cursedcannibal07 · 6 months
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— David Cronenberg, Consumed
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cursedcannibal07 · 6 months
Do you know what love feels like?
We’ve been taught all our lives
what it’s supposed to feel like,
But that’s not right.
Love is the feeling of the warm
Winter air coming through your window
Brushing against your back as you sleep
Love is the smell of the rain as it falls
The musky earth opening to the sky
The smell of it as you step outside
Love is falling asleep in rehearsal
Head to head with one of your best friends
On the new, soft, seats in the theater
Love is offering to put your socks on
Before you go to sleep
Because you know they like it that way
Love is screaming into the woods at the top of your lungs
Knowing only the bark and the bugs
Will ever hear your cries
Love is the excitement you feel
When you wake up and look out your window
To see a white ground and flurrying snow
Love is running down the sidewalk
Being chased by your friends
Giggling and wheezing through it all
Love is keeping your window open
Throughout all of summer
And being able to sleep smelling the world
Love is hanging out the window
Of your cousins car, going sixty
Down an empty back road
Love is playing in a giant pile of
Discarded mulch, with no goal in mind
Other than having fun
Love is the little things
And the big
That make us who we are
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cursedcannibal07 · 9 months
The world is split into three categories
What you know
What you don’t know
What you make up
and we live by these
day in
and day out
it’s like a mantra:
express the knowledge you possess
keep hidden what you don’t
and make up the rest
it’s exhausting
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cursedcannibal07 · 9 months
There was a kindness in me
From birth
But my father burned it away
and my mother watched
the world took that from me
and somehow I am the one to blame
There was a kindness in me
and I can smell it’s rotting flesh
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cursedcannibal07 · 9 months
Once I was kind
Trusting and loving
I would help anyone without question
Always be a shoulder to cry on
Then I got mean
I ripened
And I soured
I learned that some that I trusted
even with my life
would sooner squash me
to fulfill their own needs
I learned that those I listened to
anytime, anyplace
would rather ignore me
because I was “whiny”
I learned that asking for help
is attention-seeking
That talking to someone
is being annoying
I learned to harden my shell
Bite first
before they got a chance
I got mean
I got bitchy
I got rude
Now I judge
I ignore
and I walk away
I know it’s not right
I know I should change
But how?
When all I’ve done
Is conform to a world
constantly pit against me
What is there to do?
How do you change?
Go back?
Be kind again
Be good again.
I don’t know.
So instead I bite
and I bitch
and I judge
All to keep from being bit.
being bitched at.
being judged.
What is there to do
when a world wants
what it cannot produce?
what it refuses to nurture?
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cursedcannibal07 · 9 months
I remember it
clear as day
the first time
I was four
i had no particularly close friends
i believed everyone was my friend
i was four
I felt the light drain from my eyes
and the heat fill my cheeks
i felt the hole begin to sink into my chest
and the emptiness begin to take shape
I remember it
clear as day
the worst time
I was twelve
I had a couple close friends
I truly believed they were my friends
I was twelve
i felt my heart sink to the floor
and the heat fill my cheeks
i felt the hole sink further into my chest
and the despair begin to take shape
i was four
then i was six
then i was nine
then i was twelve
I felt my head fill with turmoil
and the heat fill my cheeks
i felt the hole make a home out of my chest
and the pain become akin to normalcy
now, i’m seventeen
and my head spins with anxieties
and unanswered questions
my cheeks burn
with the heat of embarrassment
my chest feels as empty
as a forgotten, forsaken glass on a nightstand
i know the pain
and the despair
and the emptiness
as one knows a mother
I remember it
clear as day
i was four.
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cursedcannibal07 · 9 months
It’s hard for me to look at myself
some days
i look in mirror and see
a person that does not resemble me
and yet in my heart i know
that is the person i show
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cursedcannibal07 · 1 year
I sit in my bed
dog between my legs
and in my head
i’m surrounded by them
i scream
at the top of my lungs
all my issues
and reservations
one was an ass
and another a racist
but they made me laugh
when they made funny faces
i ask myself “why?
was i friends with them at all?”
because they made me feel better
when i felt i might fall.
they turned the nights at home
into parking lot chaos
no time spent alone
like a never-ending seance
and then, it turns out
their true colors were shown
they’re not the same people
they make me feel alone
i’ll remember the nights
when we’d run and play
but something never was right
and it’s all gone away
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