daily-butterfree · 4 years
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Charizard!!!!! Startin’ these off with a big one!!!!! Possibly the BIGGEST one?????
Charizard is notable for being the single most-popular pokemon from Kanto, and the fourth-most-popular pokemon overall (according to that Pokemon of the Day poll thing awhile back). It’s easily the most iconic Fire-type, the most iconic starter, and is particularly beloved by those who’ve followed the series since its inception. Even Game Freak themselves acknowledge Charizard’s special significance in recent generations, being the ace pokemon of Leon in Sword and Shield even with the Bulbasaur and Squirtle lines initially absent – truly the only Kanto starter that matters.
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Unfortunately Charizard, like many Kanto pokemon, suffers from a poor transition with every graphical and artistic update. The sheer personality in the original Sugimori watercolour artwork is unmatched, and much of that is lost in modern depictions. Charizard’s simple and organic aesthetic transfers especially poorly to 3D, making its portrayal in XY onwards particularly lacking. Still, big orange dragon is a big orange dragon, and that’s going to have appeal regardless of graphical style.
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Charizard, in all its marketing significance, also notably received two mega evolutions, the less-imaginative being Mega Charizard Y. With its tattered wings and sleeker form, it has a striking silhouette that feels like a strong improvement over the still-respectable base form. It also notably gains the ability Drought, allowing it to summon sunlight upon entering battle, which I’ll talk more about in a later review.
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Mega Charizard X, meanwhile, goes in a completely different direction, tossing Charizard’s iconic orange colour scheme in favour of a distinctive black and blue. And looking far better in the process, speaking as someone not fond of orange. It also dropped Charizard’s Flying secondary typing for a Dragon typing, and whilst I feel Charizard’s base typing of Fire/Flying is perfectly valid, having this Fire/Dragon alternative is superb. This form also got the heavier marketing, for good reason.
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So many forms omfg. Gigantamax Charizard takes on a much more monstrous visage, with a jagged mouth and wings made of fire, along with some oddly elegant diamond patterns that don’t particularly mesh with the rest of the design but end up looking appealing despite that. Gigantamax as a concept is rather underwhelming, however, with only a unique move compared to regular Dynamax forms.
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Charizard also notably has a superb shiny form, by far one of the most popular, as black shinies usually are. It is worth mentioning it used to be purple back in GSC, which was pleasant as well, though black seems much more iconic.
Overall, Charizard is a pokemon I have complex feelings about. It’s iconic and popular, which I consider justified, but I don’t have any special fondness for it myself and honestly find it rather boring (though Megazard X is quite outstanding), particularly compared to more recent takes on dragons. Still, like with most other pokemon, I’m quite happy it exists.
Bland but cool/10.
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daily-butterfree · 4 years
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“Hello, my name is Sharlene Pike and I am a black transgender person originating from South Africa and working as a receptionist/host. I moved to the United States 4 years ago alone and without any support, as my parents died in my home country when I was 18. Being a transgender black female immigrant places three discrimination barriers and makes it extremely hard to socialize and find a job to live properly. Nevertheless, I tried my best. I had been working at 7 different companies as a receptionist/host/waitress for these four years, but 2 months ago I lost my job. The reasoning I was given - ‘staff reduction due to COVID-19 complications’. I have been unemployed for these 2 months, but the reason I can’t start a new job is not COVID-19. In February, I was diagnosed with stage-3 esophageal cancer. I had no prior knowledge of my diagnosis as this type of cancer can be quite concealed, and I had only two or three weeks of eating discomfort before I had a medical consultation. The company I was working at had a special program to support staff members who need expensive surgeries or therapies, and I believe my diagnosis was the true reason I was reduced, since it happened just after I told my office I might need an extended medical leave. The sum I have spent on the medical procedures only to clarify the future treatment equals my 3 salaries. The sum I’m asking for is actually covering first 6 months of treatment and the cheapest drug - basically simply to have a chance to survive. I have no health insurance and I can’t take a new job because my health condition significantly deteriorated. The thing that I have learnt throughout these months is that it is very hard to get any, even basic medical help if you are transgender. The death rate of the esophageal cancer is about 30%, which is very high, and I ask you to help me to have a chance to survive. I tried to deal with everything without anyone by my side, but current circumstances left me with no choice but to ask you to donate and share my story. Thank you very much.”
this gofundme was started on june 19th, 2020 and as of june 30th, 2020 she still needs donations! i’ll reblog with the donation link in one moment.
