crystalfakecastles · 4 years
“I’d like to apologize to Alice because much of her statement was very much similar to how he treated me. I’m allowed to express that I was mistreated, controlled, abused emotionally, psychologically and on occasion physically as well as sexually by that paranoid coward of a weak little sneaky man.”
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Well, it's been a while since we’ve shared more stories about how disgusting Ethan Kath is. 
His ex-girlfriend, Au Vyst (Autumn), has shared a little bit of her story of abuse by Ethan. Much like Alice, their relationship also began when she was a teenage girl from a broken home. 
When someone on tumblr asked her if she had nudes of Ethan Kath, she responded: 
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The next day, she continued with this shocking account: 
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She perfectly describes the predatory, controlling and abusive behavior that we’ve been discussing on this blog for some time:
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“Evil is real and it preys on naivety and trusting people. I wish Ethan Kath aka Claudio Palmieri was the person many of his fans and myself as well as many others wish he was but he isn’t.” 
“He began speaking to me online when I was 16. When I began dating him I ran away from home and moved constantly for years from motel to squatting at one point to being held up in his parents home.”
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Autumn: “When I began dating him he was in a relationship with a 16 year old british girl. She’s one of the girls in the daily beast article. He pitted me against all other girls to test loyalty and that’s my biggest regret. If he’s going to try to sue me or send me cease and desists like he did to Alice and other girls then so be it.”
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“I am not ready to go into detail out of fear of him and his minions.” 
It’s known that Ethan Kath and his few remaining fans are desperate to hide all of this information. Autumn has shared that Ethan uses multiple fake accounts to obscure who he really is. If you visit https://snew.notabug.io/r/crystalcastles you will be able to see how much he censors public opinion about him.
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All these years we only tried to show the truth behind Crystal Castles and Ethan Kath. It was never our intention to hurt Autumn. Deep down, we knew she was yet another one of his victims who was being manipulated  by him. Our sincere apologies to Autumn. We support you and we’re sorry if any of our posts ever caused you any harm. STAY STRONG. 
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crystalfakecastles · 6 years
Au Vyst are you a bully? Or maybe your husband wrote this for you? I hope you're okay and open your eyes because your husband is a pedophille and a predator that's looking for underage girls when he's not at home with you.
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hi kevin you fekkin nerd lmfao
you spend sooo much time every week here 
why dont you say hi?
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Ethan Kath is so gross, thanks for exposing all his shit! Keep up all the great work.
Thank you! It was worth it in the end.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
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ALICE WON AGAINST ETHAN/CLAUDIO, I’m so happy for her she really deserves this ❤️ P.S. court dates have NOT been postponed, that is false information from his fans but there is a new scheduled court date intended only for Ethan & his lawyers to discuss the punishment he will receive with the judge.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Honestly thank you so much for doing your best to bring Ethan to justice. You're amazing.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Thanks for finding proof of Claudio’s age. He played himself again. He must be in denial about growing old.
Thanks to one of my followers for finding it! When you’re constantly lying, it’s bound to catch up to you at some point.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Why is nobody talking about how creepy the lyrics to Sad Eyes, a song that Ethan wrote about Alice when they first met, are? "Discourage affection," "feign care and warm concern," "the kiss you did not earn," etc.
You're right. Ironically, it's one of the things Ethan's fans LOVE to bring up to discredit Alice's contributions to the band: "but but but ETHAN WROTE SAD EYES!". He wrote a song about being emotionally abusive to a teenager. He can rot.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Actor in the Music Video for “Suffocation” Recounts the Abuse He and Others Witnessed on Set
On Twitter, Peter Davis, the actor who played the doctor in the “Suffocation” music video, shared his experience while working on set. He points out that he and others on the crew were frightened by Ethan‘s “obsessive control over Alice”.  
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Ethan Kath Admits to Being a DECADE Older than Alice Glass
From The Fader
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Hope you have a miserable 40TH BIRTHDAY today!
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Ethan Kath of Crystal Castles Under Sex Crimes Investigation
From The Daily Beast
The Toronto Police Service has confirmed with The Daily Beast that there is an active investigation against Ethan Kath (real name: Claudio Palmieri) of the band Crystal Castles.
Police Constable Allyson Douglas-Cook told the Daily Beast that there is currently an open Sex Crimes unit investigation into the musician. “At this point we are able to confirm that there is an investigation. However, because of the nature of the investigation, and for the privacy of the alleged victims, there isn’t anything else that we can say pertaining to it.”
