damnyn-blog · 6 years
ok, i got massively drunk on new years and spent all of today being hung over, but the sun is down and im on my 3rd bloody mary so its time to get back to writing!
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
I came up with a cool idea. Since im trying to get people to send in requests, and ive been on a bit of a Kesha kick lately, you can send me any Kesha song with a character and ill write something for it!
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
writer asks 📃
send these to a writer you know or answer some yourself!
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you fielt your writing was the best.
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
I came up with a cool idea. Since im trying to get people to send in requests, and ive been on a bit of a Kesha kick lately, you can send me any Kesha song with a character and ill write something for it!
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
159 from the 200 prompts list for FAHC Ryan? Love your blog!
Aw, thanks!
159-  “Didn’t you read the sign?”
Barbed wire sucks. Its not like its that hard to get over, but its still an inconvenience. You guess that’s kind of the point, a deterrent, makes it so that anyone who wasn’t already set on being on the other side of the barbed wire wouldn’t bother. Unfortunately, you were pretty set on getting to the other side, so now you had a gash in your right calf. 
On the other side of the barbed wire was the airport. In that airport was a really fucking sweet helicopter that you really wanted for yourself, and that was the reason that you had risked maiming yourself on that damned barbed wire. Fuck, your leg really hurt. But that didn’t matter now because that beautiful helicopter was right in front of you, about 30 yards away. 
“Stop right there.” a voice said from behind you. Shit. You threw your hands up and turned around.
“Is this not Carl’s backyard? I was just trying to surprise him, its his birthday tomorrow.” you said, taking care to slur and stumble a little. Hopefully this dude would just assume you were a drunk idiot and let you go. “You want tell Carl will you?” you added with a giggle.
“This is the Los Santos airport, didn’t you read the sign?” The man stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a skull mask that covered his entire face. Huh.
“You’re not a guard…” you said. You went to drop you’re hands but quickly put them back up when you saw the creepy skull guy was pointing his gun at you.
“No, i’m not. And you’re not just some drunk girl. Not that I bought that act.” he said. 
“I mean, i’m a little drunk. But no. So who are you?” you asked. Maybe you could convince this dude to let you get back to work. It seemed like the other alternative was going to be a fight, and you certainly knew which outcome you would prefer.
“Wow, I would have thought my reputation would have preceded me, especially with the type of person who breaks into airports.” He said with a laugh, “I’m the Vagabond.”
“And i’m new in town so don’t let my ignorance of the local criminal scene hurt your ego. I don’t have an alias and i’m certainly not telling you my name so you can just call me drunk girl.”
“Alright, drunk girl, why are you here?” he said finally lowering his gun, but not putting it away. That was a good sign. 
“I’m here for the helicopter, why are you here? I hope its not for the same thing. Id hate for something like that to ruin both our nights.” I really did hope we weren’t here for the same thing. I kind of liked this guy, and he seemed to find me amusing at least. Maybe we could be allies at some point. It’d be useful to have some friends in a city like this.
“I’m here with friends, and i don’t really care about the helicopter seeing as i already have one. Id tell you why we were here but then id have to kill you.” He said. You thought you could here him chuckle. That’s good, he has a sense of humor. 
“Well id hate to die on a night like this. Is my stealing the helicopter going to cause a problem for you? I’m fairly certain that once i’m taking off some one will notice there are people here who shouldn’t be.” I said, I wanted that helicopter but it wasn’t worth making enemies over.
“Actually my friends are just wrapping up now, so id suggest you get going before we cause a problem for you.” I raised my eyebrow. “My friends are about to get a bit loud.” He clarified.
“I suppose ill be on my way then, but before I go…” I pulled out a scrap of paper and pen from my bag. “ Here’s my number. Id love to see what you look like under the halloween mask.” 
“Bold. I like that, ill call you. But first you should know something.”
“What is it?” I asked.
“This is my real face.” he deadpanned. There was a beat of silence and then we both started laughing.
“See you later, Vagabond!” I shouted as a started back running towards the helicopter.
“See you later, drunk girl!” He shouted back at me. I could hear the smile in his voice.
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
Still taking requests for reader inserts!
If you send in a number from the lists please specify winch list since ive got more than one up.
