dancersmythe · 6 years
“You’ll just have to meet me in the bathroom to find out Mr. Smythe,” he said smirking at his boyfriend suggestively. There was no way he was going to get through this entire flight without having his way with Sebastian. Especially since he knew the two of them would only be teasing each other until they could get their hands on each other. Blaine groaned as Sebastian teased him and then slipped away, grabbing his ass playfully to tease him. “I’ve got plans for you later,” he said biting his lip as he watched him walk away and check him in. He hated they didn’t have enough time to have some release in the nearest bathroom before the flight. The two of them would just have to wait a little bit longer. 
Blaine smiled at Sebastian, excited to meet his family and see Paris with the man of his dreams. The two of them got on the plane in a comfortable silence. Blaine knew Sebastian had a lot to think about his regarding seeing his brother again and talking to him. He knew that when his boyfriend was ready, he would talk to him about what he was thinking. They got settled in their seats and Blaine smiled seeing the picture on Sebastian’s phone of his brother and his boyfriend. “They look really cute together. How long have they been seeing each other?” he asked, buckling his seatbelt as people continued to board the plane around them.
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“Mr. Anderson, in a public bathroom? I love it when you subtly talk dirty,” Sebastian whispered in his ear, chuckling as he lightly kissed his neck, looking back at his boyfriend as they walked onto the plane; looking back at the older male and grinning, “can’t wait,” he said boldly, winking at Blaine before teasingly walking slightly ahead, wanting to give his boyfriend to look at before they had to sit for hours.
Once they were sat on the plane, Sebastian allowed the silence to take over him for a moment before finally opening up about his family, smiling softly when Blaine commented positively on the picture he was showing him of his twin and his boyfriend. “Just a little over six months; they’ve been friends for years and when Mason had to be sectioned again, Elliott was great, according to my dad; he went to see him every day, he always told him that if he didn’t want to get better for himself, then to do it for him. Every time Mason has slipped, Elliott has been there and he makes me think of you; so accepting and always willing to see the good in everybody. He was there for Mason like you were there for me and I don’t think my brother would be here if he didn’t have him.” The younger male admitted, buckling his seatbelt and turning his phone off as the air hostess came around to instruct everyone to turn their electronics off.
“I’m still terrified about seeing him, I think he’s going to hate me. He blames me for not staying home after mom, for not coping in front of dad. He thinks I was selfish for leaving and maybe he’s right, maybe I should’ve moved back home and looked after dad and everyone else. But dad told me to go and sometimes I wonder was it because he couldn’t stand to look at the weakling that was his son. I know my dad doesn’t seem like that, but my grandparents on his side are and they have a way of getting in your head.”
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine grinned into the kiss as his boyfriend pressed his lips to his. He loved how they could be so casual with each other and joke around. He adored just being there like this with Sebastian. He had never felt so comfortable with another person than he did with Sebastian. “Well, there is a bathroom on the plane…” Blaine said suggestively, smirking a little at his boyfriend. He had never done anything like this before, but a little adventure and risk taking would be fun. He sighed against his boyfriend’s lips, wanting to deepen it and drag him into the nearest bathroom and having his way with him. 
“My whole life changed when I met you. Ill always be here to support you, no matter what. I know this will be hard for you for many reasons, but Ill be there for you no matter what. Lean on me okay? We’ll make it an unforgettable Christmas, I’m sure of it,” he said, smiling at him.
If he does, we’ll work it out okay? I promise. Everything is going to be alright. You guys can talk it out and tell each other how you’ve felt about everything. You’re brothers. I know that even when brothers fight, they always end up working it out,” he said reassuringly, holding his hand as he thought about his own brother. He and Cooper had many differences, but they always were there for each other when they really needed it. Blaine was sure Sebastian and his brother would be the same way. “I love you too,” he said, smiling lovingly at his boyfriend. He felt so lucky to have him by his side. Blaine gave the gate agent their tickets to be scanned before entering the walkway and then boarding the plane. He found their seats, turning towards his boyfriend to help put their luggage away before sitting down, placing his shoulder bag underneath the seat in front of him. He had brought plenty of things to occupy him during the flight, but he wanted to talk to his boyfriend as well.
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“Mr. Anderson, are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?” He asked, acting completely obliviously innocent as he grinned at the aspiring musician, almost taken aback by his boyfriend being so forward, usually it was the other way around. As they kissed deeply, Sebastian cupped the older male’s face in his hands while teasing him with some slight tongue action before pulling back and chuckling confidently, “two can play at that game, Mr. Adveterous,” he whispered, kissing Blaine innocently on the cheek as he playfully grabbed his ass before walking ahead to check in and get on the plane.
“Likewise, but I won’t shut you out again, I promise; and no matter what life throws at us, I’ll always be here for you too. We’ll make this a Christmas we never forget for all the right reasons, I’ll make sure of it.”
Sebastian just nodded in response to his boyfriend’s comforting words about seeing Mason for the first time since their mother had passed, usually, Sebastian never cowered away from anything, but this, he was really terrified of this soon to be conversation. He didn’t really say anything else on the matter, too occupied with getting on the plane, finding their seats and putting his own backpack underneath the seat in front of him. Once they were comfortably sat down in their seats, Sebastian hesitantly pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through it, biting down on his bottom lip as he showed a picture to his boyfriend. “That’s Mason and his boyfriend, Elliott.”
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
“Oh, I always have plans for you,” he said, grinning mischievously. It was true, even if his plans just involved cuddling or something cheesy and romantic, Blaine usually always had some sort of plan for his boyfriend. They didn’t always involve sex, but Blaine had plenty of ideas about that as well. “We could always stretch in other ways,” he said, whispering in his ear seductively but quiet enough so just he could hear. “I love you too. I always will,” he said, lightly kissing the other’s hand.
