Daria Zodiac
Aries: Brittany Taylor
Taurus: Trent Lane
Gemini: Tom Sloane
Cancer: Mr. DeMartino
Leo: Mr. O’Neill
Virgo: Ms. Li
Libra: Jodie Landon
Scorpio: Kevin Thompson
Sagittarius: Daria Morgendorffer
Capricorn: Sandi Griffin
Aquarius: Quinn Morgendorffer
Pisces: Jane Lane
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3 of my favorite supporting cast from Daria
The supporting cast of Daria was quite expansive, with many classmates of Quin and Daria and many teachers as well. Choosing only three out of the many supporting cast is definitely going to be difficult. The following characters are excluded from making this list due to having more time in the spot light then the ones on this list. The list includes: Daria, Jane, Quin, Trent, Tom, Helen , Jake, Britney,  Kevin, Mr. O'Neil, Mr.Demartiono, Stacy, Jodie, and Mac. These are all great characters but they’ve definitely had more development and time dedicated to them in the show. Now! lets get to the list, my three favorite supporting cast characters.
1) Tiffany Blum-Deckler
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Tiffany is a member of the Lawndale Fashion club. Her character is pretty much summed up into three gags, the way that she speaks with a drawn out valley girl accent, her clueless moronic nature and her narcissistic personality. Tiffany can pretty much turn any conversation into a conversation about her. While her character really lacks any development she still is incredibly funny. Tiffany’s is the embodiment of teenagers who think that the world absolutely revolves around them.
2) Penny Lane
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Penny Lane is one of the Lane children, it was really hard to limit my lists to one of these guys. It was a real toss up between Wind, Penny, and Summer. Anyways~, Penny Lane lives in Latin America doing ... well she sells native made goods that she believes will save the third world economy? Penny is pretty self serving and doesn’t seem to care much about the needs or feelings of other people. Still, she is really hilarious even If she only gets one appearance in the show.
3) Jamie
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Incase you aren't aware Jamie is the blonde one with slicked back hair. Jamie is definitely my favorite out of the three of Quinn’s admirers. This poor guy is never called by the right name, which I can totally relate to! It’s Ash not Ashley! >:( ...anyways My favorite scene with Jamie has to be when Mr. Dimartino does call him Jamie in order to beat him at a jousting tournament. The poor guy is so over whelmed with joy that he gets absolutely pummeled by Mr. Dimartino .
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who’s one of your favorite lesser known characters of Daria?
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Working on Some Jane Lane fan art on my new Wacom Tablet
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3 Classic Novels Daria would absolutely Love
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Throughout the series its not uncommon to see Daria reading novels of high literary merit. Here are 3 books that I personally believe Daria would love.
1) As I lay Dying
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As I lay Dying by WIlliam Faulkner is the story of Addie Bundren's death and her families quest to carry her dead body from their rural farm home all the way to Jefferson , Mississippi. The non-embalmed body begins to decay on their travels and its revealed that Addie's dying wish of being buried in Jefferson is purely just a way for her to torture her family.
Daria would love this book for many reasons, the playful literary style, the deep symbolic nature of the subject matter, the dark tone, and of course the unique and disgustingly macabre story. It’s an interesting read for anyone interested please note that it is an extremely difficult read.
2) The Stranger
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For many The Stranger by Albert Camus is one of the quintessential existentialism novels. Meursault, the main character, is a French Algerian man who does not cry at his mothers funeral. Days later he kills a man. The book follows Meursault before and after the murder and his inevitable death sentence. As Albert Camus wrote, “in our society any man who does not weep at his mother's funeral runs the risk of being sentenced to death.' I only meant that the hero of my book is condemned because he does not play the game.”
Meursault in a way would probably be relatable for Daria. I also would  like to believe that Daria is a fan of existentialist ideas.
3) The Sun also Rises
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The Sun Also Rises is one of Hemingway's most popular literally works but more then anything this is more of a place holder for all of Ernest Hemingway's impressive stories and short stories. It’s not hard to believe that Daria would greatly appreciate the works of Ernest Hemingway with his straight to the point nature and his expertly crafted use of syntax.
What classic Novels do you think Daria would enjoy? With Daria’s love for reading I am definitely sure there are many more.
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Daria: Okay. We know Mr. O'Neill assigned a play, and you're pretty sure the title didn't contain the word "alien." Do you remember anything else?
Joey: Uh, I think the guy on the cover was wearing tights.
Daria: Hmm. Since there are no wrestling dramas on the syllabus, I'm guessing Shakespeare.
Jeffy: Wait, I remember now. He's a stalker. He follows girls home from parties and peeks in their windows.
Daria: Romeo and Juliet.
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The 5 best Sick Sad World Episodes!
Sick Sad World is a news tabloid television show that both Daria and Jane are avid fans of. Here are a list of some of the craziest episodes of Sick Sad World. What’s your favorite Sick Sad World episode?!
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1) "He gave her his kidney, she gave him her heart. Transplants and romance, when Sick, Sad World continues." 
2) "They gave her a good-bye party at 65... miles per second! Retirement by Rocket, next on Sick, Sad World." 
3) "Are drug-crazed rodents raiding your child's medicine cabinet? Rats on Ritalin, next on Sick, Sad World." 
4) "It's 911 in the morning and 1-900 in the evening, the phone-sex EMS dispatcher, when Sick, Sad World returns." 
5) "They bake cookies by day, but they really heat up at night. G-string grandmas, today on Sick, Sad World." 
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5 times you realized your just like Quinn
Lets face it, sometimes being a Quin is much easier then being a Daria. Being a bit shallow and self-centered is only apart of human nature, what's important is to laugh at ourselves even at our not so perfect moments.
1) We pretend to care about issues that we won’t do anything about.
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Does Quinn really care? I don’t picture Quinn holding a sign at a rally for animal rights anytime soon. That is unless a cute guy has a soft spot for puppies.
2) Hearing your friends complain secretly gets on your nerves sometimes.
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Nothing is more aggravating and annoying then having your BFF ask eight thousand times if they look fat or ugly. It's especially annoying when they are absolutely gorgeous.  “You’re not freaking fat, okay?!”
3) You hate feeling left out even if you don’t really like those friends.
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Feeling left out is never fun, even if you didn’t really like those ‘friends’ anyways. You’ re the most integral part of the friend group what were they thinking?!
4) You spend way to much time in front of the mirror.
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Quinn staring in the mirror is about as self absorbed as taking a selfie. How many selfies have you taken today?
5) Sometimes family is just straight up embarrassing.
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Ugh, you guys are embarrassing me! Nothings worse then admitting the weird brain is your sister. No matter who your family is sometimes you can’t help but hope nobody notices you with them.
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