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daily-butterfree · 4 years
hey y’all! wanna take a minute of your time to help fight for the USPS?
if you haven’t heard, tr*mp is refusing to help the postal service financially during this pandemic (and beyond) in an effort to starve it of funds/resources and kill it off so it can be privatized. also:
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obviously this is not great, as tons of us rely on the USPS for all kinds of different reasons, and the privatization of this essential service would have a dramatic effect on the entire nation. namely: voting by mail would become nonexistent (❗️), and the cost of shipping mail and goods will change astronomically.
if this sounds terrible to you (and if you live in the us, then it should!), then text USPS to 50409 to sign the petition and instantly send a signed letter to your senators and representatives. it’s fast, easy, and it’s action that you can take right now.
the letter urges your senators to make the financial support of the USPS a priority, and outlines why the USPS is an essential service in our country that must be defended. here’s my letter:
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don’t want to use the text service/send an electronic letter? mail a paper letter to your senator’s office.
you can also call your senators and house representatives at (202)224-3121 and urge them to support the USPS financially.
you can also buy a roll of stamps right now to help financially support the USPS on an individual level!
in conclusion: please take a minute to help support the USPS in any way you can. this is an important issue that affects all of us here in the US.
it would be AWESOME if you could reblog this & spread it, or if you’d rather not reblog this post, then i encourage you to make your own post on the social media of your choice and share with your friends.
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daily-butterfree · 4 years
I DO NOT get ANY benifits. I’m a S.W. ,
that’s how I survive.. as a trans/disabled/chronically ill person, I have never had the choice. I do survival S.W.
That means I will not receive disability or benifits of any KIND, I will not get anything from this “relief” fund/package. Yet I’m one of the most vulnerable/ hit the hardest .
I cannot work rn due to this virus and what I am able to do does not come even close to paying rent.
So please... please.. boost/reblog/donate/repost/ my posts or my GoFundMe.
I’m physically and mentally not doing well right now.
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I’m a human with bad luck, shitty genes, and rare diseases/multiple illnesses and disabilities.
I’m a person whose been through hell and back. I’m a fighter. And I’m trying to stay alive and SURVIVE. I have been on my deathbed twice and I do NOT want to be there ever again. So I need YOUR help‼️‼️ thank you
Donating directly to me is the best way to help me right now! GoFundMe takes a huge cut.... and I need to pay bills NOW.
Be an ally when it matters, not when we’re dead
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daily-butterfree · 4 years
i'm literally begging you to help us defend our freedom of speech. we have eight days.
please reblog this post, especially if you live outside of the philippines. please help us.
i didn't make the carrd, but it's one of the most useful links right now. #JunkTerrorBillNow needs the most urgency, but there are other issues present too.
i'm begging you all to reblog.
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daily-butterfree · 4 years
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There’s a lot going on right now, and I hope all of you are okay. 
Very comprehensive list of BLM resources: blacklivesmatters.carrd.co
Trans Rights petitions: trans--rights.carrd.co
LGBTQ in Poland: lgbtqpl.carrd.co
Huge hub of links to other cards relating to current events: currentinfo.carrd.co
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daily-butterfree · 5 years
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daily-butterfree · 5 years
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daily-butterfree · 5 years
Happy Thanksgiving from the USA and a Very Belated Update
Hello there! 
You might have seen that this blog has been inactive for... let’s say quite a while now. I’ve been pretty busy with life, so daily-butterfree is officially on a “whenever I can post” schedule now. Thank you for your understanding, and for anyone who’s stuck around this long, thanks!! I honestly really appreciate it ;w;
Some housekeeping and further information under the cut (sorry if read-mores still don’t work on mobile).
What happened? 
To make a long story short, I got very busy and just never found the time to work on this blog. I should’ve made this announcement MUCH sooner than I did, and that one’s on me. Even though daily-butterfree is updated purely for my own enjoyment, I hate leaving people in the dark. In addition, I honestly got tired of how my art for this blog looked, and I wasn’t happy with the results most of the time. Daily-butterfree is a blog I started purely for fun, and I never expected much out of it to be sure, so I’m honestly really surprised and glad people liked it as much as they did! However, as soon as it became Not Fun for me to update, I decided to take a break from it. Though I didn’t anticipate how long said break would be, ultimately. 
What’s next?
I’m not quitting the blog! Not yet anyways. A time will come when that happens, but I’ve got a couple other ideas in the works that I want to finish first before then. I’ve only got so much time and energy though, so this blog’s being kept on the back-burner while I work on other things.
I’ll also be clearing out some Really Old asks soon, so if you see a notification for an ask you don’t remember sending, it’s probably from that.
Speaking of really old...
I doubt anybody remembers or cares about this, but I do! And it’s been bugging me for a long long time now. A Very Long Time ago, I held an informal suggestion thing for naming the title character of this blog (Butterfree). Well... I ended up picking a name that I came up with, and that nobody submitted. I’ll reveal it in due time, but its honestly not that exciting. SO, if you ever wondered about that, that’s what happened. :P
And again, thanks for sticking around, and even if you didn’t, thanks for taking a look at this silly little blog! :0
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daily-butterfree · 5 years
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daily-butterfree · 5 years
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We got him a new one!! (previously)
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daily-butterfree · 5 years
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oh no
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daily-butterfree · 6 years
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Happy Halloween!! :0
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daily-butterfree · 6 years
*Protects you* >^
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uhh… you know what, I’m good. I think I’ll just leave
(continuation of this post)
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daily-butterfree · 6 years
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*Throws a soccerball at them*
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…ow (;o;)
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daily-butterfree · 6 years
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thank you :0
*Throws a soccerball at them*
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…ow (;o;)
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daily-butterfree · 6 years
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