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Starting my first post of break off with a random in progress oil jar I found at work. I have no idea how this will go. I’m just experimenting in different ways to model, starting off using the cube as a challenge like when I was doing the razer mic previously. Nurbs are more than likely the way to go to get the round shape, but I wanna see how I go with this
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Breaking up my blog once again with a random photo. My previous posts were for uni, now during the break I'll just be messing around with modelling things I find at work
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Am I done? Can I sleep now??
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All eyes on you Janine!
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While parenting did a good job of moving the pan with the hand like I want it to, turns out I really do need to use constraints (this shocks no one!). If my animation didn’t need the pan to be removed from the hand then this might have done the job. 
I spent about 3 hours trying various methods to get the constraints and locator to work. One minute it would work, next it wouldn’t and the pan could be flying in the air, on the ground or up Janine’s butt. Then the locator refused to parent with the pan, then maybe the hand, or BOTH. Then the pan refused to follow the locator despite being set with the locator, OR it would spiral out of control like a weirdly glitched banana!
I had to look at multiple YouTube tutorials and finally the Autodesk help forum when the pan kept reverting back to its original position when the parent blending was set to false. Turns out you key the position first THEN set to false! None of the YouTube tutorials mentioned that little detail.
Working on the smaller details like the other parts of Janine’s body moving before moving on to the camera shots. 
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First attempt at trying to move the pan with Janine’s hand. Just animating the pan separately to see how moving it independently would look, and as expected it’s not right. 
Haven’t delved far into constraints which is probably what I should really be looking for, but experimenting with parenting the pan with the wrist group might be the better way to go? So far from using another file with a quick simple pan model, the pan will move with the right arm group (which is want I want), so when it comes to the pan being flipped I should be able to move the pan up and away. It’ll still move along with the arm as Janine gets confused, but it won’t be on camera so I’m not worried about that.
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Now to experiment more with the animation and see how it’ll work. 
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Janine is not ok
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Storyboarder for the computer is very handy as I’ve found out. My storyboards are always super simple with very little movement but I think it gets the message across. It’s some cooking gone wrong the the frying pan breaking one way or another
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Messing around with the Janine character model while working on my storyboard. Looking to do something silly like cooking gone wrong with a frying pan. Such amazing blocky models of a bench, cooktop and pan by me lol
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First attempt at the audio timing focusing on just getting the jaw moving in time with the audio.
Audio from: rSlash, 2021. r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Yelled at Me, So I Towed Her Car 😂, viewed 8th October 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyXxa5-IFC4&t=7s
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Sooo I just realised I forgot to add a proper jaw to the dotty head, so as I’ve been moving the mouth and “jaw” handles it wasn’t right. At this point I’m just chalking it up to a ‘whoops learn from it’ moment because I’m not going to go through rigging and skin weighting again. I’ve just had to incorporate the mouth and jaw under the one skin weight so that’ll have to do.
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I don’t know if I wanna do skin weighting ever again! Never mind the modelling or the rigging, they were fine! The skin weighting has probably been the WORST part of 3d animation, and I hate it! The model is going to look ridiculous when the mouth moves but whatever, it’s the best I could do since this is the first time I’m doing anything like this. 
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So to help with the skin weighting I had a look at the animation mouths they use and I believe this is what Disney uses majority of the time. There’s a lot of similar ones floating everywhere online and I thought this one was the best one to use. 
As for the actual script for the animation, I picked one of YouTuber rSlash’s recent malicious compliance videos as the duration of his intro is just about 6 seconds long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyXxa5-IFC4 
To help me get an idea of which movements to use I wrote the script down and slowly said it out loud, writing down which movement was needed. This is only a rough idea first and will more than likely have some changes in there as I go along.
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Now to figure out how exactly to do the animation.
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I can’t do a quadruped walk! How annoying.
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Working on the moom rig for a stylised walk and basing it off Kevin Parry’s 100 ways to walk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEoUhlesN9E
More than likely going to end up slightly different than the video itself
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Tumblr now being weird and not letting me embed the video? Maybe because it’s only 1 second long?? Weird
Doing the worm is totally an exercise right?? Builds up all those core muscles! Also because time is rapidly running out and for various personal reasons I’ve had many mini panic attacks and zero sleep. Fun!
Kay pointed out a video that can make an infinite loop of a cycle so I’m going to try that so I can cut down on my time for this assessment
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Got the walk cycle going thanks to a friend. Legs and feet are still a little wonky and the top half of the body doesn’t move yet, but that’s next
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Quick test with the walk cycle. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be
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