cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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                      If badgers made noises of joy you’d hear me mimicking                       them right now cause I reached my milestone! Thank you                       all so much for following && giving Amelia a chance, because                       I honestly thought I wasn’t going to do her any justice!
Now here are my fav homies B^J
leon-s—kennedy mister—-death changedsongbird iinfinitio adeloes innsania  magusdraco mythologied ofmuchness acexfspades theshootingarrow cxdebreakxr hexenjager witchvicious fracturedportrait justxkeepxrunning xducere ihatethisplanetx impxvidus xfractum dociledepravity chxsenfate ofgasmasks arnovixtordorian sweetlittlesunflower gott—mit—uns
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
a b c
give me a letter and i’ll tell you my 5 favourite blogs starting with that letter
A - in no particularly order:
The reason to why this blog even exist!!! And real life friend, yes!
Not that active these days, but among my first partners and Claire friends! Muse is just perfect and mun is the best too!! :D 
Ahhhhhh so much love to this blog!!! Both mun and muse are the best!!!! All the love because Ray and Claire has a precious friendship and Claire just really misses Ray these days and ugh >.
Also a lot of love to this blog!!! Angel and Claire are just so lovely and cuties!!! And Angel is totally Claire’s momma bear XD And the mun is awesome too!!! Because weird dreams and just the best conversations!
Not active at the moment. But it’s Selina Kyle from Gotham and another precious Cat from the streets - or in the alleys XD And so much love for this muse! And the mun seems sweet too!
Honorable mentions: aikomsi, ailaikthera, ajobbikreszem, alleycatheart, amalianike, ask-miss-mystique
B - in no particularly order:
Hahhaha because mun is awesome!! And Lady and the Tramp is the best film ever!!! And Lady is a darling and she’s portrayed perfectly and it’s so cute to have a dog on my dash ^_^
Tracy and Claire is dynamic duo of Starling City/Central City and you can’t convince me otherwise and their dynamic really is the best as they balance out each other very nicely
Because despite not having ever watched American Horror Story: Muder House I’ve come to love the verse(?) and this blog is just so perfect to interact with! We haven’t interacted that much, but so far the muse is wonderful and the mun are too! Definitely follow!
One of the few blogs I’ve come across to make greeters, which is nice for a change. Also a very nice Caitlin Snow, which is nicely portrayed and it seems like the mun is nice too + actually look over your blog before interacting(?)
Just awesome mun and muse! So much love to you!! :D
Honorable mentions: badassbotgirl, batisms, bitchwithtech, bxgbrain
C - in no particularly order:
Perfect Elsa and different live FC from the one they use in Once Upon A Time. And the mun is just the sweetest ever!!!
I finally understand why the URL!!!! Anna is just the cutes and just awkward kissy friends ^_^ So cute!!!! I can’t with these two!!! And mun is such a cutie too!! Very informative in the tags :)
Literally a sunshine on my dashboard!!!! She spreads all the love on my dashboard and it’s so wonderful to see her receive too - and then send it all back again! Also a perfect Luna!! Just sweet candy and perfect in every way - you have to follow!!!
Just a very nice OC and mun is the sweetest too! And very nice writing and just altogether just a blog I always eagerly wait for replies from ^_^
Because Felicity is perfect and so is this mun (despite not having watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Honorable mentions: cxrvings, cyclopsnotscott, cryokinesi, clockstxp, chloeadarkholme, canaryiism, callmebugboy
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
[ ;; ] I’m gonna be here but not here this weekend because I have an insane amount of drafts between my accounts and I have to start lesson planning and doing homework so the best way to reach me is kik and skype and I love you all and this is why I’m on a semi hiatus I can already feel the school related stress
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
[ blog psa ;; ] hiiiiiii friends so if you haven't noticed (you probably have because you loooove me) I've been pretty MIA. For a few days I just wasn't feeling Felicity cause I was getting really into Scott again, but then school started again and now here I am not getting online until 8 pm if I'm lucky so like the other blog I'm going to be putting Felicity on a semi hiatus  for the forseeable future. This basically means I'll reply to things when I have time but I'm a grad student in my last semester so I'm a very busy girl! But I'm gonna try and be better about at least being on <333 love you guys! but if you need me I literally live on kik and skype so just message me!
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
  "Alright I’ll go put it on the living room." Oliver pointed over his shoulder as he put the popcorn on the table in the room. Taking his jacket off as well, Oliver laid it on the chair he knew he wouldn’t be occupying tonight. By the time he walked back into the other, he saw Felicity trying to open the bottle.
