dantifanpage · 6 years
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I’m just gonna go ahead and draw Wilf and Dark like nothing has happened and Mark’s Tumblr hasn’t gone completely bonkers
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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No fear of my gentle boy, only appreciate and love
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dantifanpage · 6 years
@darkiplier-protection-squad you wanted Danti headcanons, here’s one.
In light of WKM, I had the following thought. Anti and Dark are lying in bed, kissing passionately. Anti’s hands slip up under Dark’s shirt and run along Dark’s stomach. His thumb rubs over the scar where Dark’s body had been shot by the Colonel and Dark freezes up. Anti has to calm him and knows never to touch the scar again. Eventually though, Dark lets him. Anti ends up loving running his fingers over it, to him it’s a thing of beauty. It’s origin may be tragic, but he would’ve never met the man he loves if it didn’t happen.
(( @justwritingscibbles just cause you like headcanon stuff ))
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dantifanpage · 6 years
I can’t wait for when Anti finally comes back and screams about his hair and tries to spray paint his hair back to green
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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Just got some new markers so I figured id do a little coloring practice with the good doc!
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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Positive! Mental!! Attitude!!
Am I late for the septicart event?😅
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dantifanpage · 6 years
Tagged by @ask-bubblegumb1tch!
Name: I go by Danti online, real name is a secret
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: Around 5'7?
Languages Spoken: English, but small bits of many languages
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit: Apples!
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite scent: Don't got one
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite animal: I ain't choosing between my babies!
Coffee, Tea, Hot chocolate: Black, green, or herbal tea and swiss miss hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and whipped cream
Average hours of sleep: 3-5
Favorite fictional characters: Wayyyyyy too many to list.
Dream trip: England, Ireland, or Japan!
Blog Created: I was originally gonna just be for reblogging art and the likes, but I couldn't keep to that trend.
@mustachiomadness @shyblook-teh-ghost @space-lesbo (i remember no one's blogs... ;~;)
So my darling boyfriend @darkstachio tagged me in this, what a nerd 💚
Rules → answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.
• Name: Minty, but my Real Name™ is Lukas
• Zodiac Sign: Taurus
• Height: 5'2………I’m a very short boy
• Languages Spoken: English
• Nationality: American
• Favourite Fruit: Watermelon!! I love getting those big tubs of watermelon slices at the store, I’ll eat all of it in like an hour lol
• Favourite Season: Autumn!! Sweater weather, seasonal coffees, leaves changing, Halloween, I love all of it!! And it’s also the name of one of my datemates, so I love it even more 💚
• Favourite Scent: Hmmm, I guess the smell of pastries baking, it’s weirdly calming to me?? It’s very nostalgic……
• Favourite Colour: Red!
• Favourite Animal: Any types of cat, especially tigers!!
• Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate: Coffee definitely, I need it to function lol
• Average Hours of Sleep: Around 5-7? Depends on the time of year really
• Favourite Fictional Characters: Uhhh I have way too many to pick from hah a
• Dream Trip: I wanna travel around Europe to meet my best internet friends ;w;
• Blog Created: I’ve been on Tumblr since 2014 but this blog was created December 2017!
Tagging: @morphlingunderscore @k9effect @fischybach @onyourmark-iplier @tomato-dad @pagan-smol-mom @gigi-the-bear @warfstacheofficial @ako1209 @bourbon-iplier (I can’t think of anymore, sorry….you don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna!)
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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Gromain  -  http://romainmazevet.blogspot.com.es  -  https://www.facebook.com/LeGromain  -  http://young-dinosaurs.tumblr.com  -  https://www.behance.net/MAZEVETromain  -  https://fr.linkedin.com/in/romain-mazevet-6a975775/en  -  https://www.artstation.com/artist/gromain
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dantifanpage · 6 years
me arriving anywhere at any time
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dantifanpage · 6 years
Reblog if you ship Boy/Boy, Girl/Girl AND Boy/Girl. Because you don't care about their gender so long as they have chemistry with each other. <3
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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I gave myself the liberty to do some Valentine’s Day Cards !!
Feel free to print them, send them or whatever you wanna do ! :D
just don’t claim them as your art or whatever
Happy Valentine’s !!! :DD
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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they laugh 
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dantifanpage · 6 years
“see mark confirmed it was just a joke so it’s ok”
so… he emotionally manipulated his fans for literally no reason just to get a laugh out of watching them get hurt?
