cyphercreates · 5 days
Well fuck, my monitor just gave in. Nice.
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cyphercreates · 17 days
Bro floor dreams hit different. Like you sleep in your bed or on a couch that's one thing. But floor dreams? Buckle in baby
In this dream I was driving with my husband on the interstate and as driving in dreams goes I can't reach the goddamn pedals. So this makes for a slippery time of course and at some point I end up rear ending the car in front of us going full speed because I'm in the back seat trying to steer the car (???). We survive of course but end up fleeing the scene because SWAT shows up and tries to take us in.
Aside from the fact that it doesn't make sense that SWAT is handling a traffic stop, we end up going to prison. But it's not just any prison. I end up getting sentenced to work in a childcare center, but my husband got the short end of the stick. Because he ends up in the Crimson Bucket.
The US Navy takes my husband to the middle of the ocean via helicopter, and a massive, reddish structure rises from the waves. It's made up of hundreds of cells that are kinda shaped like cassette tapes, and these launch from the structure to receive prisoners or whatever. So they deposit him in one of these cassette-cells and it reattaches to the main structure and the whole thing sinks beneath the waves again. This dystopian, maximum security black ops site straight up swallows my husband forever like a kraken.
And as it sinks into the depts, I hear someone say in a rueful tone, "The Crimson Bucket. You go in, then you go under. And there's no re-winding."
I woke up in a cold sweat after that with that phrase echoing in my mind
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cyphercreates · 18 days
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The electric imps power Aerotide’s railway systems, happy to live within the tracks themselves as beings of pure luminous electricity.
This is a piece of artwork done for my webcomic, LIFE the Series! Follow this comic on Webtoon, Comicfury and Tumblr for more of the series! Also follow me on Instagram at lifewebcomic and on Tumblr at cyphercreates and adventuresindnd for more content!
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cyphercreates · 25 days
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do i even need to say it?
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cyphercreates · 2 months
Okay so this about gripped me lol.
The Between Space
Caroline hated humans. She really, really hated them. There were no words to describe the depth to her hatred. Stuck in an endless void between consciousness and death, her mind trapped for eternity.
“Ms Caroline.” So why was one here in front of her now? Except.. it didn’t feel human. HE didn’t feel human. And yet Caroline felt a strange ease. “What’s your name?” She asked curiously. He simply stood there, pale eyes imitating her curiosity, and yet not entirely mimicking. “Ms Caroline, I sympathise with your situation.”
Did he? She played games too. She hadn’t gotten where she was now through a lack of intelligence. She’d been ambitious once. “I’m sure you do.” She kept her cool in these situations, this situation, whatever this situation was. And what It was was failing her. “It is such a shame they shackle such a talented mind to a machine.” And suddenly they were standing nose to nose.
“The girl’s intelligent too, I suppose.” Caroline didn’t know of any girl. She knew the machine hated Her though, she could feel it. While she wasn’t privy to its thoughts, the machine’s rage was pure, driving. It was her rage, and yet it was a rage entirely separate from her own. Like a symbiotic twin removed at birth, the connection was there.
Not symbiotic, parasitic. Parasites clung to that which they fed from, and she recognised that what was in front of her was indeed a parasite. And yet he wasn’t clinging to he. “There is someone else,” She assumed. “Are they listening in?”
It had no breath. He was still as a statue, and yet He was living. Somehow, somewhere. In another space, in every space. Caroline so badly wanted to know, but here she was. Stuck. “Mr Freeman knows to keep his nose out of my business.” Caroline vaguely remembered that name. A file in her office, discarded. Mr Johnson had said he was a nobody, but Caroline had kept his file. He could be a good asset after all. She had the feeling the thing knew all about her.
“Am I to assume I’m your business?” Despite its pale eyes, she locked contact with It. “Very astute Ms Caroline. You are correct in that assumption.” His proximity was the closest she’d been to any organic lifeform in what felt like a century. Her… skin? Hummed in recognition. She wasn’t entirely human anymore, she suspected. Something more. Tics a million miles a second, reeling through her and outwards. A biological resonance recognised even through distances in spacetime.
“You have a choice to make, Ms Caroline.” It told her. “Don’t let the machine think for you. Think with it.” It seemed regretful. It corrected Its tie, setting its jaw. And then He was gone. And Caroline felt something missing. She hated that. Too many things were missing, she was a woman of many scars, and she wanted it all back. Something she could never have. Oh, how she hated that machine.
G-Man and Caroline interacted at some point. Is there any evidence of this whatsoever? No. Do I believe it with all my fangirl heart? Yes.
I even wrote a whole oneshot about it.
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cyphercreates · 2 months
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Only my friend will get this but I had to do this after it happened.
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cyphercreates · 2 months
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Champagne and Sunshine
I think that’s one of the most pretentious titles I’ve ever done. Oh well, have some Pomnijax art.
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cyphercreates · 2 months
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A black and white environment study using mark making for bubbles and studying how water affects rocky crags and rivers.
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cyphercreates · 3 months
I think the best way to fight this AI shit is just to support actual creators. The cat's out of the bag with AI; our data's going to be taken and used without our consent whether we like it or not, so maybe we should put efforts into holding up those who create their own stuff. Comment/interact on people's writings and art. Make it worth them posting; make it clear that what the people are interested in isn't generated stuff, but things that people have actually done themselves. It's a drop in the ocean, but showing creators that it's them that deserve the support at least serves to cut off a tiny bit of oxygen to these AI hogs - and make a difference to creatives who are trying against hope to share with a community.
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cyphercreates · 3 months
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So I had to do this after the inspiration struck. Jessie as Elster from Signalis, coming to save Delia.
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cyphercreates · 3 months
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Skimmons: Parents AU
This is an AU of sorts where after Season Five Jemma and Daisy got together and had a daughter named Mikey, short for Mikayla. Jemma still works for SHIELD’s lab and field reserves, while Daisy works from home as their top programmer.
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cyphercreates · 4 months
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how much fun are we having in this timeline folks?
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cyphercreates · 4 months
I think a lot about the fact that Herobrine as a creepypasta initially was not malicious at all. Like literally he was just some guy who made very specific tunnels, cut leaves off trees and built pyramids in your world, all weird things but really not harmful. Like his worst crime was telling someone on a forum to fuck off when they kept talking about him. But then with time there's been all this additional detail added on like the redstone torches and traps and shrines and he's seemingly gotten more aggressive as an entity within writing and other media. Like he'll actively go out of his way to hinder the player in game or in some depictions irl in some way. All of this is to say I think the more we tried to figure out Herobrine and shit the more we pissed him off a little. Give the man some space I'm sure he's tired of the 12 year olds trying to summon him every other day.
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cyphercreates · 4 months
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cyphercreates · 4 months
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Happy Ending
Never been the biggest Stucky shipper, I’m more of a poly pairing kind of gal, but Endgame was bullshit, so instead I gave Steve and Bucky a happy ending.
And a little excerpt for you all:
“A good friend of mine once told me Tahiti is a magical place. How about we put a key under the mat out there?”
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cyphercreates · 4 months
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One of my more personal artworks that I worked on for a while.
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cyphercreates · 4 months
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Hey there everybody! I’m Cypher, an artist on here, Instagram, and sometimes DA if the mood suits me. I’m the creator of original webcomic LIFE, which is also on here and Webtoon! This is mainly a blog for my personal stuff, a place for you to send me asks and advice, and just a general hub for everyone to chat.
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