“This is already the best Christmas ever because I’m with you,” he said smiling at him. He knew it was a cheesy line, but it was how he truly felt. So many of his Christmases were lonely or full of drama, he knew this year being with Sebastian and his family would be different. Blaine saw they had begun boarding at the gate and kept an ear open for their section to be called. 
“I would never tell you something like that was your fault. Everyone has weak moments…I’m just sorry his happened when you were so far away from him and couldn’t be there for him. But you can be there for him now. Its not too late,” he said, smiling, being optimistic for his boyfriend. “I will always save you Sebastian Smythe,” he said, smiling against the other man’s lips. “I love you too. So much,” he said  “Everything is going to be perfect I just know it.,” he said, standing up when their section was called for them to board the plane.
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“Cheeky,” Sebastian chuckled, grinning as he passionately kissed his boyfriend; his hands lightly resting around the shorter man’s neck. When it came to Blaine and his ideas for him, Sebastian’s mind never really went to a sexual place; his boyfriend had always seemed so innocent and romantic, but the older brunette’s next comment made Sebastian’s eyes go wide as he looked into his partner’s eyes and bit down on his bottom lip. “Now, how am I supposed to last a seven and a half hour flight after you teasing me like that? If we didn’t have to board, I would be dragging you into the men’s toilet and we would be handling our stretching situation immediately.” The younger man stated with a grin, winking at the other before pulling him closer and lovingly pressing their lips together.
“This has been one of the most difficult years of my life, but meeting you changed everything for the better; it’s going to be difficult for me this Christmas, but with you, I’ll remember it for all the right reasons,” Sebastian admitted with a warm smile.
“I know, I just- I’m nervous about seeing him, what if he blames me?” He asked honestly, looking down as he started to fidget with his fingers, looking up a few moments later when Blaine said he would always save him; a warm smile appearing on his lips. “I’ll always save you too, Blaine Anderson. I trust you, I know I can do this with you by my side; I love you.” He whispered, smiling softly as their section was called for boarding, grabbing their hand luggage while his boyfriend walked ahead with their passports and boarding tickets.
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
“Nooo, why would you have to stretch after we just got off a plane? You should just cuddle me and catch up on sleep til we adjust to the timezone,” he said grinning at his boyfriend. Blaine was sure he could think of a few ways to entice the other into bed. “I think we’re both pretty lucky. I’m always gonna be there,” he said, smiling against the other’s lips, forgetting that they were in the middle of an airport until he heard two elderly ladies congratulating them. Blaine blushed and waved at them, leaning his head on Sebastian’s shoulder as they went and sat down. He was glad this was an airport in New York and not one in Ohio where he had grown up. Not everyone was as accepting there as they were in New York. 
Blaine nodded at Sebastian letting him know that his grandmother might say something to him. “It’s okay. I’ve dealt with homophobes…” he said, thinking of his own father and plenty of other kids and adults alike he had met in Ohio. “Thanks for giving me the heads up,” he said, sighing lightly. At least he would have plenty of backup in Sebastian’s family. Blaine just hoped one day in the future everyone would learn to be as accepting and let people love who they love.
He watched Sebastian with concerned eyes, leaning closer to him and holding his hand to support him as he told him about his brother and why he had never told him about his twin. He wiped away his tears, tearing up a little himself as he listened to how much pain his brother had gone through and how much pain his boyfriend had been keeping inside him, not telling Blaine anything about it. “Shh, its okay…” he told him, kissing his forehead, wishing they hadn’t been in a crowded airport terminal to have this conversation.Some people were staring at them, but Blaine didn’t care, he was only concerned for his boyfriend. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. It’s not your fault…I understand why you didn’t tell me. I wish you did, because then I could have helped you through this. You shouldn’t go through this alone. You can tell me anything, you know that. I know its hard when you’re not there…” he said, feeling guilty for having Sebastian in New York with him and not in Paris where his brother needed him. He kissed Sebastian’s face, trying to comfort him as he wrapped his arm around him and held him as close as he could, wishing he could do more.
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“Why do I get the feeling you have other plans for when we arrive?” Sebastian asked with a grin, “I guess I can give up my stretching for you; just because I love you.” He said sweetly, taking Blaine’s hands in his own as he gazed lovingly into his eyes. “I’ll always be here too, there’s nothing you could say or do to make me stop loving you.” All he could do was chuckle as he noticed Blaine blush and wave back to the two elderly ladies, it was so nice seeing people from the older generation being so accepting towards them because sadly not everyone was like that and they weren’t afraid to let their feelings be known.
“Yeah, me too, I hate it, but I promise I won’t let her do that to you; Christmas is supposed to be an amazing holiday and I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure it’s a Christmas you’ll remember for all the right reasons.” The younger male assured, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek as they sat down and waited for the departure gate to open to get on the plane.
“I’m sorry, I was just so angry at him and at myself, I was convinced you would tell me it was my fault, but I didn’t want you to feel guilty because I wasn’t there. Looking back, I don’t think I would’ve been able to cope if I had been home; I don’t think I would’ve come back to New York- to you. I probably would’ve given up too and I hate that, I hate thinking like that because I think of my mom and how she fought for so long so she could see us grow up; our first day of school, our graduations, weddings, a grandchild. She fought so she could see it all and the thought of being healthy and wanting to just throw everything away- I hate it. I think that’s why I was so angry at Mason; because he was perfectly healthy but he wanted to throw it all away. I hope I never have to go through what he did, but I’m glad I was here, because I had you and I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. You saved me, Blaine Anderson.” Sebastian said quietly, smiling sadly as he kissed his boyfriend lovingly on the lips and then pulled back to just hug him and hold onto him. “I love you so much, thank you for being you.”