"Do you n— Nevermind, you got it." Oliver grinned at the bottle, watching Felicity for a moment. It was strange how her doing the simplest thing could but a smile on his face.
 "Right. Living room!" Felicity was already pouring wine into two glasses, heading in Oliver's direction with a soft smile on her face. She sunk into the couch, grabbing the remote to press the play button on the already loaded DVD. The sounds of the opening credits of 13 Going on 30 played into the room, a content smile on her face her she sips at her wine. When he finally moved toward her, she flicked her eyes toward his grinning features. "Why are you smiling like that?"
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
Û© [ cxdebreakxr ]
this meme — cxdebreakxr
when the news reached back, oliver wasn’t exactly sure how he should react. part of him wanted to hide from everything but another part knew he shouldn’t. it would-n’t be what she wanted. yet, when others died, he hide. he worked non-stop, he didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep. oliver only went through the daily functions of life. that was it. even when people tried to talk to him about it, he brushed it off, no longer wanting or accepting their help.
that’s what happened when he heard the news of felicity.
it happened about a week ago. she was going back to central city to see barry, to make sure he was okay after the reverse flash thing happened. however, she never made it there. it had something to do with the train derailing. he didn’t remem-ber the details. he’d shut down.
now though as he was looking at the person standing across from him, there was shock on his face. he’d been going upst-airs from the foundry, finally heading back to thea’s apartment to sleep for the night when she opened the door. the shocked, scared, confused look on her face was enough for oliver to real-ize that something wasn’t okay.
it had taken seconds before she was in his arms. his strong arms held her there as he felt her shoulders shake quietly, oliver not saying anything for a long while as he tried to process what had happened. she had been dead but now here she was now. press-ing his lips to the top of her head, he muttered against her tangled hair.
"you’re okay, you’re home."
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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The Intro—
Hello to everyone that I’ve tagged! Most of ya don’t know me, but I know all of you! (That sounds slightly stalkerish, so let me start over.) My name is Jess and I’m the mun for several muses— seriously, the list is so long, that it has its own page, here— and I’m an indie rph. 
I’ve been following some of y’all on tumblr for quite a while. Unfortunately, due to lack of time— no thanks to having a million muses, being a college student and running an rph— I haven’t been able to roleplay with many of you. So instead, I stalk and admire each of you and your incredible muses. (And occasionally I send ya friendly nonnie messages or nonnie memes.)
The Peeps Whose Writing and Threads Only Get Better With Time— Arrow Edition
oliverqxeen ☃ guyslikeusdontgetthegirl ☃ fiveyearsalone ☃ theshootingarrow ☃ ofarrowisms ☃ ollie-the-playboy ☃ grxxnarrow ☃ greenarrowing ☃ warisfoughtwithallies ☃ green-arrxw ☃ thatoliverjonasqueen ☃ forgedintoahero ☃ arrowsunderthemistletoe ☃ theflashandarrow ☃ doorsslamlightsblack
itsmoak ☃ felicitygirlwednesdaysmoak ☃ upxinxsmoak ☃ smoakinglyxremarkable ☃ salvationinsmoak ☃ blondecyberterrorist ☃ itgirlwithasecret ☃ smoakinhotqueen ☃ ofsentencefragments ☃ cxdebreakxr ☃ morethanit ☃ specsandtechs ☃ techgirlx ☃ theitgirlfelicity ☃ speedy-thea-nerdy-felicity ☃ remarkablesmoak
honorthygun ☃ johnxdiggle
lastlivingqueen ☃ speedytheaqueen ☃ speedytheamerlyn ☃ hecallsmespeedy ☃ speedy-thea-nerdy-felicity ☃ i-will-bestrong ☃ doorsslamlightsblack ☃ queenofstarling
royredarrowharper ☃ roythered ☃ x-arsenal ☃ inyourarsenal
The Canaries—
canary-warrior ☃ nightingalexlaurel ☃ xyellowbird ☃ worefishnets ☃ laureledlance ☃ ta-eral-sahfer ☃ assassincanary ☃ doorsslamlightsblack ☃ choseherownfate ☃ canaryiism ☃ notourmasks ☃ atercanariam
Other Wonderful Muses—
pissespeopleoffforaliving☃ doorsslamlightsblack ☃ waywardxsin ☃ thedemonrasalghul ☃ itberice ☃ lovedherwithallofmysoul ☃ theoneandonlytommymerlyn ☃ getupandfightback ☃ rebeccaxmerlyn ☃ moiraxqueen ☃ malcolmxmerlyn ☃ valianthuntress ☃ {& we need more oc’s/villains, okay?}
So Thanks—
Thank you, to each and every one of you. A handful of you follow me on my indie rp accounts and another handful of you follow my rph, but each and every one of you, brighten up my dash (and my day) all year round. You’ve all helped me achieve 300+ on thequeenofindie and 100+ on each of my active muses.
