dailydamo · 8 years
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Inside Younger Aphex Brother’s Soccer Ball.
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dailydamo · 8 years
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Shakedown Road can be a convenient shortcut to all your fruit deals.
((hey, apologies for vanishing. motivation comes and goes like the tides with me and lately it’s been waning. ill probably just upload doodles to get back into the swing of things for a while.))
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dailydamo · 8 years
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Yeah, we wake up like this. Totally.
Ready to stop all the teens who steal our fruit.
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dailydamo · 8 years
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“Hey, Yotsuyu! Why do you always look unhappy? Why don’t you ever try to have fun for once?”
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“...Nope. Never tried it.”
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dailydamo · 8 years
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“Don’t you hate it when your old school uniform doesn’t fit?”
Bonus: Harvest C
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dailydamo · 8 years
╬ - Favorite stand ability? 
((God this is super hard. I love a bunch, but King Crimson and Rainy Day Dream Away (From the Purple Haze Feedback Novel) stand out to me.
King Crimson’s ability can be easily confusing, but when you get it it all clicks so well and its so scary. Like the World can kill you without you realizing it, but King Crimson’s ability can kill you AS SOON as you realize it. Also understanding the mechanics falls in line so well with Diavolo’s character that its creepy how well it all fits.
Rainy Day Dream Away’s ability (the ability to one’s thought on a situation reality) is so clever. For example, during the fight a character thinks for a second they will never hit the user, and the stand makes that thought reality, meaning now they really can never hit them. It’s appearance is short and small, but the implementations for that kind of ability could be crazy.))
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dailydamo · 8 years
◐ - Favorite minor villain? 
((Besides the obvious choices, Keicho is one of my favorites because he appears at first to be evil down to the core, and he is very ruthless and violent. However his confession in the attic about how he can’t stop his plan because he’s taken too many lives just to give up on it really got to me. He’s an asshole yes, but he’s got all the reasons in the world for why he ended up the way he did. It felt really complex and while he didn’t last long I got attached to him.
Runners up would be Pesci, Steely Dan, and some of those part 8 guys or whatever...))
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dailydamo · 8 years
♡ - Favorite ship? 
((It’s really hard to narrow it down to one. Dio/Pucci is the first and strongest otp I had when reading Jojo, so it holds a very special place in my heart...
But besides the canon couple I’m a big fan of Jolyne/Hermes/Foo and Diego/Hot Pants!))
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dailydamo · 8 years
Jojo-themed ask meme!
☆ - Favorite stand design? 
♡ - Favorite ship? 
◐ - Favorite minor villain? 
☠ - Least favorite character? 
⌧ - Favorite outfit? 
⇧ - Character you’d most like to be friends with? 
∇ - Favorite part? 
♛ - Favorite fight? 
╬ - Favorite stand ability? 
♬ - Scene that made you the saddest? 
☿ - Character you don’t understand the fuss over? 
۞ - Part you would beg Araki to change?
Ω - Figure or other merchandise (existing or not) you’d most like to have? 
☂ - Character you’d most like to cosplay? 
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dailydamo · 8 years
{since you're watching a lp of Deadly Premonition can you imagine Damo as Kaysen? }
((my god you’re a genius.)) 
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“T...D...in...the coffee...”
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dailydamo · 8 years
Yo! How's the mod doing?
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((Fantastic! I’m rewatching a let’s play of Deadly Premonition and getting warm feelings from it. I also guess my inbox had messages but just didn’t want to notify me of them so apologies for being late with the previous ones.
Anyways, you should watch Supergreatfriend’s LP of the game if you haven’t checked it out.))
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dailydamo · 8 years
Yo is Dwayne the rock Johnson also a rock human???
That’s confidential.
But here’s an artist rendition if he were...
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(Dwayne Johnson and his stand “ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE”)
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dailydamo · 8 years
your shitty stand made me melt into the sewer -@DailyJoshu
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dailydamo · 8 years
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Pink Dark Boys
((Sorry for the hiatus. I’ve been working through some things and had to be absent, but I’m back again. If you’d like to help get me back in the swing of things, I’ll have my ask box open for the Rokakaka gang.))
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((Anyways thanks for being patient with me. Hopefull hiatuses like last one will be a bit more predictable and I just won’t end up vanishing. Sorry again, let’s get back to these boys!)) -Mun Decoy
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dailydamo · 8 years
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“Don’t touch the duds...no really don’t.”
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dailydamo · 8 years
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dailydamo · 8 years
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Pink Dark Boys
((Sorry for the hiatus. I’ve been working through some things and had to be absent, but I’m back again. If you’d like to help get me back in the swing of things, I’ll have my ask box open for the Rokakaka gang.))
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((Anyways thanks for being patient with me. Hopefull hiatuses like last one will be a bit more predictable and I just won’t end up vanishing. Sorry again, let’s get back to these boys!)) -Mun Decoy
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