damianmann · 1 year
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damianmann · 1 year
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damianmann · 1 year
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Infamous writer for the golden years of Saturday Night Live. He was a punk rock type of writer. He's known for his outrageous sense of humor, testing the boundaries of good or bad taste.
I just started the book. So far it's very interesting and informative. I think it would be better as a documentary.. That way you could see and hear what he was up to.
I think everyone old enough to know, would say that this was SNL's best (first) season(s)
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damianmann · 1 year
Watch "The ‘hype and hope’ of psychedelic medicines exposed | Four Corners" on YouTube
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damianmann · 1 year
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Check out this amazing photo of Gene Krupa playing drums
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damianmann · 1 year
I'm not sure people are going to like this one.
I'm trying to join every single Satan group or page on here. Just for fun.
I haven't visited any of them yet. I'm prepared to be underwhelmed.
I remember a Patti Smith poem in which she compares her father to Satan. But the reason is, what got me thinking...
I'm totally paraphrasing, is that Satan is the "original rebel" The MOST rebellious. Asking God things like, "Who the fuck made YOU God?"
Apparently, thinking for yourself was unforgivable in heaven.
I just have this inclination that John Lennon was right when he said , "Everything they've told you is wrong
The opposite of what they say is the actual truth. Or something like that.
I think Satanists, like Christians, have got it all wrong.
is God.
This planet, the environment, the forests and it's creatures, the ocean & it's creatures, etc
is God
You're breathing God right now.
It's life. Male and female. Tree and pelican. All God.
You can use any term you want for God. Or don't use any mythic language.
This planet and life on it, all life, that, to me, is God. Nature is God.
What God isn't? A guy with a white beard, like a super Santa.
Look around you.
Go for a walk on a nature trail. Appreciate it. It's God. Don't destroy it.
It's probably already too late to save humanity from itself. We decided we're superior to nature. It's mad. Insane.
Until we realize we're PART of nature, that we are nature...nature is us, where all is equal for a reason , we are destined to self-destruct.
Btw, my atheist friends who'll want to focus on the word, God, I'm using it as a general metaphorical term for "Everything"
Change the word to everything or nature. Whatever you want. In the end, it only matters that we somehow get back to an aboriginal concept of everything being all the same. The bear is as important as the ant. The ant is the same as a wolf. All part of this amazing planet we seem determined, almost, if you want to get biblical, as if Old Scratch has billions of people under his influence. The goal? Destruction. Turning God's finest achievement to another dead sphere in the universe.
I'm not any one thing in terms of belief in the ancient myths. I see them as real metaphors for things that humans do. Some good. Some evil.
If I were a Christian, I'd be terrified. Because it sure looks like the bad guys are winning.
How many wars are going on as I write this?
How big will "trash island" out in the Pacific get?
Are we really going to cut down the entire Amazon rain forest?
Many corporations are truly evil . I'll try to write something about that soon.
You know... We can change.
Stop voting for the 2 parties that got us into this mess by selling out to the corporations. They're failures. We need new leaders.... And SOON.
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damianmann · 1 year
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damianmann · 1 year
Mia Goth
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damianmann · 1 year
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damianmann · 1 year
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damianmann · 1 year
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Hello! Its me. I thought about us for a long long time...
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damianmann · 1 year
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Sleepy head
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damianmann · 1 year
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This is #MonkeytheBeagle
Hes 16 years old. He still has an exceptional amount of energy.
My wife, who passed away September 2021, use to say, jokingly complain, that I loved him more than her, or anything for that matter.
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damianmann · 1 year
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This is Schnoop. The breeders were trying to create a mostly white version to look like the Snoopy from the Charlie Brown cartoons & comic strip .
He's a high energy, very loving, typical beagle.
I also have a tricolor beagle. They're the same in every way, except the colors.
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damianmann · 1 year
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200 gram limited numbered vinyl
500 copies of Mott
1000 of All the Young Dudes
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damianmann · 1 year
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I need to find a rescue or a permanent home for this little girl
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damianmann · 1 year
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There's a pretty crazy story on how I ended up with her and 2 other kittens I'm trying to find a rescue or permanent home for.
I was standing in line at an event two blocks from my apartment. Suddenly, this guy runs up and starts screaming at this woman. He says he wants his shit back. He chases her around a car and eventually catches her . He shoves her so hard she falls on her back and her head bounced off the pavement. That's where I was, "Fuck this. I gotta do something"
So he starts after her again and starts screaming he's gonna start shooting. Women start screaming and people are scattering in every direction. Instead of running, I start walking towards him and block him from getting at the woman. 2 other ladies start screaming at him. He reached into his waistband again. Still no sign that he's really got a gun. I'm about to smash this asshole. But he sees everybody is on their phones, filming, and calling 911. So, he runs off.
The cops show up and take statements.
The woman puts a pet carrier/crate at my feet. And then she runs off in the same direction as he went for some stupid reason.
The whole thing is over. And I'm wondering about this carrier. Turns out there's 3 kittens inside, along with a poo-stained blanket.
It was strange. I'd been thinking about how I was going to get another cat for the adult cat I already have. He's named Kid A. And, I'm involved , volunteer, in pet rescue. So she picked the right guy.
I took em home. They were very scared. I put em in the bathroom with 3 kinds of food, cat milk, and water. They're all cute as can be. But this one was clinging to me and purring. #Himari is the brave adventurer of the trio. I immediately connected to her. And I think the feelings were mutual.
Anyway, there it is. That's how I got a new #cat
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