cupcake-complex · 7 months
As much as I want to support ethical farming practices I will be buying the cheapest bag of frozen chicken thighs as much as the next frugal/poor person which is why animal welfare needs to be legislated, not left up to the invisible hand of the free market or some bullshit. Invisible hand of the free market finds itself around a lot of throats.
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cupcake-complex · 10 months
self care is copia stretched out nude (because it’s very hot right now) on his bed eating his favorite rigatoni and scrolling through cute rat videos on his phone, do you agree
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cupcake-complex · 11 months
Neurodiversity / disorder boxes. (Made by Mira)
If you'd like some relative to different disorders, please tell us, we have no imagination.
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cupcake-complex · 1 year
I wanna feel safe in your arms...
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cupcake-complex · 1 year
I want gear your voice again
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cupcake-complex · 1 year
Ratchet I miss you so much...
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cupcake-complex · 1 year
Fuck it
On the main blog it goes
Source Call!!!
Looking for Ratchet MTMTE. We recently split a Pharma who is quite desperate.
Pharma has big source amnesia and is def more lowkey than source.
Can disclose more in dms
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Please no minor systems
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
It’s been a hot minute but we’re backkk
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
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Any support is highly appreciated!!! Any single cent helps a lot and if you cannot afford to help us with money, sharing this is more than helpful as well!!!
Thank you already for any support <333
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
Sourcemates search
Looking for sourcemates for our Gabriel who is still very new. Sourcemates would maybe help him settle in.
So if anyone has/is a Mandela Catalogue fictive DM us or send us a friend request on our Discord HowToZuzu#1984
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
Going online!
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
*slaps roof of brain* this bad boy can fit so many other ppl in it
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
Going live! Will celebrate into the bodies birthday if we get that far!
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
Fictive Etiquette Guide
One of the things we’ve noticed as a fictive heavy system is that a lot of singlets have no idea how to talk to fictives. When one of us whose pluralkit proxy obviously marks us as a fictive sends a message in a predominantly singlet discord server, there’s this odd thing that happens where the conversation stalls for seemingly no reason. Especially if we mention something related to being a fictive.
We don’t think this is out of malice, it’s just awkwardness. People who’ve had very little interaction with the plural community aren’t likely to know how to talk to fictives. The short answer to that is to talk to us like people, but we thought we’d write out some tips to help our well-meaning but uninformed singlet friends. Disclaimer that we’re just one system, and these tips come from our own experiences. We can’t speak for other systems
Tip 1: We aren’t RPers or ask blogs, don’t ask us questions like we are. We won’t be answering from the perspective of our source characters, but from the perspective of a person who exists in this world and happens to have some things in common with that character. Apply the same rules you would if you were asking a non-fictive about their life
Tip 2: When we talk about our exomemories, that’s not an invitation to treat them like our source media. Don’t try to analyze them like a piece of media, or make light of our trauma. Those memories feel as real to us as yours do to you, be respectful
Tip 3: Don’t fangirl over us. We aren’t your favorite character come to life. Seriously, this is just weird and uncomfortable. Also, don’t bring up your ships that involve our source characters to us
Tip 4: If we’re in a fandom space, assume we’re comfortable there. We can make our own decisions about how and when (and if) we want to engage with our source’s fandom. We may leave suddenly if things get weird or uncomfortable, but that’s just us looking after ourselves without derailing the conversation. Generally though, don’t feel the need to modify your discussions on our account unless we ask you to
Tip 5: We aren’t some sideshow attraction to be gawked at. If you think of our identities as weird or cringey, that’s going to show in your interactions with us, and it always sucks. Your internal feelings about fictives are something for you to work through, don’t expect us to put up with you treating us like a freak show
Tip 6: Don’t judge us by our source characters. We didn’t get a say in it, neither did anyone else in our system. Having a fictive of a character doesn’t mean the system likes that character or condones their canon actions. Depending on the system, it might not even mean we know very much about that character. Some systems (like ours) will sometimes get fictives of characters we know very little about
Tip 7: Don’t assume we’re the same as our source characters. We might be very similar, or we might be nothing at all like them. Our exomemories could be drastically different, or we could come from an AU. Our personality, gender, sexuality, and personal history might be different than you expect. Also, don’t judge our identities the way you would a headcanon. If our source character is bi but we’re gay, that’s not bi erasure
Tip 8: We’re people first, fictives second. Start there, with the understanding that we’re not really all that different from the non-fictives in our system that you’ve already talked to. It doesn’t have to be awkward
This isn’t a comprehensive list, it’s just a few tips based on our experiences being openly plural and fictive heavy online. Other fictives, feel free to add your own tips, or things you wish singlets knew or understood. Just don’t get syscourse-y, we don’t wanna deal with that
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cupcake-complex · 2 years
Stream results!
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Some pride art from a stream!
1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)
2. Neyress with intersex and demisexual!
3. Ace with bi flag
4. Rune and Gavien with bi
5. Tabris with demiboy and lesbian!
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