dancesix0-blog · 8 years
Our history
DANCE SIX-0 started in response to a visit to the Elixir Festival at Sadler’s Wells where The Company of Elders, a dance company of people over 60 were performing.  Founder members of DANCE SIX-0,  Judith Bossano, Meg Edgar and Philippa Heseltine were inspired to establish an opportunity for contemporary dance in Salisbury, and were introduced to Vicky Thornton, a freelance dance producer.  She was very enthusiastic and keen to get the venture off the ground and set up a meeting with Salisbury Playhouse to discuss the idea.  Gemma  Alldred, Community Director at Salisbury Playhouse, could also see the potential of a dance performance group catering for elders and offered support to test the idea.  Judith, who is 80, was keen to emphasise that it cater for all ages over 60 and at varying levels of mobility, which we believe is DANCE SIX-0’s USP. Salisbury Playhouse gave us seed funding so that we could run three taster sessions in June. This enabled us to commission 3 professional dance teachers: Roz Conlon, Debbie Lee-Anthony and Rebecca Seymour to lead three dance sessions to test the waters.
The tasters were a huge success. Each one included a “talk out” at the end which revealed that some participants wanted to be part of a performance company and others wanted to join an open class to simply dance.
In September 2015, in response to the feedback, we held a workshop to audition our inaugural Company. 9 women and 3 men were selected. Two weeks later, we started 2 fully booked open classes, led by Debbie Lee-Anthony, and a Company class dedicated to dance performance with Rehearsal Director Rosalind Conlon. Salisbury Playhouse and Vicky Thornton continued to support us and we were also granted start up funding from Wiltshire Community Foundation.
Three weeks after being established, the Company performed as supporting cast with Lila Dance, in their touring production of ‘The Deluge’ at Salisbury Arts Centre on 20 October. This was an exciting first performance opportunity alongside a professional dance Company and Jigsaw Youth Dance Company at Salisbury Arts Centre.
We celebrated the end of our first successful term with a Christmas Sharing and fundraiser, at St Elizabeth’s Hall in Salisbury. This sociable and well-attended occasion saw three informal dance performances of works in progress, one from each of the Open Classes and the Company.
So far in 2016…
2 Open Classes and Company classes continue.
Neon Dance Choreographic Weekend Workshop for the Company led by Artistic Director Adrienne Hart on 5/6 March
The Company performed their own work “Dance Me” choreographed by Roz Conlon, at the Breathe event  in Taunton (7 Feb), the Elixir Development Day at Sadlers Wells, London (18 Mar) and the D-Fuse dance platform at The Point (19 Mar).
May - Introduction of D60 Extra classes for people living with Dementia based at Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre. This specialist session is led by Rebecca Seymour and is funded by Wiltshire Council Local Area Board.
DANCE SIX-0 Commission at Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival
Set in Cathedral Close amongst Sophie Ryder’s monumental sculptures, this new dance work by Charlotte Spencer celebrates the fleeting nature of live performance. Holy places have always been spaces of gathering and community. This Very Moment - We Gather focuses on the delicate qualities of human interaction and exchange. This Very Moment is co-commissioned by the Festival and Dance Six-0.
The company undertook an introductory weekend and an intensive week (16 -20 may) to create the work.
Free Performances: Friday 3 and Saturday 4 June 2016 at 5pm and 7pm.
So that brings you up to date with DANCE SIX-0. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our story so far as much as we enjoy dancing.
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
The Company
The Company works towards high standards of professional performance. It is made up of a dynamic group of dancers aged 60 and over who are excited by the opportunity to perform. They enjoy the challenge of learning new techniques, working together to choreograph moves. The members love having the opportunity to dance at the age they are. Participants find being part of a team an added bonus and the exercising and concentration required a big plus. There was an immediate connection between the Company members, who have a wide range of experience in both life and dance, which manifests itself in their work. Led by Rehearsal Director Roz Conlon, the Company aims to encourage and develop high quality work of a professional standard, to be performed to audiences.
Professional choreographers who have worked with the company include: Lila Dance (Abi Mortimer and Carrie Whitaker), Neon Dance (Adrienne Hart) and Charlotte Spencer.
Choreographers interested in working with DANCE SIX-0 should register their interest with Vicky Thornton.
Dancers wishing to join The Company should register their interest with Vicky Thornton and enrol in a term of Open Classes.
See our company dancers
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
About us
DANCE SIX-O is a not for profit, contemporary dance Company based in Salisbury, and is an Associate Company of Salisbury Playhouse.
