OCs and AU versions are welcome~ Any fandom by the way
Hey! Can you guys reblog this if you are willing to roleplay some horror or darker themes?
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"How do you plan on scanning our codes then Jeremy?" She asked as she leaned against the wall looking the group over. Her codes were a personal thing and she knew they were different than this Yumi's as it contains the data for her upgraded avatar among other things which included part of the program that helps with keeping them under Xana's control.
Xana was using these two warriors to his advantage. It was to make the others to lower their guard. The plan was to help Jeremy get a way to get the duo home and then go in and finish them off before returning to their home. So they were told to remain neutral during the attacks to further make it believe that Xana doesn't care about them.
"Your a monster!" A female figure shouted at him from the shadows, the Xanafied tone of voice rang loud.
Jeremie blinked his eyes as he looked up from his notebook of formulas.
"Er…No, XANA who is controlling you by your tone is. Now come out here so I can see who he’s taken now." Jeremie said into the air, glad he was in the factory and away from innocent kids at Kadic.
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Xana wasn't expecting for Jeremy to tell him how he was planning on freeing his new warriors. But that didn't bother him at all as he knew it was going to be nearly impossible to do. Reason being is that they are only partially possessed by him, the rest is just brainwashing and rearranging of memories to make it look like Jeremy was the evil person.
Xana just shook his head, it was obvious that Jeremy wasn't really good with the witty comebacks. "You do realize it's not that hard to turn of Wifi do you?" Xana asked the currently hospitalized Lyoko Warrior. "You can try all you want Jeremy. But you aren't going to free them. I've made sure of that."
"So have you learned that resisting The Lord is futile?" Ulrich asked wearing all black with his hood up and cloth covering his mouth. His tone was deeper to make him not sound like Ulrich. He leaned against the wall a slight smile on his face, no weapons were currently visible on his body.
Jeremie grunted as he sat up in the bed. His eyes narrowed as he looked to the stranger. He could of sworn he knew his voice…
"You can beat me all you want…Push me to the brink of Death’s embrace…But I will never stop resisting that pile of digital crap called XANA!" Jeremie said, trying to sound tough and courageous. 
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Reblog if you don't mind getting asks while you're offline
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"Yes Belpois. AS I told you I don’t need them anymore." Xana replied as he snapped his fingers and the bindings around the Spectre Yumi and Ulrich were unlocked and the two fell to the floor with a loud thump. They moved a little bit to show Jeremy that they were 'alive'. The real Yumi and Ulrich picked up their fake counterparts and acted like they were supporting the fakes. "All you need to do is take a trip to Lyoko with us and meet my favorite monster." Xana finished, the wicked smile returning. He was considering having some fun with the other boy first, but that would only happen if he said no.
(Are all of these memes just presents for me?) Jeremy was chained up against a wall, facing the direct opposite of him was Yumi and Ulrich in their normal clothing with their corrupted Lyoko avatars standing next to them. Or that's how it appeared to Jeremy in reality it was just two polymorphic spectres taking the place of Yumi and Ulrich. A dark shadow, Xana appeared in front of Jermey. "Well well... Look where we are. I've separated the two halves for you Can you guess what I want now?"
((Not really…I am just the Queen of Angst and LOVE these heavy ones!))
Jeremie gritted his teeth as he tried to figure out how he got there. He remember running to the lab after the alarm sounded..but this? How did XANA get the jump on him?
Jeremie narrowed his eyes as he looked at them all. He soon spat at XANA with all he could muster.
"To be honest…I have no idea. Only thought I have is how god awful your breath is you pile of digital crap codes!" Jeremie told him with a growl. 
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Yumi or as she's called now as Terumi in her disguised mode was just smiling. Getting shocked wouldn't bother her in the slightest. Granted if the shock was strong enough it would just sent her back to Lyoko. However she wasn't really worried about that.
"Oh ok.. I'll leave then. I just got told that you were a good mechanic and I wanted to watch because that's what u want to do when I'm older." Terumi explained sounding defeated. She could care less about the problem, but she wanted to know more about this new person.
Mya knelt beside the power outlet, frowning at the odd sparks leaping from it. She’d been called in an hour earlier by the principle of the school, who claimed that the entire campus’s electricity was on the fritz. And from what she could tell, that was a major understatement.
As she inspected it, she heard someone come up behind her. Probably yet another curious student. “Look, I’m busy here. Less you wanna get electrocuted, I’d recommend goin’ somewhere else.”
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Please reblog this as silent permission for me to rp with you.
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"Are you sure we are talking about the same one? We went to one that was about a fourth five minute walk." Yumi asked innocently. She knew that she might be fighting a loosing battle since they didn't actually go out to anything last night. But being a former Lyoko Warrior and living with parents helpful her develop her lying skills.
