damien-wolfram · 2 days
if vampires can't come inside without permission does that mean that you can just keep riding that thang and they can't um . yknow
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damien-wolfram · 12 days
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damien-wolfram · 12 days
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quick reminder that my own gay ass genuinely supports the hell outta each and every one of you. regardless if i know you or not, im happy to be living in this shithole of a life in the same world with you.
and im proud of you, i know in my heart just how beautiful, amazing, talented, smart, and worthy you are and i hope you can see that too🏳️‍🌈🌈
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damien-wolfram · 1 month
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HashiMada Week 2024 Day 7 - Pirate/Mermaid AU | Free Day | Samurai/Historical AU
This one is a scene from @damien-wolfram-art's Day 7 piece Titan's Rest
super duper last minute, but I really wanted to get this one out in time. I really like the way its coming out and I'm really proud of the pose. Just gotta get more texturing and coloring in
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damien-wolfram · 1 month
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To see whose hair is longer? Lol
But mostly an excuse to draw their long gorgeous hair.
It's just so much fun.
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damien-wolfram · 1 month
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HashiMada Week 2024 Day 2 - Eldritch | Mutual Destruction | Soulmates
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damien-wolfram · 1 month
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Naruto Shippuden Chapter 624 | Episode 368
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
He MUST listen to Evanescence! Fight me on this!
I mean just LOOK at these lyrics!
"Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos, your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape" "Imaginary"
"Now I will tell you what I've done for you
Fifty thousand tears I've cried
Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you
And you still won't hear me (Going under)" "Going Under"
Also the whole of "My Immortal"
Evanescence just oozes with that "just broke up with Hashirama energy" and "this is my new dream now". I would love to hear Neil Kaplan sing some of these!
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Merrily we fall out of line out of line
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
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today is the only day you can reblog this
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
Titan’s Rest
A century ago, The Land of Fire was covered in trees and full of life. The Land of Trees would’ve seemed like a better name then. Now, however the land lies still– its forests charred. None more so than the trees at Titan’s Rest, where the great Wood Golem, Hashirama once clashed with the ancient Susanoo, Madara. 
In the time that they ruled, Wood Golems and Susanoo were both imposing behemoths. The Susanoo were creatures that arose from the continent’s fiery formation. Their hulking armored forms were made of earth, rock, and metals. Most impressively, Susanoo ran on the heat of the planet itself. Each individual had a molten core of magma fed by the earth that erupted from its joints when roused. Some Susanoo had crystals adorning their shoulders and sprouting from their heads in the shapes of intricate headdresses. These were some of the most desirable and attractive.
Madara was one of the most desired of the Susanoo. The females of his kind rarely left him alone for he was strong, sturdy, and his core boiled stoutly no matter the weather. When he was formed, he crawled out of the magma with his four powerful arms and when he dressed himself, he made quite the statement. He carried a blazing sword that he forged himself and clad himself in a pleated metal armor sode. He adorned his back arms with large blue crystals that he had harvested so that they resembled glistening wings. He also made a small headdress for himself from some of the same crystals that rimmed the seams on his head and neck. This is where his fire escaped from, causing a plume that resembled a majestic mane.
  It wasn’t until the day this curious Susanoo rose up and cultivated their molten soup of a continent into something less primordial, that the land’s name lost its meaning. The Susanoo may have been the ones who named The Land of Fire, for fire was what they knew, but Madara had no interest in women or remaining stagnant in the lava pools. He’d shoo them constantly in favor of gardening. 
When the first tree sprouted, he was infatuated. He couldn’t help but tell the other Susanoo all about the new life he’d created. This proof of concept encouraged other Susanoo to join him. Soon, more and more trees were growing all over the Land of Fire! Some of them grew to be larger than the Susanoo and with these trees, the Wood Golems were born.
At first, like the trees, there were very few Wood Golems. Forming from the tree bark, they developed quickly, absorbing life energy from the water and air around them.  One Wood Golem was friendlier than the rest. His name was Hashirama– a strong oaken behemoth with thick arms, and long vines that sprouted from his head. He fashioned himself armor from the wood he grew from in admiration of the Susanoo. He was Madara’s favorite. He took that mimicry as flattery and wholeheartedly accepted his creations.
  One day, Hashirama explained to him that Wood Golems had the ability to breathe in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, something necessary to feed a Susanoo’s flame. Madara then showed Hashirama that he could summon rain to feed the Wood Golems by breathing fire into the clouds. This got Madara to believe that together the Susanoo and Wood Golems could thrive. Before long, the number of Wood Golems rivaled that of the Susanoo.
The continent however could only sustain one group of titans. Their growing population and their reliance on the earth caused resources to become scarce. The Wood Golems needed the earth for their trees so that they could procreate. The Susanoo needed the earth to feed their fires and so, they were at odds. Thus, began a long era of warring between the two groups.
For years, The Land of Fire was ravaged by their battles. The forests were burnt, and the waters became black– laden with ash. The culmination of all the fighting occurred at Titan’s Rest, although it had yet to earn that name then.
Hashirama and Madara were the last of their kind. Although neither one wished for conflict, both had suffered heavy losses and neither would back down. Madara leveled the forest for hundreds of kilometers with one swing of his sword. The remnants of the burning trees are what became Titan’s Rest, but what truly made the place iconic was how the two ended their conflict.
At the center of Titan’s Rest stand the remains of the two colossal beasts locked in combat. The Susanoo, Madara, no longer burns– his black craggy core, exposed by his own sword piercing his chest, suffocated by Hashirama’s wooden tendrils. In his efforts to stop Madara from destroying the lush world he and the other Susanoo had worked so hard to create, Hashirama disarmed his friend. He then plunged the sword deep into the Susanoo’s chest and gave up all of his breath. It was that expulsion of all the stored carbon dioxide in Hashirama’s body that not only stopped Madara, but it also stopped Hashirama dead in his tracks.
Their pain contorted expressions, fading rock, and withered wood serve as a reminder of a world that could never have been. A dichotomy that could never be overcome. They have stood this way ever since and that is the story of Titan’s Rest.
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
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Reblog to give the next person a prize! :D
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
Reblog this to prove your blog was made before the February 2022 tumblr resurgence
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
hope is a skill
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
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Hi everyone! The Naruto Calendar fan project is now in its 5th year :D
As usual, the free digital fan calendar comprises of 12 themed artworks and fics, for each of the 12 months, which will be available late December for everyone to view and download.
Contributor sign ups for this year are now open. They will be closed August 4, 2024 so come sign up before then!
And of course, you can find the rules and guidelines here. This year, we have removed the holidays exceptions. Holidays will now no longer be allowed, to allow for more inclusivity and to encourage contributors to be creative with their topics.
The schedule for this year can be found here.
We hope to see you join us for another year!
And, for those interested in "subscribing" to notifications, you can fill out this form.
Tagging those who have signed up for notifications:
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
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The Uchiha Clan leader's slow descent into madness
"I longed for The Flame- stared into it for so long that I became blind to how it wounded me. Now, I can hardly see, and the fire is consuming me."
This is a submission for, @hashimada-week
@anannua hint hint
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
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HashiMada Week 2024 Day 6 - Sun | Moon | Stars
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damien-wolfram · 2 months
This is a gift for the wonderful @kurakura0-0, for the @tobiizugiftexchange!!! I hope you enjoy the tbiz dragon AU!
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