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
nearly 200 writing prompts // feel free to reblog
1: “ Give me a chance. ” 2: “ Not you again.. ” 3: “ Leave me alone. ” 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” 5: “ Why do you hate me? ” 6: “ I lost the baby. ” 7: “ I thought you loved me. ” 8: “ I don’t need you anymore. ” 9:“ I can’t believe you! ” 10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ” 11: “ You’re a monster. ” 12: “ I hate you. ” 13: “ Don’t leave me… ” 14: “ You’re a disappointment. ” 15: “ Don’t die on me– Please. ” 16: “ I never meant to hurt you. ” 17: “ Are you upset with me? ” 18: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 19: “ I’m going to kill you! ” 20: “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ” 21: “ Thanks for nothing. ” 22: “ Dont call this number again. “ 23: “ Why did you spare me? ” 24: “ You need to leave. ” 25: “ I’m sick. ” 26: “ I’m dying. ” 27: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 28: “ I thought we were family!” 29: “ There was never an us. ” 30: “ So that’s it? It’s over? ” 31: “ I fucked up. ” 32: “ I came to say goodbye. ” 33:“ He’s dead because of you. ” 34: “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ” 35: “ About the baby… Its yours. ”
36: “ I’m so in love with you. ” 37: “ Dance with me! ” 38: “ Isn’t this amazing? ” 39: “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ” 40: “ Will you marry me? ” 41: “ I’m pregnant. ” 42: “ I need a hug. ” 43: “ You’re special to me. ” 44: “ I’m going to keep you safe. ” 45: “ Do you trust me? ” 46: “ Can I kiss you right now? ” 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ” 48: “ I’ve liked you for awhile now. ” 49: “ Lets have a baby. ” 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” 51: “ I want to take care of you. ” 52: “ Can we cuddle? ” 53: “ It’s lonely here without you. ” 54: “ I can’t stand the thought of loosing you. ” 55: “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” 56: “ Are you flirting with me? ” 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 58: “ How did we get here? ” 59: “ You own my heart. ” 60: “ You’d be a great dad. ” 61: “ You’d be a great mom. ” 62: “ I want to protect you. ” 63: “ Whats the matter? ” 64: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 65: “ Did you do something different with your hair? ” 66: “ Is that a new perfume? ” 67: “ Stop being so cute. ” 68: “ You’re making me blush! ” 69: “ You’re teasing me again… ” 70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ” 71: “ You’re the best! ” 72: “ They’re going to love you, don’t worry! ” 73: “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ” 74: “ Of course I remembered! ” 75: “ You’re one hell of a girl. ” 76: “ You’re one hell of a guy. ” 77: “ Are you jealous? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” 79: “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ” 80: “ Lets run away together. ”
90: “ Catch me if you can! ” 91: “ I’m fine. ” 92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” 94: “ We cant go in there… ” 95: “ Give it back! ” 96: “ Well this is just great. ” 97: “ Don’t touch me. ” 98: “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ” 99: “ This was fun— Lets do it again sometime!” 100: “ I didn’t do it! ” 101: “ I did it… ” 102: “ I don’t remember that! ” 103: “ Well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ” 104: “ Get that thing away from me! ” 105: “ You owe me. ” 106: “ Do you believe in aliens? ” 107: “ Do you believe in ghosts? ” 108: “ Are you hitting on me? ” 109: “ Why are you naked? ” 110: “ You did what?! ” 111: “ You have… Superpowers? ” 112: “ Why are you bleeding? ” 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” 114: “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ” 115: “ That wasn’t funny. ” 116: “ This tastes horrible. ” 117: “ This is delicious! ” 118: “ Are you mad at me? ” 119: “ Stop ignoring me… ” 120: “ I love that show too! ” 121: “ Can I borrow that book of yours?” 122: “ Lets blow this joint. ” 123: “ Let me help you with that. ” 124: “ Take that back! ” 125: “ Wanna go see a movie with me? ” 126: “ No way, that’s so lame. ” 127: “ What are you listening to? ” 128: “ I brought you your coffee. ” 129: “ Don’t fuck this up. ” 130: “ Run! ” 131: “ Lets run away together. ” 132: “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” 133: “ Your turn to do the dishes. ” 134: “ Was I really that drunk? ” 135: “ Was I really that stoned? ” 136: “Give me back my phone! ” 137: “ You’re an asshole. ” 138: “ Are you cold? ” 139: “ This place gives me the creeps. ” 140: “ I swear my house is haunted. ” 141: “ Did you hear that? ” 142: “ It’s just your imagination. ” 143: “ Just how stupid do you think I am? ” 144: “ Stop being such a baby. ” 145: “ Go back to bed. ” 146: “ Are you okay? ” 147: “ I can take care of myself just fine.” 148: “ Thanks for helping me back there. ” 149: “ Since when have we ever been friends? ” 150: “ What on earth are you wearing? ” 151: “ I can’t feel my legs! ” 152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ” 153: “ Put me down! ” 154: “ There’s only one bed… ” 155: “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ” 156: “ How did I loose it? ” 157: “ I read your diary. ” 158: “ This is awkward. ” 159: “ Didn’t you read the sign? ” 160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ”
Below is NSFW prompts. Please if you’re rebloggling tell your followers if you’re interested or not in taking these sorts of requests.