Established in September 2015, it offers men and women of all ages over 60, the opportunity to experience and benefit from the improved health and wellbeing that can result from regular participation in dance.
DANCE SIX-0’s aims are to:
Create a vibrant and active dance Performance Company for people over 60 years of age, based in Salisbury.
Attract people with diverse levels of movement, who still have the spark, which embraces the joy of life through dance and movement.
Challenge stereotypes of what activities older people can/should engage in.
Encourage and develop high quality work of a professional standard which can be performed to audiences.
Be a performance company with strong artistic ideals and identity.
Enhance the health and wellbeing of company members through regular rehearsal and performance.
Inspire others through performance.
We have three strands of activity:
DANCE SIX-0 Company
DANCE SIX-0 Open Classes
The health benefits of dance for older people are well documented.
To quote the NHS,  ‘Moving to music is beneficial to both physical and mental health. It is an especially good way of staying fit and well for the over 60’s’.
We believe dance is a positive activity because it reinforces what the participants love about being alive, active and creative, being part of the community. It is an excellent together-based activity.
DANCE SIX-O is a dynamic group of people excited by the opportunity to perform, and has succeeded in creating a vibrant and active performance Company and a programme of associated classes.
DANCE SIX-0 is funded by Wiltshire Community Foundation, Wiltshire Council and is supported by Salisbury Playhouse, Salisbury Arts Centre and Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre.
DANCE SIX-0 needs to continue fundraising to exist, and is actively seeking new partners to help us meet our aims.
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
Contact us
Vicky Thornton, Company Manager
[email protected] / 07884 036244
Open Classes: Wednesday
10.00 – 11.00 / 11.30 – 12.30
Book via Salisbury Playhouse Box Office 01722 320333
D60 Extra Classes: Wednesday
Book via Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre reception 01722 339966
Salisbury Playhouse
Malthouse Lane
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
Funders and Supporters
DANCE SIX-0 is an Associate Company of Salisbury Playhouse
DANCE SIX-0 is funded by Wiltshire Community Foundation, Wiltshire Council and is supported by Salisbury Playhouse, Salisbury Arts Centre and Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre.
Supporters: Marie Lennon BBC Radio Wiltshire
Thanks to: We would like to thank the people who have been so supportive of this project who have offered support time and energy to make DANCE SIX-0 a success! Judith Bossano, Meg Edgar, Philippa Heseltine, Vicky Thornton (FOUNDERS) Gemma Alldred, Sophie Amstel, Matt Bartram, Gjenya Cambray, Rosalind Conlon, Caroline Day, Melanie Evans, Debbie Lee-Anthony, Karen Linkekar, Gemma Okell, Rebecca Seymour, Toby Smith, Jane Waddington, Sebastian Warwick and Heidi York.
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
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DANCE SIX-O will be performing at Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival 2016
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
This Very Moment – We Gather: Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival 2016
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
‘Wonderful, really enjoying everything. Totally engaging, using body and mind!’
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
In partnership with Fiver Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre are trialling a new series of dance sessions for people living with dementia.
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
This Very Moment – We Gather
will be performed at the Ageas Salisbury Arts Festival, on the north lawn of Salisbury Cathedral. Performances will be Friday 3 & Saturday 4 June, 5pm and 7pm.
Download flyer
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
Margaret Bailey, Judith Bossano, Steve Cook, Meg Edgar, Margarethe Fealey, Frances Hall, Philippa Heseltine, Kath Jackson, Graham Jagger, Jane Seden, Graham Turner, Jane Waddington and Sarah Wilson
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
Weekly Wednesday
Weekly Wednesday Open Classes are taken by Debbie Lee-Anthony and are lively, friendly sessions, in which dancers are able to work at their own pace, to their individual abilities. DANCE SIX-O aims to attract people with diverse levels of movement, encouraging them to embrace the joy of life through dance and movement.  The classes provide a platform for possible selection into the Company, when and where possible.
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
Spaces available to book now for summer 2016!
Wednesdays: 10.00 – 11.00 / 11.30 – 12.30 starting 8 June for 7 weeks (£45.50)
To book contact Salisbury Playhouse: 01722 320333
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
I feel more flexible and mobile and my balance has improved!
Open Class participant
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
I’m feeling energised and emotionally alive
Open Class participant
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dancesix0-blog · 8 years
D60 Extra
DANCE SIX-0, in partnership with Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre, are trialling a new series of dance sessions for people living with dementia, led by specialist dance artist Rebecca Seymour. Supported by the Salisbury local Area Board, initial taster sessions have led to a pilot term in June 2016. Each session includes gentle movement, creativity, props and music with the aim to increase wellbeing through dance.
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