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine smiled softly at his boyfriend saying he was going to pamper him. He was definitely not opposed to that as long as they spent time together. That’s all he really wanted out of their vacation. “You know I don’t mind taking care of you. Even when you complain,” he said laughing as he playfully bumped his shoulder against his. Blaine may have been overprotective, but who could blame him after Sebastian had been shot on their apartment? He just wanted to make sure his boyfriend was okay and healing properly. He didn’t want him to get hurt again. 
He smiled wide at his boyfriend reassuring him about his family. He loved that Sebastian had such a big family to love him and care for him. It must have been hard to leave them all behind and come to a different country. Blaine loved hearing him talk about them so lovingly. “I can’t wait to meet them,” he said, squeezing Sebastian’s hand. “I’m sure I’ll love them too,” he said, smiling at him. He was excited to see how his large family get together was like. Blaine’s family was small so his family events were small and didn’t even happen all the time depending on his parent’s and brother’s schedules. 
Blaine blinked at Sebastian in confusion and surprise. “You have a twin brother? Why have you never told me about him before?” he asked, confused. He had told him about the rest of his family, why would he not tell him about a twin? It had to have been hard for him to talk about for him to keep such a big secret. The two of them had gotten really close and tried to tell each other everything, so why hadn’t he told him about this? “Of course I still want to go…” he said, hoping Sebastian would explain the situation to him.
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“Mmhm, let’s see if you’re still saying that when I ask you to help me stretch while you’re suffering from jetlag.” Sebastian joked, smiling brightly as he winked at Blaine and playfully bumped him on the shoulder in return. “I don’t know what I would do without you, and I will never understand how I got lucky enough to get to call you my boyfriend. “I know I say it all the time, but I don’t think I could’ve coped with everything if I didn’t have you by my side.” He said warmly, chuckling as he pressed their lips together; pulling away and laughing as two elderly ladies walked past them to sit closer to the gate, cheering them on and congratulating them on their relationship. 
“I really hope you do, but I should warn you that my grandparents on my dad’s side are homophobic. My grandpa isn’t that bad, but my grandma has a tendency to let her feelings be known. But I’m hoping she won’t say anything because my dad’s brother- my uncle, her son, is gay and he will also be there with his husband. And, you know, my sister Matilda’s wife will also be there. I just want to warn you beforehand, but I promise I’ll shut her up if she starts, it’s usually only when she had too much red wine.” He said with a smile, trying to make light of the situation, hoping that telling Blaine beforehand would prepare him a little more rather than being caught off guard in front of everyone.
Sebastian looked down at the floor and shrugged, his eyes filling with tears as he sniffled and looked back up at his boyfriend. “I couldn’t, it was too hard... The night I flew back here from Paris after my mom’s funeral, we had literally only stepped into our apartment after getting back from the airport- the phone call I got was from my dad and you know better than anyone how much of a mess I was afterwards. It wasn’t because I was overwhelmed, it was because my dad told me that my twin brother had tried to kill himself. I didn’t notice, I didn’t notice him subtly telling me how life seemed so pointless and worthless, I didn’t notice him trying to say goodbye to me, and not just because I was going back to New York; but because in his mind that was the last time we would ever see one another alive. He got sectioned and spent three months on a psychiatric ward, then he came home and everything seemed fine... But it was all an act and again I didn’t notice, I asked him could I tell you about him and he said there was no point, I thought it was weird but before I could say anything he changed the subject and wished me good luck with my first dance exam and then he hung up. I got home that night after work and I had a voicemail from my dad... Mason had tried to kill himself again, and again he was admitted to a psychiatric ward, he spent a month there, but under his own request and then when he got out, I had promised to call him. That was the night we were broken into. I didn’t call him. I was fighting for my life, but he didn’t know that; he just thought I didn’t care. You called my dad and my dad went into his room to tell him, and he had overdosed on his antidepressants.” Sebastian explained, looking into Blaine’s eyes and quickly wiping his tears from his cheek as he took a deep breath and continued to speak, “that’s why I got so upset listening to the voicemail from Chloe; she saw the paramedics trying to resuscitate Mason and she was begging me not to die too. They brought him back and again he was sectioned, but he was released earlier this week, and obviously, you’ll meet him, but that’s why I never told you... I never told you because every time I wanted to it was like the universe was trying to tell me there was no point. I’m sorry I lied to you, I should’ve been honest with you, but between blaming myself for each time, I was so angry at him. I thought he was selfish because he was thinking about himself and not us- he wasn’t the only one that lost his mom... Our dad lost his wife, our sisters lost their mom but I was convinced he was just thinking of himself. I know now he wasn’t, he just wanted the pain to stop and I get it; it’s so hard trying to live your life when you’re so angry at the world and at the people in it because they get to keep living their life when yours has just come crashing down around you... I just wish I would’ve realised how broken he was.”
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine smiled at his boyfriend as he interlocked their fingers together. Everything always felt so perfect and right when they were together. This is what he wanted the rest of his life to be - at this man’s side loving and being loved by him. “I know. Christmas kind of snuck up on us considering how busy we’ve been lately,” he said, giving his hand a squeeze. “Of course I don’t mind.And besides it’s our first Christmas together and we’re spending it in Paris, how amazing is that?” he said grinning. He was looking forward to getting away with his boyfriend and spending time with him no matter the city, but to get to travel to an amazing city like Paris was definitely an added bonus. 
“I have to admit I’m a little nervous…I mean I know I’ve talked to your dad on the phone and everything but taking on the phone and meeting in person are two different things…” he said biting his lip nervously. “You’re sure he’s going to like me?” he asked,not sure about how Sebastian’s father would act towards him when they met in person. His son was away in another country from him, living with another boy where he had gotten shot and almost died…Blaine was sure that he thought his son wasn’t safe with him…He looked away towards the gate agent and heard them announce they would begin boarding soon.