"It was a nice night, quiet one too." Ulrich spoke up before Yumi could even utter a sound. He managed to put some fake joy into his voice to make it sound more realistic. "The shop was empty so it was just us two."
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"It was a nice night, quiet one too." Ulrich spoke up before Yumi could even utter a sound. He managed to put some fake joy into his voice to make it sound more realistic. "The shop was empty so it was just us two."
Yumi wanted to wipe that smile off of the other’s face. She knew it was fake and that it was just because there were other students around she was acting all nice. But she just took a breath to calm herself down to prevent her from doing something stupid and hurting...
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A lot of your characters might have weapons they’re proficient at. Unless they’re already pros before the beginning of your novel, you might have to explain their training. This can be difficult, especially if you have absolutely no idea how to use that weapon.
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Xana's two warriors exchanged a glance before nodding and moved away from the factory, and Lyoko. True the original plan was to isolate one of the warriors and get them to Lyoko as soon as possible to get them to Lord Xana. The duo felt like in this situation that it would be better for them to try a bit more of a diplomatic approach with this Yumi.
When Yumi made her threat about getting close to the factory Terumi just wanted to laugh. The dark warrior knew that the light warrior had nothing on them that would make them worry about her escaping. Being Spectres they could fight longer and harder without worry than a human. The only thing that might concern the duo is if they had to fight in their Lyoko form, something that would require a tower to activate and sustain.
But they still had the upper hand, even though they were leaving the school grounds, that didn't mean that the duo was any less willing to use the humans as bait or blackmail. Though Terumi liked to think of this as giving Yumi some bonus ground, though only for a short period of time anyways.
"Well how about you listen to our story then Yumi. We weren't the weak ones, it was actually Odd, Jeremy, and Aelita who were the weak ones." Rickert explained, looking at the older girl from behind. He then sighed as he knew that he was going to explain it this time. It would have been easier just to show her from his memories but they were still out in public, so if he did that technique then it would break their cover and cause some serious complications.
"It was a normal mission, deactivate the tower and probably be back by dinner. Except we got separated from the others in the Ice Sector. Well Xana sent some monsters to welcome us and eventually knocked Yumi to the edge of the sector. We kept on asking Jeremy to devirutalize us as I was loosing my grip on Yumi and the sector. Then a megatank came over and knocked me off balance. The last thing that I saw was the green shell of the Megatank,the same color of Jeremy's activated towers.
When we woke up we were in Xana's lair and praying that the other's would come and get us. It was a long month that we were stuck in the cell with only each other as company, we were loosing faith in the others quickly and then Xana came with the video that showed what happened after we fell. That was the last straw and we gave up on our so called friends and then finally joined Xana. So now we are here."
Lyokowarrioryumiishyiama and Thecaptivemother have entered Kadic
This whole situation was growing worse by the moment. And what was worse was knowing that the two traitors had really forced her hand, made sure that there wasn’t much she could do. She knew herself well enough, but knew nothing of what she would be like under XANA’s control. But XANA made no qualms hurting innocent civilians before, so she highly doubted that these two wouldn’t either.
Her eyes scanned the area. People were approaching, milling about.  No one seemed to notice them and that was good. For them, not so good for her. Yumi glared at the two of them, noticing that the darker Ulrich - what had he called himself? Rickert? - he was hanging back. Too bad they knew her too well. They knew once they were far enough away from the school, Yumi would do something.
That would mean that she would have to do something completely out of character. But what? She didn’t have much time to think, she’d have to come up with something and fast. The girl closed her hand around her cell phone but knew that she wouldn’t be able to use it. Not quick enough. No way to warn the other warriors.
"Sure we can walk…" Yumi replied sarcastically. "But if we get anywhere near Lyoko or the factory well…"
She left the threat unspoken, hoping that the other would get the hint. Honestly she had no ideas except running. Yumi scowled at the thought. Not a situation she wanted to be in at all, and she had let her guard down too much. Stupid stupid girl.
"But I honestly don’t think you can convince me that you two weren’t weak!”
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"Give the boy a prize!" Xana replied sarcastically, clapping his smoke hands creating no sound. There was a smile that came from the evil AI. He figured that if he could get Jeremy under his control, that he would basically have the rest of the warriors in his grasp. Even if Jeremy doesn't agree to his terms now, that doesn't mean he couldn't have some fun with the boy. Xana turned back around and smiled at the boy," what do you say now Jeremy?"
(Are all of these memes just presents for me?) Jeremy was chained up against a wall, facing the direct opposite of him was Yumi and Ulrich in their normal clothing with their corrupted Lyoko avatars standing next to them. Or that's how it appeared to Jeremy in reality it was just two polymorphic spectres taking the place of Yumi and Ulrich. A dark shadow, Xana appeared in front of Jermey. "Well well... Look where we are. I've separated the two halves for you Can you guess what I want now?"
