curvyshadesofknb ¡ 5 years
Hello! I know you haven’t posted in a while so you might not even be active on here anymore, but I just wanted to thank you for all the content you’ve created. It got me through a really hard time in my life self confidence wise and I just thought you should know. So, thanks
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Hey babe!
I have so many lovely things happening in my life (new job in China, graduate school), that I usually have little energy for stories. I hate this about my life but I will always check in to see my messages; they go directly to my phone and email. I also will pop back in and update every now and again, sometimes with a story. I'm just not as good with updates as I used to be, or even as amazing as momolady who I read and check in on literally all the time .... and I just have a writers crush on.
All in all, I'm sorry I don't post as much but I will always be available to talk and/or pop back in randomly. I hope you all keep my blog close to your heart like I have. I'll be back from time to time!
Sooo much love my babes ❤
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Sorry if this ask is too vague for you to answer, and if so don't worry about it. I was wondering how do you think some of the KNB boys, and BNHA characters (heroes or villains) would react to their significant other doing the big chop? I'm thinking about cutting my locs to start a new journey but a little scared about how others will react to the change. I didn't specify which characters because I thought it would be fun if you picked who you wanted to write about as a kind of surprise ☺️.
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Himuro totally supports you taking a new journey with your hair. He thinks you are super strong and amazing for even considering cutting your hair because most females would never do that. 
He might actually watch you do it or go with you to get the chop done, and would be quietly supportive. Holding your hand, whispering sweet words of encouragement, he would only support you through the whole event. 
“You’re such a strong woman, _____. It’s one of the many things I love about you, _____.”
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Shintaro is a little stand offish at first because he really doesn’t understand the meaning behind cutting all your hair off. 
Sure, getting a few inches off is fine but going completely bald is something you cannot get back, for awhile at least. It takes him some time to get used to the idea of you being bald, but quickly gets over it when he sees your proudly satisfied smile. :)  
“That style is very becoming. I am proud of you for being so bold.”
would also buy you hats now to keep you warm. 
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Hyuga definitely asks for an explanation of how cutting your hair will help you and what you want to achieve with this. Won’t you miss it? What will you even do with the hair?? He just has so many questions, you have to sit him down to get him to listen!!
Once he hears why you want to do it and how much it means to you, he will surely give you his full support and is interested in seeing what you will look like without hair. 
Literally blushes when he sees you and actually discovers his new love for black women with short hair!
“Y-You look… very nice, ____-chan. I l-like it…. very much.”
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Look of surprise
Eyebrows raise 
Soft hand gestures
Que small smile
Mitobe supports this decision  
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When you come home with no hair, Akashi just stares. 
Yes, you had a conversation about trying a new hair style but this… this was bold. 
Akashi honestly never imagined himself dating a woman with such short hair, but he can see himself growing to like such a confident decision. Your beauty must be that great that you don’t even need hair, and that just reassures him that you are indeed an amazing woman. 
“To be a woman without hair and still be beautiful… you really are a natural beauty.”
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Woah!! Kise was not expecting you to do this!! His appearance is very important to him and he would never cut more than an inch off his hair, let alone chop it off, so to hear you entertain this idea is foreign to him!
You have to be so brave!! So brave!! He literally cannot wrap his mind around you doing this… but supports it out of curiosity. What would he look like bald…. He now thinks about this all the time… new magazine cover idea???
Kise will talk through the whole ordeal; each step will literally amaze him and at the end, he will rub your head and comment how soft it is afterwards. 
“Woaahh, _____-cchi!! Your head is as smooth as a baby’s bottom!”
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Literally would love you trying new styles for your hair! He’s such a supportive partner and would think you look beautiful in any hair style you’d end up choosing. 
Izuku would be the one to sit there with you and hand you the scissors and turn on the razor for you so you can get a close enough shave. 
He would help you get all the spots you couldn’t see and would probably assist you in getting that close up shave in the back. 
“You’re all good now, no missed spots! This turned out well… I really like it!”
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Denki is… Denki is shocked that you’d want to do this! 
He thought you were kidding when you originally mentioned it and he sort of laughed the topic off. He never thought a female would want to chop their hair off or get it so short they’re bald… but if you want to, he’ll support it! What else could a loving boyfriend do! 
He’s genuinely surprised that you follow through with it and… he’s just so shocked! And it’s not everyday that someone else shocks him so this is a big deal to him! 