And normally, I’d offer to gift y’all something for Christmas, but since there’s so many of you, I’d never be done making gifs, icons, gif icons, banners, promos, etc. So consider this gigantic promo, my gift to each and every one of you. Also, any and all requests that you may have, feel free to send em my way. My ask and my requests are always open to you guys.
Again, thank you for the follows, for the good reads, and for being the lovely people that you are. Happy holidays and I wish you all the best for the coming year!
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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Okay wow so this year is over and let me tell you it’s been a whirl wind of a year. I’ve had a lot of fun things happen — like the two mud runs I’ve done, running my first 5k, signing up for a Tough Mudder, having an awesome summer job, actually loving my classes this semester. I’ve also had a lot of doors close in my face and things that I wished turned out differently. I’ve lost friends, gained others and I wouldn’t know what I would do without them either. Not only that but I’ve learned a lot about myself on here and in real life. I’ve grown patient now thanks to tumblr, I’ve grown as a writer as well which is all thanks to you guys.
Below are a list of people who have impacted my life in some way. Some of you have had a large impact while others a small but you still left a mark and without you I wouldn’t be where I am today
➶  honorthygun​ ( oldladyenough​ ) ➶ cellobowsandarrows ➶ jesslynshepard ➶ speedytheaqueen ➶ assassincanary ➶ assassiniism ➶ cxdebreakxr ➶ theoneandonlytommymerlyn​ ➶ oflightningspeed ➶ xkatiewrites ➶ xfayewrites ➶ misguided-musings ➶ xserrawrites ➶ youngsurvivxr ( ofbratva )➶ felicitygirlwednesdaysmoak ➶
Below is a list of people that I love to follow, stalk, and watch from afar. I might interact with some of you and I might not. If I don’t that’s fine because I just love watching you c:
➶ whiskeymitch ➶ unseenmockingjay ➶ ofsentencefragments ➶ beaniesandmachetes ➶ inaxflash ➶ monochromeblades ➶ brokenxsoldier ➶ bravelink ➶ consultingdevil ➶ claraaoswlds ➶ manipxlative ➶ niightfxry ➶ deathxhound ➶ pulledfromhell ➶ coldblxxded ➶ bloodyknucklxs ➶ changedsongbird ➶ damnagedbeyondrepair ➶ qxill ➶ commanderglowstick ➶ remarkablesmoak ➶ showmaxter ➶ tentoriumxlignum 
I hope everyone has a fantastic 2015 and that their future may be as bright as you are c:
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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There have been so many people that have become rather important to me this year, so i thought I’d make this post for them, it’s all people that have become my friends, so if you see this and aren’t on here, just know that I love all of my followers on all of my accounts and I am always willing to talk to new people :)
{ taraknowlesroleplays ; Words can’t even describe just how much you mean to me. When the person I thought was best friend left me alone, you were the one to pick up the pieces, you’re the person that made me believe that I wasn’t the terrible person  she made me feel like I was. You’re the girl that I have a hard time when we don’t talk, and the one I’ll force to read and watch things just so i have someone to flail with. It’s weird to think that we’ve been friends for a year and a half, it feels like i’ve had you with me a lifetime. Whenever there’s something wrong, you’re the one that I turn to, you’re my first call when I need to cry because I know you’ll threat to kill people with forks and talk about sending me a charlie hunnam look alike stripper. And at the end of the day that’s why you’re one of the most important people to me, because you know just what to say. You’re my Chase, my Jess,  part of my favorite threesome, my Tara, my fifty friend, my bestest friend.
Ps. I miss falling asleep with you on the phone. 
{ theshootingarrow; Megabytes, you’re the friend I never thought I’d have. I always loved to watch you on my dash, and just wanted to rp with you, and then somewhere along the way we started to talk and you became my person.  And that’s just me talking about roleplaying, I don’t even know how I got so lucky with you. Since that first day that we started to talk, there hasn’t been a day that’s been without you, I don’t know how one could even live without talking to you every day. Soon we’ll see how i handle 9 days -_- But I truly don’t know how explain our relationship to others, you’re just the person I tell everything to, and listens to me complain until even I’m annoyed with myself. If I’m being honest becoming your friend has been the best part of this year because looking back on the past few months, I don’t know how i survived fandoms, without you. So like do you realize that you’re my best friend above like lets say, alex? because you are, you mean the world to me.