Sexual: 161: “ Bite me. ” 162: “ Make me. ” 163: “ Fuck me. ” 164: “ Stop teasing me so much… ” 165: “ Do you like it when I touch you like that?” 166: “ Okay.. This is new. ” 167: “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ” 168: “ You’re in trouble now. ” 169: “ What a pretty sight. ” 170: “ Bend over. ” 171: “ On your knees. ” 172: “ The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” 173: “ Lay back. ” 174: “ Take off your clothes. ” 175: “ Well, fine; just this once. ” 176: “ I’m waiting. ” 177: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 178:“ As you wish. ” 179: “ First one to make a noise looses.” 180: “ You have no idea what you do to me. ” 181: “ If you’re bored; Wanna have sex? ” 182: “ Ive wanted this for so long. ” 183: “ Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ” 184: “ Can I touch you? ” 185: “ Open up. ” 186: “ No strings attached. ” 187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ” 188: “ Mine. ” 189: “ The nights still young. ” 190: “ We cant do that here! ” 191: “ Behave. ” 192:“ What did you just say? ” 193: “ Good girl. ” 194: “ Good boy. ” 195: “ Come here. ”
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
Btw, i totally headcanon this as ciscos favorite song lol.
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
hi! can you do 57 from the dialogue prompts list for cisco?
57- “You know my house has a door, right? You don’t always have to come in through the window.”
“Good morning, Cisco” you said cheerfully. Cisco shot straight up out of bed, hitting his head on the shelf above him.
“Jesus Christ Y/N! What the fuck?” You laughed and hopped down from the window sill. You had know Cisco for about four months, ever since he had moved into the apartment below yours. At first you had thought he was a drug dealer or something along those lines because of how little time he actually spent at home. But a few weeks ago you had noticed a streak coming to and from his apartment that you had recognized to be the infamous flash. 
You confronted Cisco about it and he admitted that he did work with the flash at that place where that huge explosion had happened, Star Labs. He would make a terrible drug dealer if that’s how quick he folds when caught out. To his credit that was about all he told you, and you had politely refrained from asking anymore questions. Mostly.
“Ouch. You want some ice for your head?” you asked walking towards the kitchen. You had been making a habit of joining Cisco for an early breakfast whenever you could. It was nice not to have to eat alone and Cisco was good company. He also had a much better stocked kitchen.
“You know my house has a door, right? You don’t always have to come in through the window. And yeah, some ice would be good.” he said before getting up and yanking on a tshirt.
“You know, i would use the door, but its just too fun to freak you out. I just cant resist,” you flashed him a smile and tossed him a bag of frozen peas. He held them up to the bruise on his forehead and you started rifling through the contents of his fridge.
“Ooh, you’ve got orange juice and vodka, how about screwdrivers and toast?” you said grabbing the orange juice and some glasses.
“Y/N, it’s literally 7am, its not socially acceptable to start drinking yet.” he said with a laugh.
“So yes to the screwdrivers?” you asked.
“Yes to the screwdrivers.” he agreed.
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
Dialogue Prompts
please send me a number (or multiple numbers) in my ask!
kind of a compilation of a bunch of different lists ive seen but only the ones i liked
“Can you please stop coming in through the windows? You keep scaring the hell out of me.”
“I’m not really sure what you’re doing is legal, so how about don’t do that.”
“Hey, I kind of just moved in? The walls are pretty thin, and I heard muffled screams coming from your place, are you goof?”