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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february 6th, 2013.
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dantifanpage · 6 years
Look at him.
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“I may be on the side of the angels, but that does not mean I am one.”
Finally finished the drawing of my OC, Syn! Took ages to get to finally coloring him…
(Reblogs > Likes)
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dantifanpage · 6 years
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@darkstachedaily hey so I just wanna say that your blog is so cute? and heartwarming?? Your art is such a blessing…thank you for giving me a daily dose of the two dorks!
Anyway, I came across one of those draw the OTP things and I immediately thought of the boys, so here you go! :D 
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dantifanpage · 6 years
Autistic Dark (2/3)
Dark struggles with people’s judgments and his own.
TW: Ableism (internal and external), emotional abuse, possible body horror (if you don’t like slimy/goopy bodies)
Taglist: @blueyeswhitedragon16 @sweetie2136 @harlequinette
Trying to be normal can be so tiring.
He can hear Wilford mentally scold him and say, “Being autistic doesn’t mean you’re not normal, Dark.” But that’s definitely what it feels like sometimes. Even if he can pass as neurotypical, even if nobody except Wilford knows his secret, the truth is that he’s always pretending to be something he’s not. And right now, he’s just tired of it.
Fortunately there were no meetings today and with some free time on his hands, Dark found himself online. It wasn’t often he got to browse the internet and frankly, he usually didn’t want to. His hatred for Mark bordered on obsession; he’d end up watching his videos and going through his social media extensively, until Wilford had to drag him off. It was basically self-torture and yet he couldn’t resist.
But this time, other videos caught his attention. Though he didn’t have many favorite Youtubers, he could rely on a few of them for relaxation and entertainment. Most of the time he’d put on some piano music and close his eyes to listen, but today he felt like something more engaging.
A part of him resisted. It told him not to give into temptation and not to indulge in such childish activities. But the other part of him was begging for some kind of escape from reality, so he puts on his headphones and clicks play.
Time passes without his knowing. All of his attention goes to what he’s watching and not at all as to how he’s reacting. Every so often, Dark would burst into a fit of high-pitched giggles, not even bothering to hold back his laughter now. His hands move automatically, clapping repeatedly as he cackles by himself. He’s barely aware of them lightly smacking his face, pressing his cheeks together when he can’t stop grinning.
After an hour his face starts to hurt and his sides feel sore, but he can’t stop himself from clicking another video. It’s only when something white materializes in front of him that he jerks in surprise and yanks his headphones off, suddenly aware that he’s only wearing an undershirt and pajama pants.
“What the fuck,” he snarls, ready to unleash his rage on the intruder. As he looks closer, he notices the white substance is rather gooey, and he starts to recognize the other ego standing before him. “Goop,” he realizes, only relaxing slightly.
Goop eventually reaches physical form, or something close to it. Their skin is still slimy and white, but Dark can see their face now. They seem nervous when answering him. “Sssooorryyy,” Goop slurs. As their lips moved, their mouth slides down their face only to be pushed back up by Goop’s dripping hands. “Wiiilfooord waaanted meee tooo geeet yooou,” they explain.
Dark didn’t want to make Goop talk any longer than necessary. Instead of demanding an explanation, he sighs and says, “Fine, tell him I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Goop tries to peer over his laptop, but Dark quickly slams the top down, glaring at Goop in response. The slimy ego seems hesitant, but still asks, “Whaaat aaare yooou doooing?”
“None of your business,” Dark retorts. “Now go away please.”
Goop doesn’t listen. The ego fidgets nervously and says, “I heeeard yooou laaaughiiing aaand waaas juuust cuuuriooous. I thooought yooou weeere liiike meee.”
Dark raises an eyebrow, unable to keep from asking, “Like you?”
Goops nods, pointing to their mouth. “I caaan’t laaaugh thaaat haaard wiiithooout myyy faaace faaalliiing. Biiim tooold meee yooour faaace wooould craaack iiif yooou laaaugheeed tooo.”
Oh, that’s why. Dark felt his temper flare, but pushed it back down. It wasn’t Goop’s fault that they took Bim’s joke literally. Plus, if he yelled at the other ego, they’d probably lose their physical form for some time and he didn’t want that on his carpet.
“No, my face doesn’t actually crack,” Dark explains. “That’s just an expression because I don’t laugh a lot.”
Goop frowns, their brow furrowed in confusion. “Whyyy?”