“It’s a shock that you’d do this but …. it’s a good shock! Even better than mine!”
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This guy is a really big sweetheart and thinks your decision to do this just shows how strong and unique you are. 
He’s super excited for you to do this because he already has a unique look, and for his partner to have one as well gives the relationship plenty of bonus points. In a small way, it makes him feel less ostracized so he will help you or go with you to the shop to get it done. 
Watches with admiration as you do it and will have a small, proud smile as the process goes. 
“We’re a perfect match… I’m glad you decided to do this.”
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Wow, another supportive man who actually really enjoys hearing about why you’d want to do this.
He is super interested in hearing about the meaning behind the chop and has such high respect for women who do this. It’s not easy to change your identity like that and he thinks very highly of you for doing so!
“You’ll look even better than before! Well, you looked great before but now… now you’re even stronger and it shows!”
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Dabi totally thinks you’re a badass chick for doing this!
He just starts suggesting all sorts of things; crazy designs to try, dying your head different colors, and ways to make it curly on top when it grows back in.
Dabi would be even more impressed if you did all the work yourself; chopped it off, dyed it blonde, and put a nice fade on the back…. he’s totally smitten. 
“You look like even more of a badass, babe. I’ll miss pulling your hair but this is just as hot.”
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Tomura actually likes you with long hair so this conversation turns into a longer one than you expected. 
He isn’t one to dictate decisions on your appearance but he does have preferences, so he would want a valid reason as to why you’d want to shave your head. 
After explaining the culture and meaning behind this decision, he almost feels bad for speaking out against it. Although he won’t outright apologize, he would give you an approving nod and supportive words when the deed is done. 
“It’s not that bad, I guess… it makes it harder for people to identify you so it’s beneficial. Good work.” 
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
What head head cannons do you have for young All Might going to America for college and being meeting women of color? What does he think now that he is older as well? Could be saw or now up to you.😉
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Toshinori enjoyed his time in America for so many reasons; amazing food, great sights to see, and the fine and beautiful women you could imagine! He knew there were beautiful women all over the world but America truly proved to be a melting pot. There wasn’t a shape or size that wasn’t included there and it amazed him!! But he was so focused on learning what he could and becoming the number one hero, he ended up admiring most from afar.
In college, he was more of the shy, studious type. He was so focused on learning what he could and becoming the number one hero, he ended up admiring from afar. He was part of a lot of clubs and activities on campus and was well known; Biology club, Environmental club, Theater production, Teacher Assistant, La Casa, and BSU. He didn’t join a fraternity for personal reasons but was treasurer for a few co-ed fraternities and even hosted the naked midnight run once! 
Yagi is such an open and loving man, his heart likes so many people for even the smallest things! Lend him a pencil in class? Boom! A crush. Study date in the library? Bam! Another one. Yagi is just attracted to nice people and his heart is too big for his own good. 
Naturally he was a well known guy, but he mainly had female friends who he ended up having crushes on. Yagi was the guy who got late night calls from his crush, crying, and he would rush over so she could vent her problems and he could console her. On the inside, he would be proud to be such a reliable person for them but would secretly be sad because he would eventually be friend-zoned. He lived in this zone for most of his college dating life :( 
As he got older and achieved his dreams, Yagi really grew out of his shell and became more confident. He wasn’t a macho man who would actively approach women, but he had enough experience now to hold his own and on a good day, possibly flirt with someone he was interested in. His tastes were never secular and he doesn’t have a type when it comes to physical appearances, but he’s open to women of color, more so than when he was younger.  
When he was younger he used to wonder if he would have enough in common with other races and if he could meet their standards, if any. But as an older and wiser man, he’s gotten over those notions and has had many satisfying experiences with women of all types. He’s found he particularly gets favorable responses from black women and he happily welcomes the interaction!
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
opinions on mineta?
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I have seen the discussion around Mineta. I agree with what has been said and what I have seen; his character is not the norm and especially for a series that is promoting the support of heroes, he is the last person you’d want representing it. 
While I believe that he is problematic, I think the discussion should now progress further into why his character is there and what the message is. Every person, male and female, know someone in real life who acts like Mineta. Whether we like to acknowledge this or not, it’s a reality that we all can unfortunately relate to. That is why we recognize how bad his personality is and it makes us uncomfortable to see it advertised. The initial response we have to people and characters like this is to completely erase them and move on, which in some cases is the correct decision depending on how bad they really are. I personally believe that Mineta should be used as an example. 
