.
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cryptonomics · 6 years
Achieving price equilibrium
A “stable” cryptocoin is easy 2 achieve w/ widespread adoption. The moment a major firm chooses to accept a crypto, we will see a true meteoric rise, followed by a crash, then rebound. Eventually finding an equilibrium where supply meets demand.
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