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All Sebastian wanted was to spend the rest of his life loving Blaine and he was so excited to be celebrating their first Christmas together, they hadn’t had an easy year by any means, but that’s what made them so strong. Although he hadn’t been entirely honest with his boyfriend and that nagging fear of losing the love of his life was starting to terrify him now that they were on the brink of the truth coming out. His reasons for lying were for his family but he wasn’t sure if Blaine would understand, especially considering they had vowed to never be afraid to talk to one another about anything. “Yeah, I know, I can’t wait to enjoy my first Christmas with you and pamper you after putting up with me for the past couple of months. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
The younger male looked at his boyfriend in awe as he confessed that he was still nervous about meeting his father for the first time even though they had spoken frequently over the past couple of months after everything that had taken place. “I know, but I promise he’s going to love you- everyone is going to love you. My family aren’t as intimidating as they sound, my sister Madeline’s husband Caleb always reminds me of you; he’s super shy around my family, he rambles when he’s nervous and he’s super cute- but you’re cuter,” he assured with a wink, “sure, he’s got a fancy job, but my dad likes him because he loves Madeline and would never do anything to hurt her. That’s all my dad has ever wanted for any of us, plus, my other sister Matilda has been married to her wife for 2 years and my dad welcomed her with opened arms even though she comes from a completely different culture, and do you know why? Because she loves Matilda unconditionally. So, I know for a fact my dad will love you, not just because you love and care about me, but because you’re an amazing guy.” Sebastian assured with a loving smile, looking at the boarding gate as they announced they would be boarding soon.
That was when his nerves really set in, because he had to tell the truth now while he still had time, never wanting to be selfish and tell Blaine something so important when there was no chance he could escape it. “Blaine, I need to tell you something... I have a twin brother... His name is Mason; I can’t keep it a secret anymore because you’re going to meet him- that is if you still want to come. I- I know I should’ve been honest with you, but it’s really complicated and I just- I’m so sorry.”
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
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dancersmythe · 6 years
It had been a whirlwind ever since the break in. Between taking care of Sebastian and being with him as he healed, going to his classes and serving coffee he had barely had time for himself. Any time he had was mostly spent trying to work out the kinks of a song he had been writing. He had the melody down, but the lyrics always escaped him. Sebastian had helped him with most of them so he had a rough draft, but it wasn’t perfect yet. Maybe after the holidays, he would have something to present to his class. He was looking forward to have more free time to really spend writing and to spend a lot more time with Sebastian. Their schedules had them so busy and he hated it. Ever since his boyfriend had healed enough, he had been back to his school schedule. Blaine was making sure he was taking his dancing slowly to be sure to not injure himself even further. Having winter vacation off was going to be good for both of them. 
Placing the last few items in his suitcase, Blaine zipped it up and put on his jacket, feeling in the pocket of it for the small ring box he had out there. Ever since the break in and what felt like Blaine almost losing Sebastian, he didn’t want to know what life would be like without him by his side everyday. Blaine had no idea when he was going to ask him or how, he was waiting for the right moment. He would know for sure then. He had thought about proposing at New Years, but he didn’t have a solid plan yet. He was hoping an idea would just come to him. New Years would be romantic and perfect no matter where they were. And even if that wasn’t right, then he would figure something out. Until then, Blaine was sticking by his side. Especially in Paris. Blaine only knew a little bit of French, so he was going to be relying on Sebastian heavily while they were in the other country. The two of them were going to visit Sebastian’s family and Blaine was so nervous. He had talked to his father on the phone a few times now, but that was so different than meeting him in person. Blaine realized that his issues probably had to deal a lot with his own issues with his father, but he didn’t voice that out loud. 
Blaine triple checked their tickets and passports before making their way with their bags downstairs and catching a taxi to the airport. Blaine breathed out a sigh of relief once they got through security and found their gate. You never knew how long the lines were going to be and he wanted to make sure that they were still on time. There was no way they were going to miss this flight. They found a spot at the gate and sat down, waiting for the gate agent to begin boarding. “Almost there,” he said, smiling at his boyfriend. He knew how excited he was to be going home to see his family.
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Everything seemed to go at an extremely fast pace since recovering from the break-in; Sebastian had used his recovery time to focus on typing up assignments and planning out the dance he had to choreograph and perform himself after Christmas. Of course, it was for his Christmas exams, but due to the circumstances, he was given extra time to fully recover and plan like everyone else beforehand. He had a fair idea about what he wanted to do, but something still didn’t feel right about what he had come up with; he didn’t know if it was because it was his first time putting his own piece together or if it was because he couldn’t practice as much as he used to yet, but whatever it was, it was troubling him. But the holidays had arrived and like they had both promised one another, there would be no mention of school until their break was over. 
There was no denying he was excited about going home to visit his family in Paris, but he never really mentioned it, mainly because he never wanted to make Blaine feel like he couldn’t change his mind if he felt like he wasn’t ready. He never wanted to pressure the other male, so he never made it seem like he would be devastated if their plans were to change. But now that the day of their flight had finally arrived, Sebastian couldn’t help but show his excitement as they brought their suitcases downstairs to their taxi and then headed off to the airport. But even now, he still made sure his boyfriend knew he could still change his mind without any problems. 
As they made their way to their gate and sat down, Sebastian looked over at Blaine and smiled warmly as he happily interlocked their fingers together and nodded, “I know, I can’t believe Christmas is only days away. You sure you don’t mind spending Christmas with my family?”
