How to drink water
Yeah, yeah... We all were told to drink at least 2 litres of water per day. It's healthy they say. But most of us respond with a long "naah, maybe some other day, I'm pretty healthy now"
Today I'll tell you what benefits drinking 2 litres of water per day can give you,
And how to do it easy and turn it into a daily habit.
2. Benefits
So first things first, why are we gonna drink this lot of water in the first place?
Here are some undeniable benefits that I experienced myself:
1)Increased productivity and energy level
This is my favorite benefit. Do you this constant feeling of sleepiness and lethargy?
You don't wanna do anything and the only thing you really want is sleep. But even after taking a nap it gets even worse.
You see, when our organism hits even a little bit of a dehydration, we experience all of the things above. And it really sucks, gentlemen. With enough water intake your level of energy will get noticeably higher by just doing such a simple act by drinking some glasses of water.
If you workout you use more energy, therefore you should drink more water as well (3 to 4 litres).
2) You are less hungry
I can't say much about this one, but I noticed that I need less food to get satiated. Your wallet will thank you for this.
3)It's easier to get up
When I woke, I've felt I need to go pee. So I've started getting up right away when alarm buzzes.
3. How to make it easy
And here are some tips how to make a water-drinking habit easier and more enjoyable.
A) Nice bottle
Buy yourself a nice bottle. Really, just taking a look on this good-looking bottle is enough to crave to drink from it. You can buy a popular "My Bottle" or just any glass bottle.
Whatever suits to you most, buy it.
B) Carry your bottle whenever you go
You have to carry it whenever you go. This way you will always have access to drink some water.
C) Drink it when you feel sleepy
Drink every time you feel sleepy or exhausted. It'll boost your energy in no time, guaranteed.
So, this is it. Drink more water and be a good boy(or girl)
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How to Be an Adult?
Many people think you're an adult if you do next things:
1)You don't understand popular trends and memes anymore
2)You live on Earth from 20 to 40 years
3)You tell youngsters what to do and that it used to be much better in your early days.
4)You can do whatever you want
Some of these life checkpoints can be achieved by an adult, but we're gonna talk about mental changes.
In my opinion, the real definition of being an adult is this: "You take responsibility for yourself and loved ones." Especially you start to experience this when you live by yourself, apart from your parents. Is there an empty refrigerator? You have to fill it up. Is there a broken kettle? Well, you have to figure out how to fix it, or pay to someone who knows how to fix it.
These are simple examples. But all of them compound to the circle of things you should take care of. And you know what? All of these things give you chance to practice and enhance your responsibility and discipline as a result.
Moreover, now you and only you become a person in charge of your life course. Not me, not that man over there. You. If you want to blame someone for your mistakes, or lack of luck, talk to a person in the mirror.
And, as I mentioned previously, age doesn't always determine your "adulthood". You can become and adult when you're 15, or when you're 30. It's about mental changes, not age.
Now, being adult, you decide what to do with your life and how to live it right. Friends can advice you on this, but 90% of work is yours. Got it?
Another thing I started to notice is this: I feel like I want to protect my family and friends and just be around when they really need me. You become kind of shield for them. And this is one of my favorite part of being an adult.
So, these were my thoughts on being an adult. What being an adult means to you? Share your thoughts with the world.
Don't worry, be happy.
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To all Fapstronauts out there.
I've been struggling with the PMO addiction since 12 years old (I'm 18 now). I didn't take it for a "bad" thing at all. I thought of it as a healthy thing that everyone did (and that's why I thought it was healthy. Everybody can't be wrong, right?).
When I got 16, a NoFap ad came up and I decided what's that all about. And then I looked back and thought: "Damn, this thing is practically ruins not only my social life but also causes me a lot of anxiety. If I just sit here doing nothing, it will drain a life out of me."
And there I started...
Through many mistakes and struggles I created a mantra that I stick to everyday. And I want to share it with you, buddy, so you can learn from my experience and do it much easier and faster.
1. Your time on this planet is limited, so why the hell do you spend your youth on such stupid shit?
As obvious as it seems, we're all gonna die. Do you want it to be the life worth living or just binge on your addictions and let that lascivious voice control you? It's up to you.
2. Just one more time...
Every time you think: "nah, I already have 7 day streak, there's no harm to relapse just one more time, right? Wrong. You know how it works. You relapsed "this one time" and then you've already been fapping for 3 days straight. Don't fall for this.
3. No triggers.
When I say this, I mean it. It's not only about porn. Pics, fitness girls on Instagram, even memes with a relation to this, are PROHIBITED.
4. It's not a real you.
This voice that tells you to give up, give in to a temptation is not your voice. It's addiction that is trying to fool you. YOU and only YOU have the power over your thoughts. Don't listen to this voice.
5. Aw, shit, here we ho again.
When the urge hit you, think about how you felt when you relapsed last time. Feel this gross feeling of emptiness, anxiety, a taste of defeat. Try to imagine it with all details. Do you wanna experience this again?
6. Blockers are keen to help you.
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing. When you don't have access to porn, you won't relapse. It's so simple. Blockers I use are AppBlock and BlockerX. Pay for a premium app, it's worth it.
7. Don't think about it too much
If there's no temptation why should you bother about NoFap, your ongoing streaks or stare on your watch waiting to hit the next day streak? Don't think about it, do some studying, learn new skill or hone you craft. And then after 14 days you'll say: "Whoa, I didn't even notice how far I'd come, it was so fast!".
8. "If you have small porn desires and you allow them to be here, then you don't want to get rid of porn strong enough"
A motivational quote that helped me to go through tough times, and I'm sure will help you.
So that's it. Stay strong, bois. We can beat it together.
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