BNHA has done a marvelous job of showing us that you can make a difference and that anyone can become a better version of themselves with the right attitude, support, and changes. In real life, we won’t be able to erase the bad people and experiences we encounter. We can remove ourselves to some extent, but there will always be a certain amount we will have to deal with. My feelings on Mineta is that yes, he is a boy with unfavorable characteristics and he says offensive things that should not be said. But instead of removing him completely from the show, he should be used to demonstrate how one can handle offensive personalities and the growth and strength needed to do it. I am a firm believer of uplifting men and women and giving them the tools needed to be stronger, better people! The creators of this show should use his story line to show how to properly educate boys (and girls/women sometimes) who act like this and what to say/do in situations when they do. There is a fine line to do this and not everyone will be able to handle this kind of story for personal reasons or another, but he should be used to teach, not to showcase how to divide. 
This may be hard for some to understand because our natural instincts prompt us to protect and rid ourselves of the bad. Yet the mature and wise thing to do is to use him as a learning experience and to capture the opportunity presented; to educate those who watch on how to be strong, wise, and versatile. So, to sum up what I feel and what I think should be done, it can all be said in one sentence: 
 “Do not learn how to react, learn how to respond.” 
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Do you have a least favorite BNha Character?
not really..
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
So are requests open for BnHA now???
Yes! Plus Ultra!! ☺
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
To that anon: what
No idea ✌🏽
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Most knb blogs are dying because the blogs keep adding fandoms hope yours doesn't die.
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
I can’t even begin to tell you how loudly I screamed when I saw some new posts from you! Gosh I freaking love your writing so much!! I’m so happy to know hat you’ve been doing better and that your blessing all of tumblr with your works again! I hope life is still treating you well and that you’re getting enough rest and water and food! Love you so much, boo!! 💝💝💝
Literally love you back x1000 and please don’t hesitate to submit! 💖💖
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Hi! Just wanted to say welcome back!☺️ I love your content , and all the representation you have for not just us black girls but other poc. Despite the craziness going on it's wonderful to see you back posting again , and glad you are doing ok. I look forward to more of your wonderful content!💛
Thank you!! I am always happy to return to this blog! Representation is important so lets keep fighting for the KNB/BNHA representation we want to see!! ✊🏽☺💖
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Hey there!! I loved those headcanons for bnha heroes. But, what about our bad guys, the villains 😉?
One For All
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For all that this man is, he is nowhere near picky when it comes to partners. He won’t be with someone who always harps on becoming a better person or who will “turn the cheek” all the time, but he does enjoy a woman with a soft touch. Someone who takes pride in doing the little things; making his bed and fluffing his pillows, cooking him foods he can eat, entertaining other villains when it’s needed. He would never openly say it but he would take notice of your efforts to ease his burden and for that, he is grateful. 
The appearance of his partner would hold little weight as he himself isn’t much to look at anymore. He is aware of this and holds nothing against you, but he does have slight preference towards women who have curves or are bottom heavy. The more, the better for One, and do not hesitate to put your weight on him. He can take it!  
He wouldn’t have much initiative to learn about your culture or where you’re from but he would be open to hearing your stories. He would enjoy stories of your mother cooking or your sister stealing the Thanksgiving turkey or whatever it is. Read to him or if you can, sing. He may be a villain but even villains enjoy a song or two. 
If you ask him about previous partners, he will give you a dismissive answer at first. His past is his past and he wants to keep it that way. Yet if you leave the topic be, later he will revisit it and he will mention that he hasn’t dated many but the few he has have been all shapes, sizes, and races. 
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Kai wouldn’t be with just any partner. Not many catch his eye but he would definitely be interested in a woman who has curly hair and a brown complexion. Hoop earrings, a cute messy bun, and a sultry “papi” would trap this man quick! Hispanic, Puerto Rican, or Latin(a) would be who he would end up with but ultimately, It wouldn’t matter what race or ethnicity she was! He is a bad guy, but even bad guys can’t resist a woman of color! 
The personality is what draws him in most. A feisty, long legged chick who’s a ride or die. Literally. He needs someone who will stand by him through all his dirty deeds and be right there on the heist with a gun, cocked and ready to shoot. He’ll even get you a ski mask with diamonds on it ‘cause your his rider and he wants you to look your best when you blow that fucking building to hell!!   
