cvrmcns · 8 years
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Eiza Gonzalez  by Lexie Montoya for Cosas Mexico
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“I never said there aren’t worse situations, I am still allowed to complain about this. I doubt they will let me stay elsewhere, considering this is supposed to be a ‘bonding’ trip.”
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“I’m not quite sure what you just said, but.. I mean, some people have dealt with worse situations. If you want, you can look for a close by inn or motel to go spend the rest of the week.”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“I would much rather come explore with you, I might as well try to make the most of it. Spending a week in my tent will make it feel like a much longer week than it actually is.”
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‘ it’s not hard, just stay in the tent & you’ll be fine, unless you wanna come explore with me ? ’
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“Naked and Afraid? What is that? I could use something to put things into perspective.”
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“Cheer up, sunshine. Just make the best of it while you can. It’s not like we’re on Naked and Afraid or somethin’ like that. It’s only a week.”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“All tents are shitty compared to the house we are staying at on the show. I suppose the stars are pretty nice, though, I will give you that. If you think you can survive anything after this, however, I would assume you would hate it more than I do. While I would much rather be back at the house, I can admittedly think of a few scenarios that are worse than this.” 
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“You mean nice tents? The tents we’ll be using are some of the nicest tents I’ve ever used in my life. Sure, bugs are around but that’s what bug repellent is for, sweetie. You’ll be okay. Camping is a lot of fun. You get to see the stars perfectly at night, get to be in the middle of nowhere with fellow housemates, so like, I guess we all could become closer? I don’t know just think positively about this situation. See it as a learning experience. If you can survive one small week in the woods you can survive anything.”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“You have too much faith in me, Val.”
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‘ my darling… you will pull through. ’
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“I was perfectly fine with the pool at the house where I could also smoke weed if I wanted to, thank you. The only things this place offers that aren’t back at the house is sleeping in crappy tents, bugs, wild animals and no luxury whatsoever. And by luxury I don’t mean diamonds and shit but cellphone reception or a refrigerator or hell, probably even hot water.”
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“Calm down, pendeja. It’s not that serious. It’s a week of camping. Think of it as being by this beautiful body of water and being able to smoke weed freely.”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
¿No manches? ¡Vete a la verga, MTV! I signed up for a nice house in Cali, not a camping trip in the mountains. ¡Pinche pendejos! I am not cut out for this shit.
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cvrmcns · 8 years
carmen and camping be like
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cvrmcns · 8 years
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cvrmcns · 8 years
Towel and a bottle of water in hand, Carmen was headed to the pool when she spotted her friend. She stopped when she heard her speaking on her phone, unable to resist eavesdropping. Smiling in amusement, she sat down on the chair next to Valentina’s. “Maldita,” she grinned. “Remind me never to piss you off. What’d she do?”
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‘ come again ? ’ valentina said, eyes wide & brows furrowed as the young girl apologised over & over for messing up. ‘ now listen to me, useless piece of ass… ’ she started rubbing her temple with her finger. ‘ ¿ cómo que no sabes que pasó ? no me vengas a mí con tonterías, no hiciste las cosas cómo te las pedí y obviamente jodiste toda mi agenda. ¡ no tengo tiempo para estas estupideces ! ’ she went off, trying to take deep breaths. ‘ fix it or i will sue your ass. ’ she said & hung up her phone, throwing it somewhere in her bag & lowering her sunglasses back from her head to rest above her eyes, taking a large sip of her drink as she lied by the pool on a lounge chair.
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“Well, the show opened only a few days ago? I am sure you will have time to catch up.”
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“As much alcohol as I can drink? Sexy women that are horny, Why didn’t I come here sooner?”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“And here I thought all the cameras were those sitting around in the corners. I can imagine it must be quite a shock to see a camera man outside of the shower. I am quite glad you told this before I took my first one here, so now I am prepared.”
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“It’s one thing being filmed when eating, but standing face to lense with a camera when I come out of the shower was not expected, though I think my sightly startled scream might entertain the viewers.”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“I am surprised they managed to find so many virgins willing to be on a TV show about sex. But I will admit, if I was still a virgin, I might be a bit desperate to get laid as well.”
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       “god i love the smell of teen angst. there’s nothing quite like feeling all the sexual tension in a house filled with horny young adults.”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“I am not sure about MTV but I do think we are allowed to throw parties ourselves. At least I cannot imagine that we are not. It could cause for drama or sex which probably means more viewers and that is mostly what they want, I assume. I think this ABC party sounds fun - I have never been to one. What do people usually wear?” 
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“so like is MTV gonna throw us any parties or do we have to throw our own? if so i have a great idea for the first one- an ABC party! and for those innocent ones out there that means anything but clothes who’s with me?”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
“I have never understood the American obsession with superheroes but I do enjoy costume parties. I cannot say I have packed a costume, though, nor that I have any clothes that could pass as an attempt for one. When you say costumes, does this mean you have brought more than one?”
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“ can we all agree on a party in which we can dress up as superheroes in honor of the new captain america movie? because i am all for it and i am dying to dress up! yes, i did pack superhero costumes and i am not ashamed of it. ”
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cvrmcns · 8 years
- ░ ✗ ☼ Intro
hi i’m lazy and tired so this will be a bit messy probably??
carmen is mexican and after reading that ariella lives in mexico i’m highkey worried about writing a latina character because i’m so white and everyone around me is so white and literally i have no knowledge of mexico or anything gtg 
anyway ok 
she grew up in mexico with her parents and her she was a total daddy’s girl as a kid but when she got older she realized he wasn’t a very good man, he had a big temper and had even hit her mom a few times
her mom was really submissive though and too scared to do anything about it
once carmen hit puberty her uncle started sexually abusing her /: 
her mom found out eventually but her reaction was basically ‘don’t tell your dad’ because she was scared of his reaction
but eventually he found out and he beat the uncle up really bad so they both went to prison (hopefully it’s realistic that a person gets a minor sentence for vigilantism in mexico?) and her mom got angry at carmen because she felt like it was her fault her husband was in jail yikes 
to get away from all of this she moved to florida to live with her aunt (an unrelated aunt to the uncle that abused her) which was pretty nice?? 
after a few years though her aunt started dating someone and they were always at her place so carmen could tell she was kind of starting to be in the way, even if her aunt was too nice to say so
so she got her own apartment and a job as a waitress but it paid like shit so to help with her bills she also took a job as a stripper
she was fine with the job tbh, as long as there wasn’t anyone who thought it was ok to touch her, then she’d slap a bitch
outside her job and never with regular customers (visitors?) she has a lot of hookups
she’s tried dating a few times but she’s really closed off so she’s never had a longterm relationship or anything
this was so long and i didn’t even tell a lot about her personality fml but yeah uh she’s like flirty, seductive, closed-off, opinionated, temperamental, kind of broken, she likes to play a bit hard to get sometimes and other times she’s pretty easy, I don’t know, she’s a bit of a mess 
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