 { jaureguisrps; TWINNIE, I really miss talking to you, I know that we haven’t been doing the best at talking but i’m just lame, even if we don’t talk I really hope that you know that you mean a lot to me. There are so many countless memories of you and they’re always so funny and cheerful.  We really need to start talking again because I really miss my Marshmelly! So uh, skype date soon, yeees?
{ goodboybadreputation ,  Yoooou :) i don’t even know what’s going on with the two of us right now, but whatever you and I are, I think I really like it.  Who would have known that bugging you on anon to make Jax would have created such an amazing friendship between you and I. Though, I feel like there’s a lot that the two of us need to learn about each other like we’re really close but there’s a lot I don’t know about you and vice versa so I’m excited to eventually learn more about you.  I just want to wrap you up in a blanket and keep you happy and safe forever.  
And here are some other people that I started to talk to this year, you’re all so nice and I love talking to all of you and I can’t wait to talk to you all more this coming year! 
uneditededit coltonxcase, cxdebreakxr, speedytheaqueen,  felicitygirlwednesdaysmoak, elsajudelangdon2573, assassincanary, lipbiiter, ofsentencefragments, theoriginalcharmingson
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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              ❛ good luck with that. oliver doesn’t even                 get in there. neither does barry. you’d                 be lucky to see me in there. and i have                 clearance. bruce is very picky. capes,                 cowls, broody personalities. i don’t                 think you have any of that.
                uh-huh, we’ll see about that, felicity.                  if it does, i don’t mind taking over y’know.                 bat brain, eidetic intellect. how do you want                 your coffee anyway? ❜
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    " Well Oliver isn't as pretty as me.        Besides I could put on a cape.        And cowl.        I COULD BROOD !                         I know I know super smart                        Batgirl however could I be                        as smart as you -- oh wait.          Black. A little bit of cream. One splenda. "
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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A bit surprised when the other suddenly had to go Claire nodded slowly and bit her lip. "Oh
. Uhhh
.. Yeah
. I was going to ask if I could get to talk with you - like an interview, but uuhh
.. If you’re in a hurry right now
.. You should go, I don’t want to keep you occupied
.." She said with a small smile although not sure what to do now when it seemed like the other was busy.
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"Walk and talk? We can walk and talk." Felicity smiled, nodding her head toward the building in the distance she'd already been on her way to. She really did need to make it to Palmer Tech in one piece, but who said she couldn't bring someone else along?  "So what's the interview for?"
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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Well that was one way to show up to class. At least she showed up, he supposed. He wouldn’t have. 
"Nope. All yours."
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She was honestly shocked that she showed up to class. But here she was anyway.      "Thank you."
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When she finally pulled the glasses from her face and looked at the board, she realized how bad this was going to be.           "Oh God.             I hate lectures on parts."
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
  When the door opened, Oliver smiled seeing her there. It was nice to see her well
relaxed and comfortable as compared to tense. He really enjoyed seeing her like this. “Hey.”
"Wine is fine. I’ll drink whatever, you know that.   Where do you want the popcorn? In a bowl or   keep it in the bag?”
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She grabbed the bottle of wine from out of the rack on her kitchen counter, turning back to him with a gentle smile. Ok so now she had to pop the cork. Which she tended to send flying across the room even with a corkscrew. Greaaaaat plan Felicity. "Bag is fine. No need to waste a bowl." Her attention turned to the bottle now, eyes staring it down. Maybe if she stared the bottle down long enough she wouldn't have to pop it. No? Ok. So she reached for the corkscrew, immediately regretting not putting the bottle up on the counter before sticking it into the cork. On the plus side she didn't spill any of the wine when she did get it open.
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
[ text: felicity ] i always bring the good stuff -no text for about ten minutes- [ text: felicity ] i’m here, unlock the door?
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She doesn't even take the time to text him back, a smile on her face as she pulls open the door to reveal her pajama clad self and clean apartment. Not because of him, but because there was no Roy to mess it up. "Hi!" She dropped the door handle as soon as the door was all the way open, moving back toward the kitchen. "I was gonna open a bottle of wine? Does that even go well with popcon? Oh god. It probably doesn't. Well, what does really?"
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
[ text: felicity ] i’m still trying to catch up on what i missed when i was on  gone [ text: felicity ] i’ll be there in a few minutes
[ text;; ollie ] I'll forgive you. [ text;; ollie ] as long as you bring the good kind of popcorn. [text;; ollie ] see you soon
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cxdebreakxr-blog · 10 years
[ text: felicity ] sure [ text: felicity ] i feel stupid right now but what the hell is a rom com?
[ text;; ollie ] ....romantic comedy. [ text;; ollie ] that island really ruined your ability to understand pop culture
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