When asked if she was able to confirm that the Police Service was looking into allegations made by multiple victims, Cook responded, “That I’m not able to confirm. All we can confirm at this point is that there is an active investigation.” However, a source with knowledge of the investigation told The Daily Beast that it involves complaints “from several women.”
The Daily Beast has been in contact with an accuser involved in the investigation, who said that Kath first reached out to her on social media when she was 15, and initiated a sexual relationship when she was 16. She is remaining anonymous for now so as not to impede the investigation, but says, “I want this guy’s insane horrible mistreatment of underage girls to be out in the open for everyone to know and to protect themselves.”
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
When Ethan talks about meeting Edith he says “She’d been warned that I was gonna be there” and then immediately corrects the statement to make it sound less creepy. Sounds like what behavioral analysts call “leakage,” as in the way manipulators slip up because they cant help but tell the truth about themselves sometimes.
It's not the first time he's made a similar statement."Things didn’t initially work out, however, and they didn’t make their now-infamous demos until eight months later. “One friend warned her, ‘Stay away from him, he’s a snake, he’s the guy from that GG Allin cover band.’ I didn’t give up,” says Kath. https://www.slugmag.com/music-features/crystal-castles-catharsis-incarnate/"I didn't give up". He literally admitted to stalking a 15-16 year old. He makes me sick.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Pretty sure the stage name Edith was chosen to taught Alice. Edith is Alice's little sister in the book Alice in Wonderland. That was his message to tell her that she's replaceable. But it also shows Ethan probably didn't even know why Alice calls herself Alice... is the birthday real though? like i always thought Ethan's birthday (u know, on xmas) was a publicity stunt, and because he is an egoistic maniac
I didn’t know that, that’s so creepy. Thanks for that information!
His birthday date is definitely fake. It wouldn’t shock me if he chose December 25th for the God comparisons. More on his fake birthday soon.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Does anyone else think that Edith was chosen partially for her name? Before she went by Edith, she was Margo Frances. Alice's real name is Margaret, and in an interview she said she was called "Margo" by her parents. (It's the same interview you linked a while back where she says her sister didn't like her.) For Ethan to not only give Edith Alice's appearance, but if he chose her because of her name too... that's beyond creepy. It doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.
I truly think there are no coincidences with Ethan. Everything he does is carefully manipulated so I wouldn’t be shocked if he specifically recruited Edith to spite Alice. THEY EVEN SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY (minus the year). It’s also creepy that her stage name is so similar to his stage name.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Ethan Kath’s Misleading Statements
Ethan Kath can’t keep track of his own lies.
In this interview with NME, Ethan stated the following about the night he met Edith Frances in November 2013:
“This was in LA,” continues Kath. “She’d been warned that I was gonna be there – like, ‘Someone else is staying here, don’t be scared if you see someone.’ We started talking about [Detroit hardcore band] Negative Approach, ’cause I’d just seen [them] and it was the best show of my life. She was like, ‘What?! They’re one of my favourite bands’. And then we agreed on the next band I brought up, which was [’90s shoegazing titans] Slowdive: again, another of her favourite bands. So because we were in the same spot and I was making beats and needed some demo vocals, I asked her if she wanted to sing on something. And she started singing and I was like, ‘Her voice is perfect.’ I was just blown away. It was just a complete fluke that this person that was in the room with me had this perfect voice for what I wanted to do.”
Alice Glass didn’t leave Crystal Castles until October 2014, meaning that he was indeed actively looking for someone to replace her like she said in her statement:
“But he often told me how replaceable I was. He’d even tell me that he was actively looking for someone to replace me.”
This contradicts some of the statements Ethan has made since Alice’s departure. In April 2015, he stated to Pitchfork:
“I was told she was taking a year off and that I should have the majority of the songs ready by her return. After her year off, she tweeted that she was leaving. There was no discussion about it.”
During Alice’s year off, Ethan had already recruited Edith into the band. Why is he so outraged that there was no discussion about it if Alice was never meant to return anyway?
Side note: Weirdly enough, Edith Frances was photographed in Alice’s trailer at Beach Goth in October 2014. She had already been recruited into the band for a year by that point. Why was she there?  