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Paris Holds the Key to Your Heart | Seblaine
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Time Skip || What You Didn’t See
A lot had happened since the break-in at their apartment; Sebastian had spent a week in the hospital and just a little over a month recovering at home after being shot by the thief. Luckily he recovered without a problem and with Blaine by his side, it didn’t seem as hard as he thought it would be. But with that being said, nothing about the recovery was easy, the pain he had felt for the first two weeks was enough to make him an emotional wreck, but he was lucky enough to have a boyfriend who could always make that pain go away even when it felt impossible. Sebastian was stubborn, so he never really did stay on bedrest like he was supposed to, but it didn't do him any harm; if anything, it just made him more determined to get himself back on his feet so he would be able to go back to NYADA and dance again, as well as being well enough to travel to Paris for Christmas to be with his family, while also getting to introduce Blaine to everyone. 
The past two months hadn’t been easy by any means, both Sebastian and Blaine were both struggling with feeling comfortable in their apartment again, even being left alone in their apartment was a struggle; their minds always went to the worst scenario when they would get a call from the other that was home. But nothing ever did come of it, the police had been doing everything they could to catch the person that had almost caused a murder, as well as a burglary and a week before Sebastian and Blaine were due to go to Paris, which was an incredibly huge relief. Things finally had been looking up and while he had the time to himself, Sebastian had been listening to a piece of music that Blaine had been writing but had never found the words for, and incredibly, Sebastian had been able to help him through it. As of yet, the song hasn’t had any feedback from Blaine’s classes, but Sebastian has devised a plan for Paris.
For Sebastian and Blaine, things were finally beginning to look up and luckily they were both happy and healthy, excited for their next adventure to Paris. And Sebastian is making sure it will be a trip Blaine will never forget.
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dancersmythe · 6 years
…in which Nev Schulman loses all patience
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dancersmythe · 6 years
“I think that sounds perfect,” he said, smiling at Sebastian. He squeezed his boyfriend’s hand lightly as he watched him lean back and settle more into his bed. Blaine could tell he was exhausted and he knew his body needed rest to heal. His smile grew as he watched him rub his eyes, Sebastian was adorable when he was sleepy. Blaine was just sad that he had to leave him so he could get some proper rest. He knew that Sebastian would try to stay awake if he was there, and he needed sleep. “You should sleep. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep and be back as soon as visitor hours start tomorrow okay? And you’ll have your phone if you need to call me for whatever reason and I’ll make sure the nurse has my number too. I’ll bring you some comfy pajamas to wear and a blanket from home. What else do you want me to bring you?” he asked, running his fingers soothingly through his hair, trying to get him to relax so he could go to sleep. “We’ll have plenty of time to stay up together later I promise,” he said, smiling at him. “Are you cold? I’ll grab you an extra blanket,” he said, opening the closet and taking out another pillow and blanket. He covered him with the blanket and made sure he was comfortable with his pillows as he tucked him in, turning off the light that was above him so that he would be able to get some sleep. “Need anything else baby? Want me to sing to you?” he said, running his hand gently down his face. 
As soon as he fell asleep, Blaine kissed his forehead and exited the room, talking to the nurses that were there, giving them his number and making sure they would let him know if anything changed with Sebastian during the night. The brunette found out what time visiting hours began and thanked them for all they were doing and smiled in relief when they told them they would give Sebastian something to help him sleep. 
Blaine sighed as he exited the hospital, feeling heavy and exhausted as he made it back to their apartment. All he wanted to do was put on one of Sebastian’s sweaters and collapse in bed and sleep, but that wasn’t going to happen right away. He froze walking into their apartment, seeing the blood - Sebastian’s blood - on the floor. Everything that had happened earlier came rushing back - the gunshot, the robber, Sebastian’s bleeding body on the ground…Blaine leaned against the wall, sliding down the hard surface and letting out a sob as the stress of the day spilled out. He pulled his knew to his chest as he cried, not wanting to look at his boyfriend’s blood on the floor of their apartment. He sniffled after a while and wiped his eyes, pulling himself together. Gathering cleaning supplies and then kneeling on the floor, Blaine began scrubbing the area, not wanting Sebastian to see any trace of blood when he got home. 
After finishing cleaning up, Blaine got in the shower, needing to make sure all of the blood was gone. Getting out of the shower, he pulled on some of Sebastian’s pajamas, needing to have a part of his boyfriend with him. He locked the door before plugging his phone in to charge and getting a bag together to take to the hospital tomorrow. He laid down, cuddling with Sebastian’s pillow as he drifted off to sleep, tossing and turning the whole night. 
Blaine was exhausted in the morning, but knew he could nap at the hospital with Sebastian. He got dressed, wearing one of his boyfriend’s sweaters and fixed his hair, feeling a lot more like himself than he did yesterday. He grabbed the bag for Sebastian along with his schoolbag and left the apartment, locking it behind him. He went by the small cafe next to the hospital and bought a few breakfast sandwiches and a coffee before making his way up to Sebastian’s room, talking to the nurses to see how he was doing and how everything went during the night. Blaine went into Sebastian’s room, smiling when he saw his boyfriend was still sleeping. He set the bags down and settled into the chair next to his bed, sipping his coffee as he watched over Sebastian. He pulled out a sandwich and began eating it, feeling perfectly content now that he was with Sebastian again.
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine grinned back at Sebastian, definitely planning on wearing Sebastian’s jumpers as soon as he got home and probably until he was starting to feel better. He wanted to have some part of his boyfriend with him when he had to be away from him. Blaine didn’t want to think about how painful it was going to be to be away from him when he got kicked out due to visitor hours being over. How was he supposed to sleep and keep a peace of mind without Sebastian there by his side so he could hold him and feel him breathing next to him during the night? “Love you too,” he said, smiling at him lovingly. 