Kai would even enjoy a woman who spends money on pampering herself. A lady who gets some guap and secures the bag is always going to make him smirk in satisfaction that she’s just that damn independent and fine, she even goes and gets her own money. But when his money comes in though, especially if it’s stolen, he’ll def spend it on you. You’re his Puerto Rican princess and if he doesn’t get just a tad bit turned on when he watches you count that stolen money with those pretty nails, you’re mistaken. 
He’s definitely the boyfriend who will always eat the new food you bring him even if it’s a surprise dish. He would never want to insult you by saying no so he will try at least a bite. Each time that bite turns into another, and another, and another... Soon enough he will be asking what’s for dinner nightly and probably hoovering by the kitchen entryway, anticipating and smelling what’s in the works. They say the way to a mans heart is his stomach so always cook for this one!! 
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You can’t tell me this boy wouldn’t end up with a black girl. He is literally the one guy in this series that would actively approach and be with black women. He just can’t help himself. The hair, the attitude, the way black women talk, they are just enigmas to him and he wants to be a part of all of it. 
He would be the stereotypical male that would like black women because they have an “exotic” narrative, but behind all that vibrato is a guy who just likes you because of the parts that make you, you. The different ways you wear your hair, your unwavering confidence, the way you introduced him to Jodeci and Usher. You’re just so cultural and he’s so ... not. He sort of needs you in his life to make it less boring and bland. 
To be honest, he would be open to dating any type of women in general (size included) but he would give the black girl with the long blonde braids or the colorful weave some extra attention. That hair is fire and he’s should know a thing or two about things being fire! 
Unfortunately, he is that type that may get a little too excited to be around you, and sometimes and might offend you with the things he says. He really meant no disrespect when he asked you to back that ass up, but can you blame him? It’s a nice ass, he’s gotta appreciate it.
Dabi can be crude and disrespectful sometimes so he would gravitate towards a woman who will keep him humble and tell him when he’s acting a fool. He enjoys being a nuisance but he needs to be reigned in from time to time so give him the “look” and he’ll be putty all over again. Strong women make him melt! 
Once you’re together, he will be really proud that he’s worthy enough to be with a woman like you. Dabi would lowkey do crazy nice things for you; getting you that bundle you needed/wanted, complimenting your new nail color, even getting your silk scarf for you at night. He’s just an overall supportive boyfriend and in small ways will be a part of your rituals. 
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Twices type is a little ambiguous! He is totally not the guy who will approach a person (male or female) because he may come off as crazy or the person may recognize him as a villain. Because of this, he usually loves from afar and just suppresses his emotions as best he can. 
Interestingly enough, he might end up lowkey dating a black woman. She would have a very simple and tasteful look; black, bob cut hair, rich brown skin with easy eyes and a chic style. She would be an introvert and probably soft spoken, but very intuitive and able to handle his personalities. She may work in a department store or just someone he keeps crossing paths with at a book store, yet either way, he would keep running into them and would eventually ask them out for coffee. 
Twice doesn’t know much about you or cultures from other places, but he is surprisingly philosophical at times. He can almost empathize with you at times and can always detect when something is unfair or wrong when you’re involved. He’s that guy who you can vent to and afterwards smoke one with and cuddle if need be. He’s not as bad as he’s mad out to be, he has his moments! 
He really tries his best to be a good guy and show that he has a caring side, but he notices the looks and stares you two get in public more than you. There have been a few incidents where he’s lost his cool but it’s just because he’s still a little confused that he got a girl like you, especially a black girl. He can’t help it, he thinks someone better will come along and steal you away so he now has a strong urge to keep you close at all times, but he won’t even reach out to hold your hand. He really really wants to but he’s just nervous for some reason!! So please just grab his hand and hold it, he’s waiting for the right moment but it will never come because he’s nervous!!
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Another one who would probably date a black girl at some point! Tomura doesn’t care much about dating but would probably end up with a black girl who is almost like SZA? Imagine this; a down to earth beauty with a real talent for relating to others. Relaxed, wholesome, flower child type with an athletic body. His girl wears high waited shorts and cropped tops with logos on them. Shes into Anime and would be down for some cosplay/roleplay. 
