daltoniisms · 3 years
Hang a Shining Star Upon the Highest Bough...
Merry (late) Christmas, MacGyver fandom!!! Bless you all, and your sweet, welcoming souls. Hope this year is merry and bright, loves. :)
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daltoniisms · 4 years
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daltoniisms · 4 years
let me take a second to remind you that you are fucking amazing. you are creative, you are dedicated, you are welcoming and warm and so fucking brilliant, it makes me wanna pull my very abused hair out of my head. i am so lucky to have your brilliance on my dash, and to get to have even the smallest part in even the tiniest stories you tell. please know that even if you don’t always feel the greatest… i adore you and i think you’re perfect. no matter if you’re a canon or an oc, you are priceless and precious. got that? good. i love you. carry on. 
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daltoniisms · 4 years
* things said meme
things you said over the phone
things you said with the tv on mute 
things you said when you were proud
things you said under your breath
things you said with sorrow between your fists
things you said when you were lost
things you said when our world began to crumble
things you said with too many days between us
things you didn’t say at all
things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
things you said you’ll never forget
things you said with clammy hands 
things you said when fear cut deep
things you said while a fever stole your mind
things you said with rage between your teeth
things you were afraid to say
things you said when no one else was around
things you said when the sun was shining
things you said with blooming bruises and stinging cuts
things you said when we were safe
things you said without thinking
things you said that kept me grounded
things you said you loved about me
things you said you hated about me
things you said when you lied
things you said with scraped knees 
things you said with tears in your eyes
things you said while holding my hand 
things you said in the car
things you said under the stars
things you said at my grave
things you said at the kitchen table
things you said on the porch at 3 am
things you said in a gas station parking lot 
things you said in a hotel room
things you said in the waiting room
things you said while you stroked my hair
things you said that made me feel loved
things you said when i was crying
things you said while i cried in your arms 
things you said when you thought i was asleep
things you said in your sleep
things you said when you kissed me goodnight
things you said after a nightmare
things you said before death snatched you
things you said that i wish you hadn’t
things you said when it ended
things you said when you met my friends
things you said when we first met
things you said when they took me away
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daltoniisms · 4 years
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I fretted fire but that was long ago
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daltoniisms · 4 years
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3.06 Murdoc + Macgyver + Murdoc
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daltoniisms · 4 years
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daltoniisms · 4 years
rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated.
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daltoniisms · 4 years
date a boy who is fascinated by every part of your body
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daltoniisms · 4 years
I am always wanting to write Rated R material threads but I’m never sure of who would be comfortable doing so. Can roleplayers please reblog this post if you are fully comfortable writing mature subjects in your threads? { Blood, gore, murder, alcohol and drug use, hack&slash etc. } I’d like to find out by this post who IS comfortable with these types of roleplays rather than making someone uncomfortable just by asking. Thank you!
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daltoniisms · 4 years
let me take a second to remind you that you are fucking amazing. you are creative, you are dedicated, you are welcoming and warm and so fucking brilliant, it makes me wanna pull my very abused hair out of my head. i am so lucky to have your brilliance on my dash, and to get to have even the smallest part in even the tiniest stories you tell. please know that even if you don’t always feel the greatest… i adore you and i think you’re perfect. no matter if you’re a canon or an oc, you are priceless and precious. got that? good. i love you. carry on. 
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daltoniisms · 4 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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daltoniisms · 4 years
my macdalton sims died. they are survived by their son, wilt, and daughter, riley, as well as riley’s twin daughters, kamri and delta. 
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daltoniisms · 4 years
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insp | for @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine
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daltoniisms · 4 years
   life update + game plan for coming weeks under the cut.
Keep reading
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daltoniisms · 4 years
my kids all handle shit so differently?
steve will hear a rumor and quietly resolve it. if he thinks it’s worth the correction. safe to say most of them… he ignores. because the people who matter will know it’s not true.
sam will hear a rumor and it will hurt him, driving him to do everything he can in his soft heart to fix it and prove it wrong. he is so kind and sweet that it bothers him. 
jack will hear a rumor and it’s throw the fuck down time. he doesn’t talk shit and he doesn’t suffer a gossip to keep sucking air if it’s his name coming off their lips with some bullshit lie. 
then there is ryden… who will hear one and then it’s fucking over. he will ruin you, your mom, your cousin five times removed on your great uncle’s grandma’s side and then steal your fucking dog to boot because he is a crazy ass demon when spited. 
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daltoniisms · 4 years
Marriage Application!
Name: Vincent Hale
Age: 37
How well do we know each other?: Super well. 
Do you have a pet name for me?: ….cowboy?
Do I have a pet name for you?: vinny, pup… i think
Are you attracted to me?: You’re beautiful inside and out, so yeah. 
Why do you want to marry me?: Because every day spent away from you is wasted and if we marry I can stay with you forever.
Big wedding or Small wedding?: I mean… all I need is you, but you can bring whomever you want. Big, small, I don’t care.
Do you see children in our future?:  If you feed them.. because .. I can’t cook.
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‘i’m so fuckin’ in, pup. let’s do it. i dig the idea of the name jack wyatt dalton-hale.’
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