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After Alice named Ethan as her abuser in October 2017, he made the following disgustingly manipulative statement:
“When she suddenly left Crystal Castles to handle her mental health issues and substance abuse issues I fully supported her.”
Ethan can’t even get his story straight regarding Alice’s departure. First, he pretended to be unaware that Alice was leaving and he was blindsided by it. Then, he changed it into one where he was aware but he was supportive about it. Which one is it? Well, as he has made obvious, Ethan Kath has never been supportive of Alice. As soon as she left CC, he made a passive aggressive statement minimizing her contributions to the band:
"I wish my former vocalist the best of luck in her future endeavors. I think it can be empowering for her to be in charge of her own project. It should be rewarding for her considering she didn't appear on Crystal Castles' best known songs.”
Is this Ethan’s idea of support? The fact that he also refers to her as MY vocalist shows just how replaceable he considered her to be.
It’s also worth mentioning that during Alice’s year off, Ethan Kath attempted to sabotage the success of her DJ sets by messaging Crystal Castles fans and asking them not to blog about these sets. In his own words, “as long as there’s interest in her dj sets, they will continue and there will be no CC”. That post can be found on @exposingethankath.
Edith was already in CC when Ethan sent these messages to fans. Alice was never going to return. He just didn’t want her to have a career without him. His manipulation truly never ceases to amaze and horrify at the same time.
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
I didn't know castlegrayskull had been created by mono, I thought it was just some Ethan fanboy's blog. Is there any evidence of what mono has been doing? We could send it to Alice, it could be helpful, right?
Yes. He posted a link to the blog on the CC forums and all over YouTube from his own personal account. It's definitely him. He really fucked Ethan over on that one lol
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Autumn, not sure why you deleted your original post where you mention “there is video of me stating that it’s makeup laughing while wearing it”. Don’t worry, I won’t post the screenshot in case you said something else you weren’t supposed to. If you are in fact wearing makeup, can you clarify exactly why you think that posing as a battered woman is so hilarious? You’re laughing in your supposed video proof and in the picture. Please check your privilege. It’s extremely problematic of you to pose as an abuse victim for “fun”, especially since by that point, Alice had already hinted that your boyfriend/husband/whatever he is was her abuser. Obviously you were aware, since according to the lawsuit, Ethan sent her a cease and desist letter nearly three years ago and this picture is only a year old. Even more alarming is that Ethan probably took this picture and found it just as entertaining as you did.
I sincerely mean it when I say I hope you’re safe, which is why I said I would stop posting about you despite the fact that I continue to receive concerning messages about your well-being. I sincerely hope you’re telling the truth when you say no one has ever beaten you. I also hope you’re able to see how insensitive it is of you to romanticize and glorify abuse. This is a reality that affects nearly 1 in 3 American women and it’s unfair of you to act as if this is a laughing matter worthy of fun dress-up time.
It is also hypocritical of you to claim “harassment”, when you’re instigating the same against the second person who has been mistakenly accused of running this blog, not to mention the fact that your partner has been harassing Alice for years.
My intention has always been to highlight the type of person Ethan is, and his relationship with you has provided plenty of insight into that. Unfortunately, the reality is that he did prey on you and took advantage of the fact that you were an impressionable young fan who clearly idolized Alice and the band. You know this better than anyone. However, as per your wishes, you don’t have to worry about your name being mentioned again. Good luck.
Autumn, 22 Year Old Wife of Ethan Kath, Shares Disturbing Picture of Her Bleeding and Bruised Face
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Another major red flag surrounding their disburting relationship. This picture was deleted shortly after it was shared, of course. For someone who claims to be in an “uncompromised” position, she sure has to put in a lot of effort towards hiding the extremely creepy aspects of her relationship with Ethan Kath. Run away before it’s too late, Autumn!
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crystalfakecastles · 7 years
Last year I was Leo. This year I’m Gassendy. Suddenly Gassendy speaks perfect English! Idiots. Why do you even bother attempting to find out the identity of who runs this blog? Do you think that by “exposing” random Alice fans, you’ll eventually get it right and scare me into silence? You DO realize I’m reporting on someone who PREYS ON TEENAGE GIRLS TO ABUSE THEM, right? I’m on the right side here. As always, thank you for showing how sick Ethan and his fans are and how desperate they are to keep all this shit under wraps. Sorry, but it’s not happening. Now to the one person from Russia flooding my inbox with harassment towards the kid, fuck off.
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