dalians-universe · 5 years
Endless Lifelines
Log 1: I land with a lot of difficulty, my ship broke down. When i open mu eyes and look around for a few seconds the only thing I see are trees. A lot of them. Everywhere, nothing else, no movement whatsoever. Only Trees.  Until i see a small bird-like creature with weird looking arms and legs, and beautiful colors in the tree top right in front of me. I panick and try to hide and just be quiet, Althoug this thing does not look like it will attack. Log 2: After i came in contact with the Birdman we traveled together, it led me through the woods which was inmensly big. I was tired at one point so i stopped and rested for a bit. The birdman began to fly though, as if it didn’t want me to stop. When i looked around for a place to sleep, because it already became pretty dark, there it was. Under the cold light of the moon. Something that looked like a wooden tower, damn tall also and it looked like there where nests all over it. Weirdly enough i didn’t hear anything. Log 3: I really wanted to go to this tower thing, so i just began to walk towards it. until my legs couldn’t go any further, i fell, I fell asleep... ... In my dreams it felt like i was flying, or maybe floating through the air, maybe i was actually. Because when i opened my eyes i was in a total different place. The birdman made a really werid squeeking sound as i lay down in the grass. This grass was also the only thing i could actually see. Atleast it looked like grass. really tall grass.. as if i had shrunk. When i was looking for something else besides this weird looking grass i noticed the tower was actually closer. And what looked like those nests where actually small plateaus with food and other stuff. Log 4: The birdman flew towards the tower. and after a while he came back with some fruit and he gave it to me. I looked in to his eyes and noticed a sign that this would be the last time we would see eachother, so  I thanked him and although i am not sure if he’d understand it, he flew away so i began walking through this enormous flied. The fruit was inmensly sweet and while i finished the last bite and licked my hand i saw they where covered in bright purple juice. And at that specific moment i felt really strange. it felt like i was growing. I grew and grew and this enormous field wasn’t that big anymore. In the distance i saw i river so i walked towards it. I put my head underwater, just to clear my mind and when i opened my eyes I immediatly saw a mysterious temple really deep down. It had all kinds of lights and sparkles around it. It was beautiful. But i could not go there. Log 5: As i was exploring this area more and more, encountering all inds of animals and plants. I suddenly see some things floating in the air. Like this place did not already have enough weird things. They where spheres. And had actual villages inside them. I was tired from all the exploring i did. So I just lay me down underneath the spheres and whatched them until i fell asleep. For good. Date: 27-02-2020 Time of arrival: 14.38 Time of departure: 15.25 Song: Sounds of Life - Pendulum
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