“Wow, so this is what you’ve been hiding? Honestly… I’m not that surprised.”
“You know, for a genius, you’re kind of a dumbass.”
“You just got stabbed and you want to know if I’m okay?!”
“Did… Did you just get yourself stuck to the ceiling?”
“Holy shit, you’re freezing! C’mon, let’s go get you warmed up.”
“I thought you… of all people, would understand why I do this.”
“You are so good. How could it be anyone else?”
“You’re still my favorite person. Even if you are part spider and wear spandex.”
“Then I’ll wait until you’re ready. For you, I’d wait forever and then some.”
“You deserve all things that are good, and I won’t stop reminding you of that.”
“Your hands are always so cold.”
“I really like the way the light hits you and makes all of the gold in your eyes explode. It’s like looking at the sun.”
“Don’t move! Wow, you look so pretty in this light, I can’t miss the opportunity.”
“I know your a boy and boys aren’t supposed to be pretty, but damn, are you a pretty boy.”
“Every time I see you, you have a new bruise on your body. You’re either the world’s clumsiest person, or you’re in some kind of trouble.”
“Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means you’re strong enough to realize when you can’t do it alone.”
“Please, I don’t want to lose you.”
“You mean everything to me.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be doing it.”
“No! You can’t just web it the fuck up and expect it to stop!”
“I’m really sorry, but I just killed a spider.”
“You know, that color really brings out the happiness in your eyes. You should wear it more often.”
“Am I not good enough for you?”
“Do you believe in true love?”
“I’m only good at three things: making ridiculous science puns, laughing at inappropriate times, and making some bomb ass snickerdoodles. None of them will help with this.”
“At least I’ll have a pretty wicked scar if I survive.”
“Oh, absolutely not. I can’t do this without you.”
“I need a place to stay, and your arms were the first thing I thought of.”
“I immediately regret my decision.”
“I am not being dramatic. I’m being practical.”
“Please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“I need your help. I had nowhere else to go.”
“No. No, you don’t get to apologize. Never, ever apologize for something like that, you got it? Now come here.”
“You could have died! I could have lost you!”
“I’m not angry at you. I never could be. I’m angry that your life has been on the line so many times and you’ve been hurt so much and I’m angry that you had to go through it alone.”
“Stop hiding from me. I just want to help you, can’t you see that?”
“Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!”
“You should probably close the door.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”
“I told you to take care of it - not stick it to the fucking ceiling!”
“Okay… It’s not - no, it’s exactly what it looks like. Shit.”
“You can fall apart if you want to.”
“You’re such a fucking dork. It’s adorable.”
“Holy muscles.”
“Think you have enough there, Sticky?”
“I don’t think forever will be long enough. Our time together will always be too short.”
“I love your freckles.”
“Do you ever wish you weren’t who you are?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
“Pinky swear?”
“Hey! Swinging with another person isn’t as easy as it seems, okay?!”
“God, stop doing that.”
“You know my house has a door, right? You don’t always have to come in through the window.”
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“I’m not sure when it happened, but I fell in love with you, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“I’m in love with you!”
“What in the world did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you?”
“Say that again.”
“I’ll pay you to hit me with a car.”
“You knocked on my window at three in the morning to cuddle?”
“I think I forgot how to breathe.”
“Is this okay?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that.”
“You’ve got to stop doing that.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I trust you. Wholeheartedly.”
“Just shut up and kiss me already!”
“You did all of this… for me?”
“Trust me.”
“Do that again.”
“Um… Somebody broke that.”
“Ow-Hey! Stop hitting me!”
“I’m just going to walk away and pretend I didn’t just see that.”
“Make me.”
“Are you jealous?”
“What am I going to do with you?”
“Will you be quiet?!”
“Can I kiss you?”
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
Send me reader insert prompts for The Flash!
bonus point if its for cisco!
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
*shoots gun*
Cisco Ramon: DAMN, WE THOUGHT SO!!
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
ok i changed my icon and background to be bluer in case the ai was seeing the gold tones as nsfw, lets see what that does
ok im gonna change my username to be swear free and see if that fixes it
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
it didnt
ok im gonna change my username to be swear free and see if that fixes it
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
ok im gonna change my username to be swear free and see if that fixes it
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damnyn-blog · 6 years
PLZ send me prompts for cisco i love him<3
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