The relationship would blossom from video games! They are both in the same game chat and they compete and compete with one another until they finally decide to meet and see who’s better. Tomura is standoffish at first and almost rude, but once you guys start playing, it naturally blossoms from there. Dating wise, he prefers to play with you laying close to him, in between his legs is his favorite (amazing view)!! 
He doesn’t really mention the difference in culture until other villains ask what it’s like or about the things you do, and he just comments you’re like any other girl and to leave you alone.... but he’s lying though! Of course it’s different; you stand up for yourself, especially against him, your skin is incredibly soft and without wrinkle, and the coco butter you gave him has really cleared his skin up. You were more than a girlfriend; you’ve begun to heal him from the inside out and he’s not so sure he would have gotten that with any other type of woman. 
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Phew chile, I see this girl totally being into a darker man. Dreadlocks, high top, or a durag dude would be for her. She likes em tall, dark, and handsome and is down for the get down. She’s into the athletic guys who are very dominant in their nature, possibly having a trim beard with the gold chain and J’s on. A little demanding and mean, it turns her on to be around a man who takes charge and will tell her what to do. She can hold her own, but there’s just something about that kind of guy!. 
You can find her at all the functions, sitting happily in the hookah lounge and even cozying up to her boo in the corner. Gets wasted all the time and says too much when she does. A tease through and through; she’ll sit on his lap and just grind to the music without a care. And she is always invited to the parties because all his homies know her... yeeeah. She’s that girl. 
She will plan dates and couples things to do together with her man, and will post so many pictures! Festivals, sports events, and carnivals will be her favorite things to do with you, and make sure you wear the matching sweatshirt she got you -- she wants to let other females know you’re happily taken. 
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Would you write for all might?
Would I?? 😏
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
YOU’RE BACK!!! *sends digital hug* I’ve missed you and was worried if you were okay! 😣😣
I am back!! It's time to start posting again, and since so many love BNHA here as well, I will be open to that too! I am a fan and I love the characters very much so don't be shy!! 💕🌸💕🌸
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
I love your writing❤️❤️❤️😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love you though!! 💖🌸💕🌸💖🌸💕🌸💖
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Unholy screaming I would love💗💖💔💕💞💟💝 if u could write for bnha especially for darker complexions.I will hold my request tho until it's confirmed that enough people want u to write for bnha and you confirm it urself .Bye and thanks
There is literally no reason I can’t just indulge you all, right? So enjoy ☺ 
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I would personally see Izuku as someone who would date a “lighter skinned” female appearance wise. Not exclusive but he likes a “caramel” color and the richness it has. 
Black hair, long or short is fine. He is fascinated by braids and cornrows though so if you have those, expect this green bean to help you with hair care and to compliment you a lot.
On that note, he loves the products you use for your hair. Who knew coconut oil had so many uses?! 
Hispanic, Black, Native American, any culture that would have a hint of American mixed with another strong cultural base would intrigue him. So, if you’ve lived in the states at anytime, he would really enjoy knowing you’ve traveled so far, but he will always be interested in your nationality. What languages does your family speak? Is the food any different? Would your Mom and his Mom cook well together? He’d hope so because he really wants to be invited to the cookout. (aww). 
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Definitely likes a dark skinned black girl. He could get down with any type of girl really, as long as learns quickly the proper way to approach a women of color. But for my hood ladies who come from the 13th district of Chicago or my Compton girls, this is the guy for you. He likes a rougher, stronger willed woman so don't be afraid to be yourself. 
Katsuki is super turned on by a lady who speaks up and out, and hearing that lil accent you get when you’re mad makes him wanna push all your buttons. But this boy isn’t crazy, he won’t do and say so much to offend you. He will however build playful banter with you and enjoys hearing any type of slang you would chose to use when arguing with him. 
An Afro is strong and bewildering to him so bonus point for a woman having that. But in general, this guy is a sucker for space buns. Two lil buns on your head with those slick baby hairs makes him double take and snap his neck. How can a forehead look so good?? 
You are the center of attention when you meet his parents. They literally ask so many questions about you and your family, Katsuki has to reel them in and tell them what is and isn’t okay to ask. Everyone is just so excited to meet you so please don’t take it personally!!
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This guy will date anyone he wants. Skin color or race won’t matter much to him, but he will be surprised to find that he really likes ethnic women. He just wonders where did this come from?? But either way would like a dark or light or in between lady. As long as they get long, he’s open to whomever tickles his fancy. 