“Why is it an expression?”
“Nooo, whyyy dooon’t yooou laaaugh a looot?”
Dark opens his mouth to answer, but stops.
“But, but Father,” Celine whines, “Why can’t I –”
“Because it’s childish, Celine,” Father hisses. He slams his fist down on the table, making Celine jump in fear. “You get too excited about these things, you completely lose your composure! And I won’t have my thirteen-year-old daughter acting like a toddler.”
Celine frowns and balls her fists. “It’s not childish to have fun! Everyone else is allowed to have it!”
Father gives her a scathing look, enough to make Celine shrink back. “Everyone else is normal, Celine. You are not normal. You scream and clap your hands like some kind of circus monkey. And when things don’t go your way, you blow up and have a temper tantrum. Sometimes you just ignore everyone entirely!” Father’s yelling at this point and it’s making Celine’s ears hurt, but she avoids covering them.
“Does everyone else do that, Celine? Do they?”
She knows Father is right. Celine doesn’t want to admit it, doesn’t want to accept it, but she couldn’t hide from the truth forever. She bites her lip, trying to push back tears. “No, Father.”
“Exactly.” Father stops yelling, his tone becoming more professional, like a lawyer consulting their client. He lays a hand on Celine’s shoulder and she flinches, unable to look up at him. “I’m doing this for your own good, Celine. You don’t want to be teased for being different, right?”
Celine swallows back a sob. “No, Father. I don’t.”
“Then just listen to me, please,” Father insists. “Can you do that?”
“Yes, Father,” she promises, looking down at Father’s shoes. Somehow, it was always easier to talk to them than to Father’s face.
Dark hesitates, the memory taking him by surprise. It’s not his, it clearly belongs to Celine, and yet…and yet it feels too real. Logically, it never happened to him, but that’s not what it feels like emotionally.
He looks at Goop, who’s still awaiting his answer. “It’s unbecoming of a leader,” Dark tells them, tone similar to Father’s – Celine’s father, he reminds himself. “No one would take me seriously if I didn’t act serious.”
Goop frowns in confusion again, as if Dark was speaking gibberish. “Buuut whaaat iiif theeey taaake yooou tooo seeeriiiiooouslyyy?”
Dark smirks in amusement. “There’s no such thing. Now are you going to keep Wilford waiting or can we end this conversation?” He points at their face. “I don’t think your mouth wants to stay up much longer.”
Goop gives him a bashful grin, pushing up their lower jaw just as it’s about to plop on the floor. “Sooorryyyy, I’ll gooo now.”
“Thank you. And,” Dark adds, “please don’t turn into goo and go under the door again. You have permission to use it like a normal person.”
Goop laughs at that, or tries to. It comes out more as a chortle until their mouth is covered by more goo and the sound is muffled. They push it out of the way to speak again. “I dooon’t thiiink aaany ooof uuus aaare nooormaaal,” Goop remarks. And with that, they unlock the door and close it behind them on their way out.
In the silence that follows, Dark looks down at his laptop with Goop’s words stuck in his head.
I don’t think any of us are normal.
Something about that statement both comforts and irks him. He doesn’t want to think about at the moment though, so he puts his things away and leaves the bedroom, entering the outside world once again.
“Hey, Dark!” Wilford calls, waving as he comes down the stairs. “It’s about time, you vampire! We’re all playing DnD and need someone with a lot of charisma.”
Bim huffs. “I think my character has plenty, thank you.”
The automatic refusal is on his tongue, but Dark pauses. He’s always been curious about the game, especially since it was the one thing most of the egos loved and actually enjoyed together. And the premise of it interested him, yet he always found himself saying no.
There were too many things that could go wrong. He might end up being bad at playing, which wouldn’t do well for his image or ego. He might end up doing too well at the game and ruin the fun for everyone else, which would just make the other egos less inclined to include him in any other leisure activity. Or he might end up enjoying it too much and get carried away, which would be utterly embarrassing.
Either way, he couldn’t imagine it ending well, no matter how much he wanted to try. “I’ll pass,” he says to Wilford, continuing his trek to the other room.
Wilford’s shoulders droop in disappointment, but he masks it with a teasing smile. “Aww, fine, but I’ll get you to join someday!”
Dark doesn’t respond. He enters the other room and sets out to complete some other task, some obligation that can keep him busy. Something that will distract him from the sudden heaviness in his chest.
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