“We both got lucky baby,” he said squeezing his hand. It was hard to think of how empty and lonely his life had been before Sebastian had entered it and turned his world upside down. He was so grateful to him for loving him and caring for him during the short time they had been together so far. “I feel the same way. I can’t imagine my life without you now and I don’t want to. I’m planning on having you around for many more years to come Sebastian Smythe,” he said smiling at his boyfriend and resting his forehead against his. 
“Shh. Of course I’m going to. I’ll make sure it’s okay first of course. But even if its not, I can;t deny I’ll probably still sneak you something in. Eating that everyday will probably make you sick,” he said jokingly about the bland hospital food. “Feeling any better?” he asked, hoping his medicine was starting to kick in.
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Sebastian smiled and held on to Blaine’s hands, pecking him on the lips and chuckling as he looked into his eyes. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life loving you,” he whispered to him, beginning to chuckle once again as the older male went on to tell him how he would still attempt to sneak him something in that would be a change from the bland food that the hospital provides. “Yeah, I’m feeling a better, just a little tired.” He admitted, sighing as he laid back and rubbed his eyes; not ready to fall asleep on Blaine. “I don’t want to sleep yet, I want to stay up with you.”
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dancersmythe · 6 years
“I don’t know what I would do without you either babe,” he said, smiling at his boyfriend and squeezing his hand. The two of them had grown so close in the short time they had been together, now Blaine couldn’t imagine his life without the other man beside him. “Good. Because you know I love wearing them and am not going to stop doing so anytime soon,” he said, grinning at Sebastian. “I’ll be sure to buy some next time I go to the store,” he said winking at the younger boy. 
Blaine listened to his boyfriend talk about his mother’s words to his father. His father had really told him to stay in New York and build his life with him? “He’s right. “I would have been on the very next flight the second the last exam was over. I love you so much. I’ll always be there for you if and when you need me I promise,” he said squeezing his hand. “I guess he approves of me then,” he said, smiling at Sebastian. He wished his own father could understand their relationship like Sebastian’s father did. In a way he was jealous of the great family connection his boyfriend had, but he would never be mad at him for that. He was so happy that he had such an amazing family to support him and love him. “Your mom…she - I’ve talked to her before. I didn’t really know how to tell you,” he said, sighing a bit, not wanting to upset his boyfriend with memories of his mother. “She told me that just by hearing my voice and how I talked about you that she knew we were soulmates. Meant to be together. I think she was right,” he said smiling at Sebastian and leaning forward to kiss him tenderly. 
He nodded at Sebastian, figuring the message had to have been from one of his family members. Blaine gave him an understanding smile, squeezing his hand in encouragement. He wasn’t going anywhere. He quietly ate his food as Sebastian answered his messages, letting him have his privacy. “Its not that great which is to be expected of hospital food,” he said, shrugging a bit. “But I’m not complaining, I was starving. I’ll definitely bring you real food when you can eat again so you won’t be forced to eat this,” he said, laughing a little. They were going to keep things positive.
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“I’m glad to hear it because I quite enjoy putting on my jumpers and realizing I’ll be able to get your scent all day until I can get it in person,” Sebastian stated with a warm smile, “thank you, I really love them, but not as much as I love you.” The younger boy cheered half-jokingly, winking back at his boyfriend with a look of content in his eyes.
“I know you would’ve, I would do the exact same thing for you; I’ll never understand how I got lucky enough to be able to call you my boyfriend.” The younger brunette said with a gentle smile, furrowing his eyebrows slightly when Blaine confessed that he had spoken to his mother on the phone before she had passed away. He couldn’t lie, it did upset him slightly knowing that his partner had never told him about the phone call, but at the same time his mother said that some secrets need to be kept hidden until the ‘right time’ comes around and strangely, this was definitely the right time for him to find out about it. When Blaine said he thought his mom was right about them being soulmates that were made for one another, Sebastian couldn’t help but blush and smile brightly as he was kissed by the older male, almost too in awe to even be able to kiss him back. “I think she was right too, I know we haven’t been together for the long, but I already know without a doubt that I love you and I don’t know what I would do without you in my life; you’re everything to me.” He confessed, taking the opportunity of having Blaine so close to him to kiss him once more.
“Thank you, but you don’t have to do that, I wouldn’t want you getting in trouble with the nurses.” Sebastian joked, beginning to wish that he could eat something because now that he had been given something to stop his nausea, he was starving.
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine nodded at Sebastian and grinned, agreeing with him. “Okay. Nothing but good things. I’m not going to get hurt, you don’t have to worry about that,” he said, squeezing his hand. He blushed a little hearing Sebastian say his clothes smelled like raspberries Blaine did like to wear some of his boyfriend’s clothes especially around the apartment. They were bigger than his own in order to fit his taller boyfriend and were extra cuddly. He couldn’t help it if they smelled like his hair gel after he wore them. “You know you love it,” he said winking and grinning at his boyfriend.
“I don’t know, I mean, he’s never met me. And I don’t know if he thinks I’ve stolen you away from him or anything…” he said, biting his lip nervously. He knew it had to be hard for Sebastian to be so far away from his home and his family. He was going to France to meet them for Christmas, but he was nervous about meeting them, especially his father and sisters. He knew how much they meant to Sebastian. He lit up when food was brought, hearing his stomach grumble as soon as he smelled the food. Blaine thanked the nurse and began eating, relieved when his boyfriend reached for his phone. He didn’t want to feel guilty eating in front of Sebastian. “Careful. Want me to get it?” he asked as he stretched to reach the bag of his possessions, frowning when he saw all of the blood. He was relieved that had had already thrown away his clothes that had been stained with blood.
