cupcakesandkarma · 10 years
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Outdoor seating at my new favorite coffee shop…and the muffin I’m about to destroy with my face.
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Walk in the woods.
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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This is why I love pain quotidien.
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Right! So this weekend I switched out my winter nail polish with spring colors. Cause, you know, it's March. And regardless of when spring officially starts, March is a spring month. And it's totally time to be done with winter. 
So my spring colors are like 80% light pinks and tan / neutrals, with the occasional purple, a few light blues, and that one slutty-looking red, which gets around--I wear that one in all seasons :) Oh! And I'm now wearing a really nice pale blue that I'm kind of obsessed with.
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Abortions are bad, apparently...even in the Zombiepocalypse. 
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Need a haircut :)
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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It's been snowing a lot lately and with all of this snow, I'm not getting out much. But I am still enjoying the view.
In lieu of getting out, I'm enjoying staying in with Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and In the Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfus. Both are extremely excellent so far and highly recommended -- even if I haven't finished them yet.
I think another cup of hot cider might be in order....
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Valentine’s Day Crackers … :) 
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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So, we’re getting snowed in today. Mr. Cat is keeping watch to keep us all safe from Father Winter, meanwhile I decided to bake us up some “homemade toaster pastries” to nosh. (For the recipe, look up homemade toaster pastries on foodnetwork.com. YUM!!)
Enjoy the snow day!
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
Everyone needs a sidekick, right?
I played with this a few times. On two consecutive tries I got "Meeko" and "Dug." I'm still not sure how I got Meeko. I was really thinking it would be one of the horses. Or maybe Pascal.... 
Who did you get? 
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Modeling for NYTransit shoes this week! #ffany
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Modeling for NYTransit shoes this week! #ffany
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
I love this ad...wrote a blog post about it here
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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The snow we got on Monday hasn't really melted much and now we're looking at two more days of wintry mix, then a weekend full of snow. So, I'm going to be using any snow days to bake. This was Monday's offering: hearth bread with sesame seeds and a 16 bean soup with pork and vegetables.
Any suggestions for today?
Stay warm everyone!
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
Delicious Loki buns! #bookishwin
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Loki owns those cinnamon buns! #100happydays
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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Happiness is a warm latte
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cupcakesandkarma · 11 years
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"in the rain the pavement shines like silver…" #100happydays
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