((Not really…I am just the Queen of Angst and LOVE these heavy ones!))
Jeremie gritted his teeth as he tried to figure out how he got there. He remember running to the lab after the alarm sounded..but this? How did XANA get the jump on him?
Jeremie narrowed his eyes as he looked at them all. He soon spat at XANA with all he could muster.
"To be honest…I have no idea. Only thought I have is how god awful your breath is you pile of digital crap codes!" Jeremie told him with a growl. 
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"Took, dragged, same thing. Bottom line, is that one universe they are down two warriors and in this universe I have two extra warriors." Xana-Ulrich continued to laugh at the injured warrior. Xana was just having too much fun with this right now. Not only was Jeremy injured but he was basically rubbing salt in an open wound. "The only reason that other universe got William back was because I was distracted, working with my new and better warriors." Xana continued to explain, moving toward Jeremy a bit more.
"How do you plan on bringing them back when your stuck in a hospital bed while I'm free to go wherever I think of as long as there is computer access?" Xana inquired, pretty sure that he just backed Jeremy up into a very very uncomfortable position with his questioning.
"So have you learned that resisting The Lord is futile?" Ulrich asked wearing all black with his hood up and cloth covering his mouth. His tone was deeper to make him not sound like Ulrich. He leaned against the wall a slight smile on his face, no weapons were currently visible on his body.
Jeremie grunted as he sat up in the bed. His eyes narrowed as he looked to the stranger. He could of sworn he knew his voice…
"You can beat me all you want…Push me to the brink of Death’s embrace…But I will never stop resisting that pile of digital crap called XANA!" Jeremie said, trying to sound tough and courageous. 
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As Xana's form was only one of smoke, the spit did nothing to the shadowy figure. There was a bone chilling chuckle coming from the evil AI as it reformed into a humanoid shape. Xana walked around the chained Jeremy just enjoying the situation he put what he considered his most dangerous foe in. "Really Belpois? You are the brains behind the Lyoko Warriors. I'm sure you can figure it out."
"All I want is the corrupted powerful version of them. I really don't need the human part of them anymore. It wouldn't be bad though, I could see how much I could corrupt the human soul, who knows I might even be able to make them like me." Xana explained as he turned away from Jeremy and went to the Yumi Spectre who appeared to be unconscious and ran his hand around the Spectre's cheek. "But I'm willing to trade.... do you want to guess what for?"
(Are all of these memes just presents for me?) Jeremy was chained up against a wall, facing the direct opposite of him was Yumi and Ulrich in their normal clothing with their corrupted Lyoko avatars standing next to them. Or that's how it appeared to Jeremy in reality it was just two polymorphic spectres taking the place of Yumi and Ulrich. A dark shadow, Xana appeared in front of Jermey. "Well well... Look where we are. I've separated the two halves for you Can you guess what I want now?"
((Not really…I am just the Queen of Angst and LOVE these heavy ones!))
Jeremie gritted his teeth as he tried to figure out how he got there. He remember running to the lab after the alarm sounded..but this? How did XANA get the jump on him?
Jeremie narrowed his eyes as he looked at them all. He soon spat at XANA with all he could muster.
"To be honest…I have no idea. Only thought I have is how god awful your breath is you pile of digital crap codes!" Jeremie told him with a growl. 
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reblog if you're an rp blog
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"Piece of crap? Hahaha you are funny Belpois!" Ulrich's voice changed from just darker to the Xanafied tone as the tone. The hood fell back to show that his eyes were pitch black with a red eye of Xana as the pupil. A malicious smile was on the boy's face.
"Your talking to the one that took two of your friends and admittedly best fighters from my position away from you! And I'm only controlling them half way, the other half is their own free will! All I do is make sure they will always do what I say and will never betray me." Xana-Ulrich explained the evil and wicked smile never leaving his face.
"So have you learned that resisting The Lord is futile?" Ulrich asked wearing all black with his hood up and cloth covering his mouth. His tone was deeper to make him not sound like Ulrich. He leaned against the wall a slight smile on his face, no weapons were currently visible on his body.
Jeremie grunted as he sat up in the bed. His eyes narrowed as he looked to the stranger. He could of sworn he knew his voice…
"You can beat me all you want…Push me to the brink of Death’s embrace…But I will never stop resisting that pile of digital crap called XANA!" Jeremie said, trying to sound tough and courageous. 
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"I don't know, he said meet him in the forest, but I haven't seen anyone but tyu here." Terumi explained thankful that she just didn't blow their entire mission in that one act. She made a mental note to be much careful let in the future. "Good job on the name. Most people get it wrong on the first try."
When what she thought was her Ulrich turning around, to her horror and surprise it wasn’t. Thinking quick she shrunk her shoulders inward, and looked down at the ground. “I..I’m sorry you look like my best friend Rickert. I thought you were him and I asked about the...
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