professors who have only interacted with other academics for years: “what do you MEAN you don’t know multi-variable calculus yet??”
professors with small kids: “thank you for not putting the lab equipment in your mouths when I turn my back”
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You wouldn’t think that flamingoes are extremophiles just from looking at them. It’s like somebody tried to build the vertebrate equivalent of that fungus that lives inside nuclear reactors, and ended up with a gangly pink dinosaur with a spoon for a face.
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they banned #bone? how quickly they forget
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im screaming i love her sm omg
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such rage in such a little body
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Hey students, here’s a pro tip: do not write an email to your prof while you’re seriously sick.
Signed, a person who somehow came up with “dear hello, I am sick and not sure if I’ll be alive to come tomorrow and I’m sorry, best slutantions, [name]”.
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this image of Mongolia's best known paleontologist standing in between the fossilized arms of Deinocherius is undeniably the most powerful image in paleontological history
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The Moon, la Lune • old academic newspaper aesthetic
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thinking about how in ancient times, at least people knew that the lives their children would lead would….vaguely resemble their own???
People have always fondly reminisced about The Good Old Days and complained about Kids These Days, of course. But—and I cannot stress this enough—when my mom was born the Internet did not exist.
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statue of our ancestors
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we’re really at that point in the year where no one cares about anything huh
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spoopy dimetrodon
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A crossword magazine told me that "... Giraffes don't have vocal cords". Idk why the ominous ellipsis was necessary, but they put it there
the crossword was lying to you, giraffes actually DO have vocal chords! that fact is an old wives tale that spread around because giraffes are a pretty quiet bunch. but they’re just the strong and silent type. 
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giraffes have a larynx the same as other ungulates, which they occasionally use to bleat, honk, chortle, chorble, and.... make a horrifically ominous humming noise at night. look, there’s your cursed fact right there.
(horror movie sounds-effect humming starts at 0:23)
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what people think it means to be a scientist: “i have all the answers!”
what it actually means to be a scientist: “this is maybe the answer but i can’t say anything for sure because we don’t really know all that much, and even though statistics might be useful in determining our confidence in the significance of results, they often don’t capture the nuance of the actual data, which in turn doesn’t capture the nuance of real life, because the double-edged sword of controlled experiments is that these parameters don’t actually exist anywhere in nature, and they’re only implemented to manage the complexities of the world and to fit them into a model that we can actually test!! and all results are generalizations, when in fact, each case is unique and often unmeasurable. and most things we measure can’t be measured, so we have to fall back on proxies, which might not tell the whole story!! i don’t know anything!!! i mean, i can say this one specific thing with statistical confidence, but not with any real confidence??? i’m sorry???? also where’s the free coffee at this conference????”
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happy ace week, dinosaurs!
thank! happy ace week to you too! Here is a brontosaurace.
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