#lds general conference
gay-mormon-wizard · 23 days
the one thing I'll always love about mormon masculinity is that we will not be having any of that "haha I hate my wife" shit. the male general authorities set the example every single conference of saying "I love my wife, she's the best person I know, I'm the most lucky man who ever lived, every time we disagree I'm usually wrong because she's wiser and I've learned so much from her," etc. oaks was like "I'm releasing these men. give them and their wives a vote of thanks." the message to every man is to celebrate and appreciate the women he knows, not put them down.
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I love the Mormons and LDS community crawling out of the woodwork into my notifications like little mice twice a year.
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heathersdesk · 23 days
Having ADHD during General Conference
Be gentle with yourself and your wandering attention.
Also, don't forget to take your meds!
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growingupmormon · 7 months
I know I say it every year but the cadence of the speakers at Gen Conf makes me so uncomfortable and makes it hard to process the information or lack thereof
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splatzie · 20 days
I'm having a thought about how we are supposed to call ourselves members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, not Mormons.
Perhaps referring to ourselves/the Church as Israel or children /elders of Israel is disingenuous. Inaccurate. A bad idea.
It just... Felt funny when it happened several times this conference.
I have no idea if I am looking for insight or agreement.
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legendtraineremily · 22 days
Hey, psst, hey you! Member of the Church and/or enjoyer of religious music:
MoTab is outdated. They’re TabCaTS now. TabbyCats to their friends.
(Mormon Tabernacle Choir; Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square)
Thank you. ❤️
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dwelt-in-a-tent · 22 days
So who had “puppy bribery” on their general conference bingo card? Wasn’t me
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miss-nerd-alert · 7 months
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
— Quentin L. Cook
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itzyclari · 1 year
★Como definir o Auto-conceito?
O auto-conceito pode ser definido como a percepção que o indivíduo tem de si próprio e o conceito que, devido a isso, forma de si. O autoconceito é um conjunto de ideias e crenças que nos permitem fazer uma imagem de nós diante dos outros. Mas também há exemplos positivos. A pessoa que valoriza a si mesma constrói metas e dirige seus esforços a essa realização, mantendo uma atitude positiva: "Sim, eu posso alcançar isso!"
★Pode onde começar?
Afirmações de auto-conceito são de fato um ótimo jeito de iniciar o processo. Afirme diariamente, medite, ouça afirmações, saiba que esse processo lhe trará grandes benefícios. Afirmar é lembrar que já possui, é saber como está indo o processo estando ciente dos resultados futuros, lembre-se disto!
É a partir do Auto-conceito que geramos confiança a si mesmo, encaramos o que está a frente, sabendo o nosso valor, inteligência e dedicação. Entender quem você é, e o que você pode fazer naquele momento, é de grande avanço na autoconfiança.
★Você escolhe com o que você deve se importar
Não deixe que qualquer coisa tome seus pensamentos o dia todo, fazendo com que você perca seu dia e suas metas que deveriam ser cumpridas. Você mais do que outra coisa importa neste momento, cuide de você da melhor maneira possível, você MERECE
E auto-conceito não se trata de " Ego ou orgulho " e sim de acreditar em si mesmo, amar e se dedicar por você, é pensar em si mesmo sabendo que merece passar por aquele processo sabendo dos benefícios futuros. Não se importe com o que vão dizer " Só pensa em si mesmo, se acha a tal" SÓ VOCÊ sabe quem você é, sabe da dor do processo, dos dias ruins e dias vitoriosos. Então continue mesmo que lhe traga sacrifícios ou deixas, você sabe muito bem aonde vai chegar com isso, então o que você ainda está esperando?
☆ Aqui vai um link de afirmações!
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void-the-bear · 5 months
I changed my mind, Lizzie is a raven, the omen of death, and when the omen of death dies is when you should know that the apocalypse is happening.
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the-sky-queen · 22 days
Hey all, the Sunday morning session of Conference is starting now! You should come watch!
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gay-mormon-wizard · 23 days
oh this is so beautiful. "some people feel happiest without religion, and I respect these feelings. God has filled this earth with delightful things so that all his children may have as much happiness as possible. BUT there could be something more by following Jesus Christ. try it out" it's so lovely and respectful I love him
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"A few more weeks or months in mortality" oh this is a goodbye talk. We will miss you President Holland.
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heathersdesk · 23 days
My darling friends,
He's talking to converts.
Converts deal with a lot of resistance and nonsense from their families, friends, employers, and people in other churches y'all are very fortunate to know nothing about. There's a real temptation to hide and keep silent in those situations, to conceal who you are in a way that is suffocating and heavy.
I know y'all know what that's like.
Not everything in General Conference is for you, or has to be for you. If it doesn't apply to you in the way you're thinking, know that it might for someone else.
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growingupmormon · 7 months
Do not, say "Graduate to the other side of the veil"
Dying is sad, face your greif, grieve, it's healthy
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popcorn-plots · 23 days
When your seminary teacher is directing the choir in general conference:
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