dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 3 years
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dankentcontent · 4 years
I have a half remembered quote from an author I like - John Green - I think. It might not even be from him, but wherever it came from I think it perfectly described an abstract feeling - and I am all about putting abstract ideas or feelings into words. It was talking about losing yourself in reading or listening to music, whatever it may be, losing your sense of self by being engrossed in an activity - for me that has generally been listening to music or video games. Like when someone walks into the room while you are reading and it makes you jump or you snap out of the world you are in, I think that’s one of the most pure forms of escapism and in todays world healthy escapism is something that is needed more and more. Anyway. He describes that sense of losing yourself as ‘going to the meadows’ and I just adore that. It sums up the tranquil state of being conscious in this ‘other’ space in a lovely way.
“ “most people are either sleep walking through their waking life or wake walking through their sleeping life. either way they're not getting much out of it.” - Waking Life
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dankentcontent · 4 years
A new demo thing of me trying out new software and toys
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dankentcontent · 4 years
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Started teaching myself photoshop. Experimenting with layers and whatnot.
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dankentcontent · 4 years
Dan Kent is a British-Born, Earth-Bound, Day-dreamer.
He enjoys making things.
This is him looking kind of confused amongst some big leaves.
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dankentcontent · 4 years
Melancholy Hill - Korg Practice patch dial
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dankentcontent · 5 years
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dankentcontent · 5 years
“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.” - Kurt Vonnegut  
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dankentcontent · 5 years
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Leaf finds a way
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