dailysutta · 19 hours
With clairvoyance that is purified and surpasses the human, I survey the entire galaxy
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dailysutta · 2 days
Having seven qualities Sāriputta has mastered his mind and is not mastered by it.
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dailysutta · 3 days
Sir, in this case I don’t rely on faith in the Buddha’s claim…
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dailysutta · 4 days
Those who have good convictions come together and converge with those who have good convictions.
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dailysutta · 5 days
Friend, compared to the Venerable Sāriputta we are like a few grains of salt compared to a barrel of salt.
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dailysutta · 6 days
He would not see a cleft or an opening in the walls even big enough for a cat to slip through.
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dailysutta · 7 days
In the same way, in the great Saṅgha that stands with heartwood, Sāriputta has become fully extinguished.
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dailysutta · 8 days
Developed and well-tamed, he bides his time.
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dailysutta · 9 days
Even a mendicant who has crossed over might at best equal him.
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dailysutta · 10 days
I am everywhere free.
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dailysutta · 11 days
Sāriputta, how many powers does a mendicant who has ended the defilements have that qualify them to claim: ‘My defilements have ended’?
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dailysutta · 12 days
The wilderness is so lovely! Though most people don’t like it, those free of greed are happy there, as they don’t seek sensual pleasures.
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dailysutta · 13 days
Sāriputta rightly keeps rolling the supreme Wheel of Dhamma that was rolled forth by the Realized One.
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dailysutta · 14 days
An intelligent, learned person, steady in ethics, devoted to serenity of heart—let them stand at the head.
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dailysutta · 15 days
It’s incredible, it’s amazing! How the meaning and the phrasing of the teacher and the disciple fit together and agree without conflict…
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dailysutta · 16 days
‘But my darling, if you go forth from the lay life to homelessness, please be like Sāriputta and Moggallāna.’
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dailysutta · 17 days
But what’s hard to do for someone who has gone forth?
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