He ate happily as he watched Sebastian check his texts and voicemail, tears forming in his eyes. “Everything alright?” he asked, watching as he called his sister and left her a message. He didn’t know what he was saying to her, but he could figure out what he wanted to say. “You don’t have to listen to them. You could always just call them and let them know you’re alright,” he said, not wanting to see Sebastian get upset anymore today.
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"Good. Cause I don’t know what I would do without you,” Sebastian said in a gentle voice, smiling brightly when he noticed Blaine started to blush over him explaining how his clothes almost always smell of raspberries. “Did I say I didn’t?” The aspiring dancer asked teasingly, a grin plastering on his lips as he winked at his boyfriend and chuckled. “You know I love your raspberry gel, it’s one of my favourites. Plus, if it weren’t for you I would’ve never found out I actually like eating them now.”
The younger boy listened to Blaine and frowned, he hated knowing that his boyfriend believed his father would dislike him so much. Taking his hand, Sebastian looked up at the older boy and smiled warmly. “Blaine, after my mum died, my dad told me not to stay in Paris with him, he told me to come back to New York and build my life with you. He said my mum used to talk to him about you, he never told me what she said, but he doesn’t hate you; he wanted me to come home to you and build my life rather than stay in Paris and give everything up. He knew that if I needed to stay in Paris you would’ve come over to be with me as soon as your exams were over, he knows that you were there for me when I was grieving and he knows that you love me unconditionally, because he knows that’s exactly how I feel about you.” He admitted, blushing and biting his bottom lip as he confessed everything to Blaine. “No. I’m fine,” Sebastian responded, looking over at the other brunette and smiling softly at him once he had grabbed his phone without any problems.
“I- yeah, I’m fine, just a message from my younger sister, Chloe...” Sebastian explained, quickly wiping his eyes before any tears had a chance to fall. “No, I have to listen to them, otherwise I’ll just be thinking about it until I do.” He explained, sighing as he continued to scroll through his phone and played the rest of his messages, luckily none of them affected him like the first one did. As soon as he had responded to everyone, he set his phone down beside him and got comfortable in the bed. “How’s the food?”
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dancersmythe · 6 years
“No, I don’t want to think about that. You’re going to have this protective aura around you and not get hurt ever. You know, besides this. This doesn’t count. You’re going to be safe from here on out okay?” he said smiling and reaching for his face. He didn’t want to see Sebastian hurt again. “I’m going to love you either way,’ he said, smiling hearing his boyfriend say he wished he would have a little chub. “Thank you. And the same goes for me. I’m always going to worry about you and love you. Even when you stress me out,” he said grinning at the other man. 
Blaine nodded at Sebastian, giving his hand a light squeeze. “He seemed okay from what I could pick up, but I couldn’t get everything,” he said, wishing he spoke French for Sebastian. “You can ask him when you talk to him. I hoped he believed me,” he said, smiling at Sebastian. “Not exactly how I thought I would be introducing myself to your dad for the first time…” he said, hoping he didn’t hate him for stealing Sebastian away from him as they made New York their home. A nurse came in with a tray of food and Blaine nearly cheered, he was so hungry. He didn’t even care if it was hospital food. He thanked her and took a bite, feeling bad eating in front of his boyfriend. Another nurse came in and asked a few questions before giving Sebastian something for his nausea. “Hopefully that will make you feel better…”
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“You’re right, from now on nothing but positive vibes, okay? But those rules only apply if they stand for the both of us, you’re also not allowed to get hurt.” Sebastian stated with a smile, nuzzling his face into Blaine’s touch, blushing when the older man assured him that he would love him whether he had a little chub or not. “Likewise, my love for you is unconditional, even though sometimes my clothes are left smelling like raspberries.” He teased, chuckling as he winked at his boyfriend.
When Blaine told him that from what he could tell, his dad seemed okay, Sebastian nodded and instantly calmed down a little; the last thing he wanted was to be the reason his father fell ill or worse. It was one thing losing his mother, but Sebastian didn’t know what he would do if he were to lose his father too. “Why wouldn’t he believe you? You’ve never given him a reason to feel like he can’t trust you,” the younger male assured, looking at his boyfriend and smiling softly as he shrugged in response; it definitely wasn’t the introduction he had visioned, but if Blaine was still up for going to Paris for Christmas to meet his family, he was certain that today’s phone call would seem like nothing more than an icebreaker to the formal introduction. As the nurse came in with a tray of food, Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle over the change in his boyfriend’s expression, glad to see the older man finally looking after himself. He answered the nurse’s questions and thanked her for giving him something for his nausea, already beginning to feel slightly better. “Hopefully,” he said with a smile, slowly sitting himself up and reaching over for the plastic bag on the bedside table next to him that contained his belongings; his clothes were covered in blood, but his phone had been cleaned off for him and had been put in a separate little bag. He slowly pulled his phone out and put the bag back with everything else still inside, wincing slightly as he sat back and turned his phone on; while Blaine was eating, the least Sebastian could do was turn his phone on and contact some of his family. 
He knew he couldn’t eat for a while and he also knew that if he was just laying in bed watching Blaine eat, he would stop due to feeling guilty. So this was the best way Sebastian knew how to occupy his time; his phone was full of missed calls and messages, but what broke his heart was the fact that his little sister was the contact who had called him the most with voicemails of concern and texts begging him to be okay and not to die. He couldn’t lie, hearing the voicemail of his sister begging him not to die too brought tears to his eyes; but being the big brother he was, Sebastian decided that she was the first person that needed to hear from him that he was fine, so he called her through FaceTime and waited for it to ring out so he could leave a video message for her, knowing she was more than likely asleep now. As soon as he was able to leave a video message, he put his bravest face on and smiled as he spoke into the camera. “Bonjour Chloé, c'est Sebastian. Je voulais juste que tu saches que je vais bien. Tu me manques et je t'aime, je te parlerai très bientôt.” As soon as he had finished, he hung up and set his phone down, sighing as he looked over at Blaine with a sad look on his face. “What if the messages from my older sisters are like that too? I don’t think I can take it.”