Might even be that guy who “once you go black you never go back,” and he literally will date one girl and be hooked forever, now liking/having a preference for women of another race.
I won’t lie, this is the type of guy to like a lady with longer hair who keeps her toes and nails matching. He just enjoys a woman who keeps herself maintained (blame his family) but will totally enjoy helping out as well. Need an appointment? He’ll call it in. Need some cantu products? You got it, want the custard or the leave in conditioner? This boy supports your last minute needs and will always give you a special and rare smile to show his admiration and appreciation. 
The family meet won’t be as fun as you think. You will have to be someone who is very open to discussions and be secure enough in your love for Shouto to stay with him because his Dad is set on running you out and making you prove yourself worthy. Yeah, it may be one of those situations. You will be completely supported by Shouto but his family will make some riffs in the relationship until common ground is found. Watch out for his brother, though. Dabi's got a thing for the women he dates so that will also be interesting (#twoforone).
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Wow a wholesome boy right here. He is the boyfriend who always talks about how “cool” and “amazing” his girlfriend is. He won’t have a preference because he enjoys women (and men on occasion!) in general, but might end up dating those of other races. Light and dark alike, he just enjoys the experience and connection you can have!
Eijirou is more in depth than one would think. He is very well versed in American culture and because of this, he understands the climate people of color go through. He understands he will never know exactly what you go through, but is totally aware that he benefits from a system built to uplift and support those who would look like him. And he's also the guy you could invite to the cookout and he would be doing a pretty good cupid shuffle. 
If you get to the peak point of trust in a relationship, and you take your braids out and he sees you doing so, he would be honored. He knows this is a vulnerable state for a woman and if you let him, he will get his hands dirty and grab a comb. Put on that new Love and Hip Hop episode or Barbershop and he’ll be laughing along with you. This is such a Love and Basketball relationship!!
His family is just as cool, if not more than he is! His whole family welcomes you with open arms and makes sure you feel comfortable enough before the natural tough topics of discussion happen. They also encourage you to bring items and foods over to dinners and holidays because his family just wants to smash both of your families into one! 
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Yes Yes Yes this boy is all for a swirl of any kind! Personally, I can see him enjoying a connection with a girl of Latin roots. He finds the culture vibrant and flavorful and really is one to want to learn about it. Please take him to the annual festivals and activities, he will be such a happy birb.
He has an untapped talent for bachata, salsa, and dancing in general so don’t be surprised when El Baile Del Beeper comes on and he is moving perfectly to the beat. He is the dancing partner who will dip you in his arms and spin you around so be ready for that too! 
Also, don’t worry about appearances with him. I personally see him going with a curvy to big girl but he really isn’t one to dwell on that stuff because he himself has some insecurities about his appearance. 
His family is surprised that he brought you home and is even more surprised that he caught your interest. This then turns into pride and they welcome you with open and excited arms! A very fun and cool family, but may be a little sheltered so be aware of that!
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This sweet lady isn’t one to pick and choose. She is open to relationships with anyone and if you happen to be of another race, then so be it! She will however date in a way where you will have to be her friend first and then move into more intimate matters. She may not look it but Asui is demisexual so please take your time with her and love her mind first!!
This sweetie enjoys the little things you cook that she can enjoy the fruits of; making empanadas, learning what grits are, trying chitlins, she enjoys all these different things and will be the girlfriend who will learn how to make them to help you feel right at home. 
Her family is super sweet and her younger siblings will ask so. many. things because you are just so cool! But it is all in good faith and these moments should be used as teachable moments. After that you become the coolest person ever!! They will want to spend more time with you than Asui, and she will totally invite this new dynamic. Christmas and Thanksgiving won’t be the same without you there!
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Oooo this girl is a picky one and will need someone who has thick skin. She would like someone who has dark hair, a sharp mind, and a good background in music and literature. The type of partner who will be well read in many subjects and a tamed personality. She is open to dating other races but probably would stay within her normal range of partners for most of her dating life. Yet if someone catches her eye, she won’t approach them first, but will be almost childish and turn super tsundere. So take notice and make the first move! 
She would be very interested in learning your culture, and don’t skip any details. She is not the girl to shy away from political discussion or a history lesson. But let someone come at you and ask/say something off the wall, Momo is right at your side stating straight faxx on your case. She is that one friend who is #woke and she will read anyone who need be read. 