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine nodded at Sebastian, smiling a little. “That is true. I do tend to worry you’re going to come home in a sling or a cast or have your ankle wrapped or something one day…but this gives you the chance to relax and heal and I get to pamper and take care of you,” he said grinning at his boyfriend, happy to get the chance to take care of him after what had happened. He would have to just buy an additional lock…”You don’t have to worry about me. You just focus on healing and getting better okay? I love you too,” he said smiling lovingly at the younger man and kissing him back.  He rested his forehead against Sebastian’s, taking a breath and closing his eyes, trying to relax. “I’m so happy you’re okay,” he said, holding his face in his hands before kissing him slowly, breathing him in before pulling away, taking his hand once again.
“I guess we’re both focused then. That can’t be good,” he joked, grinning at Sebastian. “I think as long as we focus on each other we’ll be okay,” he said, winking at his boyfriend. “I hope so. I’m starving,” he said laughing a little. Even if they had ordered food earlier, they wouldn’t have been able to eat it with what had happened. “I told him what happened and that you were in surgery but okay and I was going to do everything I could to help you and take care of you,” he said smiling and squeezing his hand, fully believing in he words he had told the other man’s father. “He said for you to call him later when you were up to it,” he said, squeezing his hand, knowing he would be happy to talk to his dad and his dad would be relieved to hear from him.
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"Unfortunately for you, that’s one of the downfalls of dating a dancer; one day it’s perfectly fine, the next I could come home with a broken leg. But you’re right, this negative gives us the positive of you getting a month free of worrying about every call I make to you during classes, and maybe you’ll get your wish of getting to see me with a little chub.” Sebastian joked, chuckling lightly as he grinned back at his boyfriend, “I’m your boyfriend, so like it or not, I’m always going to worry about you, but I promise to do my best to trust that you’ll look after yourself while I’m out of action for now.” He said in a gentle tone, letting out a breath of content as he rested his forehead against Blaine’s, smiling as the older boy kissed him slowly, both of them savouring the moment before pulling away and holding hands once again. “I love you.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just asking for trouble,” he responded with a grin, going quiet as he listened to Blaine, he was always the voice of reason and honestly, after everything they had been through in less than a year, he was amazed that Blaine hadn’t put an end to their relationship. But they made it work, they got through all of their hardships and because of it this was where they were today; some would probably say it was a bad sign, but Sebastian knew this would bring them closer together. “Did he seem okay?” The younger brunette asked, becoming very protective of his father since moving so far away, but when Blaine said his dad asked if he would call him when he was feeling up to it, the aspiring dancer smiled softly and nodded his head in response. “Thank you for talking to him and for telling him you would take care of me, he may not know you like I do, but I know for a fact that if you told me that, I’d believe you completely.”
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dancersmythe · 6 years
Blaine sighed and ran his free hand through his hair, knowing his curls had to be completely out of hand by now considering there was no product in it and hadn’t even been brushed. “You’re right…still doesn’t make me feel any better,” he said, still feeling horrible about not locking the door behind him. “I think that’s the working theory…at least that’s what the police were saying earlier when I talked to them…” he said, biting his lip nervously. “Someone thought we weren’t going to be home…” he said worriedly, wondering who could have done this. Was it someone they knew? Or just a nosy neighbor? “I wonder what they were they even after…” he said aloud. It wasn’t like they had the fanciest apartment or expensive things. They were both college students after all…Blaine squeezed Sebastian’s hand back, scared as well. Would they try to break in again?
“I call it focused,” he said smiling jokingly at his boyfriend. “Everything else just seems to come as secondary when I’m on a roll with a song. I want to write it all down before I forget it,” he said, smiling at Sebastian knowing that he could get super carried away at times and wouldn’t think about taking care of himself. “Its okay,” he said, trying to calm him down and make him feel better. Blaine felt so sad the man he loved had to go through this. “Don’t be. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said, rubbing soothing circles on his hand. “I’m glad you’re feeling better…I’m sure once the nurse brings you something for the nausea you’ll feel even better,” he said, trying to stay positive. “I uh, I called your dad while you were in surgery and explained everything…I think he understood the situation. Google translate can only do so much,” he said shrugging, knowing he did his best to figure out what his father had said to him. “I told him everything was okay. That I was taking care of you,” he said, kissing his boyfriend’s hand and smiling.
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“I know, I feel the same, but at least it’s over and we’re okay. Sure, I may not be back in full action for a month, but that just means you have a month free of worrying about me not landing a front flip or some move I haven’t learned fully.” Sebastian tried with a smile, doing everything he could to try and turn their negatives into positives. “It also means that since I have almost all of my typing assignments done, I’ll be able to put extra attention on making sure you’re looking after yourself while you continue being the amazing music meister I know you are.” He said with a smile, chuckling as he playfully pulled his boyfriend closer to him and pressed their lips together for a loving kiss. “I love you.”
“You call it focused, I call it insanity; then again, that would also make me a hypocrite considering I’m exactly the same when I have to compose a dance piece for class.” He shrugged, smiling up at his boyfriend as soothing circles were rubbed over his hand to try and make him feel more at ease over what had just happened. “Here’s hoping, let’s also hope getting some food in you will also make things a little better for you too.” When Blaine told him he had called his dad and told him what had happened through the power of Google Translate, Sebastian had to bite down on his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing; the thought alone of the conversation unfolding was enough to brighten Sebastian’s life for the rest of the year, but he knew seeing it in person would’ve been far better. “Right... I have no idea what you said, I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough, but I’m proud of you. Thank you for letting him know; it means a lot."
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