Even though this relationship may be built on fancy topics and boring literature, Momo is down for the get down. Momo is that one girl at the club who you side eye for a second but quickly realize that she didn’t come to play. Even as just a friend, Momo is that girl who just needs a little hype and then will let loose, but as a girlfriend, she will hype you to the next level, “best friend, thats my bestfriend,” level.  
The family meet would be somewhat like Todorokis family, except they would come around at some point. Her parents would be apprehensive at first, this feeling coming from ignorance and little exposure. But slowly as they see your character and not what media has portrayed, they will soften and become almost doting to make up for their guilty behavior. Momo would be very sorry about this behavior as well, but would reassure you that it all comes from a place of shelter, not malice! 
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I want to see this girl dating a black man!! Dark skinned with a nice fade who plays basketball and is super athletic and mad tall!! This girl with a black guy would be so wholesome and sweet, he would fall in love so fast. She would be in the bleachers cheering him on and he would run over during the game, give her a kiss, and run and make the shot that wins the game. This is that one relationship that you don’t expect but fully support it because there is just so much love! 
With a female, she would probably date someone like her but a bit more spunky. Kind of like a Izuku/Katuski cross. Sweet and strong but will go off at a moments notice. This girl would also like a female with a funky hair style like a short twist out or a faux hawk. I just see her being so fluid and open to really anyone!
Omg this girl knows nothing about your culture but think of her as a blank page!! You can connect and make so many memories because of it. She will literally soak up anything you tell her and remember it down to the last detail!
Wow, a whole spitfire when she needs to be! Don’t think you can walk over her because she’s this innocent looking girl. She ain’t nobody's doormat and she will stand her ground and speak up. This is why her boyfriend will bring her home no matter what his family is like because she will handle anything and anyone without question. 
Meeting her family would be just fine!! She would be so excited to bring you home and her family would be in awe to have you there. Literally no problems here, please date this girl!!
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
Can i have hcs of nash gold jr and Seto with a thicc gf and she has a really fat labia majora to the point she's really insecure and reluctant to have sex? (Pffft totally not about ME tho!! Lol....😭)
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This guy really isn’t the type to care about looks once he’s dating you. He didn’t ask you out in the dark; he knows exactly what you look like. 
Nash is a rough guy but he knows where to draw the line, and for all that he is with his teammates and other general people, he treats his girlfriend like no other. If you’re with him, he needs you around for the long run and he won’t ruin it by being too crass with you. 
Once you get to the point of sex and you tell him this insecurity, he reels himself in a bit and taps into his softer side. 
“Babe. I understand that for you it looks different ‘cause you see it everyday. But I’m tellin’ you… you let me see you like this everyday, an’ I’ll change your mind. Promise you that.”  
Nash will slowly then lean down and push your legs open, grab your hand and lace your fingers with his. His eyes will lock on yours and he will literally lick you to orgasm.  
After this when you two are in public, he is back to his rough self whispering, “I can’t wait to have those lips between my teeth, baby.”
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Seto literally loves having you as a bigger girlfriend because for all the sleeping this man does, having your fat thighs as pillows for his head is literally a gift from the soft pillows of heaven!! 
He likes the idea of easy access to your body, and you in his lap is the best option for that, and was not going to take no for an answer (does he ever?). He just kept pulling you closer and closer, his hands travelling lower and lower…
….And just as he was getting a good feel of that plump pussy, he was confused on why you stopped him. He literally just wants to make you feel good, how dare you stop him from doing so?¿
But when he understood what you were feeling, he was super mad. Not at you, but at himself for not doing a good enough job as a boyfriend to let you know he cared about you way more than what a ursa majoria or whatever it was looked like. 
After such, Seto had his hands on you (and in you) more than he did basketballs. 
“I should do more… as your boyfriend.. to let you know that you’re a beauty in my eyes. But right now, I want my fingers inside you, I want to feel you. Will that make you less worried?” 
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curvyshadesofknb ¡ 6 years
I heard that WordPress allows NSFW content. You can check their mature content page for more details. It allows you to upload/transfer your tumblr account!
Omg babe just tried it and it only worked for my primary blog on mobile!
Lets just hope for the best babe! Keep hopeing!! 🌸💕🌸
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